
老师要求写一篇500字的议论文,感觉自己有好多语法错误呀...麻烦大家一起来帮我改改了,谢谢拉..英语一直不是我的强项,这次要求写一篇500字的英语作文,更让我犯难了题目是&论幸福&,写完感觉犯了好多语法错误想请大家一起帮我修改一下谢谢拉..On happinessHappiness has no shape, no color, and no weight. It can’t be seen and touched. So that happiness always is considered as a mysterious thing. Even people think it is hard to posses. To tell the truth, happiness just depends on which view do you perspective. Generally speaking, the one who weep for the past or fear for the future both are not the real happy people. In my opinion, there are no secrets on happiness. Happiness is a simple thing. It means living in the now. That is to say, we are happy if we keep our focus on the present moment. Happiness is willing to follow you as long as you understand how to appreciate all that you have right now.Happiness not belongs to the people who weep for the past. Everyone’s past is filled with regrets that may still cause pain. Whatever happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. That is like you shed tears when you missed the sun. Then you also miss the stars. You can not watch the shining stars with hands cover your eyes. As well as you can not feel the happiness in the present with heart open to the past. But the people who know the meaning of happiness will remind themselves to forget missing the sun instead of remembering to enjoy watching stars. Everyone desires to be a happy people. Why not hold on the memory only allow the damage to continue into the present.Happiness not belongs to the people who fear for the future. Nobody can feel happy to look into the future with eyes of fear. What’s more, people will lose ample happiness for concerned about future. People often do not cherish what they already have but chase for what they can not get. That is like someone mesmerized in imagine being a superstar in some day while reluctant to satisfy with being an excellent student now. In fact, a happy people is who has proper aim but enjoy his actual situation. Many of us, however, are ignorant of the truth.The real happy people is one who is living in the now and enjoying what they have. They cherish and appreciate every moment. They are sensible enough to get fun from daily life. They feel happy because today they solve a problem, not because yesterday they won praise.After all, past is changeless and future is yet to come. Why not enjoy the present and appreciate what you have to be a happy people?
On happiness Happiness has no shape, no color, and no weight. It can’t be seen and touched. So happiness
is always considered as a mysterious thing. Even people think it is hard to posses. To tell the truth, happiness just depends on which view
you perspective. Generally speaking, the ones who weep for the past or fear for the future
are not the real happy people. In my opinion, there are no secrets on happiness. Happiness is a simple thing. It means living in the now. That is to say, we are happy if we keep our focus on the present moment. Happiness is willing to follow you as long as you understand how to appreciate all that you have
now. Happiness does not belong
to the people who weep for the past. Everyone’s past is filled with regrets that it may still cause pain. What happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. That is like you shed tears when you missed the sun. Then you also miss the stars. You can not watch the shining stars with hands covered your eyes. As well as you can not feel the happiness in the present with heart open to the past. But the people who know the meaning of happiness will remind themselves to remember to enjoy watching instead of
