
句子 知识讲解 高中英语阅读英语长难句分析方法(北京四中网校-〉名师答疑-〉高三-〉英语) 
  句子 知识讲解 高中英语阅读英语长难句分析方法
Having chosen family television programs and women’s magazines,the toothpaste marketer,for instance,must select the exact television programs and stations as well as the specific women’s magazines to be used. 例如,决定选择家庭电视节目和妇女杂志后,牙膏经销商还必须挑选出要用的确切的电视节目和电视台,以及那些具体的妇女杂志。
在这个有30多个词的简单句中,动词-ing形式短语用作时间状语,不定式to be used修饰的不仅是women’s magazine,而且还修饰television programs and stations. exact television同时修饰programs和stations两个词,这在翻译中可以看出来。插入语for instance把主语和谓语分隔开了。
In the 1970s he was a surgeon at Yale,had a wonderful wife and five beautiful children,but he was terribly unhappy.在20世纪70年代,他在耶鲁当外科医生,有位出色的太太和5个漂亮的孩子,但他那时过得却很不开心。
在第二个并列句中,即在had前面省略了and he.
Discrimination(歧视) isn’t their only concern;almost everyone testing positive for the Huntington’s gene(基因) develops symptoms(症状) during middle age, and doctors can do nothing to help. 担心受到歧视并不是他们唯一的忧虑,几乎所有遗传性亨廷顿病基因检测呈阳性的人在中年时症状都会显现出来,而医生对此却无能为力。
I can’t live in fear of the possibility that as the earth’s population grows and we use more and more of our nonrenewable(不能再生的) resources,our children may have to lead poorer lives.我不能总是生活在对这种可能性的忧虑中:由于地球上人口的不断增长,由于我们正在消耗掉越来越多的非再生资源,我们的孩子可能不得不过着更加贫穷的生活。
However,those of us who are parents of children in this age group know that such offers are relatively rare and that many liberal-arts students(文科生) graduate with the belief that the prospective(预期的) workplace may not have a place for them. 然而,我们这些有这个年龄段孩子的家长们都知道,这样的机会少得可怜;我们也知道,许多文科毕业生认为未来的就业市场没有他们的一席之地。
本句的主谓语是:those of us know。know有两个由that引导的宾语从句,其中第二个省略了know。在主句中还有一个定语从句修饰those of us,在第二个宾语从句中还有一个同位语从句修饰belief。
His journey to the e-mail hell began innocently(无知地) enough when, as chairman of Computer Associates International,a software company,he first heard how quickly his employees had accepted their new electronic-mail system.他在电子邮件的地狱之旅是糊里糊涂开始的。作为国际计算机联合公司这家软件公司的董事长,他当时还是第一次听说他的雇员们是多么快地就接受了他们公司的新的电子邮件系统。
as chairman of Computer Associates International是he的同位语,a software company是Computer Associates International的同位语,他们将从属连词when引导的时间状语从句的主语分隔开了。
I have known changes for the better and changes for the worse,but I have never questioned the fact that whether I liked it or not,change was unavoidable.我经历过好的变化,也经历过坏的变化,但是我从来没有怀疑过这样一个事实,即不管我喜欢与否,变化总是不可避免的。
They also found that the bus conductor had a major role in preventing vandalism(故意破坏行为),and at the times he went up the stairs to the upper deck to collect fares,vandalism did not often occur.他们还发现公交车售票员在防止发生故意破坏方面发挥了重要的作用。当售票员到双层公交车的上层收费时,破坏行为就不常发生。
1、Such tasks are generally important in their outcome,which only adds to the pressure to do good job,and yet their very complexity makes it difficult to know just where or how to begin.这些任务的结果通常都很重要,这为做好工作增加了压力,然而这些任务的复杂性使人很难知道该从何处开始和怎样开始。
2、Today it is not unusual for a student,even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer,to have $5,000 in loans(贷款) after four years—loans that he must start to repay within one year after graduation.一个学生即使在上课期间做兼职工作,在暑假期间做全职工作,四年下来他仍会欠下5,000美元学费贷款,而这笔钱必须在毕业后一年内开始偿还。这样的事现在已经是很平常了。
分析本句应抓住其关键结构:it is not unusual for a student to have $5,000 in loans after four years。it是形式主语,实际主语为由for引出逻辑主语的不定式结构for a student to have $5,000 in loans after four years。这里应注意not unusual是双重否定,实际表示肯定含义。让步状语从句even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer被插在不定式结构中。破折号引出带形容词从句的同位语。由于for到句末是一个完整的内容,因此翻译中将他们连在一起,而把it is not unusual分译。
3、What emerges(浮现) is a picture of an environment where the emphasis is on managing the technology as it spies on people doing their jobs,rather than promoting quality service to customers and providing a fair workplace.这就勾画出了这样一种工作环境,在这种环境中,只重视科技手段对员工工作的监视作用,而不考虑提高客户服务质量和提高公平的工作场所。
本句的主谓结构是What emerges is a picture,主语What emerges本身即为一个从句。在说明picture的介词短语中还有一个定语从句修饰environment,在这个定语从句中又有一个as引导的状语从句修饰managing,介词on后有三个动词-ing形式短语作其宾语,分别为:managing,promoting和providing。
4、Justice does demand that murderers be punished. And common sense demands that society be protected from them. But neither justice nor self-preservation demands that we kill men whom we have already imprisoned. 正义确定要求严惩凶手。常识也要求社会受到保护不被(恶人)侵犯。但是无论正义还是自我保护都没有要求我们处死已被监禁的囚犯。
