i cherish most写一篇英语作文万能句子

Friendship is indispensable to people's life.A man without friends is an angel without wings,whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression.Friendship is the mother of our psyche,who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs.We have much to share with our friends in life,perplexity,excitement,bitterness etc.Alas,it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.It takes many special qualities to make a friend.Understanding should come first.Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship.We may find our hobbies of common interests.This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end.Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble.Love is not selfish.Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.Tolerance is the third essential part in friendship.We are absolutely different persons.This individual distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life.Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long.Try to tolerant his/her in an introspective mood.Saints are not perfect,let alone those ordinary people like us.Afterwards,we should get a good communication.Never shy to confess.Understanding,love and tolerance are the first three essences that comes to an authentic friendship.Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness,trust and patience.Remember,friendship is your psyche's guard,treasure it太长啦是吧?你在自己修改修改吧!或者这篇也行:A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it,who makes you believe that there really is good in the world,who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.When you’re down,friends lift you up.When you lose your way,friends guide you and cheer you on.So cherish your friend,Do not save your loving speeches,for your friends till they are dead.Do not write them on their tombstones,speak them rather now i2012初三二模英语作文分析
99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “ Sharing brings
Use the following points as a reference.
&O& Do you often share something with
&O& What do you usually share with others?
&O& What does sharing bring you?
1)& 选出一个名词作为中心词,如:happiness, love, friendship.
根据标题,选取素材。如写friendship, 可以写这样两个事例:1.
2)& 第一个问题略写,
1)& 要避免动词忘记使用分词形式作主语,抽象名词与单数形式的动词搭配。
2)& Sentence for reference:
a)& The man’s happiness at that moment comes
into my mind every time I have the chance to share something with
Sharing something sometimes doesn’t cost you much, but it means a
lot to the people who you help.
Giving is getting.
A good friend always gives you a helping hand when you’re in
There is an old saying, “Friends are God’s way of taking care of
Finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed
and take care of it to make it grow.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your
1)& 提供一二篇范文。
Sharing brings us love
Since I was a little girl, I’ve been taught that sharing plays
an important role in our life, so I often share something with
Sharing something sometimes doesn’t cost you much, but it means
a lot to the people who you help. When we share, there is love. In
my class, I share my laughter and tears with my classmates. When my
classmates meet trouble, Without hesitation I do my best to share
what I have. In the society, I share my happiness with my friends,
even with strangers. I usually give a hand to the old, the poor and
the others who need help.
Sharing with others teaches me much and brings us love. I do
believe if we get into the habit of sharing, the world will become
a beautiful heaven.
Sharing brings me happiness
Undoubtedly, we share something with others almost every day. In
my opinion, sharing brings me happiness.
As for me, I share my lunch with my classmates. They will thank
me if I share food with them. That makes me happy. Moreover, as the
saying goes, if an apple exchanges an apple, you can only get one.
But if one idea exchanges another idea, you will get two ideas.
There’s nothing happier than sharing our ideas together! We enjoy
talking to each other and even argue with each other about one
problem. We can get a lot of solutions to the problem, and it makes
Sharing is one of the happiest things, isn’t it?
Sharing brings us love
As someone said : ‘Love is a light that never dims .’ Every time
I share something with others , I can feel the power of love , just
like a stream of perfume .
&I constantly share something with others in my
daily life . In my class, we regularly share cute candies with each
other. The sweet taste is the taste of love. As volunteers, we
share our kindness with others. In other words, we share our pure
heart and simple love . It’s the most precious emotion we have ever
found. Without a doubt, sharing brings us love.
All in all, I firmly believe this kind of love is one of the
most invincible power in all ages .
Sharing brings us love
The true value of life is not in what we get but in what we
share, so l often share something with others.
l often share chocolates with my friend when she meets troubles.
I believe chocolates can bring her confidence. It also helps me get
my friend’s love which always shines in my memory. When Wenchuan
earthquake happened, I shared my clothes and books with Sichuan
people. I hoped that my behavior could warm their heart.
The world needs love. You can’t see the love, but sharing
spreads love all over the
I usually go to orphanage to share my time to play with these
children. I take my complete love to make up their imperfect love.
I share happiness with them by telling stories to them, playing
games and singing songs together. Besides, I also share my feelings
with my friends. When I failed to pass the exam, I felt upset. Just
then, my friend came to encourage me and said that she would give
me a hand. I was moved by these words.
& &&Sharing
not only brings me happiness, but also, more importantly, I get a
precious friendship.
