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upcoming events
即将发生的事件 即将举办的活动双语例句:1.Get upcoming events while away from the computer. Check out #8 in this list to learn how to access your upcoming events via your phone.
不在电脑旁的时候获取即将开始的事件。检出列表中的#8,学习如何通过手机访问即将开始的事件。2.For example, we could offer personalized News or reminders about upcoming events if you tell us which programs and topics you're interested in.
例如,如果您将您感兴趣的内容和话题告诉我们,我们可能会提供个性化新闻或关于即将发生事件的提示。3.Image above: The interior of our front door is painted with black chalkboard paint. We use it to list important upcoming events and reminders to one another.上图:我们前门上刷的是黑色的黑板漆。上面写着的即将发生的重要事件,和互相需要提醒的事情。
最近活动例句.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问,和互相需要提醒的事情,这两件事此前推高了货币市场利率。 2,是由即将发生的两件事引发的.The exceptionally large cash injection was precipitated by two upcomingevents that had driven up money market rates. 本周规模超大的现金注入. 上面写着的即将发生的重要事件.We use it to list important upcoming events and reminders to one another:1:网络释义1upcoming events即将到来的事件双语对照词典结果
upcoming events即将到来的事件双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 最近活动-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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Events calendar
18 Upcoming events
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Russian Federation
United Kingdom
& 30 Jul 16
Barcelona, Spain
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona (en pleno centro de Barcelona)
Dirigido a interpretes de conferencias en activo ...
Organizado y dirigido por Danielle Gree, intérprete de conferencias AIIC y Isabel Yuste, filóloga del espa?ol ...
El curso está cuidadosamente dise?ado para los profesionales de la interpretación que deseen profundizar su conocimiento de la lengua espa?ola y de la actualidad de Espa?a.?El formato se basa en sesiones de trabajo de tres horas por la ma?ana y tres por la tarde.
Presentamos conferenciantes de altísimo nivel: catedráticos de universidad, profesionales del derecho y la economía, investigadores y especialistas en diversos temas de conocimiento.
Proponemos ejercicios de lengua: comentarios lingüísticos, ampliación de vocabulario.
Amenizamos el curso con salidas novedosas y únicas que aportan tanto conocimientos científicos como cullturales.
Disfrutamos juntos de experiencias gastronómicas, artísticas y culturales que sólo pueden conocerse a través de nuestro curso.
El curso que tiene una duración de 8 días completos (con un mínimo de 42 horas de clase) requiere un mínimo de 20 personas y las inscripciones se cerrarán al llegar al número de 30 participantes.
Precio: 1400EUR/persona. Descuento del 30% para miembros AIIC: 980EUR.
Los interesados pueden manifestar su intención de participar en el curso con un mail dirigido a Danielle Gree: d.gree@2xd.aiic.net .
& 20 Aug 16
Malcesine, Italy
Corso di Italiano sul Lago di Garda, Malcesine 2016
Questo corso, costruito secondo una formula differente rispetto al refresher, è dedicato principalmente a interpreti e traduttori di livello medio-avanzato (B2-C1), ma anche a coloro che, interessati ai temi proposti, possiedano le competenze linguistiche necessarie.
Sessioni estate 2016:
da lunedì 25 luglio a sabato 30 luglio
da lunedì 1° agosto a sabato 6 agosto
da lunedì 8 agosto a sabato 13 agosto
da lunedì 15 agosto a sabato 20 agosto
Le lezioni si terranno tutti i giorni dalle 9 alle 13. Nel pomeriggio sono previste attività di conoscenza del territorio con visite al Castello scaligero di Malcesine, la limonaia “del Castel” di Limone e il Museo del vino a Bardolino.
Il numero massimo di partecipanti è di 8 persone.&
Il prezzo della singola sessione, comprensivo di 24 ore di workshop e del materiale didattico utilizzato, è di 600 euro.
Per maggiori informazioni potete consultare il sito internet
oppure contattarci agli indirizzi e-mail:
& 29 Jul 16
Tallinn, Estonia
Narva maantee 25 Tallinn Estonia
To apply for the course please complete this registration .
