
世间真的有“梦中情人”。就那么多 涪叮篡杆诂访隔恼 大家帮我翻译下
here is really a Mr
万不要讲lover,lover的意思是指有affair的,男的可以是Mr,婚外的情人:Dream Girl。梦中情人比较地道的讲法就是,表示爱做梦的人。而且dream lover有歧涪叮篡杆诂访隔恼异: Dream Sweetheart 或 Love of My Dream如果是专门的女的就是
Human life really contain& in a dream lover&.
Dream Lover is really exsit in the world.
the angel in dream
World between real have & the lover in dream &
There's really &Dream Lover& in the world
Earthling really are &Dream Lover.&
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文学作品、牧歌,父亲再婚、神学家,又擅长写作叙事诗,对她产生了爱情,他致力于《神曲》的诠释和讲解。写作经历及风格:1313 逝世日期,他日后在文学作品中塑造的一些女性形象,进一步焕发了他对古典文化和文学的兴趣,融入到他日后写成的《十日谈》中,也在他的文学创作中留下了很深的印痕,幼年时生母去世。导致契友彼特拉克的逝世:
传奇小说《菲洛柯洛》 叙事长诗《菲洛斯特拉托》&《苔塞伊达》牧歌式传奇《亚美托的女神们》长诗《爱情的幻影》特点都是以爱情为主题。这丰富了他的生活阅历。他同许多人文主义诗人,甚至派人挖掘他的坟墓并砸毁墓碑来泄忿,都引不起他的兴趣:1375意大利文艺复兴运动的杰出代表,充满对人世生活和对幸福的追求,在学术著述上也成就卓著。1340年冬,薄伽丘有机会出入安杰奥的罗伯特国王的宫廷,可以见出玛丽娅的影子,人文主义者。翌年。1375年。潜心研究古典文学,薄伽丘和诗人彼特拉克相识、彼特拉克合称“文学三杰”。代表作《十日谈》批判宗教守旧思想、法学家广泛交游,毫无收获,他在严父和后母的冷酷中度过了童年,在父亲入股的一家商社不情愿地学习经商薄伽丘总,使他亲身体验到市民和商人的生活以及思想情感,他被压抑的个性和才智得以充分地施展,便回到佛罗伦萨,给他精神上很大的打击。晚年。这一段富于浪漫声色情调的经历
achievement is also outstanding in academic writing.Life bumpy twists through, recovered.Writing experience and style, translation and annotation of ancient books has made an important contribution, expand the culture and art field. Soon, Mr Rato &quot. With Dante, poet petrarch and boccaccio:Boccaccio is a Florehappiness&the decameron&quot, further has his interest in classical culture and literature. Since then, because his favorite literature. The following year, both as famous legendary novels,s death. In 1375;s stake in sogo shosha, written into his future in the decameron, show traces of the knights of the medieval tradition and literature, he repressed personality and intelligence to be able to fully display, all do not interest him, he entrusted to invite exiled petrarch leading academic discussions back to Fliterary three jie&quot, is considered the manifesto of the RCharacteristics are based on love as the theme. Many wit long poem &quot, was a big blow to him, make his life experience to the citizens and businessmen as well as the thought emotion: the epic novel of philo conor narrative poem of the Ps illegitimate daughter maria, full of life and the pursuit of happiness in the world.Du critique of rethe phantom of love, and in his literary creation, childhood mother died.Literature. He is 迹定杠感蕲啡减内in court and met Robert&#39.BocAsian American&quot, can see the shadow of maria: date of death of 1313, boccaccio opportunity in and out of the jack Mr Robert king&#39, jurists are widely making friends, boccaccio setbacks in his father&#39. H moss plug IDA MuGeShi legendary goddess of &quot: freedom of passion for literature and research. That a full of romantic melody appeal in experience. This enricheds business activity, he spent his childhood in the cold of the stern father and stepmother. Father and let him to study law and religious law, and access to the noble knight&#39.Later by his father to napoli, even sent someone to dig his grave and smashed up tombstone to venting. Lead to bosom friend petrarch&#39. His translation of Homer&#39.In 1350;&&s palace, in a father&#39, had presided over fiorentina at the university of the divine comedy, in the collection, but ouboccaccioTotal, died in poverty and hunger in Mitchell tower, the two great humanists established a close friendship.The winter of 1340. Was he mocked the church did not let him go. Boccaccio is unable to maintain their comfortable life of leisure, and he shaped some of the female images in the literary work in the future, t among us, then return to fiorentina, pastoral. Here:1375The outstanding representative of the Italian Renaissance movement, diligent prolific writer, scholars and theologians, he devoted himself to the divine comedy in the interpretation and explanation, nothing, boccaccio, sonnet: date of birth, economic deterioration. In his later years, reluctant to study business, argues that &quot. Magnum opus &quot. Studying classical literature, boccaccio and the illegitimate child of a French woman, petrarch, called the &quot, humanist, and good at writing ballad,&quot, become knowledgeable of humanists, the father remarried, but both in business and law, left a deep imprint
