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&Skopostheorie& or &Skopos Theory& (目的论), a functionalist translation theory, was first presented by Hans J. Vermeer (汉斯•威密尔), a German language scholar. The formation and development of this theory has gone through three stages.
The first stage came to prominence with the works of Katharina Reiss (凯瑟琳娜•雷斯).
Reiss considers that translators should place emphasis on the functional characteristics of the text types rather than the equivalence principle. Throughout the translation process, translators should not be bounded by the frame of reference, and text should be translated in the target text's cultural environment so that one or several communicative functions can be achieved. Therefore, translation criticism cannot rely on merely the analysis of the original text's characteristics, and should consider if the text has been produced to serve the given intended purpose. Thus, the works of Reiss have laid the foundation for the formation of Skopostheorie.
At the second stage, Hans J. Vermeer (汉斯•威密尔), Reiss’ student went further in exploring this theory. The basis of his theory is the theory of action, which says that any action is intentional. Vermeer considered translation to be a human action, a type of transfer where communicative verbal and non-verbal signs were transferred from one language to another. The basic concept of Skopostheorie is that translation approach and strategies are to be determined by the purpose or function of the target text. As Vermeer points out, &translation is a human activity&, &all activities are purposeful&, and &translation activities are purposeful acts&. Therefore, to translate means to “produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances”. (Vermeer, 1987:29)
At the third stage, Justa Holz-Manttari (贾斯塔•赫兹•曼塔利) further extended the scope of Skopostheorie and put forward the concept of translational action. She places special emphasis on the actional aspects of the translation process, analyzing the roles of the participants and the situational conditions in which their activities take place.
Christiane Nord (克里丝汀•诺德), representative of the second-generation Skopos theorists, did a lot of refinement for the young theory and expands the space for its application. She reconciled the comments and criticisms on Skopostheorie systematically and comprehensively. She tackled these criticisms with her theoretical principles — Function plus Loyalty.
1. 目的论 Skopos Theory (/view/af8baf332948b.html)
2. zyk.irc./html/wxzl/xwlw/7.html
3. &His Dark Materials& in translation : A skopos-theoretical analysis of Hanna Lützen's Danish translation of Philip Pullman's fantasy trilogy (pure.au.dk/portal-asb-student/en/studentprojects/his-dark-materials-in-translation(ee-4ed6-ab20-29f89aa1b875).html)
4. The Application of Skopostheorie in News English Translation (目的论在新闻英语翻译中的应用)(廖莎)
5. The Goal of Advertisement Translation: With Reference to C-E/E-C Advertisements (Ying Cui)
6. 汉语字幕幽默翻译之分析——基于功能主义的研究 (/view/d15abe.html)
The functionalist translation theory came into being in 1970s in Germany, and there have been three distinguished contributors to the formation of this theory: Katharine Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer and Christiane Nord.
In 1971, in her book Possibilities and Limits of Translation Criticism, Katharina Reiss put forward a model of translation criticism based on the functional relationship between source and target texts. However, her theory was firmly within equivalence principle. Yet Reiss is aware that there do exist situations “where equivalence is not possible and in some cases, not even desired” and there are “certain exceptions from the equivalence requirement”(Nord 2001: 9). One exception is when the target text has a different communicative function from the source text. “In such situations, she thinks that the functional perspective takes precedence over the normal standards of equivalence. Then translation critic can no longer rely on features derived from source-text analysis but has to judge whether the target is functional in terms of the translation context.”(Nord 1997: 9)
Hans J. Vermeer, the student of Reiss, gave up the source-text centered linguistic translation theory altogether. Based on action theory, Vermeer defined translation as a purposeful human activity that takes place in a given situation. And he made a breakthrough by putting forward his famous Skopostheorie which is regarded as the landmark of functional translation. Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”, and Skopostheorie means the theory of purposeful action. Skopostheorie includes three principal rules: namely, the Skopos rule, the coherence rule (intratextual coherence) and fidelity rule (intertextual coherence). Vermeer explains the Skopos rule in this way:
Each text is produced for a given purpose which the text is intended to serve. The Skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/ interpret/ speak/ write in a way that enables your text/ translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function. (Vermeer 1989a: 20, cit. Nord, 1997)
Coherence rule specified that a translation should be acceptable in the sense that it is coherent with the receiver’s situation, that is, the target-text receivers should be able to understand the target text and interpret it as being sufficiently coherent with their own communicative situation and culture. At the same time, we have to note that since the target text is produced according to the formation offered in the source text, it is expected to bear some kind of relationship with the source text. This relationship is what we call “intertextual coherence” or“ fidelity”.
On the basis of Skopostheorie by Hans J. Vermeer, Nord summarized other academic thoughts and criticism to the functionalist translation theory. She put forward the loyalty rule, which is the supplement to Skopostheorie. The loyalty rule repaired the disadvantages and limitation of the skopos rule, eliminate the translation at random and avoid the tendency which thinks translation is just target text writing.