There's a saying goes that if you share your happiness with
others, you'll have double happiness. So I often share something
with other people.
Sharing brings me happiness. For example, my friend met a
difficult maths problem last week, I tried my best to help him and
sharing my successful experience with him. To my joy, he dealt with
the problems himself at last. And we all felt happy.
Sharing brings me not only the good feelings but also the
happiness! When we share with each other, we can get not only the
happiness but also fun. Sharing brings happiness whenever in my
life or in my study.
Sharing is a process of enjoy happiness. So I often share sth
with others.
In my opnion, friends play an important part in daily life.The
friends around me are very friendly and helpful. So, I awlays share
with them.
& I often communicate with them because I think
we can know each other better and keep friendship in this way. We
all open our doors of hearts and share sadness as well as
happiness. Otherwise, going sports outside is another, fun thing
for us to do at weekends.
& So I think friendship is precious to
everyone. I believe we will be good friends forever.
99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “My plan for
(以“我的_______计划” 为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)
& high school
future job
Use the following points as a
* What is your plan about? What have you planned?
* Why do you have such a plan? How are you going to do it?
* What result do you expect?
activities 与summer holidays这两个话题比较贴近学生生活,而high school study与future
job则远离现在的生活,需要展开一定的想象,因此相对来说前两个话题更容易写。当然学生还可以拓展思路,my plan for the
weekend, my plan for my (father’s/ mother’s….) birthday party, the
next two months 都是不错的题目。
+ V或be going to do的结构,当然还可以用 want to do /plan to do/ hope/wish/
would like to do等这样的动词或动词词组表示将来想要做的事情。
My plan for the summer holiday
The summer holiday is coming. I’m very happy. I have a plan for
my summer holiday. I will finish doing my homework as quickly as
possible. I will help my mother do some housework, such as making
the bed, cleaning the room, washing the dishes and so on. Then I
will visit my grandparents and stay there for two days. I am also
going to visit my friends and play table tennis with them.
(3)内容:首先要构思作文三步骤——beginning, body and
What is your plan about? What have you planned?
这两个问题其实是提示学生构思文章的开头部分。如:The summer holidays are coming, I need to
have a good rest, so I have made a plan for summer holidays./ The
weekends will come. Do you have any plans for your weekends? As we
all know “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, I decide to
relax myself at the weekends.这里需要注意的是What have you
planned?这一问题在开头部分略写就可以了,用上I decide to/ I have made a plan
在body部分我们需要解决两个问题即Why do you have such a plan?和How
are you going to do
it?其中第一个问题略写,第二个问题需要详细展开。当然,学生要切记写作文不是回答问题,千万不能在文章中这样说:I am going
to do it like this.
(… First, the doctor is a great occupation and is called
“Angels I White”. They are always busy working for patients’ health
and have no time to look after their families, just like my father.
But I still respect him very much because of his patience and
responsibility during his work. Thus, I want to be a doctor like
him in the future to keep people away from pain and suffer.
Besides, I also like helping people who need help. I like to make
sick people better and look after them. By helping others, I always
find great joy and a sense of achievement. )&Therefore, to be a
good doctor, the most important thing I should do is to study hard
so that I can go to an outstanding medical university. I will read
more books on medicine to enrich my professional knowledge.
result do you expect?”因为这是思考文章如何结尾的一个提示。最简单的写法是I think I will….
My plan for the summer holiday
As we all know, the life of Grade-Nine students is very busy and
tiring. After the final exam, I will have a two-month holiday
without any homework. I am so excited that I can’t wait to make a
plan for the coming summer holiday.
I like traveling very much, especially visiting the beach, so I
decide to fly to Maldives whose beaches are the most beautiful ones
in the world. I will go swimming in the sea and have a barbecue at
the beach. I can also take a walk along the beach under the
moonlight. It must be amazing to listen to the waves and feel the
gentle wind by the sea. What’s more, I would like to sing and dance
with the native people who are known as born musicians.
I think this journey will bring me much fun and make my summer
holiday relaxing, not only because of the beautiful view, but also
because of the delicious food and warm-hearted native people.
only because of the beautiful view, but also because of the
delicious food and warm-hearted native people.与文章开头the life of
Grade-Nine students is very busy and
My plan for the summer holidays
With the steps of taking exams sped up, the summer holidays are
drawing near. In order to make my holidays pleasant and meaningful,
I have made a reasonable plan. In the first place, I will buy some
new books which can enrich my spiritual life to read. In the second
place, visiting some places of interest can broaden my experience,
so it’s really necessary for me to take this chance to make full
use of time to enjoy the beauty of nature. Last but not least, I
will also hold a party for my dear teachers so as to thank them for
their instructions and academic help. I seem to see their faces
which are lighting up with joy. I strongly believe that my plan
will make my summer holidays colorful and unforgettable.