missing the sun . Everyone desires to be a happy people. Why not hold on the memory only allow the damage to continue into the present. Happiness not belongs to the people who fear for the future. Nobody can feel happy to look into the future with eyes of fear. What’s more, people will lose ample happiness for concerned about future. People often do not cherish what they already have but chase for what they can not get. That is like someone mesmerized in imagine being a superstar in some day while reluctant to satisfy with being an excellent student now. In fact, a happy people is who has proper aim but enjoy his actual situation. Many of us, however, are ignorant of the truth. The real happy people is one who is living in the now and enjoying what they have. They cherish and appreciate every moment. They are sensible enough to get fun from daily life. They feel happy because today they solve a problem, not because yesterday they won praise. After all, past is changeless and future is yet to come. Why not enjoy the present and appreciate what you have to be a happy people?好好学习 加油!~
英语!英语作文问题.这是暑假作业,我写了几篇.希望大家能帮我指导与修改一下回答:首先应该肯定的是,你的两篇英语作文写得都很好!能够把自己的意思表达得准确而又清楚,用词较准确,标点符号也很规范,打字也很认真.看出来你是一个很认真,具有一丝不苟的学习精神的好学生.现将你信中有点疑问的几处地方列出来,并给出修改意见,谨供你参考,因篇幅关系,未能详细解释.欢迎追问!另:1)高中英语学习中,注意多用定语从句,可使句子言简意赅;2)打字时,标点符号应紧跟在该单词之后,而不是在下一个单词之前;3)平日最好多写此类短文与信件,然后请任课的英语老师给予批改,长此以往,你将大大 提高自己的英语水平!A.1)the situation is easy to change if you take my advice似应改为:which is easy to change if you could take my advice(最好在此处使用非限定性定语从句);2)Here are some tips to help you似应改为:of which h3)to increase opportunities to communicate with others似应改为:to increase the opportunities to communicate(exchange)4)learn to listen to other people's views似应改为:learn to listen to the5)take your loneliness far away似应改为:drive 6)activities can make your life more interesting and colorful似应改为:which could bring you more interesting and more colorful life!7)OK.Don't worry...似应改为:Ok,don't worry...B.1)Dear headteacher---似应改为:Dear Mr./Miss,说明:a) headteachers是“中小学的校长,中小学班主任”之意,英美人士写信时一般是称呼其姓氏并在姓氏之前加Mr./Miss/Ms,而不是直接称呼为:headteacher;b)若用headteacher,首字母须大写!2)...you aren't allowed us...似应改为:you don't allow us you aren't allowed us:此处用被动语态是错误的;3)We know what concerns you and other teachers is the unhealthy websites.应改为:We know what you and the other teachers concern is the unhealthy websites.4)useful study resources似应改为:useful learning materials,或 useful5)to watch the news at home and abroad似应改为:to learn(read) the news...6)so that we broaden horizon---请参考以下内容:so that we coulso that we could brbroaden our visionwiden our sight and richen our knowledge 开阔视野,丰富知识\x09so that it could help us to get wider pers7)as senior high school students似应改为:as the senior high school students8)I hope you can take my advice似应改为:I sincerely hope that you would coIt is appreciated greatly if you would be kind to co(给校长或老师写信,应特别注意,语气要委婉又有礼貌)修改英语作文帮帮我修改这篇英语作文!文章在要求下面.要求一定要看!1.语法一定正确 2.文章意思和我给的中文一样 3.文章大体句式和我给的英语文章一样 4.严禁含糊,严禁瞎蒙,严禁随便,语_百度作业帮
修改英语作文帮帮我修改这篇英语作文!文章在要求下面.要求一定要看!1.语法一定正确 2.文章意思和我给的中文一样 3.文章大体句式和我给的英语文章一样 4.严禁含糊,严禁瞎蒙,严禁随便,语
