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Does He Like Me? 9 Signs He Is InterestedUpdated on October 6, 2014
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Is there a guy you like, and are you wondering if he likes you back? This post highlights some of the surefire signs that a guy is into you. While some guys are so confident they'll just go up and ask a girl out, not all guys are that brave. If you want to know whether he's working up the courage or thinking of you as one of the guys, you can examine his behavior for any of the following signs that he's into you.1) You Catch Him Looking at You
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Many guys start off just by looking at you. You may even have caught him looking over you. He may have responded by quickly looking away, or by making eye contact and smiling at you. If you see a guy staring at you, he's more likely than not working up the initiative to come up and talk to you.
Likewise, A guy who sneaks glances at you may similarly be waiting for the right moment to talk to you. Either way, if a guy enjoys looking at you, he definitely is captivated by you. It could be something you're wearing or something you're doing at that moment. If he smiles or looks nervous when you see him looking at you, either could be a sign he likes you.2) He Makes a Point to Talk to You
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If a guy just suddenly strikes up a conversation with you, it could be that you got his attention and he wants to get to know you better before asking you out. If he started to talk to you out of the blue, it's a fairly strong sign he's interested. Why else would he go to all the trouble of talking to you if he didn't at least think you were cool? If he seems very friendly, that is also a good sign. Of course, some guys are just sociable by nature. But if you see sign number three, then you can be fairly confident he's interested.3) He Shows Off Around You
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A guy who is a bit more forward will likely show his interest by trying to impress you. Maybe he'll tell you about something he did he's especially proud of, or just casually let it slip what kind of car he drives, or that he's training for a marathon. Truth is, if at any point it seems like he is trying to impress you there is a very strong chance he likes you. The number one thing guys do when interested in a girl is to show her what they are made of and what they have. They want you to think they're a catch - that other girls would snap them up given the chance. He hopes that by making himself seem more high status, you'll be more attracted to him.4) He Teases You
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If a guy teases you a lot - gives you embarrassing nicknames, or makes fun of you, or touches you small ways - then it's very likely he's interested in you. Though he might just be joking around, guys will often show their interest indirectly by being playful. Doing so allows him to express his interest without the risk of rejection. One typical example of this dynamic is when you ask him to do something and he says "no" or "make me" in a playful manner. Guys like to sometimes show dominance as a way of teasing girls. Some guys take this too far and can be downright nasty and immature to girls they like. If you notice that he only acts that way some of the times, then it's possible he just wants you to notice him and doesn't know how to get your attention in a mature way.5) He Spends Lots of Time With You
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A guy who likes you will try to find excuses to spend a lot of time with you, hoping that you'll become interested in him too. Some guys might take this too far and follow you around wherever you go like a lost puppy or suddenly turn up in your usual hang-out places. That can quickly go from being sweet to being pathetic and kind of creepy. He may also do things he knows you're into - like horseback riding or ice skating - as a way of telling you he'd be into doing those activities with you. The big sign is if he blows off his male friends to spend time with you. Guys will tease an aspiring Romeo who choose spending time with a girl over time with them. So if he’s willing to put up with friends making fun of him, then you know he's into you.6) He Gets You Little Gifts Just Because
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Guys do tend to be very logical when showing interest in girls, and it can be quite typical that if a guy likes you he will go out of his way for you to buy you a gift. A gift is a very big sign he either likes you or values your long term friendship. He may also compliment you on something like your hair, makeup, or clothes.If you feel like he is being overly nice, then he is probably a straightforward guy trying to impress you. Personally I think this is one of the things a guy does when he is totally clueless of how to show interest in a girl.7) He Asks For Your Number
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Some guys will take their time to ask a girl so as not to rush things or pressure her. If he asks you to go out during the weekend when you've only just met, he likely thinks you're relationship material. If he asks for your number, he definitely wants to be part of your life and if he asks if you have a boyfriend, he's clearly angling for the position himself and is planning to ask you out.8) He Remembers Small Details
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If he's good about remembering your birthday, or other small details about you, that's another good sign he has a big ol' crush on you. Either he wants to impress you with the fact that he can remember these small things or he's thinking about you so much that he cannot help but remember.9) He's Always Happy to See You and Gets Jealous of Other Guys
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A guy is always happy to see the girl he likes. If he seems excited to see you, then it is likely you are the girl he likes and wants in his life. He may also get jealous or sad when you flirt with other guys. Some guys will lose interest if you flirt with others guys because they'll interpret it as sign you're not interested. On the other hand, some guys will pursue you even harder if they see you flirting with other guys since they're worried they might lose you to someone else. Want my advice? If your'e going to make a guy jealous, don't to it to the point of hurting him and scaring him off. Do it moderately, girls!
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(0.38 sec)-Does it matter if I give up this time?-It(does matter)if you dn.You won't heve another time-Does it matter if I give up this time?-It(does matter)if you dn.You won't heve another time括号处填的为什么不是does是does matter_百度作业帮
-Does it matter if I give up this time?-It(does matter)if you dn.You won't heve another time-Does it matter if I give up this time?-It(does matter)if you dn.You won't heve another time括号处填的为什么不是does是does matter
-Does it matter if I give up this time?-It(does matter)if you dn.You won't heve another time-Does it matter if I give up this time?-It(does matter)if you dn.You won't heve another time括号处填的为什么不是does是does matter
其实意义上来讲,不加matter也能说通.加上只是使意思更加明了.不只是“确实是这样”,而且是“确实有关系”.所以还是假话说那个意思更清楚.何况后边还有个do 两个实际指代的东西不同.后面的do是give up 的替代.
汉译:——我要是这次放弃了,碍事吗?——那可不行,你没有机会了。这里does matter表示强调,语法书之为matter单数第三人称it的强语势。另外,原文第二行有拼写错误,应为:--It does matter if you don't. You won't have another time.


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