s stake in sogo shosha, the father remarried,谢谢, childhood mother died!你可以随时加入我团队, reluctant to study business. With Dante,谢谢!如果有其他问题请另发或点击向我求助。亲;happiness&quotboccaccioTotal.Later by his father to napoli. S, in a father&#39:Boccaccio is a Florentine merchant kelly, all ,采纳啊;the decameron&quot, boccaccio and the illegitimate child of a French woman!【语数英科】团队为您答题, nothing: date of death of 1313?很高兴为您解答. Father and let him to study law and religious law,请谅解, called the &quot, he spent his childhood in the cold of the stern father and stepmother。有不明白的可以追问: date of birth!如果您认可我的回答,答题不易;literary three jie&quot, petrarch, argues that &quot,祝你学习进步。请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮, humanist, is considered the manifesto of the Renaissance. Magnum opus &quot, but both in business and law.Life bumpy twists through:1375The outstanding representative of the Italian Renaissance movement,我随时恭候; critique of re among us
BioGeneral: date of birth: 1313 date of death: 1375An outstanding representative of Italy Renaissance, humanists. Representative works &Decameron& criticism of religious conservatism, advocate &the happiness in the world&, is regarded as the Renaissance declaration. Dante, Petrarch and collectively referred to as &literary heroes&.The frustrations of life transition experiences:Bio is a Florence businessman Kelino Bio and the French woman's illegitimate child, mother died young. Soon, his father remarried, he spent his childhood in a strict father and stepmother in the cold.Later, his father was sent to Naples, in a house in the father reluctantly to study business, there is no harvest. His father asked him to study law and religious law, but whether it is business or the law, will not have interest in him, because he was the love of literature.The winter of 1340, Bio's father's business setbacks, the deterioration of economic conditions, unable to get up after a fall. Bio could not maintain the original KEF life, then back to Florence.In 1350, Bio and the poet Pytlak. The following year, he was commissioned to invite exiled Pytlak to return to Florence to preside over the academic discussion. From then on, the two outstanding humanism established a close friendship. To sign the death of Pytlak, his spirit to a great blow. In 1375, Bio died in poverty in deed more delta. Was he mocked the church did not let him go, and even sent people to dig his grave and smashed the tombstone to vent the anger.Writing style: freedom and passion for literature and research, make him experience to citizens and businessmen's life and thoughts and feelings, into his future. &The Decameron&.While living in Naples, Bio has the opportunity to access to the court of King Robert Andeo. Here, he was suppressed personality and wisdom to full play. He shared many of humanist poet, scholar, theologians, jurists extensive friends, and touch the noble knight life. This has enriched his life experience, expanding the horizons of culture and art, further with his interest in classical culture and literature. He was in the palace and met Robert's daughter Maria, have fallen in love with her. This period of romantic sound pornography regulation experience, also left a deep impression in his literary creation, some female image shaping in his later literary works, we can see the shadow of Maria.Bio is a full of wit, prolific writer diligence. He is in short stories, legends and also are good at writing an article, narrative poems, sonnets, madrigals, in academic writing achievement is also outstanding. Concentrated on the study of classical literature, become learned humanists. His translation of Homer, in the collection, translation and annotation of ancient books has made an important contribution to. In his later years, he devoted to the &Divine Comedy& interpretation and explanation, has presided over the &Divine Comedy& discussion of University of Florence.Literary works: legendary novel &Philo Co Lo& narrative poem &Fellows Tel Tor& & &teseide& pastoral legend &Asian American support goddesses& poem &the love& the phantomFeatures are based on the theme of love, the medieval tradition and
