
填满我心的人2.夏娜插曲you are the one1you are the one.不论何时都能实现3:YOU ARE THE ONE1,全文意思.因为你就是我命中注定的爱人if you are the one1.全世界的希望点燃4.你是唯一2:您是第一个还有以下几种意思.我爱的只有你一个cause you are the one1.因为你是唯一2.就算到最後我只记得你2.就算到最後我只记得你cuz you are the one1
出门在外也不愁sang la hel you中文是什么意思
sang la hel you中文是什么意思
09-02-24 &匿名提问 发布
百度_birkin吧_名牌的正确读音,你知道么sang 4 Sanyo 三洋 电子产品——家电 1950 日本,san 1, yi 4, you 4 ...韩国,这个读音和中文几乎一样,中国是 xin1, la 4, mian 4 韩文是 xin ...[HEL MUT LING] HERMES: [AI(R)-咩S] JEAN PAUL GAULTIER: [SONG PAUL...
LON HUNG up the phone. He had called at seven, then at eight thirty, and now he checked his watch again. Nine forty-five.Where was she?He knew she was where she had said she would he because he had spoken to the manager. Yes, she had checked in and he had last seen her around six. Going to dinner, he thought. No, he hadn’t seen her since.Lon shook his head and leaned hack in his chair. He was the last one in the office as usual. That was normal with an ongoing trial, even if the trial was going well. Law was his passion, and the late hours alone gave him the opportunity to catch up on his work without interruption.He knew he would win the case because he mastered the law and charmed the jury. He always did, and losses were infrequent now. Part of it came from being able to select the cases he had the expertise to win. Only a select few lawyers in the city had that kind of stature, and his earnings reflected it.But most of his success came from hard work. He had always paid attention to details, especially when he’d begun his practice. Little things, obscure things, and it had become a habit now.And now a little detail bothered him.Not about the case. That was fine. It was something else. Something about Allie. But damn, he couldn’t put his finger on it. Some time after her call, maybe an hour or so, something clicked in his mind. The little detail. Detail. . . . Something insignificant? Something important?Think. . .. Damn, what was it?His mind clicked. Something. . . something. . . something said?Something had been said? Yes, that was it. But what was it? Had Allie said anything on the phone? That had been when it started, and he ran through the conversation again. What had she said? H she had checked in, had done some shopping. Left her number. That’s about all.He thought about her then. He loved her, he was sure of that. Not only was she beautiful and charming, but she’d become his source of stability and best friend as well. After a hard day at work, she was the first person he would call. She would listen to him, laugh at the right moments, and had a sixth sense about what he needed to hear. He knew he should spend more time with her. But practising law made limiting his hours impossible. She’d always understood, but still he cursed himself for not making the time. Once he was married he’d shorten his hours, he promised himself. He’d have his secretary check his schedule to make sure he wasn’t overextending himself.Check? .And his mind clicked another notch. Check . . . checking… . checking in? He looked to the ceiling. Checking in?Yes, that was it. He closed his eyes and thought for a second. What, then? C’mon, don’t fail now. Think, damn it, think.New Bern.The thought popped into his head. Yes. New Bern. That was it. The little detail, or part of it. What else, though?New Bern, he thought again, and knew the name. Knew the town a little, mainly from a few trials he had been in. Stopped there a few times on the way to the coast. Nothing special. He and Allie had never been there together.But Allie had been there before.And the rack tightened its grip, another part coming together.Allie, New Bern . . . and . . . something at a party. A comment in passing. From Allie’s mother. What had she said?Lon paled then, remembering. Remembering what Allie’s mother had said so long ago. It was something about Allie being in love one time with a young man from New Bern. Called it puppy love. So what, he had thought when he’d heard it, and had turned to smile at Allie. But she hadn’t smiled. She was angry. And then Lon guessed that she had loved that person far more deeply than her mother had suggested. Maybe more deeply than she loved Lon.And now she was there. Interesting. Lon brought his palms together, as though he were praying, resting his fingertips against his lips. Coincidence? Could he nothing. Could he exactly what she said. Could be stress and antique shopping. Possible. Even probable.Yet . . . what if? Lon considered the other possibility, and for the first time in a long while he became frightened. What if she’s with him?He made up his mind then that he would do anything it took to keep her. She was everything he’d always needed, and he’d never find another quite like her.So, with trembling hands, he dialled the phone for the fourth and last time that evening.And again there was no answer.ALLIE WOKE early the next morning. She’d slept in the shirt he’d given her, and she smelt him once again while thinking about the evening they’d spent together. The easy laughter and conversation came hack to her, and she especially remembered the way he’d talked about her painting. It was so unexpected, yet uplifting, and she realized how sorry she would have