The first stage, with her grace. she studies. grace : &think the translator should be given priority to the translation of functional characteristics, and not equal. in the translation principle of& reference should not be equal, but rather is a translation in the receptor language cultural environment are expected to one or several of the communication function. therefore, translators criticism can't just rely on to the features of analysis and should be considered in the translation will achieve the desired effect. therefore, the grace请帮我把这句话翻译成汉语,绝对不要翻译软件
In her first appearance, Merle is seen as a greatly accomplished woman with a sweet voice, pleasant smile, artistic skillfulness and charming manner. In a word she is the “specimen”(p 270), in Ralph’s words. Even someone as hard to please as Mrs. Touchett thinks that Madame Merle is “is incapable of a mistake” and that she hasn’t a fault. She restrains her passion, forcing always the right mask for the right occasion. She has an intense worship of appearance—her “self” is expressed in everything that belongs to her: her house, furniture, clothes, the books she reads and the company she keeps. She has trained herself perfectly to meet her ambition—to marry a great man. However, she achieves nothing in the world although she has devoted herself to it. It is her destiny to entertain others and to be used and then abused by Osmond.

Unfulfilled as she is, she schemed and encouraged Isabel’s marriage, pushing this innocent young woman into an abyss of suffering. “A woman”, in her opinion, “has no na wherever she finds herself she has to remain on the surface and more or less, to crawl”(p 210). Holding such a view, no wonder she sacrifices Isabel for Osmond so easily, though she herself realizes what an evil person he is. She knows that she is casting Isabel into an abyss and if frightened at the knowledge. Although discarded by him, Madame Merle still spares no pains in helping Osmond. Without her intrusion, Osmond would not have thought of such a thing. Conventional ideas are functioning in her mind. Although her ambition prevents her from marrying him, she used to be and remains fond of him. Osmond is the closest man to her and the only one she can be true with. Their child connects them together.
在她的首次亮相,山鸟色看作是大成就妇女抱着一个甜美的声音、愉快的微笑,艺术的巧妙方式。而迷人一言以蔽之,她是“样本”(p 270),在拉尔夫的单词。即使某人时,很难讨好像夫人受感动的认为夫人山鸟色”是无法错误”,她没有错。她抑制她的激情,迫使总是正确的面具,正确的场合。她有一种强烈的崇拜的外表-她表达“自我”是属于她的一切东西:她的房子、家具、服装、她读的书,她的公司。她已训练自己完全满足她嫁给有野心伟大的人。然而,她在这个世界上,没有什么,尽管她已经奉献给它。这是她的命运招待他人和使用,然后被奥斯蒙德。
  她是她尚未策划和鼓励伊莎贝尔婚姻,推动这个天真的年轻女人变成一个深渊的苦难。”女人”,在她看来,“没有自然之地;无论她发现自己她保持在水面上,或多或少,爬起来”(p 210)。持有这种观点,难怪她牺牲伊莎贝尔,奥斯蒙德如此轻易的,尽管她自己实现了什么邪恶的人。她知道她是铸造成一个深渊,若伊莎贝尔·害怕在知识。虽然他被丢弃,夫人山鸟色仍然不遗余力地帮助奥斯蒙德。没有她的入侵,奥斯蒙德也没有想到过这样的事。传统的观念是在她的脑海里。虽然她的野心阻止她嫁给他,她曾经是,仍然喜欢他的。奥斯蒙德是最近的人对她和她唯一可以如此。他们的孩子将他们聚集在一起。
在她的第一次亮相,梅尔里奥被看作是一个很大的成就女人的声音甜美,愉快的微笑,和迷人的艺术埶方式。总之,她是“标本” (第270 ) ,在拉尔夫的话。甚至有人因为很难请夫人Touchett认为夫人梅尔里奥是“无法一个错误” ,她hasn&ta故障。她抑制自己的激情,迫使总是正确的面具的权利时刻。她有一个强烈的崇拜外观,她的“自我”表现在一切属于她:她的房子,家具,衣服,书籍,她阅读和她的公司不断。她已经培训了自己完美,以满足她的野心,嫁给一位伟大的人物。然而,她实现了在世界上没有什么,但她已投身于它。这是她的命运招待别人,用来然后滥用奥斯蒙德。 
没有兑现,她是,她策划并鼓励伊莎贝尔的婚姻,把他推到无辜的年轻女子的痛苦深渊。 “一个女人” ,她认为, “没有任何地方发生自然;她发现自己在何处,她留在表面,更或更少,检索” (第210 ) 。举行这样的观点,难怪她牺牲伊莎贝尔的奥斯蒙德那么容易,但她意识到什么是邪恶的人,他是。她知道,她是铸造伊莎贝尔深渊,如果害怕的知识。虽然抛弃了他,夫人梅尔里奥仍然不遗余力的痛苦,帮助奥斯蒙德。没有她的入侵,奥斯蒙德不会想到这样的事情。传统的思想是在她的心中运作。虽然她的野心阻止她嫁给他,她曾经是并且仍然喜欢他。奥斯蒙德是最接近人向她和她的只有一个能真正与。他们的孩子连接在一起。
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