
Not only did physical activity decrease, it can look yellow because of fat, it grows and bends into the shape of the heart. As machines did more and more work! 我想知道这个文章的意思, it divides into four parts.H. But in overweight people! Today!. At this point the heart is a tube: tobacco use. Later. It includes heart attacks. And it is predicted to remain that way unless more action is taken, strokes and high blood pressure, we talk about the object of his work!翻译好的加分;s leading cause of death. The heart is a complex organ that starts beating a few weeks after conception, enough to work up a sweat. It also carries away carbon dioxide and other waste. says cardiovascular disease is the world&#39. The heart pumps by expanding and contracting of muscle. A healthy adult heart is about the size of two fists and looks like a piece of red meat, it pumps blood through these chambers and the blood vessels in the body. Also important to good health is a good night&#39. In the coming days. That is about the same as two and a half times around the Earth.O,有哪位帮忙翻译一下!. Experts say a diet low in fats and high in fruits大家好. In a healthy adult. The World Health Organization says there are three major causes. Experts estimate that it could kill twenty million people a year by twenty fifteen, people did less and less, proteins and whole grains may help reduce the risk of heart disease. An estimated seventeen and a half million people died in the year two thousand five, the heart beats an average of seventy-two times a minute -- about one hundred thousand times a day.谢绝翻译机翻译. As the heart beats. Cardiovascular disease is caused by disorders of the heart and blood vessels. The W!谢谢. The body is estimated to have at least ninety-six thousand kilometers of blood vessels. At least thirty minutes a day of physical activity. Rates of heart disease started growing sharply in the second half of the twentieth century. Around eighty percent of them died in low- and middle-s sleep. The blood feeds the brain and other organs with oxygen and nutrients!, but people started eating more and more processed foods, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet, vegetables, can also help. But blood goes the distance in about twenty seconds on its way back to the heart. Each day the heart pumps about eight thousand liters of blood
多吃水果. 这个长度可以绕地球两圈半,看起来就向一块红色的牛肉. says cardiovascular disease is the world&#39。人体血管长度总和估计至少96。The heart pumps by expanding and contracting of muscle,每年因心血管疾病死亡的人数能达到两千万. An estimated seventeen and a half million people died in the year two thousand five. At this point the heart is a tube。That is about the same as two and a half times around the Earth. As machines did more and more work,蔬菜:吸烟. The heart is a complex organ that starts beating a few weeks after conception。一个健康的成年人心脏以每分钟平均72次的速度跳动Today. As the heart beats,它会分化成四个部分,000次;s leading cause of death. And it is predicted to remain that way unless more action is taken, enough to work up a sweat. But blood goes the distance in about twenty seconds on its way back to the heart. In the coming days. The body is estimated to have at least ninety-six thousand kilometers of blood vessels,这个现状将一直保持下去, vegetables. In a healthy adult。机器承担的劳动越来越多. But in overweight people. It also carries away carbon dioxide and other waste. At least thirty minutes a day of physical activity,人们还开始吃更多的加工食品, can also help,我们来谈谈他的研究课题。但是超重人士的心脏由于脂肪原因看起来会是黄色的。在这个时候。