15:16:04 |
本文选自2015年4月The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》,主要探讨了一个困扰了美国多年的问题,即:在没有得到授权的前提下,警方是否可以私自查看被捕人员的智能手机。作者强调不应效仿美国加州搜查嫌疑犯手机的做法,新科技的涌现要有新决策的支持。正确全面理解文章需要以把握长难句为前提,下面就其中的典型例句进行分析:
典型例句1:The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.
例句解析:本句结构清晰,是一个复合句。句子主干为:The Supreme Court will now consider&&,其后whether引导consider的宾语从句,在该宾语从句中,又出现if引导的条件句。
典型例句2:California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling, particularly one that upsets the old assumptions that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.
例句分析:本句结构一目了然,较为简单,逗号后可看做是对于sweeping ruling的进一步说明。其中,one指代前半句中的ruling,引导定语从句,同时做refrain from 的宾语。
难点点拨:词组refrain from a sweeping ruling,通过上下文理解,加州允许警方搜查嫌疑犯手机内容,并认为这与搜查他们个人财产等同,该行为可以理解为是一种偏概全的做法。
典型例句3:Enough of the implications are discernible, even obvious, so that the justice can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.
例句分析:句子结构清晰易懂。插入语even obvious,so that 以至于&但在该句情境下可以理解为结果性的连词&因此&。
典型例句4 :They should start by discarding California&s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone- a vast storehouse of digital information is similar to say, going through a suspects purse .
例句分析:该句也不难理解,其中,主句为They should start by discarding California&s lame argument,其后that引导了argument的同位语从句,在同位语从句中动名词exploring作主语,是一个系表结构。
典型例句5:Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a digital necessity of life in the 20th: The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of th they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.
例句分析:该句主干结构为:Orin Kerr compares &with&。其中,a law professor为人名Orin Kerr的同位语成分,谓语动词为compare with,冒号后为做比较所得出的结论,sort out 后how引导宾语从句。
1. According to a recent survey, four million
people die each year from dise
ases linked to smoking.
2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have
unpleasant associa
tions with homework.
3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than
4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education
end with graduation.
5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that
education is
not complete with graduation.
6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that
is a lifetime study.
7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes
directly to a p
erson's physical fitness.
8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign
tourists and
the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and
rom the harmful effects of international tourism.
9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert
effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being
ned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants
ught many serious problems like crime and prostitution.
10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their
city that&
they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is
usually crowde
d with a large number of passengers.
11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely
problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal
12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a
favorable atti
tude toward retirement.
12a. A proper part-time job does not occupy students' too much
time. In fact
, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As
ying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy
15.Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere
mention of th
e coming life of high school or college they will begin.
Unfortunately, for&
most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day
16. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures
taken before things get worse.
17. The majority of students believe that part-time job will
provide them wi
th more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which
hem in a favorable position in the future job markets.
18. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still
serable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and
19. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that
n can be obtained at any age and at any place.