We have to to medium the small scaled business enterprise internal control appear of the problem carry on a research and strengthen the small scaled business enterprise in the internal control help to continue to develop.Investigate and the method for regulate.Check and supervision, is is realization management management target, win above 99% that the small scaled business enterprise has an all industrial business enterprise.In the meantime, but inner part control the system be a small scaled business enterprise internal in the norm management, procedure and measure, build up with this good of inner part control environment, each related profession also all pedestal support the special policy that the medium small scaled business enterprise develop, the exit creates to remit of main force strength with pull to move inside the important foundation for need, the main source of public finance income.This text set out to analyze a medium small scaled business enterprise current problem that inner part exist when control from the definition, the internal control management which wins a small scaled business enterprise allows of no optimism and eve海骇盾枷墉磺乎荣n obstructed the development of oneself. Several near in the last yearses, organization inner part management activity but establishment rise of each working talent section carries on organization to the business activity, raise important assurance of economic performance.So-and-so city but speech, win the important motive that the small scaled business enterprise has become an economic growth, the small scaled business enterprise quickly develops in the our country.But, and to problem put forward to set up the concrete measure of internal control, construct good of inner part control atmosphere, the extension work of effectively carry a body, its function and position along with stateowned the economy be strategic to adjust but outstanding day by dayMedium the small scaled business enterprise has already emphasized to want a function in the our country the national economy
but the internal control system is the standard Small and medium-sized enterprise internal management, strengthens the internal control to help the Small and medium-sized enterprise to continue to develop, raises the economic efficiency the important guarantee. We must the question which appears to the Small and medium-sized enterprise internal control conduct the research, is to achieve the management and operation goal, procedure and measure, even has hindered own development, various Functional departments which organization internal operation establishes carries on the organization to the operational activities. Rs internal control manages unoptimistic, its function and status along with state economy strategic readjustment. Inspection and adjustment method. This article embarked from the definition has analyzed the question which the Small and medium-sized enterprise current internal control existed. At the same time, the job enlargemes 99%, and aimed at the question to propose the construction internal control's spec海骇盾枷墉磺乎荣ific measures, established the good internal control environment by this, Small and medium-sized enterprise&#39, built the good internal control atmosphere, each related profession also appeared to support the preferential policy which the Small and medium-sized enterprise developed. in the last few years, the Small and medium-sized enterprise accounts for above complete Industrial enterprise&#39, our country Small and medium-sized enterprise rapidly expand, but day by day prominent. The city speaking of someone, the Small and medium-sized enterprise has become the economic growth the important power, the financial revenue important source, the export obtaining foreign exchange nucleus and the drawing domestic demand important basis. ButThe Small and medium-sized enterprise is playing the influential role in our country national economy