修改英语作文帮帮我修改这篇英语作文!文章在要求下面.要求一定要看!1.语法一定正确 2.文章意思和我给的中文一样 3.文章大体句式和我给的英语文章一样 4.严禁含糊,严禁瞎蒙,严禁随便,语法不要乱写.本文章至关重要,望网友早日解答!如不符合要求将得不到悬赏,The First ExtractionAs the saying goes:“Toothache is not a disease,pain that is so terrible.” I really agree this sentence,because I used to have this kind of feeling,too.One day,I was having lunch,then I hurt my tooth .The tooth is loose,and it is very pain .So I went to the hospital to see the dentist.At this time,my teeth are so pain.The dentist is so terror.He said deadpan:“Open your mouth!” Then I open my mouth.He put a cold and hard tweezers into my mouth,and between my teeth.I was very tension.And then,the doctor tears my tooth.Oh,my god!It’s too pain.I can’t say a word!treatment of end.I’m so hungry,so my mom takes me to eat something.My tooth isn’t pain.It’s really an interesting experience!中文文章:第一次拔牙俗话说:“牙疼不是病,疼起来真要命.”我十分认同这句话,因为我也有过与此一样的经历.有一天,我正在吃午饭,忽然伤到了我的牙齿.这颗牙齿就松动了,而且十分疼痛,所以我去了医院看牙医.这时,我的牙齿们都很痛.那个牙医很恐怖,他面无表情地说:“张嘴!”然后我张开了嘴巴.他把冰冷、坚硬的镊子伸进了我的口腔,然后拔出了我的牙.我的老天!太疼了,我疼得说不出话来!治疗终于结束了,我非常饿,所以我的妈妈带我去吃了点东西,感觉好像不疼了.这真是一次有趣又可怕的经历!忘了讲,要出现5个词,硬性要求。teeth hungry hurt伤到 dentist tear
As the saying goes,(英语里面没有冒号)"They say toothaches are nothing serious,but once it hurts,it kills.(俗语最好这样写)" I really agree to(agree to stth.赞同…观点)it(可用it指代上述句子),because I used to have the same(这样表述好些)feeling.One day,I was having lunch.Suddenly(“突然”),I hurt my tooth.Then(注意语义连贯),it became(become表瞬间短暂性动作,is表长期持续性状态,改后更符合语境)loose,and I felt(“疼痛”是人的感观,而非事物性质)painful(pain是名词,painful才是形容词).So I went to the hospital to see the dentist.At this time,I had a bad toothache(这才是“牙齿很痛”的正确翻译).The dentist looked(是“牙医看上去恐怖”)terrible(用形容词).“Open your mouth!”said the dentist deadpan.(英语中引用的话语提前,说话人跟在后面,且后面倒装)Then I opened my mouth.He put a pair of(“镊子”最好用a pair of ,指的是由两者组成的“一双;一对”) cold and hard tweezers into my mouth.I was very tension and tears came to my eyes(“眼泪流出来了”,tear最好这么用).At last(强调结果),the dentist pulled out(“拔出”) my tooth.Oh,my god!I was too painful to say a word!(too…to “太…而不能…”,把两句合为一句更连贯)At the end of treatment(At the end of … “在…结束的时候”),I was very hungry,so my mom took me to eat something.Then I didn’t feel painful.It was really an interesting and terrible experience!注:基本错误已指出,另外根据中文意思和英文表述还有要求进行了适当增删建议:1、全文在叙述一件事,应保持时态一致,叙事部分全为过去时,否则就会出现“时态混乱”问题.2、Be 后面接形容词而不是动词3、“非常”最好用very 而不是 so4、注意“中译英”要尽量避免受到中文思维习惯影响,这个需要lz平时多积累
As the saying goes: “Toothache is not a disease actually, *but it will torments you as long as it happens(原句过于刻板).” I totally agree with(同意某事,固定搭配) this sentence because I have had this kind of feelin...
As the saying goes: “Compared with toothache itself, pain matters” I really agree with this sentence, because I used to have this kind of feeling. One day,
when I was having lunch,
I hurt my tooth ....
My First Tooth ExtractionAs the saying goes: “Toothache is not a disease, but the pain is terrible.” I do agree with it, because I had experinced what happened to me. One day, I hurt one of my te...
As the saying goes: “Toothache is not a disease, but the pain is terrible.” I do agree with it, because I had experinced what happened to me. One day, I hurt one of my teeth during my lunch .The tooth was then getting loose. As the result, I was in very bad pain .So I went to see the dentist. At the same time, I experinced terrible pain from all of my teeth. The dentist seemed to be
horrible and in no motion.He said to me: “Open your mouth!” As soon as I opened my mouth, he put a cold and hard tweezers into my mouth, pulling out a tooth. Wow, my god! Too pain to say a word. I was hurt in tears. Eventurally, my treatment was finished.
I was very hungry, so my mom took me to eat something. Afterwards, my tooth was getting better. It was really an interesting but a terrible experience!
As the saying goes:" toothache is not a disease, pain that is so terrible." I very much agree with this sentence, because I also had the same experience. One day, I was having lunch, suddenly hurt my ...
between I and my parents is a wall that make(made) of paper. 望采纳~ 额,对不起,我对英语一窍不通.
