
英语求大神教我我班大多数学生今年13岁.Most of the ______ in our class are ____
英语求大神教我我班大多数学生今年13岁.Most of the ______ in our class are ________ ________ _________this year.Daniel 来自于南京,他学习很好.Daniel comes from Nanjing.He _______very_______.Many girls are good at English.(对画线部分提问)English 画线______ ________ ________many girls ________ _______?
Most of the students in our class are thirteen years old this year.Daniel comes from Nanjing. He learns very well.What subjects are many girls good at? 再问: 根据首字母填单词 Joan likes Chinese classes very much and likes s Chinese with us after class. On Saturdays,Joan goes to the People's Park with Chinese f . 再答: Joan likes Chinese classes very much and likes saying Chinese with us after class. On Saturdays,Joan goes to the People's Park with Chinese friends .再问: speaking比较合理
与《英语求大神教我我班大多数学生今年13岁.Most of the ______ in our class are ____》相关的作业问题
wellto comethe new member ofIn his spare timeWhat does he enjoy do?the member of
大学考2级英语?四级吧,2级从来没听说过,只知道有3级的 再问: 嗯,大学2级 再答: 那你看过2级的英语么?你可以先做下真题之类的,然后发现自己的薄弱环节,按照这些问题逐一去复习呗!如果时间很紧的话我建议你还是保持一个好的心态去对付考试,英语这个东西是一个积累的过程,不是短期内就能有很大的变化的!
再问: 那13题您会吗 再答: a等2 再答: b等1再问: 我知道了再问: 是不是a等于2 b等于1再问: 请问你的QQ号是多少 您想给的话就给 不行给的话就算了 谢谢您告诉了我 再答:
1 Children are very happy (as well) on weekends2 Sometimes children may (give ) their parents (a help).Sometimes children may (help ) their parents (do housewor
小升初你没补课吗?只要认认真真的跟着老师来就行啊,小学英语很基础,你肯定是犯懒这个毛病,小学基础打好了以后就容易学了,你哪方面不会啊,语法还是词组? 再问: 小升初我没补课。每节课都很认真的听,但是还是不行,顺便说一句,我英语什么都不好。 再答: 光认真听是不行的,你没学过思而不学则罔,学而不思则殆的道理吗?按说小学英
要记好英语单词;特别是课本后面的.常读英语课文,做到朗朗上口.尽量去背诵重要的课文,这样可以培养语感.对以后极有帮助.多练习,将所学的知识巩固.这是我的建议;希望对你有帮助. 再答: 回答问题不易;希望能帮到你。如果满意请采纳我的答案,谢谢。
连接副词可分为两类,一类是用于连接句子或从句,常见的有therefore,besides,otherwise,however,moreover,still,thus,meanwhile等;另一类是用于引导从句或不定式,主要的有when,why,where,how 等.
Dear Alice,I hope everything goes well with you when you see this letter.I remeber you have said you are looking forward to Chinese new year festival,as you kno
My parents and I go to Wutai mountian today .this is a very beautiful place.First we climb the mountain,then we have a rest because we are very tired.After that
Hello,I'm middle school student.In my class,our English teacher is a Englishman called Lee.Mr Lee is very interesting,but he is also strict with us.He encourage
抄倒小本子上去随身携带平时没事就多拿出来记记,英语单词也可以这样背噢~然后新学的课文多读两遍,画出重点句子,最好是能背下来。放假没事的话可以自己造造句什么的 再答: 当然最重要的就是上课认真听做好笔记啦,不懂的就要主动去问老师再问: 怎么做好阅读理解,总感觉读不懂 再答: 这就要靠你平时的积累啦 再答: 首先该掌握的单
Dear xx,I am going to watch the climbing race on Oct 8 in Jinan.Monkey team is my favourate team will be there.I can't wait to be there.I am writing this letter
1提高听力 网址在.cn/gaokao//.shtml 教你怎么提高 2提高学习效率 网址/f?kz=培养兴趣 网址/f?kz=17SEO面试的技巧 大神教你如何去面试_百度文库
SEO面试的技巧 大神教你如何去面试


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