
我的爷爷是一位教师等句子的英文.1我爷爷是一位教师 2我爸爸喜欢看报纸,但我妈妈不喜欢 3你不能喝太多可乐 4我没有钱买冰激凌吃了 5 昨天早上8点钟,我正在吃早餐 的英文_百度作业帮
我的爷爷是一位教师等句子的英文.1我爷爷是一位教师 2我爸爸喜欢看报纸,但我妈妈不喜欢 3你不能喝太多可乐 4我没有钱买冰激凌吃了 5 昨天早上8点钟,我正在吃早餐 的英文
1 My grandfather was a teacher.(如果还在教,那就 was 改成 is)2 My father likes to read newspaper,but my mother does not like it.3 You can not drink too much of Coke.4 I do not have money to buy ice cream and eat.5 I was having breakfast at 8 o'clock yesterday morning,教你们一句英文好了:你是一个二的不能再二的二货。_神经病有所好转吧_百度贴吧
You are nobody but a 二货。。。
1楼 13:15&|
2楼 13:15&|
其实 you are nothing but a 二货 更好。。。。
3楼 13:16&|
/(☀o☀)/~~教你一句纯法语nis hiy igee rdeb unen gza ierd eerh uo
4楼 13:17&|
Gluckliches Neues Jahr
貌似u上面带两点。。 打不出来。。
5楼 13:19&|
来来来来 基础西班牙语 念一遍yo soy
Dos bienes- -
6楼 13:23&|
哥来句英语 You are the twoest twogoods. 匿了
7楼 13:26&|
Ni shi a two two two two man…我才是鹰歌裂屎帝,这翻译,太纯了,大不列颠都这水平!
8楼 13:33&|
9楼 13:35&|
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或1.情人介绍日本留学生做自己的学友 2.可以帮我翻译一下日本电视剧吗 3.不明白日语句子的意思,向人请教。_百度知道
1.情人介绍日本留学生做自己的学友 2.可以帮我翻译一下日本电视剧吗 3.不明白日语句子的意思,向人请教。
1 .恋人の绍介が日本の留学生を自分の同级生だった2 .日本のドラマをしてくれるだろうか3 .わからないで、日本语のセンテンスの意味を受けます
1 .恋人の绍介が日本の留学生を自分の同窓生2 .日本のドラマをしてくれるか3 .わからないで、日本语のセンテンスの意味を受けます。
1.在这家商店工作的那位姑娘是我表姐.The girl who works in this shop is my cousin.2.我上学期买的相机出了毛病.The camera that I bought last semester has some problems.3.那位来自美国的外国人教我们英语.The foreigner who comes from America teaches us English.4.我喜欢他昨天送给我的那支钢笔.I like the pen that he gave to me yesterday.5.穿白衣服的那位男子是来自北京大学的教授.The man who is in white is a professor of Beijing University.
That girl who works in this shop is my cousin.The camera which I bought last term was broken.The foreigner who comes from America teaches us English.I like the pen which he bought me yesterday.The man in white is a professor who comes from the Beijing University.
