
Think he is my best friend
Think this is the best way to solve the problem
consider him as my good friend
高一英语翻译 5
As time goes by, the weather is fine,and iy\t brings rain to the fiels of this district.
it turned warmer as the time went by, provding more rains to the aera.
满意的话 望采纳
as the weather becomes warmer when time goes by,a lot of rain comes to the farm field in this area
在16世纪末,约五至七百万人讲英语。几乎所有的这些住在英格兰。在下一世纪,人们从英格兰开始移动到世界其他地方,因此,英语开始被发言,在许多其他国家。今天,越来越多的人讲英语作为他们的第一,第二或外语比以往任何时候都。中国可能有人数最多的英语发言。本土英语发言可以了解对方,即使他们没有讲同种英语。不过,他们可能无法理解的一切。举例来说,英国的人可能会说她的朋友, “请你来我单位进行了访问” ?之一,她的美国朋友可能,然后问她, “来了哪里? ”她加拿大的朋友,或许可以解释, “她手段,我们应该拿出她的公寓“ 。那么,为何有英语改变,随着时间的推移?所有语言的变化时,文化的互相沟通。该英语口语之间的大约450名和1150年是非常不同的从英语在今天发言。实际上,它是基于对德国更比现今的英语。然后从约1150年至1500年英语改变,甚至更多。它成为不像德国,更象法国,因为那些谁统治英格兰在那个时间以法语。它成为更接近的语言,你现在正在学习。在1600年的,莎士比亚使用一个更广泛的词汇比以往任何时候都一大的变化,在英语用法发生诺亚韦伯斯特写道,美国字典中的英语语言,使美国英语自己的身份。后来,当一些英国民众前往澳大利亚,英语开始被发言。现在澳大利亚英语有其自己的身份。英语口语亦是作为一个外国或第二语言,在南亚地区。印度有一个非常大量的英语发言。这是因为英国统治印度从1765年至1947年。在这段时间,英语成为语言为政府和教育。英语口语也是在很多其他国家的非洲和亚洲,如南非,新加坡和马来西亚。在中国,英语已在香港使用的自约1842年。今天有多少人学习英语的人数迅速增加..中国英语将成为世界上其中一个英语?只有时间会告诉我们。 谢☆谢☆采☆纳☆高一英语翻译
as time goes by ,the weather gets warmer and brings a lot of rain to the field in this district.
As time goes on, the weather gets warmer, for this region of farmland brings a lot of rain
1.Anyone who breaks the law will be panished one day.2.He is the only teacher who knows French in our school.3.I still remembered those days we spent together in countryside.4.This is sports news, which is broadcasted daily on TV.5.Her new skirt worths $1000, which is rather luxurious.6.He is always late for work, that makes him fired by his boss.7.There were 3000 people attended the concert, in which all the audience were attracted by the excellent performence.8.We had finished all the tasks, none of which satisfied our class teacher.
1. Any illegal who will one day be punished.2. He is our only understand the grammar school teacher.3. I still remember our days spent together in the countryside.4. This is a sports news every day on television.5. Her new dress worth $ 1,000, this is really a waste of money.6. He was always late for work, which makes the boss fired him.7. There are 3,000 people attended the concert, we were attracted by the wonderful performances.8. We completed all the tasks, no one can make the old class satisfaction.
1 any illegal person will be punished someday. (who)2 he is our only understand the grammar school teacher. (who)I still remember us three days we spent together in the countryside. (who)4 this is news, sports on TV every day. (on NRRCS)5. Her new skirt is worth $1,000, this is a waste of money. (on NRRCS)6. He always late for work, the boss fired him. (on NRRCS)7. 3,000 people attended the concert, everyone was wonderful performance. (on NRRCS)8 we finished all the tasks, no one can let the old class satisfaction. (the restrictive
1. any violation of one day will be punished2. he is our only understand grammar school teacher.3. i still remember us together in the countryside.4. this is sports news, each was shown on television5. her new skirt, value $1,000, it's a waste of money6. he is late to work, the boss fired him7. there are three thousand people attend the concert, everybody was attracted by the wonderful performance7. there are three thousand people attend the concert, everybody was attracted by the wonderful performance
1、我看远处灯光We saw —— —— —— —— ——.2、美棒球发源America is —— —— —— baseball.3、想医He —— —— —— —— ——.4、我直走海边远.I can walk —— —— —— —— —— .5、比非洲任何家都.China is larger than —— —— ——in Africa.线等~~谢谢
1. some light in the distance2. the birthplace of3. dreams of being a doctor4. as/so far as the seaside5. all the countries
1.We saw in the distance light2.America is the home of baseball3.He dreams of becoming a doctor4.I can go straight to the sea so far.5.China is larger than any country in Africa.
