what is the advantage and disadvantage of applying costno principlee

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23 Sep What is the advantage and disadvantage of WhatsApp and WeChat appsWant to know about the advantages and disadvantages of chatting over WhatsApp and WeChat apps? Ask our experts in ISC for proper details.We have heard that there are some chatting and sharing advantages from WhatsApp and WeChat Apps, there is some disadvantage of WhatsApp and WeChat apps like our personal contact detail can be saved by their server. What else other Advantage and disadvantage of WhatsApp and WeChat apps?
23 Sep Joined:25/04/2009Level:Points:6629These apps are like chatrooms where you can chat with your friends or form groups and chat, share pics, videos, voice messages. Messaging in these apps is free as compared to sms servive provided by telecom service providers.Regards,Sam26 Sep Joined:30/04/2012Level:Points:20229Advantages:- It enables you to chat with those people in your contact details, provided you have access to internet or packet data.- Like a social networking site, you can add your profile pic and members who have saved your mobile number can know when your are online, accordingly then can start a chat conversation.- If you do not have balance in your mobile to make a call, you can use these applications to sent text or to chat. (internet is needed)- No money is required to chat, if you have an internet access.Disadvantages:- Even though you do not have the contact number of a person, he/she will get to see your profile pic, status (online or not) and can chat with you, if they have saved your number. This way people whom we do not like can start a conversation with us. - Try not to upload your original profile pic as anyone who has saved your phone number and is using the same application can download it. It is easy to get one's number these days. At times we may have to make calls to strangers for any valid reason, what if they are saving your number and is using Whatsapp? They can surely get your whatsapp profile pic, so to avoid it, do not upload a profile pic or upload a scenery or so. Apart from these, there are not much disadvantages to these applications.RegardsChitra"Do not give up, things might not favour you always"
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Top ContributorsToday (30) (21) (14)Last 7 Days (493) (460) (426)What Is a Cost Disadvantage? | Business & Entrepreneurship -
by Neil Kokemuller
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A cost disadvantage means your business is unable to create, produce, acquire, transport or distribute goods to customers at rates equal to or better than competitors. Small businesses often face cost disadvantages relative to larger companies simply because economies of scale benefit those who can buy products or raw materials in bulk, but larger businesses sometimes experience cost disadvantages too.
First-mover Challenges Companies enter the market as either first movers or second movers. A first mover is the initial business to offer a certain product, service or solution to a particular customer segment. First movers sometimes face cost disadvantages because of higher investments in market and product research. Before you enter the market as a first mover, you want to ensure the offer and time are right. You may also have cost drawbacks because your work processes and distribution systems haven't been fine-tuned.
Second-mover Challenges Second movers wait until after the first product is launched, either intentionally or because of delays. While second movers can sit back and wait, they still face some potential cost disadvantages. Small businesses often enter a market after larger competitors have entered. First movers sometimes secure patents, partnerships and exclusive distribution arrangements. This forces second movers to sometimes invest fully in a new type of solution, to invest time and money to find partners and to use less desirable, more expensive distribution processes.
Economies of Scale The business concept of economies of scale means that the more raw materials a manufacturer buys or products it produces, the less each unit costs to make. Suppliers normally offer discounts to resellers who buy in larger quantities, placing small businesses at a disadvantage. A single movie rental shop, for instance, can't buy nearly as many copies of films as a large retail chain can. This is one reason why many small, private movie rental stores have disappeared. When you can't negotiate favorable pricing deals with suppliers, you have to accept lower gross profit margins or increase prices and try to offer better value.
Limitations Cost disadvantages also affect strategic decisions. Local companies typically can't economically transport goods around the country in the same way that a large chain with various distribution centers can. This may restrict the geographic market to local customers. But larger companies can also have cost disadvantages, and marketing is one area where this can be seen. Small companies often rely on local radio, newspapers, store signage and direct mail to reach customers in their smaller marketplace. Larger companies often have to allocate larger budgets and more money through television and other mass media to reach a broader audience.
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