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&&英文单词:even though
简明英汉词典even thoughadv.即使现代英汉综合大辞典though[TEu; TE]conj.虽然, 尽管, 纵然, 即使I'll call to see you this evening though I can stay only a few minutes.今晚我一定去看你, 即使我只能停一会儿。T-it was late, we decided to set out.虽然已经晚了, 我们还是决定动身了。I will try it, though I may fail.即使我可能失败, 我也要试一下。He is better, though not yet cured.他好一点了, 虽仍未痊愈。词性变化though[TEu; TE]adv.可是, 然而, 不过; 话虽这样说It's hard work, I enjoy it, though.这是件艰难的工作, 可是我还是喜欢它。I wish you had told me, though.话虽这样说, 你告诉我就好了。I've a bit of headache.It's nothing much, though.我有一点头痛, 不过并不厉害。He said he would come, he didn't, though.他说他要来, 可是他并没有来。习惯用语as though ...恰如, 好象even though即使, 纵然What though ...?尽管...有什么要紧[关系]?基本词义even[5i:vEn]adv.(1)[加强语气]甚至, 即使, 连...都, 也, 还(2)[与比较级连用]比...更加..., 比...还要...(3)正; 恰好(4)完全地, 很(5)平坦地Even a child can understand the book.连孩子都能看懂这本书。He was here, even now.他当时在这里, 甚至现在还在。Even the slightest offence would make Jack nervous.即使是极轻微的触犯也会使杰克激动起来。Even as the sun was shining brightly, it began to rain.就在阳光灿烂的时候, 也下起雨来了。Even Homer sometimes nods.[谚]智者千虑, 必有一失。Even woods have ears.[谚]隔墙有耳。习惯用语never even连...也不or even乃至, 以至even as(1)正当...的时候(2)恰在...的时候even if即使, 尽管even though即使, 尽管even now(1)甚至现在还(2)[诗]恰恰现在(3)尽管这样even so(1)尽管如此, 尽管这样(2)[古]果然如此; 同样地even then甚至那个时候, 尽管那样英汉航海大词典even though conj.虽然,纵使 英汉化学大词典even though 虽然
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我试过翻译的乱七八糟 请不要用翻译软件 翻译软件翻译的不太详细
fruit as well as sys type sweet article is named though with Hong K of genuine tradition and the type sweet article &quot, passes through the syrup of slow fire that adjusted slows type sweet article really is actually the type sweet article of &quot, milk and west &quot, person is seems actually the various plants, and Hongkong&#39, so, and this kind of edible four s type sweet article to he nourishing simultaneously and take care of effect. Fruit force forest Hong Kong&#39, by addition o sigh Xi tea &s person also does not be w level beautiful just &quot. The classics that belong to Hong Kong really port &quot, coconut, toss about to arise the tea dining room that C Ms type sweet article tea dining room and healthy fruit blend in classical characteristic你看看我的吧
The appearance of tea dining room source from the person of Hong Kong get western-style
mix together, western person &quot, &quot, however. Knack for is boil to stew boil 3 words go through modern Hong Kong' ( drink coffee ) way, western-style food hall is west person it is broad &quot. Hong Kong&#39, do not receive Chinese. But in early stage, and more and
the most fine tea culture of dining room accomplish edible guest really at heart head. It is also the biggest chara......
the West,急用 先谢谢了 ~~最好不要用翻译软件 我试过翻译的乱七八糟The emergence of cafes from the Hong Kong people affected by the Western lifestyle、奶, and Hong Kong people and the colonists do not want to sit with the room,创新元素丰富招牌餐品, adding a natural fine sugar, sugar is sweet,健康水果融入经典特色;Hong Kong&quot、水果,并且越来越受到人们喜爱. Hong Kong-style dessert:上面的一段中文请高手帮我翻译成英文的. Hong Kong-style edge of forest fruit dessert cafes, in fact,broad&a real bargain&quot。港式甜品, &cafe&quot, as the Hong Kong-style dessert of the four King Kong,被誉为港式甜品中的四大金刚,为华人喜爱; (coffee) approach for the Chinese forite茶餐厅的出现源自香港人受西式生活习惯影响,以及各种植物, West& type of large fusion desserts. But the restaurant early and open only to WMountain, into the classic characteristics of a healthy fruit, do not entertain the Chinese,通过文火慢调而成的糖水和炖品: the above section of the Chinese masters please help me translate into English, through the slow gentle heat transfer from the sugar and炖品,不过却汲取了很多周边地域的甜品精髓;。诀窍就是熬炖煮三字真经现代港式甜品其实是真正传统的“港”式甜品和“广”式甜品的大融合。问题补充、椰, milk, and a variety of plants, innovative signs meal rich elements Goods. Really belongs to a classic dessert in Hong Kong、西”,“平靓正”把最地道的茶餐厅文化真正做到食客的心里头, but has learned a lot of dessert essence of the surrounding area,故辗转出现华人开设的“茶餐厅”。真正属于香港的经典甜品。 “芒。但早期西餐厅只为西人而开。兼具滋补和调理功效也是港式甜品的最大特色.
Add, Hong Kong people in the old view, coconut. &quot,且这类食肆收费昂贵. Both nourishing and conditioning the effectiveness of Hong Kong-style dessert is the most distinguishing features,其实就是番薯糖水. Kn......With the rapid development of Internet society has entered the Internet Age. Internet web site has become the main vehicle for the sharing of resources, and our learning model has also been an unprecedented impact on the most impact is the development of network technology with the emerging network-based learning, also known as online learning. Flash learning site is a typical e-learning site systems, and thematic forums system is an essential component of its development including front-end application development, as well as the background of the establishment and maintenance of the database two ways. Application requirements for the former full-featured and easy to use and so on. As for the integrity of the latter will he to establish a strong, secure database. Above is my summary of the Chinese. Preface also give me the best example of such a bit. Please help! I am a novice, all the points sent!
The emergence of cafes from the Hong Kong people affected by the Western lifestyle, the West, &sighed the West of tea& (coffee) approach for the Chinese forite. But the restaurant early and open only to West, do not entertain the Chinese, and Hong Kong people and the colonists do not want to sit with the room, and the exorbitant fees charged by these restaurants, it appears the Chinese set up various &cafe&, and more to be more popular. &Mountain, coconut, milk, West&, as the Hong Kong-style dessert of the four King Kong. Hong Kong-style dessert, although they are named after Hong Kong, but has learned a lot of dessert essence of the surrounding area. Really belongs to a classic dessert in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people in the old view, in fact, sugar is sweet, and a variety of plants, fruits, adding a natural fine sugar, through the slow gentle heat transfer from the sugar and炖品. Know-how that is boiled stew words真经modern Hong Kong-style dessert is really the traditional &Hong Kong& style dessert and the &broad& type of large fusion desserts. Both nourishing and conditioning the effectiveness of Hong Kong-style dessert is the most distinguishing features. Hong Kong-style edge of forest fruit dessert cafes, into the classic characteristics of a healthy fruit, innovative signs meal rich elements Goods, &a real bargain& the most authentic restaurant culture was truly the first diners.
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英语翻译我想学下面这一段话,但是我英文实在不行,就想着是否有高手能帮我给弄个中文的来帮忙跟着学习呢?...请高手帮我翻译一段话。谢谢 ……
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