We saw in the distance light America is the home of baseball He dreams of becoming a doctor I can always get to the sea so far awayChina is larger than any country in Africa
And we saw the light in the distance --.2, the United States is the birthplace of baseball3 he dreams of becoming a doctorHe -- -- -- -- --.4, I can walk to the seaside that far.5, China is larger than any country in Africa.
some lights in the distancethe home ofdreams to be a doctorstraight on to the seaside/
so far as to the seasideany countriy 确定是3个空吗高一英语翻译
1.& 中国位于世界最活跃的地震地区之一并且已发生过多起严重的地震。
2.& 在一些社区,60%的人口在本次地震中丧生。
3.& 由加利福尼亚地震引发的火灾造成最大的损害。
4.& 大火整整少了三天,烧毁了总计25000幢楼房。
5.& 如果你的城镇有地震,你怎么办?
6.& 世界上经常发生沙尘暴的主要地方是中亚,北美,中非和澳大利亚。
7.& 绿色运动试图让政府认真考虑环境问题。
8.& 好多年他周游列国,讲述儒家观点。
9.& 孟子认为人类不同于动物的原因是因为人性本善。
10.& 墨子出生于公元前476年,他的家庭很穷。
11.& 随着工业革命的发展,出现了许多的工厂,大生产第一次成为可能。
12.& 寺庙对佛教徒来说是极为重要的地方、
13.& 其中有些正在搬迁,有些被存放在博物馆。
14.& 所有的这一切都好象非常肯定,但也有许多有关未来城市生活的事情并不肯定。
15.& 为了解决垃圾问题,城市将用巨型宇宙飞船装载垃圾运往太阳,这样做防止了垃圾填埋和环境问题。
16.& 所有娱乐形式,像电影院、保龄球、垒球、音乐会和其他的一些形式,城市将免费提供。
17.& 我现在忙于享受生活,没时间为未来担忧。
18.& 如果你没有经历过交通阻塞,你能想象那是会发生什么吗?
19.&& 它们通常是红色的,而且在车床上显示每公里的路价。
20.&& 游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的“三轮脚踏车”,但价格 有时会很贵。
1. China is located in the world's most active seismic region and has many incidents of a serious earthquake.
&2. In some communities, 60% of the population died in this earthquake.
&3. From the California earthquake caused the largest fire-induced damage.
&4. Fires less full for three days, burning a total of 25,000 buildings.
&5. If you have an earthquake of the town, how do you do?
&6. The world's frequent dust storms is the main Central Asia, North America, Africa and Australia.
&7. Green Movement tried to allow the Government to give serious consideration to environmental issues.
&8. He travel far and wide for many years about the Confucian point of view.
&9. Mencius that human beings different from animals because people are basically good.
&10. Mozi was born in 476 BC, his poor family.
&11. With the development of the industrial revolution, there has been a lot of factories, the first large-scale production possible.
&12. Of the Buddhist temples are very important places,
&13. Some of them are under the relocation, some were kept in the museum.
&14. All very sure that all is well like, but there are also a number of city life in the future things are not sure.
&15. In order to solve the garbage problem, the city will be a giant spaceship loaded with garbage to the sun, to do so to prevent the landfill and environmental issues.
&16. All forms of entertainment such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and other forms, the city will be provided free of charge.
&17. I am too busy to enjoy life and no time to worry about for the future.
&18. If you have never experienced a traffic jam, can you imagine what will happen is it?
&19. They are often red, and show lathe price per kilometer of road.
&20. Tourists like these human-driven "three bicycle", but the price is very expensive sometimes.
都是因为学得不好 才问你嘛
If you have an earthquake of the town, how do you do
17. I am too busy to enjoy life and no time to worry about for the future.
If you have never experienced a traffic jam, can you imagine what will happen is it?
的感言:谢啦 O(∩_∩)O~
其他回答 (3)
2.& 在一些社区,60%的人口在本次地震中丧生。
In some areas, there was about 60% of populations died of this earthquake.
3.& 由加利福尼亚地震引发的火灾造成最大的损害。
The fire which was arosed by the California Earthquake is the biggest loss.
5.& 如果你的城镇有地震,你怎么办?
What would you do, if there were an earthquake in your town.