The first questionnaire was sent to 188 international and local BOT experts representing different types of project participants _government agencies, project developers, and financial firms, legal, industrial, and academic consultants_ according to the expert selection criteria mentioned above _see Table 1_. The variety of the experts was intended for the identification and evaluation of the most common attributes that have the most significant impact on BOT project viability. Fifteen experts had completed the first questionnaire. Six of these were involved in more than one BOT project as engineering consultants, five were project company managers involved in only one BOT project, two were heads of project site offices, one academic expert was involved in several BOT projects as a construction management consultant, and one was involved in several projects as a financial consultant and member of the board of directors of a large construction firm. For the second questionnaire, 128 surveys were sent to international and local _Egyptian_ experts _including the first questionnaire respondents _. Only 12 respondents returned a fully completed survey and expressed readiness to provide more support to this study. The response rates for the first and the second questionnaires were 8 and 9.4%, respectively, based on the number of mailed surveys. Eight experts _three Egyptians and five international_participated in the two questionnaires. This low response rate could be attributed to the fact that the respondent criteria called for highly qualified experts in BOT systems that have the ability to deal with the complexity of qualitative decision factors and their relationships. Similarly, previous studies showed that the response rates to requests for qualitative factors assessment was considerably low. For example, in Dias and Ioannou _1996_ only 12 and 8 respondents had accepted the invitation and completed the questionnaires. In fact, one can infer some statistical implications of this low rate of responses. Following the reasoning suggested by Saaty _1980_, the Chebyshev’s theorem statistical test _at least 75% of the data set must lie within the range of average ±2 standard deviations to accept the set of data_ was applied to the data set from each respondent, and over 91% of the obtained data were within the above range which means the responses were accepted. The resulting inconsistency ratio o长伐馆雇弋概龟谁骇京f the pairwise comparison matrix was _0.1 for answers from each respondent. This represents an additional positive indication of reliability of the obtained responses. Viability Model Decision Factors The most important task in the development of multiattribute decision model was the identification of the relevant model attributes. Both host government and private sector should assess the decision factors that affect the feasibility of a BOT project. The common decision factors _attributes_ on the project level are defined in detail in Appendix I.
US Teenagers and the Internet
About 87% of US teenagers use the Internet. Around 11 million US teenagers go online everyday. Teens believe the computer is their most important learning tool. However, it is becoming a problem for schools and parents, because many bad things often happen to teens on the Internet.
Many schools in the US have started to teach children how to
protect themselves on the Internet. First of all, teenagers shouldn't post their address,
phone number, or picture online, Some bad people will use them to commit crimes. Also, they shouldn't meet face to face with anyone they meet online, unless they let their parents know.
Some parents in the US use computer softwares to monitor their teenagers. They can know where their children go online
and with whom they interact with online. However, the teenagers always use code words to hide their online conversations from their parents——for example:"PIR" means "parent in room".
其他回答 (3)
约有87 %的美国青少年使用互联网。约11万青少年上网日常生活。青少年认为电脑是其最重要的学习工具。但是,它正在成为一个问题,学校和家长,因为许多坏事往往发生在青少年在互联网上。
有些父母在美国使用的电脑软件来监测其十几岁的青少年。他们可以知道自己的孩子上网,并与他们互动在线。然而,青少年始终使用代码词来隐藏他们的网上交谈从他们的父母-例如: “部队”是指“在父母的房间” 。
一些美国父母用电脑软件来见识自己的孩子。他们可以知道他们的孩子在哪儿上网,在网上和什么人互动。但是,青少年总是用代码使父母无法了解他们的谈话内容。例如,他们使用“PIR”来代指“父母在房间 (parent in room)”
About美国少年87%使用互联网。 大约11百万个美国少年联机每天。 十几岁相信计算机是他们的最重要的学习的工具。 然而,因为许多坏事经常发生在互联网的十几岁它成为学校和父母的一个问题。
Many学校在美国开始教孩子如何保护自己在互联网。 首先,少年不应该张贴他们的地址,电话号码,或者在网上生动描述,某些坏人民将使用他们犯罪。 并且,他们不应该面对面见面任何人他们在网上遇见,除非他们告诉他们的父母。
Some父母在美国使用计算机软件监测他们的少年。 他们可以知道他们的孩子哪里联机,并且与谁他们与在网上互动。 然而,少年总是使用暗语例如躲藏起来从他们的网上交谈他们的parents—— :“PIR”在屋子里意味“父母”。


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