点评:(1)文章内容连贯,不仅仅是生硬地回答问题那么。从What is your plan about?到Why do you
have such a plan?和How are you going to do it?用一些连词如in order to…/ In
the first place 等连接起来很自然,很流畅。(2)文章也巧妙地诠释了plan和the summer holiday
之间的关系——因为有这样的一个计划,我的假期会丰富多彩,令人难忘。首尾做到了呼应。在结尾不仅体现了plan和the summer
holiday 之间的逻辑关系,还加强了语气,如I strongly
summer holidays are coming soon,而用the summer holidays are drawing
l& There are a lot of meaningful and
interesting things to do during summer holidays, and I’ve just made
a plan for my holiday, which can help me relax myself and have an
unforgettable holiday.
l& Up to now, I have made many plans. However,
my plan for the summer holidays is the most wonderful one.
l& After three years’ study, I am under great
pressure. Luckily, the summer holidays are coming, so I will take
the chance to plan it carefully in order to release my stress and
broaden my mind.
l& I am so delighted because the summer
holidays are coming soon. In order to have a meaningful and
unforgettable holiday, I have made a plan.
l& When it comes to summer holidays, I can’t
help thinking of beautiful views and casual life. Therefore, I have
made an excellent plan in order to enjoy the beauty of nature and
relax myself.
l& As far as I am concerned, this plan can
bring me a lot of fun and give me a chance to enrich my knowledge
which can’t be learnt at school. So I am certain that I will
cherish this opportunity and make full use of my summer
l& To sum up, this plan is so meaningful that I
always think of it. I am really looking forward to this summer
holiday. It will surely bring me a lot of enjoyment which hasn’t
been achieved in the past three years.
l& Although my plan is not perfect, I am
satisfied with it. I strongly believe my plan for summer holidays
will not only give me a chance to travel throughout the country but
also enrich my knowledge which can’t be learnt at school. Summer
holidays- I am looking forward to you.
are you going to do it应该花一定的笔墨去详细描写。
The hero in my eyes
Use the following points as a reference.
u& Who is the hero in your
u& Why do you think he/she is the hero in your
eyes? (Give one or two reasons.)
u& What have you learned from him/her?
&& 此篇作文的内容分应为2+4+2,
&& 此题的理解重点应是对 hero与in my
eyes的理解---这个hero 是勇敢的、能克服困难的,具有坚持和容忍的特质, ---in my eyes
明人物个性;如选择写自己的爸妈对自己的爱或同学间的友爱,则不能体现文章主旨—hero, 内容就偏题了;
1、& In my opinion, a hero is …….
2、& xxx, a ………., is a hero in my eyes.
3、& &I think he’s a hero
because he ……….. He…………,(此处为进一步的阐述). What’s more, he ……….,
especially when ………. (此为第二个理由,应与第一个理由有较明显的区别).
4、& Therefore, I admire/ ….. him a lot. From
him, I’ve learned that ………
5、& I hope I can be a hero …..
In my opinion, a hero must be brave. Liu Wei, the China’s Got
Talent Show winner, is a hero in my eyes. He lost his arms in an
electric shock. However, although he’s disabled, he can play the
piano with his feet, much better than most usual people. What’s
more, his bravery also touches me a lot. He manages to use his feet
to clean teeth, brush hair and even type on a computer all by
himself. He never gives up when he is in such great trouble. Almost
everyone thinks he’s a hero, and I really admire him a lot. From
him, I’ve learned that I should be brave and stick to my goal when
facing difficulties in my life. He’ll be a great hero in my heart
forever.&& (8+8+1)
In my eyes, my classmate, Jack, is a hero. Everyday, he’s
friendly and polite to everyone. He likes to help others, too. If I
am unable to solve a maths problem, he’ll help me without any
words. What’s more, he’s a brave boy who dares to face his own
mistakes and problems. When he makes a mistake, he always
apologizes to the teacher and tries to correct it. So after that,
he often improves himself a lot. That’s why I think he’s a hero.
From him, I learn that I should do my best to solve the problem
instead of giving up halfway.
JZJ&& (7+7)


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