Dieinglove is so easyeasy!livi...

 金光璀璨的赌城拉斯维加斯。   金光璀璨的美国赌城拉斯维加斯地下,原来暗藏一个不为人知的悲惨世界。数百名被社会遗弃的人士,蜗居黑暗下水道,与蟑螂、老鼠同居,面对随时被洪水淹没的危机。他们“靠赌场吃赌场”,每晚到赌场拣钱维生,但却不知何时才可返回地面,重过有尊严的生活。 不起眼的泄洪道。 住着被许多社会遗弃的人。   有“罪恶之城”之称的拉斯维加斯,其地下的黑暗世界与地面的五光十色形成强烈的对比。这里的黑暗不只是没有电灯,许多毒贩、通缉犯和强奸犯也藏匿在赌城大地道底下。原来为防汛建造的泄洪道,总长700公里,七成在地底下,住进去的人大多无家可归,冒着生命危险到地下泄洪道栖息。 仅有的家当。   泄洪道很长,住在里面的人集中在靠近赌城大道一带,因为他们走出洞外就是赌场,也是大多数地下居民寻找赌客掉落钱财的“工作”场所。 污浊不堪。   住在地底下的好处是不花钱,而且警察也不管,坏处是要有同伴,不然出意外的机会高。这里居民缺乏自律,只互通有关汛雨来临消息,因为洪水可能填满下水道,他们仅有的家当甚至生命就都危险了。 & 没有那个姑娘会嫁给一个住下水道的人。 黑暗世界与地面的五光十色形成强烈的对比。 手电是住在这里的必备“家用电器”。 简单陈设。 阳光成了奢侈品。& 光明始终在远处。 “Dieing is easy!living is hard!”(死亦简单,生却难!) 不知何时才可返回地面,重过有尊严的生活。&&&o
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Copyright & 1998 - 2016 Tencent. All Rights ReservedWe make storage easy!Pickup and delivery to your door
Do you need storage for your personal and household items?Livible is easier, more convenient and
than self-storage.We do all the work so you don't have to! Check out this .
1. Schedule pickup
We come right to your door to pickup the same items you would have to move yourself to self-storage. All you do is take 2 minutes to schedule it on our mobile apps or the web.
2. Items picked up and stored
You don't need to guess what size storage unit you need and hope that size is available. We measure all your items and put a Livible Label on each one so you know exactly what you stored including a photo. Then we create a storage unit for the exact space you need and bill you at the lowest price.
3. Redelivery on demand
When you need individual items or everything we bring it back to your door. It takes 2 minutes to schedule with service typically the next day including nights and weekends. Delivery and pickup are $9 plus $1 per item.
It's typically $35 for your first month!
Including storage and free pickup. That's based on the average of 35 items and 200 cubic ft. No hassle! No commitment! Cancel at any time without penalty!
Livible always costs less than self-storage! It starts with your first order. Then you only pay for what you store. Next if you are between unit sizes you only pay the per cubic foot rate. Finally, with our
you get lower rates the more your store.
Private and safe storage
Only you can see your photos and information. There is no customer access to stored items.
24x7 Monitoring
Climate Controlled
Bonded Staff
No Customer Access
Livible, Inc.
& 2013 & 2016
Select one of these options:
* only available in Seattle and Portland
*billing is always for the actual cubic ft. of storage used


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