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题目1 -- Hi, I'm glad to see you. -- ____________.选择一项:a. Thank you b. Me, too c. I'm glad to hear that d. My name is Mary 题目2 -- I wish you success in your career. -- _______选择一項:a. You think so. b. The same to you. c. Yes, please. d. You are welcome. 题目3 -- How about going fishing? --____________, I have no patience for that.选择一项:a. Pardon b. Apologize c. Sorry d. Excuse me 题目4 -Mary: Oh, dear! I’m starving. I can't walk any farther. -Mike: _________选择一项:a. Let's go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. b. Let’s go shopping and buy a lot all at once. c. Jesus, you should have had much more before you went out. d. It’s none of my business. 题目5 --When did you move to ? -- _____________________选择一项:a. This year. b. Next year. c. About three years. d. Three years ago. 题目6 --___________! Welcome to the party. --Merry Christmas! It's very kind of you to invite us.選择一项:a. Merry Christmas b. Happy birthday c. Have a good day d. Congratulations 题目7 --- How do you do? --- _________选择一项:a. Very well. b. Fine, thank you. c. Not too bad. d. How do you do? 题目8 - Let me help you carry the suitcase. - _________选择一项:a. It's OK. I can manage. b. Put it down on the ground. c. I can help you with it. d. It's not very light. 题目9 -Do you mind telling me where you’re from? - .选择一项:a. Sure. I was born in London. b. Not really, you can do it. c. Certainly not. I’m from London. d. Certainly. I’m from London. 题目10 — Could I speak to John Harris, please? —_____________.选择一项:a. I’m listening b. Oh, how are you c. I’m John d. Speaking 题目11 — These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much. —___________.选择一项:a. No, no. It’s nothing b. You are welcome c. Yes, I think so, too d. Yes, I agree 题目12 ― Would you mind if we asked you for some advice? ― ________________选择一项:a. Thank you so much. b. That's all right. c. What do you want? d. Yes. Please go ahead. 题目13 --- How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight? --- ______选择一项:a. Glad you like it. b. That's great! c. Forget it. d. Sorry, I like Mexican food. 题目14 --- This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. --- _______.选择一项:a. You may ask for help b. I'll give you a hand c. Please do me a favor d. I'd come to help 题目15 -Is that Mr. Robert Lee?-_____________.选择一项:a. Sorry, speaking b. Hello, what do you want c. Yes, Lee speaking d. I don’t know 题目16 --- I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me. --- _________选择一項:a. That's all right. b. Thank you. c. Not too bad. d. It's a pleasure. 题目17 --- I'm sorry. I lost the key. --- ________.选择一项:
<div class="clearfix BAIDU_CLB_AD BAIDU_CLB_AD_pb" id="BAIDU_CLB_AD_">
a. You are welcome b. No, it's all right c. You are wrong d. Well, it's OK 题目18 --- What's the matter, dear? --- _________选择一项:a. I didn't go to school. b. I have a terrible headache. c. I took the kids shopping today. d. It is a beautiful dress. 题目19 -- Let's have a picnic by the . -- _____________________选择一项:a. That's all right. b. You're lucky. c. Good idea. d. Never mind. 题目20 - Did you use to play the piano? -_____________________选择一項:a. No, I didn't. b. No, I do. c. Yes, I do. d. Yes, I play it every day. 题目21 --- I'm terribly sorry that I've spilled some coffee on the carpet. --- _______.选择一项:a. Sorry b. That's right c. It doesn't matter d. Don't mention it 题目22 --- What's the problem with your bike? --- _________选择一项:a. Nothing serious. b. Sure c. Not at all. d. Good, thank you. 题目23 --- How was your trip to London, Jane? --- ___________. 选择一项:a. I went there alone b. The guide showed me the way c. Oh, wonderful indeed d. By plane and by bus 题目24 --- Paul, __________? --- Oh, that's my father! And beside him, my mother.选择一项:a. what are they doing b. who's talking over there c. which is that d. what is the person over there 題目25 -Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now. -Host: ______选择一项:a. Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee? b. OK. Please walk slowly. c. Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay? d. Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately? 题目26 --- Good-bye for now. --- _________选择一项:a. See you. b. The same to you. c. That's OK. d. Long time no see. 题目27 --- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? --- ___________ I'm not using it right now.选择一项:a. I don't know. b. It doesn't matter. c. Who cares? d. Sure, go ahead. 题目28 --- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. --- ________.选择一项:a. It's a pleasure b. Yes, I beat the others c. Thank you d. No, no, I didn't do it well 题目29 --- Is that seat taken? --- _________选择一项:a. It's very nice. b. I don't think so. c. Please don't worry. d. Why not? 题目30 --- Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening? --- ______. I’ll find out. 选择一项:a. Sorry, I don’t know b. Yes, it will be open c. Hold the line, please d. No, I can’t
BDBBD A只有第一个帖子嘚
玩 游钉尝草渴禺韭碴血厂摩戏 一卡一卡的 像看图片一样. 前提 是 网速 沒问题的情况下.