Contact : Andy Gillies - training@mxcpc2cetwx.aiic.net
AIIC Upgrade Course: Interpreting into EN as a B language
Content of the workshop
This 3-day course in Tallinn (Estonia) is directed at interpreters working into English (EN B) wishing to improve their interpreting skills. The course will focus on:
Retour enhancement for English Bs
Simultaneous and consecutive training
Interpreting of live and recorded speeches with native-speaker feedback
Preparing for EU accreditation tests
The course content will take account of the needs of participants which will be established together with them prior to the course.
Helen Campbell was a staff member of the Directorate-General for Interpretation of the European Commission (DG SCIC) in Brussels from 1973 until April 2011. A highly qualified and experienced interpreter trainer, she has aptitude-tested, taught and acted as examiner at university courses in and outside Europe and at EU accreditation tests and competitions. She is currently the Director of the National Network for Interpreting of the UK program ‘Routes into Languages’.
The workshop will be held in English.
Practical information
Maximum number of participants: 8
AIIC members & candidates: 620 euro
Non-AIIC members: 690 euro
The course is open to interpreters working into English B.*
*For practical reasons only a maximum of 3 different A languages can be accommodated on the course and there must be 2 speakers of each A language. C into B combinations will only be admitted if the composition of the group allows.
& 05 Aug 16
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Auditorio del Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Av. Corrientes 1824 (CABA) Argentina
Pablo Chang-Castillo : chang-castillo.com
Spanish into English conference interpretation course
This course is designed for practicing, professional conference interpreters, especially Spanish A interpreters who would like to hone their skills from a Spanish A into an English B. The course is also useful for interpreters who would like to upgrade an English C into an English B. We have also designed the course for English A interpreters who are working on adding Spanish as a passive language.
Pablo Chang-Castillo is a freelance conference interpreter based in Paris. Originally from Nicaragua, he grew up between Central America and the United States. He holds a Master of Arts in Conference Interpretation from the Monterey Institute of International Studies.
Practical information
The course is limited to 30 students broken down in two groups of 15. It will include the following topics:
Simultaneous interpretation techniques from Spanish into English
Consecutive interpretation techniques from Spanish into English
Consecutive note-taking techniques and strategies
Dates and schedule
August 1-5, 2016 (Group A: 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM, Group B: 2:00 PM-6:00 PM)
Registration Fees
USD 650 (AIIC, TAALS, ADICA members)
USD 700 (Non-members) + USD 25 application processing fee
For further details, please click .
& 05 Aug 16
Germersheim, Germany
Anmeldung und Auskunft:
Johannes Gutenberg–Universit?t FTSK Germersheim Internationale Sommerschule Germersheim Wini Kern An der Hochschule 2 D - 76711 Germersheim Tel: +49 7274 /
Fax: +49 28
Didaktik im Dolmetschunterricht – Train the Trainers
Didaktik des Konsekutiv- und Simultandolmetschens:
Dolmetschwissenschaft und ihre didaktische Relevanz
Festlegung von Unterrichtszielen
Methodik zum Kompetenzerwerb der Studierenden
Progression in den Anforderungen
Schwierigkeitsgrad von Texten
Notizentechnik , Vorstellung und Anwendungsbeispiele didaktisch relevanter Literatur
Kapazit?tenverteilung im Dolmetschen
Teilnehmerzahl: 6-12 AusbilderInnen von KonferenzdolmetscherInnen
Kursgebühren: 500 EUR (inklusive Rahmenprogramm/ohne Unterkunft)
Begrüssungsabend, Filmabend, Ausflug, Abschlussessen
& 12 Aug 16
Germersheim, Germany
Johannes Gutenberg–Universit?t
FTSK Germersheim Internationale Sommerschule Germersheim An der Hochschule 2 D - 76711 Germersheim
Wini Kern:isg@uni-mainz.de
Deutsch für KonferenzdolmetscherInnen - mit Deutsch als C-Sprache
Teilnehmerzahl: 10 graduierte DolmetscherInnen mit Deutsch als C-Sprache,Englisch, Franz?sisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Polnisch als A-Sprachen, andere Sprachen auf Anfrage.
Dolmetschübungen (Simultan, auf Wunsch Konsekutiv),
Analyse von TV-Sendungen
Kursgebühren: 900 EUR (inklusive Rahmenprogramm/ohne Unterkunft)
Rahmenprogramm: 3 Exkursionen (Speyer, Heidelberg, Weinstrasse mit Weinprobe)
Filmabende, Museumsbesuch, Stadtführung
& 14 Aug 16
Yanji, China
Yanbian University 977&Gongyuan Road Yanji City Jilin Province&(China)
Read more about Yanbian University .