没看见要求?!请帮忙看一下这篇英语作文,请修改出其中的错误.My experiences on New Year's DayNew Year is the best important thing for Chinese.On this New Year's Day,I went to my hometown and visit my grandparents.My grandparents live in a small v_百度作业帮
请帮忙看一下这篇英语作文,请修改出其中的错误.My experiences on New Year's DayNew Year is the best important thing for Chinese.On this New Year's Day,I went to my hometown and visit my grandparents.My grandparents live in a small v
请帮忙看一下这篇英语作文,请修改出其中的错误.My experiences on New Year's DayNew Year is the best important thing for Chinese.On this New Year's Day,I went to my hometown and visit my grandparents.My grandparents live in a small villageand the sight is different from the city.During the stay in my grandparents' house,I did lots of things.But there is something makes me very happy .Let me show you about them!In the evening of New Year's Day,my grandpa lit up a fire!The fire was very light,very strong and very warm!We all stood beside the fire and we felt very happy.After that,we were all tired and hungry.So we go back to the room.To our surprise,there were many plates of dumplings on the table.They were made by my grandma.They are delicious and we eat them happily!What a nice day!Although the day is pass,it will always be missed by me!
My experiences on New Year's DayNew Year is the best important 【最重要-most important 】thing【事件-event】 for Chinese.On this New Year's Day,I went to my hometown and visit【过去式-visited】 my grandparents.My grandparents live in a small village and the sight 【风景-scenery,sight表示视野,加一个there】is different from the city.During the stay in my grandparents' house,I did lots of things.But there is something makes me very happy .【转折关系不对...用and更好~】Let me show you about them!In the evening of New Year's Day,my grandpa lit up a fire!The fire was very light【明亮的 用bright 更好】,very strong and very warm!We all stood beside the fire and we felt very happy.After that,we were all tired and hungry.So we go back to the room.To our surprise,there were many plates of dumplings on the table.They were made by my grandma.They are delicious and we eat【过去式-ate】 them happily!What a nice day!Although the day is pass【已经结束要用现在完成时has passed】,it will always be missed by me!【这句话没必要用被动,改 I will always remember it】
  My experiences on New Year's Day
New Year is the 【most】 important thing for Chinese.
【去掉on】This New Year's
Day,I went to my hometown and visit my grandparents. My grandparents live in ...
best-most thing-day is-was makes-made go-went are-were eat-ate is-was always be调换位置(可以吗?)
visited,there are something,so we went back, they were delicious ,we ate them
best改为most visit改为visited makes改为made show改为tell唉,不想看了,,,
best 改成mostnew year's day指元旦. 春节用chinese new year's day你想说的是你回老家过年了. 如果你不是出生在老家,那么就不是hometown.可以说I went to visit my grandparents who lived in another...
My experiences on New Year's Day
New Year is the most important thing for Chinese.
On this New Year's
Day,I went to my hometown and visited my grandparents. My grandparents live in a ...请高手帮我修改下这篇英语作文,是否有语法和句式错误There are many kinds of transportation.For example,riding a bike,driving a car,walking and so on.For most of people,they prefer driving a car to riding a bike.They think driving_百度作业帮
请高手帮我修改下这篇英语作文,是否有语法和句式错误There are many kinds of transportation.For example,riding a bike,driving a car,walking and so on.For most of people,they prefer driving a car to riding a bike.They think driving
请高手帮我修改下这篇英语作文,是否有语法和句式错误There are many kinds of transportation.For example,riding a bike,driving a car,walking and so on.For most of people,they prefer driving a car to riding a bike.They think driving a car is more faster and comfortable than rading a bike.But I'd like to riding a bike.Though it's easy to feel tired,it can help us to keep fit.And it won't bring air polution.Do you agree with me?
1.most of people应该为most people 或者 most of the people2.more faster and comfortable 中faster已经是比较级了,所以不能加more而应该加much,comfortable是多音节词因此比较级加more是对的.因此应改为much faster and more comfortable3.would like to do所以应改为But I'd like to ride a bike.4.好像现在分词短语不能作句子(只有在生活英语或口语中才会用的)所以For example,riding a bike,driving a car,walking and so on.这个句子你可以改一下,加上谓语和(宾语)或者加上系表结构.


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