technology efficiency杀马特是什么意思思

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low-level efficiency是什么意思
中文翻译低效率:&&&&vi.,vt. (牛)哞哞地叫;哞哞地;(牛叫似地)说( ...:&&&&n. 1.水平仪,水准仪;水准测量。 2.水平线,水平面 ...:&&&&n. 1.功效。 2.效率;效能;实力,能力。 3.【物 ...
例句与用法1.The solution and empirical analysis on low - level efficiency of executive stock option经理股票期权低效率问题的解决方案及实证分析2.With the development of network and multimedia technology , the application of the network video monitor system is more and more extensive . however , the network video monitor system often cannot adapted well to the high real - time requirement , and low - level efficiency of the video streaming transmission cannot satisfied the system requirement . all of the shortcoming limited the development of the network video monitor system all the time . the development of streaming media technology gives a chance to better solve this problem . we can send the sustained encapsulated video data stream to receiver according to the gradation of time by use of streaming media technology , and the receiver can play video streams received from network . it can improve systematic real - time character through adopting this method而一直以来网络监控系统的实时性不高和视频数据的网络传输效率低下等缺点限制了它的发展。流媒体技术的兴起较好的解决了这个问题,它将连续视频流封装后按照一定的时序要求发给接收端,保证接收端可以一边接收数据一边实时播放,提高了系统的实时性。本文以网络视频数据流为对象,研究了将流媒体技术应用于现代网络监控系统中的技术和实现方法。 3.In order to find out causes for the low - level efficiency of the agricultural technology extension system , chapter 5 analyses the environment of the agricultural technology extension organization and their reactions with each other based on questionnaires . chapter 6 queues up several major hindering factors to the agricultural technology extension so that the major institution obstacle can be found根据问卷调查的材料,第五章对农业技术推广组织的环境因素和相互作用关系进行了分析,以便从环境角度找出影响农业技术推广低效运行的原因;第六章对农业技术推广的主要障碍因素进行了排序研究,以便发现农业技术推广的主要制度障碍。 4.The high - level functions , string types , and garbage collection of pocketc save a bit of code length , but if you need those features which you do want for palm - hosted quick application development , why not use a language like basic , scheme , or python , rather than one whose syntax is designed around low - level efficiencyPocketc的高级函数、字符串类型和垃圾收集节省了一些代码长度,但如果您需要那些特性(对于基于palm的快速应用程序开发需要) ,为什么不使用例如basic 、 scheme或python这样的语言,而不是其语法围绕着低级效率而设计的语言呢?
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scale efficiency是什么意思
中文翻译规模效率规模效益:&&&&短语和例子 scale3 n. 1.鳞〔有时也用作集合词 ...:&&&&n. 1.功效。 2.效率;效能;实力,能力。 3.【物 ...
例句与用法1.Productivity measuring one industry or area ' s operation of economy is a synthetic target , which can reflect the level of technical progress 、 technical efficiency 、 scale efficiency生产率作为衡量一个行业或地区经济运行状况,是反映技术进步、技术效率、规模效率等方面水平的综合指标。 2.It is divided into two parts . part one introduces the concept of efficiency of commercial bank and initiate it ’ s three types : scale efficiency , scope efficiency and x - efficiency第一节对银行效率概念进行了界定,并参照已有文献对银行效率的分类:规模效率、范围效率和x -效率,作了简要概述。 3.By means of the data envelope analysis method , this paper appraises and analyzes 15 listed tourism companies ' operation efficiency , pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency in 2005论文中利用数据包络分析方法对我国15家旅游业上市公司2005年的运营效率、纯技术效率以及规模效率进行了评价和分析。 4.At last , this paper utilized the improved dea model to make an overall analysis on the scale efficiency of chinese commercial banks from 1999 to 2001 . it concluded that the scope of scale on domestic commercial banks is large指明我国商业银行的规模有效区间是一个较广的数域,只要在提高我国商业银行资产利用率和资产质量的基础上,我国商业银行在规模经济方面还存在较大的发展空间。 5.The paper computers technical efficiency , pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the fourteen commercial banks in the three aspects above mentioned from 1995 to 2000 , and gives out the efficient banks of reference and proportion of the non - efficient banks测算了年十四家银行三个层面的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率值,并给出了各非效率银行的效率参照银行和权重。 6.The change of management form of present agricultural production and the promotion of the human capital level of agricultural labor force become the important way to enhance agriculture pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency to improve the technical efficiency改变目前农业生产经营的形式与提升农业劳动力的人力资本水平成为提升农业纯技术效率和规模效率进而提高技术效率的重要途径。 