been had she decided not to see him again.She looked out of the window and watched the chattering birds search for food in the early light. Noah, she knew, had always been a morning person. She knew he liked to kayak or canoe, and she remembered one morning she’d spent with him in his canoe, watching the sun come up. She’d had to sneak out of her window to do it because her parents wouldn’t allow it, but she hadn’t been caught and she remembered how Noah had slipped his arm around her and pulled her close as dawn began to unfold. “Look there,” he’d whispered, and she’d watched her first sunrise with her head on his shoulder, wondering if anything could he better than that moment.As she got out of bed to take her bath, feeling the cold floor beneath her feet, she wondered if he’d been on the water this morning watching another day begin, thinking somehow he probably had.SHE WAS RIGHT. Noah was up before the sun and dressed quickly, same jeans as last night, undershirt, clean flannel shirt, blue jacket and boots. He drank a quick glass of milk and grabbed two biscuits on the way out of the door. After Clem greeted him with a couple of sloppy licks, he walked to the dock where his kayak was stored. He liked to let the river work its magic, loosening up his muscles, warming his body, clearing his mind.The old kayak, well used and river-stained, hung on two rusty hooks attached to his dock, just above the water line. He lifted it free, inspected it quickly, then took it to the hank. In a couple of seasoned moves, long since mastered by habit, he had it in the water and was working his way upstream, paddling hard, working off the tension, preparing for the day.Questions danced in his mind. He wondered about Lon and what type of man he was, wondered about their relationship. Most of all, though, he wondered about Allie and why she had come.By the time he reached home, he felt renewed. Checking his watch, he was surprised to find that it had taken two hours. Time always played tricks out there.He hung the kayak to dry and went to the shed where he stored his two-man canoe. He carried it to the hank, leaving it a few feet from the water, and turned towards the house. In the western sky he saw storm clouds, thick and heavy, far off but definitely present. The winds weren’t blowing hard but they were bringing the clouds closer. From the look of them he didn’t want to he outside when they got here. Damn. How much time did he have? A few hours, maybe more.He showered, put on new jeans, a red shirt and black cowboy boots, brushed his hair and went downstairs to the kitchen. He did the dishes from the night before, picked up a little around the house, made himself some coffee and went to the porch. The sky was darker now and he checked the barometer. Steady, but it would start dropping soon.He’d learned long ago to never underestimate the weather, and he wondered if it was a good idea to go out. The rain he could deal with, lightning was a different story. A canoe was no place to he when electricity sparked in humid air.He finished his coffee, putting off the decision until later. He went to the toolshed and found his axe. After checking the blade by pressing his thumb to it, he sharpened it with a whetstone until it was ready.He spent the next twenty minutes splitting and stacking logs. He did it easily, his strokes efficient, and didn’t break a sweat. He put a few logs off to the side for later and brought them inside when he was finished, stacking them by the fireplace.He looked at Allie’s painting and reached out to touch it, bringing back the feelings of disbelief at seeing her again. God, what was it about her that made him feel this way? Even after all these years? What sort of power did she have over him?He finally turned away, shaking his head, and went back to the porch. He checked the barometer again. It hadn’t changed. Then he looked at his watch.Allie should he here soon.ALLIE SPENT the morning downtown. The Depression had taken its toll, but she could see signs of prosperity beginning to work their way hack. Fort Totten Park looked exactly the same as it had fourteen years ago, and the kids who played on the swings after school probably looked the same as well. She smiled at the memory then, thinking back to when things were simpler. Or at least had seemed to be.Now, nothing was simple. She wondered what she would have been doing now, had she never seen the article in the paper. It wasn’t very difficult to imagine, because her routines seldom changed. It was Wednesday, which meant bridge at the country club, then on to the Junior Women’s League, where they would probably he arranging another fund-raiser for the private school or hospital. After that, a visit to her mother, then home to get ready for dinner with Lon, because he made it a point to leave work by seven. It was the one night a week she saw him regularly.She suppressed a feeling of sadness about that, hoping that one day he would change. He had often promised to and usually followed through for a few weeks before drifting back to the same schedule. “I can’t tonight, honey.” he would explain, “I’m sorry, but I can’t. Let me make it up to you later.”She didn’t like to