20. No one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most
aspect of his life.
21. People equate success in life with the ability of operating
22. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made
it possibl
e for people to live longer than in the past.
23. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is
ant as life itself.
24. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
25. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job
or promotion opportunities.
26. The information I've collected over last few years leads me to
hat this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.
27. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can
its students by the time they graduation.
28. This is a matter of life and death--a matter no country can
afford to ig
29. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following
30. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at
the argumen
ts on both sides.
31. This view is now being questioned by more and more
32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly
economic develop
ment, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and
bicycle is bou
nd to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years
to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important
modern society.
尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡, 然
33. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not
only cause
s serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten
to end hum
an life on our planet.
34. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of
like bicycle are more important than any time before.
35. Using bicycle contributes greatly to people's
physical fitness as well a
s easing traffic jams.
36. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without
its proble
37. Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation
like car an
d train for speed and comfort.
38. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the
conclusion th
at advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will
ay essential roles in modern society.
39. There is a general discussion these days over education in many
and institutes. One of the questions under debate is whether
education is a
lifetime study.
40. This issue has caused wide public concern.
41. It must be noted that learning must be done by a person
42. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that
they had c
ompleted their education when they finished their schooling.
Obviously, they
seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a person's
is a most important aspect of his life.
43. As for me, I'm in favor of the opinion that education is not
complete wi
th graduation, for the following reasons:
44. It is commonly accepted that no college or university can
educate its st
udents by the time they graduate.
45. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning
before she or
he becomes an educated person.
46. It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically
changed by mode
rn science and technology, and human had made extraordinary
progress in know
ledge and technology over the recent decades.
47. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that
learning new
skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job
ies or promotion opportunities.
48. An investigation shows that many older people express a strong
continue studying in university or college.
49. For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has
he focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and
contentment af
ter their retirement.
50. For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life
style, it is&
important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an
old saying
goes: it is never too late to learn.
51. There is a general debate on the campus today over the
phenomenon of college or high school students' doing a part-time
52. By taking a major-related part-job, students
can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much
experience, experience they will never be able to get from the
53. Although people’s lives have been dramatically
changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage
of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students
nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books
are soaring by the day.
54. Consequently, the extra money obtained from
part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their
study life.
55. From what has been discussed above, we may
safely draw a conclusion that part-time job can produce a
far-reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to
take part-time job, which will benefit students and their family,
even the society as a whole.
56. These days, people in growing numbers are
beginning to complain that work is more stressful and less
leisurely than in past. Many experts point out that, along with the
development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there
is no way to avoid it.
57. It is widely acknowledged that computer and
other machines have become an indispensable part of our society,
which make our life and work more comfortable and less
人们普遍认为计算机和其他机器已经成为我们社会必不可少的一部分。 它们使我们的生活更舒适,减少了大量劳动。
58. At the same time, along with the benefits of
such machines, employees must study knowledge involved in such
machines so that they are able to control them.
59. No one can deny the basic fact that it is
impossible for average workers to master those high-technology
skills easily.
60. In the second place, there seem to be too many
people without job and not enough job position.
61. Millions of people have to spend more time and
energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep
a favorable position in job market.
62. According to a recent survey, a growing number
of people express a strong desire to take another job or spend more
time on their job in order to get more money to support their
63. From what has been discussed above, I am fully
convinced that the leisure life-style is undergoing a decline with
the progress of modern society, it is not necessary a bad
64. The problem of international tourism has caused
wide public concern over the recent years.
65. Many people believe that international tourism
produce positive effects on economic growth and local government
should be encouraged to promote international tourism.
66. But what these people fail to see is that
international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our
environment and local history.
67. As for me, I'm firmly convinced that the number
of foreign tourists should be limited, for the following
68. In addition, in order to attract tourists, a
lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain
unfavorable effects on the environment.
69. For lack of distinct culture, some places will
not attract tourists any more. Consequently, the fast rise in
number of foreign tourists may eventually lead to the decline of
local tourism.
70. There is a growing tendency for parents to ask
their children to accept extra educational programs over the recent
71. This phenomenon has caused wide public concern
in many places of world.
