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1807 年马礼逊把纯正福音传入中国 那时候他们也会过圣诞节的吧
19世纪中叶前后开始,西方人再度开始进入中国,并以各种媒介带来西方的新知识。西学东渐 盛行 清政府派留学生 搞洋务
五四以后 崇洋媚外盛行 更是有不信基督教的人随洋风来过圣诞节了
不知道圣诞节是什么开始在中国流行的了,我觉得流行最大的推动力就是那些商家 中国人过洋节,还是人家的“春节”,有什么含义啊?改革开放后,开始与外界有了大的接触,也接受人家的文化,但是还是那句话,商家是最先看好这个节日的 当然我不是反对,现代人生活节奏紧张,这样那样的节日多了,可以和家人团聚一下,也挺好的 但是这洋节最大的赢家就是商家,就算大促销,他一天的营业额就能顶平时半个月甚至更多,所以,他们恨不得让中国人过上全世界的节日 所以,老百姓呢,我认为就平平淡淡就行了,你要愿意呢,到商场逛一逛,或许还便宜点,如果搞个家庭晚宴聚一聚也挺好的。
圣诞节并不是中国的传统节日,因此也就无所谓“习俗”。是个舶来的节日,大家借这个机会热闹热闹而已。 所谓习俗,是千中国过圣诞节没有特别的习俗。 百年来沉淀下来的文化底蕴方有习中国过圣诞节没有特别的习俗。中国过圣诞节没有特别的习俗。 就是在平安夜吃苹果象征着平平安安。
"Christmas in China"
Sub-division of
English translation: Huang Hong-yun
Order by: Huang Hong-yun
Interview: DaiJun keys, T. J.
Collection of materials: Houya Qi, Xiao-Mei Sun, Jin Chao a, Zhao Jin
How Christmas was introduced into China?
AD 440 years, the Holy See set December 25 for Christmas. AD 1607, church leaders from around the world gathered in Bethlehem, and further to be determined from most of the world's Christians are December 25 for Christmas.
Matteo Ricci (October 6,
years, May 11) is a Catholic missionary in China, one of the pioneers. He succeeded in Beijing audience with the emperor, but also in the scholar-officials to establish a good reputation and relationships in the future other missionaries opened the door to enter China, but also created more than 200 years in the future the activities of missionaries in China by: on the one hand with the spread of Christianity in C the other hand, using natural science knowledge to win the goodwill of the Chinese people. Such as the Italian missionary Matteo Ricci in China has achieved great success. 1605, Beijing, 200 people were Catholic, of which several more Gongqing minister. This is among the most famous, and it is then the greatest impact is the academician Xu Guangqi jinshi origin.
Some people are likely to Christmas time Oh
1807 Morrison to pure gospel was introduced to China at that time they will be Christmas in bar
Beginning around the mid-19th century, Westerners once again begun to enter China, and a variety of media to bring new knowledge in the West. Western Learning prevalence of the Qing government sent students engage in foreign affairs
Eastward in the late Qing studies that Posey, the new Western-style schools began to gradually established, and has become an important means to study Western learning, the early Western-style schools, mostly Westerners, especially established by the Church.
They are locked on to Christmas
54 After the worshiper of foreign things more prevalent there is a person who does not believe Christianity came with the Western style of Christmas
How do Chinese people look at Christmas?
Do not know what Christmas is popular in China, started, and I think the biggest driving force in popular are those businesses
Chinese Guo Yang Festival, or the people's "Spring Festival," What is the meaning of ah? Reform and opening up, we began to have a large contact with the outside world, but also to accept other people's culture, but then again, businesses are optimistic about this first holiday
Of course, I do not oppose modern pace of life stress, such as the festival many times, can look at their families, but also quite good
But the biggest winner in this section is that foreign merchants, even if the big promotion, he will be able to top the day's turnover usually two weeks or more, so they wished for the Chinese people to lead the world's festivals
So, people do, I think it will not always pan out on the line, and you have to be willing to do, to shopping malls around, perhaps cheaper, if it is put forward a family dinner get together is also quite good.
What are the Christmas customs in China?
Christmas is not a traditional Chinese holidays and, therefore, does not matter, "customs." Is an Exotic holiday, we take this opportunity just busy busy.
The so-called customs, is a 1000 Chinese Christmas no particular customs. To settle down in a hundred years of cultural heritage learning Chinese side has no special Christmas customs. China Christmas no particular customs. Christmas Eve eat an apple is a symbol of safely.
How did you think of Christmas?
Some people say that Christmas is a foreign cultural invasion Others say that the Chinese go to the world toward internationalization. I personally believe that Christmas is a festival only, but also can be used as a holiday to let themselves and their friends then Christmas can be together for a lively fun, but I am also very much agree with the latter said to the world, but China's claim.
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She is a teacher, one likes to smile, mention teachers.Teachers medium height, long hair draped over his shoulders, gave us in her lecture, I will feel that she loved to sing, and sing very well to listen to itAlthough the first time seeing her gave me a very strong feeling, but when the teacher said the first word, sing a song after a while, I get the feeling that she's agreeable thenIn our difficulties, when the teacher will wake us forget our fun times, the teacher will remind us. In our time of school hours, teachers will be chatting with us. Although the teachers and our parents the same age, but the face of the current fashion trends, she was not backward.She always gave me a us as her own child's own feelings,Is such a teacher, let us have an interest in the English language, let us have confidence in everything,Is such a teacher, my English teacher
Baby! I walked, with regret leaving this doesn't suit my survival place, I have to go to a very far place! Heaven! Sorry! One of my biggest regrets is you, never in my life have I can marry to you, ha ha! You think I whether very useless, I lose very shabby, lose climb all not climb up that I lost to you, lost to love, I love you, you know? You are my goal, I need you! Baby! I know that you like me, but why do you want to give up, give up our dreams, baby! I must go now, you don't think I oh, also don't be sad. I don't want to see you aren't happy! Your body poor! Take good care of yourself! You will find a good boys than me, baby! Life in see! Baby! I'll wait for you in the helpless on the bridge, I won't drink the soup!
其他回答 (2)
Baby! I walked, with regret leaving this doesn&t suit my survival place, I have to go to a very far place! Heaven! Sorry! One of my biggest regrets is you, never in my life have I can marry to you, ha ha! You think I whether very useless, I lose very shabby, lose climb all not climb up that I lost to you, lost to love, I love you, you know? You are my goal, I need you! Baby! I know that you like me, but why do you want to give up, give up our dreams, baby! I must go now, you don&t think I oh, also don&t be sad. I don&t want to see you aren&t happy! Your body poor! Take good care of yourself! You will find a good boys than me, baby! Life in see! Baby! I&ll wait for you in the helpless on the bridge, I won&t drink the soup!
Baby! I walked, with regret leaving this doesn&t suit my survival place, I have to go to a very far place! Heaven! Sorry! One of my biggest regrets is you, never in my life have I can marry to you, ha ha! You think I whether very useless, I lose very shabby, lose climb all not climb up that I lost to you, lost to love, I love you, you know? You are my goal, I need you! Baby! I know that you like me, but why do you want to give up, give up our dreams, baby! I must go now, you don&t think I oh, also don&t be sad. I don&t want to see you aren&t happy! Your body poor! Take good care of yourself! You will find a good boys than me, baby! Life in see! Baby! I&ll wait for you in the helpless on the bridge, I won&t drink the soup 这是我找的翻译 希望能帮到你


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