Organised by AIIC Trainers in Asia-Pacific
About the&seminar:& Ms. Hong JIANG at&h.jiang@vf3qyhdy.aiic.net&
&About visa and local logistics: Mr. Mingri KIM&at&minrio@tgtb2vsxtca.163.com&
AIIC Upgrade Course: Interpreting into non-native English from Chinese and Korean
Matthew Perret will lead a 4-day training course in&Yanji, China, on "retour" interpretation from Chinese and/or Korean into English. The course is aimed at interpreters with professional experience working into non-native English, or with a high standard of English and intending to add active EN to their combination.
The course will include simultaneous and consecutive interpreting with native- “retour” skills enhancement (systematic reformulation, strategic use of intonation); English enhancement and role-playing exercises, and sessions on issues specific to the ZH-EN, &and KO-EN combinations.
Matthew Perret is a freelance interpreter based in Berlin (EN A, ES B, IT FR PT C) with 20 years of experience working for the European Commission and Parliament as well as with the G20, UK government, and IMF/ World Bank group.
He is also a well-known trainer, teaching on the interpreting courses of the Universities of Zurich and Shanghai, and regularly involved in training both staff and freelance interpreters into English "B" at international organisations.
Matthew also contributes to online training initiatives such as , and Lourdes de Rioja's , and is Project Task Leader for .
Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance from AIIC for each individual seminar attended.& This seminar will be held in English.
AIIC members: EUR400
Non-members: EUR550
Maximum number of places:&15
To apply:&Please complete the
All AIIC courses are non-profit.
Courses will be confirmed when registration fees cover the costs of the course or cancelled at the latest 6 weeks before the date of the course.
Participants withdrawing before confirmation of the course will be refunded.
If the course is cancelled all participants will be refunded.
If a participant cancels after the course has been confirmed AIIC can only refund the course fee if costs are still covered.
AIIC reserves the right to use photos taken during the course for promotional purposes. Anyone who does not want their image used in this way is invited to mention this in an email to the address above before the course.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with training@1jfreq.aiic.net
& 27 Aug 16
London, United Kingdom
Short courses in London for conference interpreters with English B
As previously announced, Christine Adams and Zo? Hewetson are planning on running short courses in central London for interpreting colleagues with English B, in August 2016.
We have had interest from German and Dutch As for week 1 (from 15-20 August) and there are still a few places left.
The languages planned for week 2 (22-27 August) are French A and Spanish A. There are spaces in those groups too.
Please get in touch if you are interested or have any questions
Following successful short courses for interpreters with English B in the past two summers, Christine Adams and Zo? Hewetson are proposing to run two more in 2016. There is a felt need for opportunities for colleagues to work on their B in a practical, supportive environment.
15-20 August 2016
22-27 August 2016
Practical information
simultaneous interpreting
consecutive (if requested)
feedback from colleagues and English A course tutors
voice coaching
English enhancement
talks and debates on topical issues
speech preparation and delivery
They will take place in central London. We could accommodate two different A language groups a week, with a minimum number of six per group and a maximum of ten.
Please send us an email if you would be interested in attending, giving your A language and preferred week. We would like to have expressions of interest by 16 November 2015 so we can establish the A language groups.
?1250.00 (which will cover tuition, not accommodation).
