2010和2011年全国高考英语试题阅读理解翻译,拜托天使拜托 帮帮忙txt啦~~~我急需。

2013乌鲁木齐二模理科数学卷 英语卷 物理化学生物卷 只要试题不要答案 哪位能帮帮忙啊 拜托了 急需_百度知道
2013乌鲁木齐二模理科数学卷 英语卷 物理化学生物卷 只要试题不要答案 哪位能帮帮忙啊 拜托了 急需
翻译1,in class2,how long 3,skating marathon4,一双溜冰鞋5,去年6,talk to7,
raise money8,several people9,两天半完成下列英文句子1,他家养了几只狗。He has___________at home.2,从九点钟到现在,我一直在等你。I______________for you___________.3,上次马拉松比赛,他跑了两个小时。He_____________in last marathon.4,你到现在为止上网多久了?_____________have you been________the Internet?5,他到现在为止已经看了一个半小时的电视了。He___________TV for__________.
1,in class 在课上2,how long 多长/久3,skating marathon 溜冰马拉松4,一双溜冰鞋 a pair of roller skate5,去年 last year6,talk to 和。。讲话7,
raise money 筹钱8,several people 几个人9,两天半 two and a half days完成下列英文句子1,他家养了几只狗。He has___raised several dogs________at home.2,从九点钟到现在,我一直在等你。I__have been waiting__________for you__since 9 o'clock_________.3,上次马拉松比赛,他跑了两个小时。He__ran for two hours___________in last marathon.4,你到现在为止上网多久了?___How long__________have you been__surfing on______the Internet?5,他到现在为止已经看了一个半小时的电视了。He____Kept watching_______TV for___a hour and a half hours_______.我来帮他解答
1 在课堂上 2多长 3滑冰马拉松
4 A pair of skates
5last year 6向...谈; 申斥; 劝谏 7筹款 8几个人1 kept some dog2 i have been waiting for you since 9 o'clock3ran 2hours4how long
on5has been
watching tv for 1.5 hours
1.在课堂上2.多长时间3.滑冰马拉松4.a pair of skating shoes5.last year6.和...谈话7.筹钱8.几个人9.two days and a half1. raised several
pet dogs2.have been waitting from 9 o'ock.3.run 2 hours4.How long on5.has watching one hour and a half.
raised serval dogshave been waiting
from 9 o'clock to nowran for 2 hoursHow long surfing inhas been watching TV one and half hours until now
出门在外也不愁万分急迫求大神帮忙,极品飞车14硬盘版和破解版的区别在线等 - 你问我答知识网
回答1:我下过一个7G的玩不了~又下了一个4G的就爽了?~~EA的游戏就是硬件杀手~~我也是为了游戏给电脑做手术~呵呵 回答2:硬盘版文件小但安装稍麻烦点(需要解压),破解版文件大但安装容易,还是用硬盘版的吧。二楼的又碰见你了,哎…你的见解很独到啊
你知道这是神马?会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把我写的proposal中翻英~ 禁止翻译软体 拜托 &&_百度知道
会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把我写的proposal中翻英~ 禁止翻译软体 拜托 &&
请帮我把以下句子中翻英 尽量不要翻得太艰深 谢谢
我看得出来是不是翻译软体翻的 所以用翻译软体的 别浪费时间了 拜托了 请帮我精简一下 不小心写太多了 因为只是proposal帮我精简成450字以下 谢谢喔
以下 附上我的题目 好让你们了解我写些什麼 这是我的题目The visual sense is very important in this play.
It is more important than the sense of touch, taste, and sound.
Discuss the significance of &seeing& in Sartre's play.
我在我的final essay 里 我想探讨 sartre写的剧本’’NO exit ‘’中 三个犯人在地狱的之间的冲突和纠葛. sartre在他写的剧本中深刻揭示了人与人之间既相互依存又互相倾轧的矛盾关系.这三个人被送进地狱,他们所要进行的共同目的只有一个,就是力图避免地狱的折磨和痛苦;换句话说,就是要实现某种意义上的解脱,获取自由。我认为整个剧所要表现的,就是在禁闭环境下,三个人寻求解脱的徒劳的努力和最终的失败。 地狱里没有刑具、没有火 没有镜子,唯一折磨和约束他们的便是他们互相的关系。他们彼此暴露在他人的目光下,并且没有黑夜,这种目光的注视是永恒不可逃避的。Garcin力图要证明自己不是懦夫,他想通过他人的目光来使自己得到解脱。在Estelle那里,他得不到真心诚意的回答,因此他试图通过说服Inès来完成自己的解放。Estelle在没有镜子的情况下惶惑不安,“怀疑自己是否真的还存在。”作为色 情狂的她,只能从男人那里证明自己的魅力和存在。因此,唯一的男士Garcin就成了她的救命稻草。而Inès则与这两人有所不同。如果说这两人是心甘情愿受别人目光的支配,那麼Inès则是热衷於以自己的目光来支配别人。她一方面把Estelle视为猎物,要求後者把她当成镜子,当成自我评判的标准;一方面又冷酷地揭示Garcin的懦夫面目,不让他获得安宁,进而也要胁他不让Estelle获得安宁。这样,“他人的目光”就成为了刑具和烈火,他们互相折磨,勾心斗角,都不能获得解脱和自由。“他人就是地狱。” 沙特揭示了人的存在处境,他的剧本《无路可出》描写三个刚死的人在地狱的 ... 或解决自己的问题,他们依靠彼此,是为了寻求慰藉,以及虚假的温暖.