1.That girl who works in the shop is my cousin.2.The camera which was bought last term doesn't work.英语翻译I am a question to the world,[00:21.30]Not an answer to be heard.[00:24.89]All a moment that's held in your arms.[00:29.85]And what do you think you'd ever say?[00:34.10]I don't listen anyway?[00:37.46]You ignore me,[00:39.37]And I will never be what you want me to be_百度作业帮
英语翻译I am a question to the world,[00:21.30]Not an answer to be heard.[00:24.89]All a moment that's held in your arms.[00:29.85]And what do you think you'd ever say?[00:34.10]I don't listen anyway?[00:37.46]You ignore me,[00:39.37]And I will never be what you want me to be.[03:35.22][03:06.87][02:38.79][02:10.68][01:43.67][01:16.15][00:43.97][00:49.36]And what do you think you'd understand?[00:53.55]I'm a boy,not a man.[00:56.95]You can take me and throw me away.[01:02.21]And how can you learn what's never shown?[01:06.49]Yeah,you stand here all alone.[01:09.87]They don't know me 'cause I'm not here.[03:07.57][02:11.46][01:16.94]And I want a moment to be real,[03:13.21][02:16.30][01:21.12]Wanna touch things I don't feel,[03:16.62][02:19.78][01:24.49]Wanna hold on and feel I belong.[03:21.78][02:23.91][01:29.47]And how can the world want me to change,[03:26.23][02:29.17][01:33.92]They're the ones that stay the same.[01:37.12]The don't know me,[01:39.13]'Cause I'm not here.[01:44.64]And you see the things they never see[01:48.85]All you wanted,I could be[01:52.00]Now you know me,and I'm not afraid[01:57.07]And I wanna tell you who I am[02:01.77]Can you help me be a man?[02:05.06]They can break me[02:06.96]As long as I know who I am[02:32.46]They can't see me,[02:34.18]But I'm still here.[02:40.83]They can't tell me who to be,[02:46.69]'cause I'm not what they see.[02:52.46]And the world is still sleepin?[02:54.23]While I keep on dreamin?for me.[02:58.84]And they'll want to just whispers,[03:00.98]And lies that I'll never believe.[03:29.31]I'm the one now,[03:38.18][03:31.49]'cause I'm still here.[03:36.41]I'm the one,[03:48.02][03:44.78][03:41.38]I'm still here.
去你的 go to the hellI am a question to the world,我对这个世界有一个看法[00:21.30]Not an answer to be heard.没有一个答案放在心上[00:24.89]All a moment that's held in your arms.一会举起你的双臂[00:29.85]And what do you think you'd ever say?你认为你曾说过什么?[00:34.10]I don't listen anyway?怎样我都不听[00:37.46]You ignore me,你不回答我[00:39.37]And I will never be what you want me to be.我将不会做你想我做的任何事[00:49.36]And what do you think you'd understand?你认为你懂了什么[00:53.55]I'm a boy,not a man.我是一个男孩,不是一个男人[00:56.95]You can take me and throw me away.你能带上我也能扔掉我[01:02.21]And how can you learn what's never shown?你怎能学习从来没有发生的[01:06.49]Yeah,you stand here all alone是的,只有你自己在这.[01:09.87]They don't know me 'cause I'm not here.他们不懂我,当然,我不在这[03:07.57][02:11.46][01:16.94]And I want a moment to be real,我想休息会[03:13.21][02:16.30][01:21.12]Wanna touch things I don't feel,[03:16.62][02:19.78][01:24.49]Wanna hold on and feel I belong.[03:21.78][02:23.91][01:29.47]And how can the world want me to change,[03:26.23][02:29.17][01:33.92]They're the ones that stay the same.[01:37.12]The don't know me,[01:39.13]'Cause I'm not here.[01:44.64]And you see the things they never see[01:48.85]All you wanted,I could be[01:52.00]Now you know me,and I'm not afraid[01:57.07]And I wanna tell you who I am[02:01.77]Can you help me be a man?[02:05.06]They can break me[02:06.96]As long as I know who I am[02:32.46]They can't see me,[02:34.18]But I'm still here.[02:40.83]They can't tell me who to be,[02:46.69]'cause I'm not what they see.[02:52.46]And the world is still sleepin?[02:54.23]While I keep on dreamin?for me.[02:58.84]And they'll want to just whispers,[03:00.98]And lies that I'll never believe.[03:29.31]I'm the one now,[03:38.18][03:31.49]'cause I'm still here.[03:36.41]I'm the one,[03:48.02][03:44.78][03:41.38]I'm still here.
去你的 Go to hell!The hell you are!I am a question to the world, 我是一个问题给了这个世界, [00:21.30]Not an answer to be heard. [00:21.30]不是一个答案,使人听见。 [00:24.89]All a moment that's held...


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