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Christine Adams - ch.adams@2kvt.btinternet.com
Zo? Hewetson - zoehewetson@ya2ked.hotmail.com
& 05 Sep 16
Germersheim, Germany
Johannes Gutenberg–Universit?t FTSK Germersheim Internationale Sommerschule Germersheim Wini Kern An der Hochschule 2 D - 76711 Germersheim Tel:+49 18 Fax:+49 28
E-Mail: isg@esgwn1f.uni-mainz.de
Didactics in interpreter training – Train the Trainers
Course content:
Didactics of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting:
Definition of targets
Tecniques for students acquiring competences
Progression in requirements
Degree of difficulty of texts
Note Taking , Presentation and examples how to apply didactically relevant literature
Course fees: 490EUR (including entertaining programme/ not including accommodation)
Entertaining programme:
Welcome party, film, excursion, final dinner
& 10 Sep 16
York, United Kingdom
University of York Department of Language and Linguistic Science Vanbrugh C Block Heslington York YO10 5DD
Contact: Andy Gillies
AIIC Workshop: Consecutive note-taking refresher
Helen Campbell will lead a workshop in York for professional interpreters who want to consolidate their note-taking skills for consecutive interpreting.&
This 2.5 day course targets professional conference interpreters who feel their note-taking skills are getting rusty or have never been that great to begin with. Helen Campbell, an experienced conference interpreter and interpreter trainer, as well as an engaging and entertaining public speaker, will explain her note-taking strategies to help make you feel more at ease with your next consecutive assignment.
Helen Campbell was a staff member of the Directorate-General for Interpretation of the European Commission (DG SCIC) in Brussels from 1973 until April 2011. A highly qualified and experienced interpreter trainer, she has aptitude-tested, taught, and acted as examiner at university and EU exams as well as teaching a variety of courses for AIIC. She is also the Director of the National Network for Interpreting of the UK program ‘Routes into Languages’.
Practical Information
The workskop will begin&at 2pm on Thursday&8 Sept and end at 6pm on Saturday&10 Sept
It&will be held in English
Minimum number of participants: 12
Maximum number of participants: 20
AIIC members & candidates: 250 euro
Non-members: 300 euro
To apply for the course please complete this .&
All AIIC courses are non-profit.
Courses will be confirmed when registration fees cover the costs of the course or cancelled at the latest 6 weeks before the date of the course.
Participants withdrawing before confirmation of the course will be refunded.
If the course is cancelled all participants will be refunded.
If a participant cancels after the course has been confirmed AIIC can only refund the course fee if costs are still covered.
& 11 Sep 16
Athens, Greece
Titania Hotel
efsli 2016: Versatility in the sign language interpreting profession
The European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters will celebrate its 2016 Annual General Meeting and Conference in Athens under the title:
“It?s all Greek to me” :&Versatility in the sign language interpreting profession
The&conference will focus on how do we&successfully&interpret when it is otherwise “all Greek”.&Some of the topics to be covered:
1.&Working in specialist settings: working effectively in settings where we are non-experts
custom and practice,
hierarchical structures, etc.
2. Working inter-culturally: what are the cultural ‘signposts’ or ‘barriers’ that we encounter and need to negotiate when we work as interpreters?
Are these the same or different for Deaf interpreters and hearing interpreters?
How do we effectively work between International Sign and other languages? How can we manage the challenges arising in contexts where there are many working languages, with code-switching potentially occurring between languages/ across modalities? e.g. someone switching between English and French, or British Sign Language and IS, or French and LSF, for example)
3. Quality Control: what kinds of protocols are in place (or should be in place) to ensure quality control in specialist settings? (e.g. mentoring arrangements, supervision, licensing, assessment, testing, etc.)
What does the ‘ideal model’ include?
How do we get to that goal?
09 Sept: Annual General Meeting,&09h30–17h.00
10 Sept: Conference, 09h00–18h30
11 Sept: Conference, 09h30–13h40
You do not have to be a member of efsli to attend the AGM. If you would like to attend as an observer, please do not forget to register.
Regular deadline is 07 August
For more information, including detailed schedule, social events,&breakdown of fees and registration process, please consult our .
The conference programme can be downloaded below.
& 11 Sep 16
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Know Your Worth: Understanding Marketing and Negotiating for Interpreters
This two-day seminar&with Julia Poger&is aimed at any interpreter who wishes to improve relationships with clients and prospects, gain more respect – both for the interpreter and from the client, and negotiate higher fees. By examining the mindset underlying the marketing and negotiating tasks that interpreters carry out every day, participants will obtain invaluable tools for marketing their services and negotiating contracts that they may put into practice immediately.
Various questions will be addressed, such as:
What can you do to increase your chances of getting the job once you have targeted the client?
What does the client understand about us, expect from us, want from us?
What should you avoid saying, or else the client may never hire you – or anyone else?
What phrase should always end your conversations with any client?