72. Many parents believe that additional
educational activities enjoy obvious advantage. By extra studies,
they maintain, their children are able to obtain many kinds of
practical skills and useful knowledge, which will put them in a
beneficial position in the future job markets when they grow
73. In the first place, extra studies bring about
unhealthy impacts on physical growth of children. Educational
experts point out that, it is equally important to take some sport
activities instead of extra studies when children have spent the
whole day in a boring classroom.
74. Children are undergoing fast physical
lack of physical exercise may produce disastrous
influence on their later life.
75. In the second place, from psychological aspect,
the majority of children seem to tend to have an unfavorable
attitude toward additional educational activities.
76. It is hard to imagine a student focusing their
energy on textbook while other children are playing.
77. Moreover, children will have less time to play
and communicate with their peers due to extra studies,
consequently, it is difficult to develop and cultivate their
character and interpersonal skills. They may become more solitary
and even suffer from certain mental illness.
78. From what has been discussed above, we may
safely draw the conclusion that, although extra studies indeed
enjoy many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn't be
ignored and far outweigh its advantages. It is absurd to force
children to take extra studies after school.
79. Any parents should place considerable emphasis
on their children to keep the balance between play and study. As an
old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
80. There is a growing tendency for parent these
days to stay at home to look after their children instead of
returning to work earlier.
81. Parents are firmly convinced that, to send
their child to kindergartens or nursery schools will have an
unfavorable influence on the growth of children.
82. However, this idea is now being questioned by
more and more experts, who point out that it is unhealthy for
children who always stay with their parents at home.
83. Although parent would be able to devote much
more time and energy to their children, it must be admitted that,
parent has less experience and knowledge about how to educate and
supervise children, when compared with professional teachers
working in kindergartens or nursery schools.
84. From what has been discussed above, we may
safely draw a conclusion that, although the parents' desire to look
after children by themselves is understandable, its disadvantages
far outweigh the advantages.
85. Parents should be encouraged to send their
children to nursery schools, which will bring about profound
impacts on children and families, and even the society as a
86. Many leaders of government always go into
raptures at the mere mention of artistic and cultural projects.
They are forever talking about the nice parks, the smart sculptures
in central city and the art galleries with various valuable
rarities. Nothing, they maintain, is more essential than such
projects in the economic growth.
87. But is it really the case? The information I've
collected over last few years leads me to believe that artistic and
cultural projects may be less useful than many governments think.
In fact, basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely
important role and should be given priority.
88. Those who are in favor of artistic and cultural
projects advocate that cultural environment will attract more
tourists, which will bring huge profits to local residents. Some
people even equate the build of such projects with the improving of
economic construction.
89. Unfortunately, there is very few evidence that big companies
are willing to invest a huge sums of money in a place without
sufficient basic projects, such as supplies of electricity and
90. From what has been discussed above, it would be
reasonable to believe that basic projects play far more important
role than artistic and cultural projects in people's life and
economic growth.
91. Those urban planners who are blind to this
point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.
92. There is a growing tendency these days for many
people who live in rural areas to come into and work in city. This
problem has caused wide public concern in most cities all over the
93. An investigation shows that many emigrants
think that working at city provide them with not only a higher
salary but also the opportunity of learning new skills.
94. It must be noted that improvement in
agriculture seems to not be able to catch up with the increase in
population of rural areas and there are millions of peasants who
still live a miserable life and have to face the dangers of
exposure and starvation.
95. Although rural emigrants contribute greatly to
the economic growth of the cities, they may inevitably bring about
many negative impacts.
96. Many sociologists point out that rural
emigrants are putting pressure on population control and social
that they are threatening to take alre
and that they have worsened traffic and public health
97. It is suggested that governments ought to make
efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and
countryside. They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for
improvement of the standard of peasants' lives. They ought to
invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences,
information and knowledge with peasants, which will contribute
directly to the economic growth of rural areas.
98. In conclusion, we must take into account this
problem rationally and place more emphases on peasants' lives. Any
government that is blind to this point will pay a heavy
99. Although many experts from universities and
institutes consistently maintain that it is an inevitable part of
an independent life, parents in growing numbers are starting to
realize that people, including teachers and experts in education,
should pay considerable attention to this problem.
100. As for me, it is essential to know, at first,
what kind of problems young students possible would encounter on


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