6.& 世界上经常发生沙尘暴的主要地方是中亚,北美,中非和澳大利亚。
The place that there is often a sand storm is mainly in Central Asia, North America,&Central Africa and Australia.
7.& 绿色运动试图让政府认真考虑环境问题。
The Green Movement tries to let the govenment think about the problem of enviroment seriously.
8.& 好多年他周游列国,讲述儒家观点。
He traveled arround every country, talked about the Confucianism.
9.& 孟子认为人类不同于动物的原因是因为人性本善。
Mencius think the reason why the human being is different with the animal is a man is good at first.
10.& 墨子出生于公元前476年,他的家庭很穷。
Mo-tse was borned in 476 BC. his family was very poor.
11.& 随着工业革命的发展,出现了许多的工厂,大生产第一次成为可能。
As the development of the Industrial Revolutong, there were many factories appeared, the Big Produce came true for the first time.
12.& 寺庙对佛教徒来说是极为重要的地方、
The temple is a very very important&place for Buddists.
13.& 其中有些正在搬迁,有些被存放在博物馆。
Some are being moved, others are placed in the museum.
14.& 所有的这一切都好象非常肯定,但也有许多有关未来城市生活的事情并不肯定。
Everything seems very&sure, but there are also many things about the life in the future cities are not sure.
16.& 所有娱乐形式,像电影院、保龄球、垒球、音乐会和其他的一些形式,城市将免费提供。
All the entertaining way, like cinemar, balling, concert and so on, the city will serve for free.
17.& 我现在忙于享受生活,没时间为未来担忧。
I am busy enjoying the life, and have no time to warry about the future.
18.& 如果你没有经历过交通阻塞,你能想象那是会发生什么吗?
If you have never been to a traffic jam, can you imgain what will that happen?
20.&& 游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的“三轮脚踏车”,但价格 有时会很贵。
Travellers like these humanpower tricle, but the price is sometimes a little bit high.
1 China the world's most active in the earthquake region and have one too serious earthquake.
2 in some communities, 60% of the population in this earthquake killed.
3 by the California earthquake that triggered the maximum damage caused by fire.
4 for three days, a little fire burned total 25,000 building.
5 if your towns have earthquake, what would you do?
6 often occur in the world is the main central sandstorm, North America, Africa and Australia.
7. The green movement tried to make the government seriously considering environmental problems.
8. Good years he had traveled to many countries, Confucian ideas.
9 mencius believe humans appear to be different from animals because the goodness.
The mozi 476 BC, he was born in the family is very poor.
11 with the development of the industrial revolution, many factories, production first become possible.
12 for buddhist temple is very important place,
13. Some of them are moving, some are stored in the museum.
14 all that seems very sure, but there are also many things about the future of urban life is not sure.
In order to solve the garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste to the sun, so do to prevent the landfill and environmental problems.
16. All forms of entertainment like cinema, bowling, softball, concerts and some other forms, the city will provide free.
17 I now busy enjoying life, no time to worry about the future.
And if you haven't experienced traffic jams, you can imagine what will happen is that?
Then they usually red, but on a lathe per kilometer road shows.
20. Tourists like these human driver "trike", but the price is sometimes very expensive.
1. China is located in the world's most active seismic region and has many incidents of a serious earthquake. 2. In some communities, 60% of the population died in this earthquake. 3. From the California earthquake caused the largest fire-induced damage. 4. Fires less full for three days, burning a total of 25,000 buildings. 5. If you have an earthquake of the town, how do you do? 6. The world's frequent dust storms is the main Central Asia, North America, Africa and Australia. 7. Green Movement tried to allow the Government to give serious consideration to environmental issues. 8. He travel far and wide for many years about the Confucian point of view. 9. Mencius that human beings different from animals because people are basically good. 10. Mozi was born in 476 BC, his poor family. 11. With the development of the industrial revolution, there has been a lot of factories, the first large-scale production possible. 12. Of the Buddhist temples are very important places, 13. Some of them are under the relocation, some were kept in the museum. 14. All very sure that all is well like, but there are also a number of city life in the future things are not sure. 15. In order to solve the garbage problem, the city will be a giant spaceship loaded with garbage to the sun, to do so to prevent the landfill and environmental issues. 16. All forms of entertainment such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and other forms, the city will be provided free of charge. 17. I am too busy to enjoy life and no time to worry about for the future. 18. If you have never experienced a traffic jam, can you imagine what will happen is it? 19. They are often red, and show lathe price per kilometer of road. 20. Tourists like these human-driven "three bicycle", but the price is very expensive sometimes.


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