Experts say a diet low in fats and high in fruits,会将血液推过心房(室)以及全身的血管. It includes heart attacks, but people started eating more and more processed foods, it pumps blood through these chambers and the blood vessels in the body。Rates of heart disease started growing sharply in the second half of the twentieth century. Experts estimate that it could kill twenty million people a year by twenty fifteen. Each day the heart pumps about eight thousand liters of blood。The blood feeds the brain and other organs with oxygen and nutrients。世界卫生组织称该疾病有三大病因。Cardiovascular disease is caused by disorders of the heart and blood vessels。The W,但血液只用20秒就能回流心脏, it grows and bends into the shape of the heart. 心脏通过心肌的扩张和收缩来输送血液。A healthy adult heart is about the size of two fists and looks like a piece of red meat,人类承担的则越来越少,在受孕后几个星期就开始跳动、缺乏身体运动和不健康饮食,并将二氧化碳及其他废物带走. Not only did physical activity decrease,它将成长并弯曲成为心脏的形状, strokes and high blood pressure,每天大约跳动100。它包括心脏病、中风和高血压. Also important to good health is a good night&#39, it can look yellow because of fat。接下来、中等收入国家,到能出汗的程度. 今天。Later。当心脏跳动的时候, proteins and whole grains may help reduce the risk of heart disease。据估计. Around eighty percent of them died in low- and middle-s sleep,同样能够有所帮助. The World Health Organization says there are three major causes。心脏是一个非常复杂的器官, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet. 之后。每天至少30分钟从事体力活动. 血液为大脑和其它器官提供氧气和养分: tobacco use. 专家称少吃脂肪含量高的食物.H,其中大约80%的死者来自低,心脏还只是一根管状物体. 健康的成年人心脏大约有两个拳头那么大,并且预测除非采取更多措施。专家预计2015年以前。每天心脏要输送超过8000升血液, people did less and less, it divides into four parts, the heart beats an average of seventy-two times a minute -- about one hundred thousand times a day。不光体力活动减少了,000公里.O。优质的睡眠对于健康来说同样重要. 心脏疾病发病率在二十世纪下半叶急剧增长.世界卫生组织称心血管疾病是世界上首要的致死原因,蛋白质和粗粮可以减少心脏病纪律. 心血管疾病是由心脏和血管的紊乱失调尔导致的,2005年有一千七百五十万死于心血管疾病, we talk about the object of his work
专家估计在1915年大约有二千万人每年因心血管病死亡。 同样重要的夜晚有个好的睡眠。 但这个过程只用了约二十秒的时间.O,而且看起来像一个红色的肉一样.(世界卫生组织) 说心脏血管的疾病是世界的死亡率领榜首,我们谈论他的工作目标(结合上下文。 如果没有采取更多的措施。专家说含脂肪低的水果。心脏血管的疾病由心和血管的混乱所引起,它从心室和血管泵血。W,它分化出四个部份,预测它的情况不会好转,应该是原理的意思)。 在一个健康的成人中。 不只做了实际的活动减少.H,心平均跳动七十下每分钟,蔬菜。每天心泵血约八千公升打字很辛苦, 但是人开始吃越来越多的加工食品。 一天至少三十分钟的运动。 接下来的时间,心疼(这里不懂。那是差不多两个半地球的周长。心跳是靠肌肉(心肌)的扩张和收缩。 当心跳时,它生长并变形产生了心的轮廓。稍后。 心是一个怀孕之后数个星期的就产生的复杂器官, 出些汗也有帮助,手工翻译的今天。 它也带走二氧化碳和其他的废物, 人做越来越少的事情(体力运动),谷粒能帮助减少心脏病的危险, 不运动和不健康的饮食,大约一天十万次。一颗健康的成人心有两个拳头大小。 它包括心脏病发作。心脏病的比率开始在二十世纪后五十年内极速增加。 但是在超重的人中。血用氧和营养物提供给脑和其他的器官。 因为机器做了越来越多的工作。 此时心仅仅是一个管状物。 世界卫生组织说有三主要的因素。 身体估计有至少九十六千公里的血管。 而估计十七点五百万(十千万七百五十万)人在2005年死亡。而死亡的人中大约百分八十是属于低收入国家和中收入国家,给分吧: 吸烟,原意是撞击)和高血压,它因为脂肪多而看起来像黄色的
W: Wherewere you yesterday?M: I was athome asleep.W: Asleep! Ithought that珐紶粹咳诔纠达穴惮膜 you had to take an exam.M: I wassick. I had a fever. I couldn't get out of bed.W: You stilllook a little sick. You couldn't go back to bed.M. I' mgoing now. I just came here to speak to my professor.W: What did he tell you?M: Professor said that I' d be able to take a make-up.What did the professor want the man to do?A. Have all examination at home.B. Have an exam sometime later when he got better.C. Have an exam next term.
选B珐紶粹咳诔纠达穴惮膜take a make-up 意为补考。理解为C下学期再考有点牵强了..最后一句的整体意思是:教授说,我可以参加补考。题目整体翻译:W-你昨天去哪儿了?M-我在家里睡觉。W-睡觉!我以为你昨天理应在考试。M-我生病了,有点发烧,甚至下不了床。W-你气色还是不怎么好,可也不能再回去继续睡觉了。M-我这就要回去了,我只是来和教授谈谈(有关我的这次考试缺席的事情)。W-那他说什么了?M-他说,我可以参加补考。望采纳,不懂再问~~
是因为”make up“有补考的意思吗?
是的,不过一般都用take a make-up这个词组表示,就像take an exam一样
B make-up可以理解成补考
make_up 是化妆的意思,在这里。。。。我也很纠结。选择B吧。符合语境。
There are 158 member states in WTO of about 190 countries in the world.The business of WTO should attract our attention.
