
您现在的位置:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 越说越地道英语下206-207 时间:08-12-28来源: [提示:]双击单词,即可查看词义! 206. For me they are the same. W: Which team do you support? M: For me they are the same. W: I prefer the Beijing team. M: Do you want to register for piano class or dancing class? W: For me they are just same. M: Which one do you prefer? 207. I'd better follow your advice. W: Please cheer up! M: I'd better follow your advice. M: I hope our cooperation is successful. W: Please be a guest of my family. M: I'd better follow your advice. W: I'll wait for you at 6:00. 责编:struggle&&& 特别声明:本栏目内容均从网络上收集,供仅参考试用,正式学习请到书店购买正版教材。试用资料有效性和正确性也无法保证。本站并不拥有这些资料的版权,版权属于原版权所有人。 上一篇:下一篇: 欣赏了此听力的朋友还欣赏了: &&&&&&&&&&110206用英语怎么说_百度作业帮 110206用英语怎么说 110206用英语怎么说 one hundred and ten thousand two hundred and six one hundred and ten thousand two hundred and six(BE,Britain Englih)one hundred ten thousand two hundred six(AE,American English) 您可能关注的推广VOA慢速英语附字幕[翻译]:受儿童乞讨铅笔影响 布劳恩修建206所学校_2014年VOA慢速英语_VOA英语网 VOA慢速英语附字幕[翻译]:受儿童乞讨铅笔影响 布劳恩修建206所学校 发表时间:内容来源: Child Beggar Who Asked for Pencil Inspires Man to Build 206 Schools Learning English, this is the . Adam Braun established the organization Pencils of Promise in 2008. Its goal is to make sure all children have a chance for education. Six years later, the non-profit group is building a new school somewhere every 90 hours. It has helped more than 22,000 children in Africa, Asia and Latin America.& It all started when Adam Braun was a college student. He was visiting India when a boy stopped him on the street, the boy asked for money. Mr. Braun asked the boy what he would want, if he could have anything in the world. &I thought the answer was going to be 'a house' or 'a car' or 'a boat'. His answer was 'a pencil'. So I gave him my pencil and he just lit up with joy. I realized he never had been to school before, and that was the reality for 57 million children around the world,& Braun said. Adam Braun started working in finance after he graduated from college. But he never forgot the boy and the problem he represented. &We live in a world in which every single child can have access to quality education, because we have everything necessary already. We have the capability of educating every child. So I became immensely committed to helping create that world,& Braun said Mr. Braun raised money for his project by using social media. He paid for building the first Pencils of Promise school, in Laos, five years ago. Since then, his group has helped pay for more than 200 schools in rural areas of Laos, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ghana. He says, his organization works closely with the local education agencies. He says the officials organize the main program of studies. But he says his group provides additional learning materials about health and water and waste systems. Pencils of Promise also works closely with communities. Leslie Engle Young is another Pencils of Promise employee. She says local people are willing to combine efforts and resources for children's education. &We started saying 'OK, how can we get your 20 percent? What part of the labor can you do? What materials do you have that you can contribute to the project?' And through this really organic conversation, we start building a true partnership with these people,& Young said. Such support helped Adam Braun decide to expand his organization's work beyond the elementary school level. Pencils of Promise developed financial plans to help students continue on to secondary school and teacher training. &We are really rigorous about making sure that the programs are not just beautiful photos and videos of kids, but that we're actually seeing incredible results in the classroom. And if we're not seeing results, then we need to change our programs. That's why our kids in Pencils of Promise schools progress from one grade to the next at two times the national average,& Braun said. And that's the Learning English . For more education stories, go to our . I'm Christopher Cruise. 来自: 文章地址: Latest News英语四级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第206期:火锅 时间: 17:00:31 来源:可可英语 编辑:mike 请将下面这段话翻译成英文:中国火锅(Chinese hot pot)已有1000多年的历史了。火锅似乎起源于蒙古,在那里主要配料是肉,通常是牛肉,羊肉或马肉。之后传到中国南方,得到了进一步发展。火锅包含一个在餐桌中间煮涮东西的金属锅。当火锅保持沸腾状态时,将配料放入锅中。典型的火锅菜包括切成薄片的肉,叶菜,蘑菇,云吞(wonton),鸡蛋,饺子和海鲜。煮熟的食物通常蘸着酱吃。在许多地区,火锅通常在冬天吃。 查看全部解释 想一想再看 v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒n. [stɔk] 想一想再看 n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜


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