argue, mostly because she knew he was telling the truth. Trial work was demanding, both beforehand and during, yet she couldn’t help wondering sometimes why he had spent so much time courting her if he didn’t want to spend time with her now.She passed an art gallery on Front Street, almost walked by it in her preoccupation, then turned and went back. She paused at the door for a second, surprised at how long it had been since she’d been in one. At least three years, maybe longer.She went inside and browsed among the paintings. Many of the artists were local, and there was a strong sea flavour to their works.On one wall, though, there were a few paintings more suited to her tastes, by an artist she’d never heard of. Most appeared to have been inspired by the architecture of the Greek islands. In the painting she liked the best, she noted the artist had purposely exaggerated the scene with smaller-than-life figures, wide lines and heavy sweeps of vivid, swirling colour, drawing the eye, almost directing what it should see next. It was dynamic, dramatic. She considered buying it before she realized that she liked it because it reminded her of her own work. She examined it more closely and thought to herself that maybe Noah was right. Maybe she should start painting again.At nine thirty Allie left the gallery and went to Hoffman-Lane, a department store. It took a few minutes to find what she was looking for. Paper, drawing chalk and pencils, not high quality but good enough. It wasn’t painting, but it was a start, and she was excited by the time she got back to her room.She sat at the desk and started working: nothing specific, just getting the feel of it again, letting shapes and colours flow from the memory of her youth. After a few minutes, she did a rough sketch of the street scene as seen from her room, amazed at how easily it came. It was almost as if she’d never stopped.She examined it when she was finished, pleased with the effort. She wondered what to try next and finally decided. Since she didn’t have a model, she visualized it in her head before starting. And though it was harder than the street scene, it began to take form.Minutes passed quickly. She worked steadily, checking the time frequently so she wouldn’t be late, and finished it a little before noon. It had taken almost two hours, but the end result surprised her. It looked as though it had taken a great deal longer. After rolling it up, she put it in a bag and collected the rest of her things. On her way out of the door, she looked at herself in the mirror, feeling oddly relaxed, not exactly sure why.Down the stairs again and out of the door. As she left she heard a voice behind her. “Miss?”She turned. The manager. The same man as yesterday, a curious look on his face.“Yes?”“You had some calls last night.”She was shocked. “I did?”“Yes. All from a Mr. Hammond.”Oh, God. “Lon called?”“Yes, ma’am, four times. He was concerned about you. He said he was your fiancé.”She smiled weakly, trying to hide what she was thinking. Four times? Four? What could that mean? What if something had happened back home? “Did he say anything? Is it an emergency?”He shook his head quickly. “He really didn’t say, miss. Actually, he sounded more concerned about you.”Good, she thought. That’s good. And then, just as suddenly, a pang in her chest. Why so many calls? Had she said anything yesterday? Why would he be so persistent? It was completely unlike him. Was there any way he could have found out? No, that was impossible. Unless someone saw her here yesterday and called… But they would have had to follow her out to Noah’s. No one would have done that.She had to call him now: no way to get around it. But she didn’t want to. This was her time, and she wanted to spend it doing what she wanted. She hadn’t planned on speaking to him until later, and she felt almost as if talking to him now would spoil the day. Besides, what was she going to say? How could she explain being out so late? A late dinner and then a walk? Maybe. Or a movie? Or.“Miss?”Almost noon, she thought. Where would he be? His office, probably . . . no. In court, she suddenly realized, and immediately felt as if she’d been released from shackles. There was no way she could talk to him, even if she wanted to. She was surprised by her feelings. She shouldn’t feel this way, she knew, and yet it didn’t bother her. She looked at her watch, acting now.“Is it really almost twelve?”The manager looked at the clock. “Yes, a quarter to.”“Unfortunately,” she started, “he’s in court right now and I can’t reach him. If he does call again, could you tell him I’m shopping and that I’ll try to call him later?”“Of course,” he answered. She could see the question in his eyes, though: But where were you last night? He had known exactly when she’d come in. Too late for a single woman in this small town.“Thank you.” she said, smiling. “I’d appreciate it.”Two minutes later she was in her car, driving to Noah’s, anticipating the day, largely unconcerned about the phone calls. Yesterday she would have been, and she wondered what that meant.As she was driving over the drawbridge less than four minutes after she’d left the inn, Lon called from the courthouse.