Concepts such as branding, selling, client relationships, pricing, negotiating tricks, and "coopetition" will also be discussed, all illustrated with real-life examples.&
?Julia draws on parallels with other – often surprisingly similar – professions, and what lessons we could learn from them. She focuses on the upstream work that must be done by the interpreter before advertising his/her services, as well as on the preparation involved before beginning the process of selling or negotiating a contract. ?
Participants will be encouraged to take a step back from their own position, and envision the entire client relationship from new perspectives. ?
Julia Poger, M.A.C.I. (MIIS); ATA; AIIC, started her career as a marketer and negotiator at a young age, developing her selling skills in markets as diverse as newspaper advertising, books, shoes, ideas and, once she received her Master’s Degree in 1987, interpreting services.&
Her experience includes building and retaining a wide-ranging client base in the private, institutional, and government markets on both sides of the Atlantic. She has worked at presidential and cabinet levels in two US administrations, at ministerial and presidential levels for international organizations, as well as for CEOs from various Fortune 500 Companies. She has trained interpreters in consecutive interpretation, English as a B language, and marketing and negotiating techniques, and has taught and/or examined in schools in six countries. She is a member of the Belgian AIIC Network of Trainers (BANT), co-organizes the Cambridge Conference Interpretation Course, and offers consulting services on branding and brand identity.&
Practical Information
The event is open to practicing interpreters, and also to graduates from interpreting courses at any university or training center.&
RUB 20 000 ( EUR 300 ) early bird rate, valid until 15 August 2016&
RUB 22 500 ( EUR 325 ) as of&16 August 2016&
To register, please contact the seminar’s organizer Tatiana Kaplun at&Kaplun.tatiana@f2epyfg.gmail.com.
The seminar fee will be payable upon confirmation that we have reached the minimum number of students.&
Minimum: 10&participants
Maximum: 25 participants
For more information visit the &or join the seminar .
Malm?, Sweden
Sankt Gertrud Konferens&&?stergatan 9 211 25 Malm? Sweden
Scandinavian Language Associations' Meeting: SLAM!
Join us for a Grand SLAM in Malm?!
As language service providers, how do we adapt to changing market conditions? What can we do to promote professionalism on the individual, Scandinavian and global level?&
For the first time ever, eight language associations from four Scandinavian countries are organising a conference for language professionals from Scandinavia and all over the world. Join us in Malm? for a Grand SLAM! that will prepare you to tackle the challenges of today’s market with confidence.
Topics to be covered include:
Promoting professionalism
Ethical issue in translation
The EU Directive on Right to&Interpretation and Translation in Criminal Proceedings&
How to improve regulations
Client relationships&
Translation and&interpreting in a Nordic perspective&
Business practices for the future
ISO 17100 and beyond
Download&the attached programme for detailed information on sessions and optional post-conference educational sessions (not included in the registration fee).&
Conference Cost (prices in parenthesis are incl. VAT)
Early bird registration before 1 August: SEK 1,200 (SEK 1,500)
After 1 August: SEK 1,600 (SEK 2,000)
For complete information on speakers,&venue and pre/post-conference events&visit our&.
& 03 Oct 16
Rome, Italy
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 1 00153 Rome Italy&
Metro station Circo Massimo (Line B)
Contact in Moscow: Maria Esakova PhD rimforum2016@svdh1jtjb.mail.ru tel. + 7 916 605 97 65 or (495) 939 44 82&
Contact in Rome: Natalia Fefelova PhD rimforum2016@xtttsy2x.mail.ru tel. +39 349 668 6803
International Forum - Russian in a global context and international organizations
Dear colleagues,
You are invited to take part in the 1st International Forum&Russian in a Global Context and International Organizations -&from&28 September &to&3 October 2016 (Academic Programme 29-30 September)
The forum will include presentations and discussions on the following topics:
1. Russian as a vehicle for international communication
International status of Russian
Russian as a language of international organizations
Multilingualism and information exchange in international communication
Russian as a lingua franca of the Eurasian cultural area
Russian as the language of diplomacy and "soft power" in a global context
Culture of Russia’s peoples in the global humanist community and the polylogue of cultures
2. Translation in professional communications
Role of translation in the multilingual and multicultural context of international organizations
Problems of translation in a multilingual environment and the principle of equality among languages
Translation and the polylogue of cultures
Translation in professional communication
Interpretation and translation
Creation and functioning of multilingual terminology portals (glossaries and databases)
Traditional and electronic dictionaries and search engines
Translation of specialist publications
Russian-language versions of portals and websites in international organizations
Russian information products in an international context
3. Profile of the language professional
Interpreter and translator professional competency model
Professional profile of the interpreter and translator
Developing competency in language professionals
Translation subjects: characteristics of specialist text translation
Written translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation
Information technology tools for language professionals
Modern approaches, principles and methods for teaching professional interpretation and translation
Methodology in training interpretation and translation teachers
Continuing education seminars for interpretation and translation teachers
4. Russian language teaching in global professional communication
New approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language: methods and technologies, textbooks and teaching aids, programmes and planning, monitoring and testing
Enhancing motivation for Russian acquisition in international communication
Developing professional communicative competence in a multilingual and multicultural context
Experiences of creating specialist textbooks and teaching aids
Continuing education for teachers of Russian as a foreign language in international organizations
Interaction between languages and cultures in cross-language communication
Cross-language communication issues in international professional communication
Participants will be issued with a certificate of attendance at the conclusion of the forum.
