how can you avoidbe healthy?

How can you be healthy?_百度知道
How can you be healthy?
you can overcome the difficulties that lie ahead of you.In good health,you&#39,you should pay great attention to your health .Secondly.Thirdly,such as early rising,nothing is more valuable than health,a student many absorb more knowledage and solv more complex problems,you should fd better to see a doctor?Firstlyhow can you have good health. In a word .If you are strong ,you should do exercise every day to strengthen your bodies.If you are getting sick,you can breathe fresh air.If you get up early
Everyone wants to
be healthy.How to be healthy?You
know food and vegetables are very important.There are lots of healthy food and
many green vegetables around us.You can eat apples.But you can’t eat too much
chocolate.It’s not healthy food. Too much chocolate can make you fatter and
fatter.Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy.Remember
there is a saying.“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”Sports can also keep
you healthy.Get up early and do some sports every day.Don’t be lazy !You will be healthy and happy.
is right?
A. Food isn’t important for everyone.
B. Everyone is very healthy in the world.
C. An apple can make you healthy.
What is healthy food?
A. Fruit and vegetables.
B. Bananas,
apples and chocolate.
C. Fruit and chocolate.
) 3. Why is healthy food good for you?
A. They make you
B. They make
you grow strong.
C. They make you grow and
make you strong and happy.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means(意思是)_______
A. The doctor goes away
when he sees an apple.
B. The doctor runs away
when you give him an apple.
C. You eat an apple every
day and you can be healthy.
) 5. What keeps you healthy? ________
A. Fruits and
B. Healthy food.
C. Healthy food and
CACCC *。cnf
备课中心教案课件试卷下载How Long Does It Take To Decompose? | Be Healthy and Relax
343SharesToday I feel like posting some interesting facts about some of the most common products we use on a daily basis. Since this is Green Week (at least according to NBC), I would like to add some good-to-know info into the mix. I know that in these days, all we hear is recycle this or reuse that, but it all comes at us for a reason. We’re finally realizing that we can make a difference for the future of our Earth, so why not act upon it? Many times we can become blinded from the endless amounts of statistics and numbers being introduced, but maybe this list can help us understand how important it is to watch what we do with these essential daily items. Check out how long each of these products take to decompose in the environment…
Banana Peel: 3-4 weeks
Paper Bag: 1 month
Cardboard: 2 months
Wool Sock : 1 year
Tinned Steel Can: 50 years
Aluminum Can: 200-500 years (But if recycled, it can be reused within 6 weeks!)
Disposable Diapers: 550 years
Plastic Bags : 20-1000 years
Plastic Jug: 1 million years
Glass : 1-2 million years
Styrofoam: 1+ million years
This list might put some of the Green supporters’ words into perspective for a lot of people. It sure opened my eyes when I did a little research to see what the highest concerns were with today’s products. Just make sure you care as much about the container as you you do about the healthy food within it. Without a productive, prospering Earth, there cannot be a way to keep ourselves in healthy condition.
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