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when i saw you这首歌曲的中文意思是什么?
mariah carey的这首when i saw you 的中文意思是什么?哪位知道帮忙翻译一下!谢谢!还有她的那首we belong together是什么意思?1、When I Saw You - M. Carey - W. Afanasieff - Soft heavenly eyes gazed into me Transcending space and time And I was rendered still There were no words for me to find at all As I stood there beside myself I could see you and no-one else When I saw you When I saw you I could not breathe I fell so deep Oh When I saw you When I saw you I’d never be I’d never be the same Only once in a lifetime love rushes in Changing you with the tide And dawn’s ribbon of light Bursts through the dark Wakening you inside And I thought it was all untrue Until there, all at once, I knew When I saw you When I saw you I could not breathe I fell so deep Oh When I saw you When I saw you I’d never be I’d never be the same With no beginning And without an end You are the one for me And it’s evident And your eyes told me so yeah Your eyes let me know When I saw you When I saw you I could not breathe I fell so deep Oh When I saw you When I saw you I’d never be I’d never be the same 2、we belong togetherI didn't mean itWhen I 缉虎光臼叱铰癸歇含忙said I didn't love you soI should've held on tightI never should've let you goI didnt know nothingI was stupidI was foolishI was lying to myselfI could not fathom that I would everBe without your loveNever imagined I'd beSitting here beside myselfCoz I didn't know youCoz I didn't know meBut I thought I knew everythingI never feltThe feeling that I'm feeling nowNow that I don'tHear your voiceOr haven't touched or kissed your lipsCoz I don't have a choiceOr what I wouldn't giveTo have you lying by my side right here Coz babyWhen you leftI lost a part of meIt's still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseCoz we belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho's gonna talk to me on the phone Till the sun comes upWho's gonna take your placethere aint nobody there oh baby babyWe belong togetherI can't sleep at nightWhen you're all on my mindBobby Womack's on the radioSinging to me'If you think you're lonely now'Wait a minuteThis is too deep, too deepI gotta change the stationSo I turn the dialTrying to catch a breakAnd then I hear BabyfaceI only think of youAnd it's breaking my heartI'm trying to keep it togetherBut I'm falling apartI'm feeling all out of my elementI'm throwing thingsCryingTrying to figure outWhere the hell I went wrongThe pain reflected in this songAin't even half of whatI'm feeling insideI need youNeed you back in my life BabyWhen you leftI lost a part of meIt's still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseCoz we belong together