The working languages of the forum are Russian and English (simultaneous interpretation will be provided for the plenary session).
Information on the forum can be found on the official website of the Graduate School of Interpreting and Translation, Lomonosov State University of Moscow at the following link .
Participation in the Forum may include:
Presentation of a paper + length of intervention – 20 minutes
Attendance of the proceedings
Remote participation*
*In the case of remote participation please submit your paper and settle the remote participation fee of EUR 80 by 30 June 2016.
The forum registration fee is EUR 100. It includes attendance of the forum proceedings and covers the cost of organization, publication and dissemination of the forum programme and materials, the participant kit, hire of technical equipment and meeting rooms, simultaneous interpretation of the plenary session, coffee breaks, cocktail reception, a walking tour “Squares and Fountains of Rome”.
At the end of the forum, on 1 and 2 October, the tour company GARTOUR is offering participants two excursions in Russian (prices per person are for a group of 15-20):
Saint Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Museums, including the Sistine Chapel. Approximate cost – EUR 52 (includes transfer from and to hotel, tickets to the Vatican Museums through a dedicated entrance, commentary by a licensed Russian-speaking guide, earphones for the commentary).
Excursion to renowned locations in the Rome area (towns of Nemi, Castelgandolfo and Monteporzio) with a visit to the Cantina Santa Benedetta wine cellars and tasting of local wines.&Approximate cost – EUR 48 (includes transfer from and to hotel, commentary by a licensed Russian-speaking guide, tasting).
Travel, accommodation and meals are at the expense of participants or their organization.
The forum will take place at:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 1, 00153 Rome, Italy Metro station Circo Massimo (Line B)
Suggested hotels in Rome (near Termini railway station on Metro Line B, three stops to FAO, two stops to the Coliseum):
3-star hotels
Hotel Regio or Hotel Lazio (standard category)
o single occupancy + breakfast – EUR 75o double occupancy + breakfast – EUR 100 (EUR 50 per person)
Hotel Galles (superior 3-star category)
o&single occupancy + breakfast – EUR 86o double occupancy + breakfast – EUR 114 (EUR 57 per person)
4-star hotels
Hotel Lux or Hotel Noto (standard category)&
o single occupancy + breakfast – EUR 78o double occupancy + breakfast – EUR 106 (EUR 53 per person)
Hotel BW Universo (superior 4-star category with continental breakfast)&
o single occupancy + breakfast – EUR 98o double occupancy + breakfast – EUR 160 (EUR 80 per person)
A mandatory city tax of EUR 4-6 per night is payable on all hotel accommodation in Rome. Our partner tour company GARTOUR is offering participants a special package of three nights’ accommodation in a 3-star hotel with breakfast + airport transfers + excursion to the Vatican Museums with transfer, entry ticket and Russianspeaking guide) from EUR 265 per person. More details are available on request. Airport transfer information: o By train (Leonardo Express) from/to Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci airport to&Termini railway station - EUR 14 per person o Group return transfer by minibus for 6 people – EUR 65 per group (EUR 11 per person) o Group return transfer by minibus for 16 people – EUR 123 per group (EUR 8 per person) Accommodation and transfers must be booked and paid by 15 June 2016 – all enquiries and reservations to GARTOUR Rome: Anna Yarova - Manager: a.iarova@ga2nekcmp.gartour.net (Russian) Pierluigi Nocella – Manager: p.nocella@cfbjsc2aps.gartour.net (English and Italian) Please note that the prices above are valid for payment received by 15 June 2016.