7.Chapter two " impacts of china ' s accession to wto on retail industry " analyzes : the influence of accession to wto on domes pressure from international business capital due to its advantages of capital strength , scale and advanc competition pressure from low profit criterion of s pressure from the management advantage of international business groups . chapter three " development strategy for retail industry after china ' s accession to wto " studies the development strategy for china ' s retail industry after accession to wto : formulating relevant laws and policies for foreign capital introduction as soon as possible ( asap ) ; working out plans for establishment of large - scale super developing multiple business patterns with mainstay bu developing chain store business to bring about scale efficiency ; accelerating of modern enterprise i promoting scientific management level of setting up scientific and overall marketing concept , further strengthening sense of attaching greater importance on resources of talented pers making full use of information technologies , implementing e - commerce mode in actively exploring northwest china and developing new market文章第二章“中国加入wto对零售业的冲击”从中国零售业对外开放的历史入手,简要介绍了中国加入wto对国内零售业的影响,指出加入wto后,中国零售业可能面临以下几个方面的冲击:国际商业资本在资金、规模和业态的先进性上所带来的压力;规模扩张压力,即中国连锁超市受到了投资规模扩张的资金压力;超市行业低赢利水准的竞争压力;国际商业集团在管理上的优势对中国零售企业的压力;新的管理理念、服务方式进入所带来的冲击;现代商业观念的引进打破了中国商界固有的思维;国际经济一体化程度的提高不断促使中国零售业的绝对利润和相对利润下降;我国零售业网点的不足以及布局的不合理;零售业的信息革命所带来的观念冲击。 8.If increasing the quality of assets , commercial banks have great potential development on bank scale economies . at the end of this paper , it put forward several solutions to improve the scale efficiency of domestic commercial banks . it also concluded that the revolution of property right is system guarantee , emerge is an effective approach , increasing technology and quality of assets is root route在实证分析的基础上,研究了我国商业银行谋求规模经济的主要途径,指出:产权改革是我国商业提高规模经济效应的制度保障;购并是扩张规模的最快捷途径;提高技术效率、资源利用率和资产质量是解决我国商业银行规模经济问题的根本之路。 9.We make comparative analysis of technical efficiency , pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency while choosing the year1997and 2000 as the model samples . and we also study the degree of the efficiency departure between banks through variance analysis while comparison of the efficiency is made between state - owned commercial banks and the newly founded banks chronologically横向上重点选取1997年和2000年为典型样本点对各银行的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率进行了比较分析;纵向上按时间顺序比较了国有银行和新兴银行的效率,并通过方差分析研究了银行间的效率偏离程度。 10.We have estimated the technical efficiency of each bank in 1985 - 2001 , exploiting the two different approaches respectively , while the total loan , other investment and profit are specified as outputs , labor , net fixed asset and business expanse as inputs . then the technical efficiency is decomposed into pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency本文选用贷款、其它投资和利润作为产出指标,员工人数、固定资产净值和营业及管理费用作为投入指标,分别运用数据包络分析和随机前沿方法对1985 - 2001年我国主要的商业银行技术效率值进行估算,并将技术效率分解为纯技术效率和规模效率。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
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求翻译:With the rapid developing of information technology, the enterprise information construction in theory and in practice also profound changes have occurred, information technology is no longer just to improve efficiency of tools, namely instead of manual operation, but focuses on the connotation and from management ente是什么意思?
With the rapid developing of information technology, the enterprise information construction in theory and in practice also profound changes have occurred, information technology is no longer just to improve efficiency of tools, namely instead of manual operation, but focuses on the connotation and from management ente
以迅速开发信息技术,企业信息建筑在理论上和深刻变动也实践上发生了,信息技术不再是正义的改进工具效率,即而不是人工操作,但焦点在内涵和从管理企业资源变动规则到创立依照计算机典型管理方式,塑造企业操作方式的未来。 企业在这竞争环境生存,发展要,并且扩展,它必须有效地使用信息管理系统,全面企业信息化路步行是
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operating efficiency是什么意思
中文翻译操作效率工作效率施工效率营业效率, 经营效率运行效率:&&&&adj. 1.运行的;操作的;工作的。 2.关于业务的; ...:&&&&n. 1.功效。 2.效率;效能;实力,能力。 3.【物 ...
例句与用法1.A study on inventory control and operating efficiency存货控制与经营效益研究2.Fuzzy optimum selecting model of turbine s operating efficiency汽轮机运行效率的模糊优选模型3.On - line measurement on operating efficiency of power convertor equipments电力整流设备运行效率的在线测量4.Analysis of enterprises behaviour and operating efficiency of state - owned banks企业行为与国有商业银行资产运作效率分析5.Discuss the relation between government intervention and macro - economy operating efficiency in china试论我国政府干预与宏观经济运行效率之间的关系6.The move will facilitate the group s cost - control and operating efficiency enhancement initiatives此举将可加强集团在成本控制及营运效率上的能力。 7.The move will facilitate the group s cost - control and operating efficiency enhancement initiatives此举将可加强集团在成本控制及营运效率上的能力。 8.Aircraft leasing shortens the exchange period and improves the operating efficiency to meet the market demand除此之外,对于经营性租赁来说,更是避免了飞机残值的风险。 9.E - business is using internet technology to streamline basic business processes to improve operating efficiencies2电子商务即利用因特网技术简化基本商务运作过程,以提高经营效率。 10.These improvement measures will increase the capacity as well as operating efficiency on the air route along the coast of the mainland这些改善措施将提高内地沿岸航道的容量和运作效率。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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