In more than 190 countries in the world today, the members of the World Trade Organization has 158. the transaction WTO should cause us concern.
More than 190 countries in the world today, the world trade organization members 158.这是第一个,要被采纳我才写下一个!
In today's world of more than 190 countries, 158
is the member of the world trade organization (wto)The world trade organization affairs should cause our attention
of all of the more than 190 countries in the current world,
158 are members of wtowe should pay attention to the affair of wto英语高手请进_百度知道
看不出来啊Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Inter net.The American spymaster为什么就是指Wild Bill Donovan. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World War Ⅱ and later laid the roots for the CIA was
fascinated with information,有这个语法现象吗
。那么前后的确有异曲同工之处确实是的。再说多诺万本来就是美国间谍大师。然而was后面说的是thespymaster被这些资料所深深吸引了。句首说的是BILL DONOVAN 喜欢互联网。who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World War Ⅱ and later laid the roots for the CIA这一大堆词全是在修饰the American spymaster
When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn't biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting as many nails as she'd like to, either.只有介绍背景或职业这种情况吗?其他呢
你这个的话有两种可能。第一,如我所说的Ellen 就是这个指甲修理师。第二,故事接下来要说另外一个指甲修理师的事情了。我没有联系上下文,所以这么说。有时候文章这样子就是为了不要再重复说这个人的名字啊等等。
. It is common to write like that.: Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the internet.this is because the piece is about Bill Donovan? In this case. He built the Office . Who do you think the He referring to. It is not common to keep repeating Bill Dons career and talent, the author wrote American spymaster instead of He. Just like.. He was a spy. The author gave you Bill&#39
Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the internet. He built the Office .....也可以啊,代词指代最近的人,英语不是常常用代词吗?
As I have pointed out b4, using spymaster giving reader more info then just using he. it is a better writing technique.
pay是什么意思3.The lecturer was just getting to the matter when the class period ended,其中get to the matter是固定词组吗.这句话是什么意思.The main theme of his recent book is that crime does not pay.其中spell是什么意思2.MA1,什么意思.a three-week dry spell throoughout this part of the country,给下例句4
com/search。get to这里表示:I think we are in for for dry spell://dj。http?s=dry+spell尽管spell作名词时也有“着魔;合算”之意It pays me to keep that stock;咒语.我看我们难免要遇到一阵子干旱天气了;一阵子”的意思:正在这时&#471。&quot. The lecturer was just getting to the matter when the class period ended:这里是“一段时间
--- crime是“犯罪.句意,授课老师正说到正题上呢,这里意思是“切入正题;有利”3:对这个国家的这个地区施三周的“干涸术”要是给某个地方施了 dry spell。get to the matter是不固定词组,那地方就会河流干涸.MA.The lecturer was just getting to the matter when the class period ended,这里的pay是“有好处、井水枯竭,PhD是什么意思文学硕士(Master of Arts. 他最近的著作都是反映“恶有恶报”的。.The main theme of his recent book is that crime does not pay。。,就这样的意思2,该有水的地方都没水了,spell在此处为“诅咒”的意思句意. 这里的dry spell是“干涸术”;谈到点子上”41;行恶”.a three-week dry spell throoughout this part of the country:那节课结束时
spell~魔咒~pay~没意义~get to the matter~进入正题~when our conversation was just getting to the matter~Sara broke in and stopped us~MA~Master of Arts~文学硕士~ PhD~doctor of philosophy
dry spell干旱期………………………………………………………………………………………………1.a three-week dry spell throoughout this part of the country.其中spell是什么意思该国的这个地区遭受了三个月的干旱。 2.The main theme of his recent book is that crime does not pay.pay是什么意思crime does not pay字面意思是没人给罪行付钱, 实际意思是犯罪是没有好果子吃, 或犯罪会受到惩罚。 3.The lecturer was just getting to the matter when the class period ended.这句话是什么意思,其中get to the matter是固定词组吗,什么意思,给下例句不是固定搭配, 不过是get to something。 4.MA,PhD是什么意思这两个都跟学历有关Ma是Master of Arts的缩写 是文学硕士学位。 PhD(哲学博士)是Philosophiae Doctor或doctor of hilosophy的缩写, 它是博士学位(Doctoral degrees)的一种。
spell是某个词的过去式,实在想不起来是哪个了。pay在这里是“不值得,无意义”的意思get to the matter就是谈到正题,不是固定词组,但是matter常用来指代重要的事情。MA=Master of Arts,文学硕士PhD=doctor of philosophy,但是和philosophy无关,就是博士


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