The forum is held with the support of:
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Rome-based UN Agencies
Department of Linguistic Support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia -&Russia
International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) -&Switzerland
European Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies EURISPES -&Italy
Brussels, Belgium
Hemicycle European Parliament - Brussels
Multilingualism and equal rights in the EU, the role of sign languages
Ms. Helga Stevens MEP is delighted to welcome you to the European Parliament to attend 'Multilingualism and equal rights in the EU: the role of sign languages'. This event will be the first ever to have all 24 EU spoken languages and all 31 EU sign languages!
The conference aims to show how our rich linguistic heritage plays an important role in achieving equal rights for all. It&is a public (and free!) event and we encourage as many people as possible to attend!
What's so special about this event?
Will have interpretation in all spoken languages of the EU
AND all sign languages of the EU
Taking place in the plenary room of the Parliament: over 700 participants
For more information and registration, please click .
& 06 Nov 16
Leidschendam, Netherlands
If you have any questions, please contact: Claire Parment at c.parment@emmdk2nqvjy.aiic.net
10th AIIC Netherlands Legal Symposium: International Humanitarian Law
AIIC NL is pleased to announce that its 10th Legal Symposium will be held on 5/6 November 2016 at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in Leidschendam, and will address:&INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW.
Please pencil in&that weekend in your busy schedules.
The Organising team shall finalize the last details after the summer recess, but we are ready to open registration. Please find attached the "almost" final programme, and the registration form.
Rest&assured that we will have expert&speakers (from the Tribunals and Courts here in Den Haag and&academia, as well as&specialized Criminal Defense lawyers) to enlighten us on the&topic, from the historical perspective to the implementation of Humanitarian Law in today’s Tribunals and Courts.
After two days of presentations,&not only will you be perfectly able to distinguish&between Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, but you will also have spent&a great weekend networking with&other interpreters from various&regions,&and enjoying our pleasant and laid-back City of Peace.
We are planning a tour of the new International Criminal Court (ICC) building on the eve of the Symposium, around 3pm, followed by a reception at the seaside.
As usual, attendance will be limited to 50, with a priority given to AIIC members. Registration fees remain&identical to previous years (150 euros AIIC members& / 200 euros non AIIC).
Please register as early as possible, and most important: have a good summer !!
& 20 Jan 17
Curitiba, Brazil
Quality Hotel Curitiba
Alameda Dom Pedro II 740 – Batel Curitiba
For further details or if you have any questions you can contact braziltraining@jzuvydv3r.aiic.net
AIIC Upgrade Course : Portuguese C HiiT
Come HiiT your PT C target at the fourth edition of the very successful High Intensity Interpreter Training.
Once again, enthusiastic novice Portuguese A interpreters will be one of the highlights of the course participating as observers and giving feedback.
You can also choose to have optional private or small-group Portuguese lessons with experienced Portuguese as a Foreign Language teachers.
Target audience
Interpreters with Portuguese C or planning to add Portuguese to their language combination. English, Spanish, French and Italian As and Bs are welcome. Other languages may be accommodated upon request, ideally with at least two students with the same combination in the group.
Content of the workshop
Simultaneous and consecutive practice with live and recorded speeches on either general or technical topics.
Continuous assistance and feedback from trainers and novice Portuguese A interpreters
Remote feedback by guest interpreter trainers from renowned interpreting programs in Brazil
Cultural activities including a city tour, museum visit and a samba and forro dance class.
Optional, for an additional fee, private or small-group Portuguese language sessions given by Portuguese as a Foreign Language teachers.
Maximize your exposure to Portuguese while in Curitiba
Up to 10 participants of the Portuguese C HiiT may join our Portuguese A HiiT on a first-come, first-served basis.&The dates of the Portuguese A HiiTs you can choose from and be an observer are 9 to 13 January and/or 23 to 27 January 2017.