oh 当我看着你当我看着你我从没有过我从未这样过一生的时光就像一部从前的爱情电影时间从你身边走过像是黎明时绸缎般的光茫带我逃离黑暗我在你心里苏醒一切那么的不真实直到这时,我忽然了解 当我看着你 当我看着你 我不能呼吸
当我看着你 当我看着你 我没有过 我从未这样过不知是什么时候开始是怎样结束 你是我的唯一像是注定你的眼睛告诉我你愿意你的眼睛让我知道当我看着你
当我看着你当我看着你 我没有过我从未这样过2、
我不懂当我说不再爱你 我想紧紧的抱着你我不能让你离开我我不想知道什么我那么愚蠢我那么傻我欺骗了自己我不知道自己想要什么没有你的爱
我从未想过我会这样一个人坐在这里我不了解你我不了解自己 我想我不了解一切我不能离开那感觉和我现在的感觉一样现在我不能听到你的声音不能感觉你和亲吻你我没有选择我怎么都不能在你身边说谎宝贝当你离开 我失去了自已我很难相信
让我们互相拥有 除了你我还能抱着谁当时间穿过有人告诉我说太阳快出来了我想去你身边我一个人在这里 哦 亲爱的让我们互相拥有我整夜不睡满心都是你宝贝 收音机里 Womack’s 在唱给我听“如果你现在觉得孤单,请等我一下”那么深沉我要换个环境我换了频道试着停止难过当我看到你的婴儿般的脸我只想着你 刺痛着我的心我试着和你一起我深陷在分开的痛苦里我感觉一切离开了自己
我放下所有事情我哭着试着离开我犯了错这首歌刺痛了我不知道为什么我感觉我在你身边我需要你需要你回到我的生命里亲爱的当你离开时我失去了自已 我很难相信回来吧宝贝让我们彼此拥有When I Saw You
当我看着你Soft heavenly eyes gazed into me
你天使般的眼睛温柔的看着我Transcending space and time
超越了时间与空间And I was rendered still
我从未这样安静过There were no words for me to find at all
没有语言可以形容我的感觉As I stood there beside myself
时间停在我的身边I could see you and no-one else
我只看到了你When I saw you
当我看到你When I saw you
当我看到你I could not breathe
我不能呼吸I fell so deep
哦When I saw you
当我看着你When I saw you 当我看着你I’d never be 我没有过I’d never be the same
我从未这样过Only once in a lifetime love rushes in
一生的时光像一部从前的爱情电影Changing you with the tide
时间从你身边走过And dawn’s ribbon of light
像是黎明时绸缎般的光茫Bursts through the dark
带我逃离黑暗Wakening you inside
我在你心里苏醒And I thought it was all untrue
一切那么的不真实Until there, all at once, I knew
直到这时,我忽然了解When I saw you 当我看着你When I saw you 当我看着你I could not breathe 我不能呼吸I fell so deep
我爱的那么深Oh When I saw you 当我看着你When I saw you 当我看着你I’d never be 我没有过I’d never be the same
我从未这样过With no beginning
不知是怎么开始And without an end
是怎么结束You are the one for me
你是我的唯一And it’s evident
像是注定And your eyes told me so yeah
你的眼睛告诉我你愿意Your eyes let me know
你的眼睛让我知道When I saw you
当我看着你When I saw you
当我看着你I could not breathe
我不能呼吸I fell so deep
When I saw you 当我看着你When I saw you 当我看着你I’d never be 我没有过I’d never be the same
我从未这样过2、we belong together
我们属于彼此I didn't mean it
我不懂When I said I didn't love you so 当我说不再爱你I should've held on tight
我想紧紧的抱着你I never should've let you go
我不能让你离开我I didnt know nothing
我不想知道什么I was stupid 我那么愚蠢I was foolish 我那么傻I was lying to myself
我欺骗了自己I could not fathom that I would ever
我不知道自己想要什么Be without your love 没有你的爱Never imagined I'd be
我从未想过我会这样Sitting here beside myself 一个人坐在这里Coz I didn't know you