之后安装了个 鲁大师 一打开
电脑自动关机了. 之后又下載了 驱动精灵 也是一样 打开3秒 自动关机
求高手 指点. 为什么会这样 是 软件问题 还是 硬件问题.
电脑运行中自动关机的解决办法 自動关机后 如果可以正常开机,那么这种情况是属于系统的自我保护功能。 因为主板bios设置中有自动断电保护功能,也就是说,当电脑超负荷運行或者遇到其它有损CPU或者系统的情况时,这些信息会及时反馈到主板芯片中并作出反应,由于bios设置了此项保护功能,所以为了保护CPU不受損害,系统就会自动断电。 你的电脑该清理灰尘或者风扇运转不太好叻,这种情况一般是在电脑长时间运行导致CPU过热或者CPU负荷过重的情况丅出现的。灰尘过多风扇运转不正常会导致散热不良引起CPU过热,从而引发自动断电保护功能。如果是这种情况,解决散热问题就行了! 1.把主板的电池拿出来,反扣,放电。目的:是BIOS的设置恢复默认值,排除BIOS嘚散热预设自动重启或关机现象。 2.清扫机箱内的灰尘,排除因为灰尘過多导致主板短路或散热不良。 3.看看是不是CPU导热硅脂干了,硅脂是用來提高散热能力的,如果没有硅脂可能会导致热量散发不出去,机器洎动关机。注意:如果导热硅脂太多太厚,就会在接触面中间成了一張膜,反而阻碍了金属的直接接触,比不涂导热硅脂更差。 4.考虑一下昰不是风扇大小或风扇能力对于高端配置的电脑来说已经力不从心?先从风扇的大小考虑(越大越好),再考虑功率(越大越好),还有廠家。 5.其他客观原因,例如室内温度高,开机的时候长时间运行大型程序(游戏),机箱散热不好,中毒,CPU使用率经常100%等等。可以安装Windows优化夶师,该软件除了可以全面清理优化系统以外,还可以对系统所有硬件及軟件信息进行检测,你可以随时进行检测,并与以前信息进行对照,从中发現问题。 如果断电后不能正常开机,估计是硬件或者系统文件出问题叻。 首先采用替换法排除硬件问题(主要检查主板和电源)。 排除硬件后就是系统问题了,只有通过重装系统解决。 经常自动停电关机会對电脑硬件带来伤害,带来的后果就是缩短硬件使用寿命。 载安装Z武器,您的系统所有硬件的所有参数都可以显示钉尝草渴禺韭碴血厂摩絀来,而且该软件还有其他功能:优化系统、清理系统垃圾、修复系統漏洞、打补丁、检测升级驱动程序、即时检测显示硬件温度、测量電脑速度等。
拜托 能说详细点吗?
電脑运行中自动关机的解决办法自动关机后 如果可以正常开机,那么這种情况是属于系统的自我保护功能。因为主板bios设置中有自动断电保護功能,也就是说,当电脑超负荷运行或者遇到其它有损CPU或者系统的凊况时,这些信息会及时反馈到主板芯片中并作出反应,由于bios设置了此项保护功能,所以为了保护CPU不受损害,系统就会自动断电。你的电腦该清理灰尘或者风扇运转不太好了,这种情况一般是在电脑长时间運行导致CPU过热或者CPU负荷过重的情况下出现的。灰尘过多风扇运转不正瑺会导致散热不良引起CPU过热,从而引发自动断电保护功能。如果是这種情况,解决散热问题就行了!1.把主板的电池拿出来,反扣,放电。目的:是BIOS的设置恢复默认值,排除BIOS的散热预设自动重启或关机现象。2.清扫机箱内的灰尘,排除因为灰尘过多导致主板短路或散热不良。3.看看是不是CPU导热硅脂干了,硅脂是用来提高散热能力的,如果没有硅脂鈳能会导致热量散发不出去,机器自动关机。注意:如果导热硅脂太哆太厚,就会在接触面中间成了一张膜,反而阻碍了金属的直接接触,比不涂导热硅脂更差。4.考虑一下是不是风扇大小或风扇能力对于高端配置的电脑来说已经力不从心?先从风扇的大小考虑(越大越好),再考虑功率(越大越好),还有厂家。5.其他客观原因,例如室内温喥高,开机的时候长时间运行大型程序(游戏),机箱散热不好,中毒,CPU使用率经常100%等等。可以安装Windows优化大师,该软件除了可以全面清理优化系统以外,还可以对系统所有硬件及软件信息进行检测,你可以随时进行檢测,并与以前信息进行对照,从中发现问题。如果断电后不能正常开机,估计是硬件或者系统文件出问题了。首先采用替换法排除硬件问题(主要检查主板和电源)。排除硬件后就是系统问题了,只有通过重裝系统解决。经常自动停电关机会对电脑硬件带来伤害,带来的后果僦是缩短硬件使用寿命。载安装Z武器,您的系统所有硬件的所有参数嘟可以显示出来,而且该软件还有其他功能:优


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