As you participate as an observer, novice PT A interpreters will gladly interact with you in Portuguese, help you with language issues and teach you more about the local culture. You will also have the opportunity to listen to presentations in Portuguese as the novices practice in the booth.
The cost is only EUR 100 per week and you will be asked to make a speech in your A or B language for the students to practice.&Once you enroll for the Portuguese C Hiit, you will receive an email with the links to register to be an observer.
Tourism opportunities
As all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, it is worth mentioning that Curitiba is just a short flight away from the world-famous Iguassu Falls, a perfect weekend trip. Another tourism opportunity is Ilha do Mel, a picturesque coastal island, or a few days in Rio which, unlike Curitiba, is too big and expensive for a course&but the dream stopover just before or after the HiiT.
Raquel Schaitza&(PT A; EN B) has been a freelancer in the private market for over 25 years. Raquel completed the Master of Advanced Studies in Interpreter Training at the University of Geneva and offers a regular short-term interpreter training program in Curitiba. She was also a simultaneous interpreting trainer at Estacio de Sa University in Sao Paulo, Brazil and a Teaching Fellow in Interpreting at the University of Leeds.
Richard Laver&(PT and EN A; ES C) has been a member of AIIC since 2002.& Richard is a freelance interpreter based in Rio with almost 20 years of experience. He is the current AIIC Advisory Member for Brazil and has been involved with novice interpreters via VEGA activities.
Together, Raquel Schaitza and Richard Laver have been offering the HiiT for both PT A and PT C interpreters based in Brazil or abroad since its first edition in 2014.
The preferred number of participants is between&12&(minimum)&and&16&(maximum).&
To register, please click .&
Early bird (until September 9th)
AIIC members: EUR 780
Non-AIIC Members: EUR 880
After September 9th&
AIIC members: EUR 850
Non-AIIC Members: EUR 950
All AIIC courses are non-profit.
Courses will be confirmed when registration fees cover the costs of the course or cancelled at the latest 6 weeks before the date of the course.
Participants withdrawing before confirmation of the course will be refunded.
If the course is cancelled all participants will be refunded.
If a participant cancels after the course has been confirmed AIIC can only refund the course fee if costs are still covered.
AIIC reserves the right to use photos taken during the course for promotional purposes. Anyone who does not want their image used in this way is invited to mention this to in an email to the address above before the course.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with&training@bun1xa.aiic.net
& 05 Aug 17
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
XXI World Congress - International Federation of Translators
FIT&2017:&Call for papers
The theme of the XXI FIT Congress is&Disruption and Diversification.
The emphasis of the FIT Congress 2017 will be on issues relating to disruption and diversification in all&the fields of translation and interpreting.&The 2017 Congress will highlight the impacts of technology, globalisation, policy and economic change on the delivery of language services, with specific streams for indigenous and sign languages, interpreting in conflict zones, community interpreting and translation, and literary translation. &Presenting at the FIT Congress 2017 offers a valuable opportunity to meet members of the translation and interpreting professions, academics, service providers and other stakeholders.
FIT invites all those interested – practitioners, academics, students, agencies, software makers and policy makers, accreditation bodies, and buyers of services –&to submit proposals for papers/posters dealing with the following session&themes:
Translating from/into Minority and Indigenous Languages:&politics/knowledge gaps/ globalisation/ literature/ oral heritage
Language and Conflict:&interpreting in war zone/technologies and skills/ preservation/vicarious trauma
Community Interpreting and Translation:&New and emerging communities/refugees and asylum seekers/aging populations/recognition and remuneration/ Certification, accreditation and regulation/ pedagogy and research
Sign Language Interpreting:&developments/access politics/ markets/ future/ technology
Localisation as a Genre:&developments/markets/future/technology
Social Media Translation Trends:&QA/ economic pressures/ technology/future of the professional in the world of the amateur
Globalisation, Ethics and Status of the Profession:&research/ legislation/ teaching/ changes /invisibility/
Translation Practice and Academic Research:&change, growth, strategies
Future Shock – Technology, Disruption and the New Industry Paradigm:&effect on LSP, and buyers of language services/diversification/responses / quality
Creativity and Translation in the Post-modern World:&trans-creation, copywriting and literary translation
Freelancing as a Reflective Business Practice:&learning/business skills/ perceptions/training/sustainability/ diversification
For more information on guidelines and registration, please click .&


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