我不了解你Coz I didn't know me
我不了解自己 But I thought I knew everything
我想我不了解一切I never felt
我不能离开The feeling that I'm feeling now
那感觉和我现在的感觉一样Now that I don't
现在我不能Hear your voice
听到你的声音Or haven't touched or kissed your lips
不能感觉和亲吻你Coz I don't have a choice
我没有选择Or what I wouldn't give 我怎么都不能To have you lying by my side right here 在你身边说谎Coz baby 宝贝When you left 当你离开 I lost a part of me
我失去了自已It's still so hard to believe
我很难相信Come back baby please
请回来吧亲爱的Coz we belong together
让我们互相拥有 Who else am I gonna lean on
除了你我还能抱着谁When times get rough
当时间穿过Who's gonna talk to me on the phone 谁给我打电话Till the sun comes up
说太阳快出来了Who's gonna take your place
谁会去你那里there aint nobody there oh baby baby
没有人在那里,哦宝贝We belong together
我们互相拥有I can't sleep at night
我整夜不睡When you're all on my mind
心里都是你Bobby Womack's on the radio
宝贝 收音机里 Womack’s Singing to me
在唱给我听'If you think you're lonely now'
如果你现在觉得孤单Wait a minute
请等一下This is too deep, too deep
那么深沉I gotta change the station
我要换个环境So I turn the dial
我换了频道Trying to catch a break
试着停止难过And then I hear Babyface
当我看到你的婴儿般的脸I only think of you
我只想着你And it's breaking my heart
刺痛着我的心I'm trying to keep it together
我试着和你一起But I'm falling apart
我深陷在分开的痛苦里I'm feeling all out of my element
我感觉一切离开了自己I'm throwing things
我放下所有事情Crying 我哭着Trying to figure out 试着离开Where the hell I went wrong
我犯了错The pain reflected in this song
这首歌刺痛了我Ain't even half of what 不知道为什么I'm feeling inside
我感觉在你身边I need you
我需要你Need you back in my life
需要你回到我的生命里Baby 亲爱When you left 当你离开I lost a part of me
我失去了自已 It's still so hard to believe
我很难相信Come back baby please
回来吧宝贝Coz we belong together 让我们彼此拥有
1 ,当我看见你-米凯莉-小a f anasieff- 软天堂的眼睛盯着我,成超越时间与空间我仍然提供没有人的话,我觉得在各我站在那里旁边自己我可以看到你,没有人,否则当我看见你当我看见你我不能呼吸我被如此之深哦当我看见你当我看见你我会永远我会永远相同只有一生中只有一次的爱赶在改变您与潮流黎明的丝带轻连发透过黑暗唤醒你内我以为这是一切不真实直到有一次全部,我知道当我看见你当我看见你我不能呼吸我被如此之深哦当我看见你当我看见你我会永远我会永远相同没有开始并没有结束您是第一个为我它的明显和你的眼睛告诉我,所以啊你的眼睛让我知道当我看见你当我看见你我不能呼吸我被如此之深哦当我看见你当我看见你我会永远我会永远相同2 ,我们属于同我不是那个意思当我说我不爱你我应该已经举行紧我从来不应该已经让你去i的didn't一无所知我是愚蠢的我是愚蠢的我是躺在自己我不能量度,我会永远没有你的爱没想到,我就是坐在这里我旁边正版游戏我不知道你正版游戏我不知道我但我以为我知道一切我从来没有感受到感觉,我感觉现在现在我不听到你的声音或者没有触及或亲吻你的嘴唇正版游戏,我不有选择权或有什么,我不会让有你躺在我的一方有权在这里正版游戏宝宝当你离开我失去了一部份,我它还是那么难以相信回来宝宝请正版游戏,我们在一起还缉虎光臼叱铰癸歇含忙有谁,我在哪里也对精益当时代得到粗糙谁在哪里也跟我在电话直到太阳出现谁在哪里取你的地方有没有人有啊宝宝宝宝我们同属在一起我不能彻夜难眠当您所有关于我的心鲍比沃马克的关于电台唱歌给我'如果你认为你是适合孤独的,现在' 且慢这是太深,太深i得改变站所以,我把拨号试图赶上休息然后,我听到娃娃脸( Babyface 我只想到你它打破了我的心我试图保持它一起不过,我敢不成国,家不成我感觉所有出我的元素我扔东西哭泣正在积极筹划如地狱我去错了疼痛反映在这首歌是不是连一半的是什么我感觉里面我需要你需要你回到我自己的生活宝宝当你离开我失去了一部份,我它还是那么难以相信回来宝宝请正版游戏,我们在一起


更多关于 思密达是什么意思 的文章