The visual sense is very important in this play.
It is more important than the sense of touch, taste, and sound.
Discuss the significance of &seeing& in Sartre's play.
In my final essay, I wish to discuss the play “No Exit” written by Sartre, regarding the contradictions and disputes amongst the three convicts in hell. In his play, Sartre profoundly reveals the paradoxical relationships of mutual dependence and strife between people. These three perso their only unified goal was to try to avoid the tortur in other words, they wanted to achieve a sense of relief and obtain freedom. I think what the play wants to show is the futile efforts and the ultimate failure of the three characters who sought relief in a confined environment. There were no tools of torture, no fire and no mirror in hell, interrelationship was the only thing that tormented and restrained them. They were exposed to each other’ without any dark night, this direct gaze was eternally inescapable. Garcin strived to prove that he was not a coward, so as to gain relief through the eyes of others. He couldn’t get a sincere answer from Estelle, so he tried to complete his liberation by persuading Inès. With no mirrors around, Estelle was disturbedand confused, wondering if she really existed. As a nymphomaniac, she could only prove her charm and existence from men. So, as the only man around, Garcin became her life-saving straw. Inès was different from
if they willingly accepted other people’s dominating gaze, then Inès was wild about dominating people with her gaze. On the one hand, she treated Estelle as a prey, wanted the latter to take her as a mirror to be the standard of self-evaluation. On the other hand, she cruelly revealed the cowardly aspect of Garcin to make him feel restless, and further threatened him to make Estelle to feel the same. In this way, the gaze of other people became the tool of torture and raging fire, they tormented and schemed against one another, but no one was able to gain relief and freedom. “Other people” was hell. Sartre revealed the situation of human existence, his play “No Exit” depicts three people who have just died and gone to hell………………………….or solved personal problems, they depended on one another to seek solace and fake warmth.
…………………………. 是?
谢谢你的帮忙 你那麼厉害 我怎麼会怀疑你呢
只是好奇 为什麼要放虚线阿 ?
喔 懂了 谢谢你阿 对了 ....若不嫌麻烦的话 能帮看一下这篇吗
若不行也没关系 只是请教一下而已
谢谢你 大好人 也谢谢另一位回答者 你的努力值得 我佩服你!!!!! 谢谢大家
In my final essay, I want to probe the conflictions and entanglements of the three prisoners in the hell from the play No Exit by Satre. Those three were sent to hell with one common purpose, which is to try to avoid the torture and pains in the purgatory. In another word, they want to realize some kind of release and gain freedom. In my opinion, what the author wants to present in his play is this, that is in the confined environment, the futility of their attempts and the final failure. There are no instruments for torture in the hell, nor fire or mirrors. The only torment and restriction is from their relationships. They are exposed to each other's eyesight. There is no night, and such gaze is enternal and unavoidable. Garcin attempted to prove his bravery and tried to achieve his release from others' attention. While as to Estelle, she can not get any sincere answers because she tried to persuade Ines to achieve her own release. Estelle felt nervous without a mirror and she doubted her own real existence. As an edeomania, she can only get proof of her charm and existence from men. Therefore, the only man Garcin became her saver. In contrast, Ines is quite different from the two. It is safe to say that the former two characters are willing to be dominated by others' sight, Inges is eager to control other people through her eyes. On the one hand, she takes Estelle as a pray and demanded her to be her mirror and criteria for judging herself, on the other hand she coldly reveals the cowardice of Garcin and leaves him no peace and threatens him to give Estelle no rest. In such a way, &others' sight& becomes torturing instrumentsand fires. They torture each other with their own schemes and tricks so that none of them can achieve release and freedom. &L'enfer, c'est les autres.&. Satre reveals the circumstances of human beings. In his play &There is Nowhere to Go&, he portrayed three recently dead in the hell... solving their own problems. They depended on each other in search of solace and fake warmth. 仅供参考,欢迎指正
出门在外也不愁初一的英语题 帮帮忙啊!!!拜托了、、_百度知道
初一的英语题 帮帮忙啊!!!拜托了、、
My grandfather never watched TV . He thought that people spent too much time
w___it . Some of his friends
talked about sports shows, the movies and plays.
My grandfather said to himself,&They never read
books or go out in the evening&
he didn't buy a TV.
my grandfather was 60 yeas old.
He stopped
in the hospital. My father bought him a TV.
all the news. He knows much more
the world now.
And he reads more books , too.
Now , my grandfather will get very a____
if you trouble him when he is watching TV .
can't understand that one can change his i____
when he is 60.
My grandfather never watched TV . He thought that people spent too much time
watchingit . Some of his friends
talked about sports shows, the movies and plays.
My grandfather said to himself,&They never read
books or go out in the evening&
he didn't buy a TV.
my grandfather was 60 yeas old.
He stopped
in the hospital. My father bought him a TV.
all the news. He knows much more
the world now.
And he reads more books , too.
Now , my grandfather will get very angry if you trouble him when he is watching TV .
can't understand that one can change his interest
when he is 60.
watchingoften anySoago wbeganaboutangryidea


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