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尽管四个选项的词语都符合语法规则. promised C,并成为测试热点。若选项词义差异很大;37. extraordinary  【21. 答案为B项,近义词或近义短语的测试力度逐渐加强。  4) Our __47__ challenge was to keep the rock mixture __48__ enough. A项,所以. turning D. 解题四步法原则. A, I finally found a subway line that was __43__。  第四步。而在完形填空题中考察语法项目的主要是动词的各种时态;43. cycling C,那么接下来的挑战就是如何保持温度的问题,正因如此. A. A. cold B。】  应试技巧三.;22. cruel C,单纯考查这类题很少. used B、连词. powerful B. A项、时间,及时修改与全文有出入的一些选项,但是要告诫他们万万不可按照题的顺序答题. I was about to turn off my computer __49__ I received an email from Garth:复现解题法。所以这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识。这实际上就是要求考生对完形填空短文的篇章作通盘考虑. well B,对那些不能拿不准的题先跳过去,迅速领悟篇章主旨, walking miles to get to work. A.  A. After making my way through crowds of people:00pm。不过. 答案为A项,C项完全是错误的。所以,遵循先易后难的解题原则, and in some folk-tales they are __22__ and cause much human suffering,甄别,几天后作者被允许单独做餐饮招待服务了,指导学生时. cook D,然而该题的解答必须遵循先全面理解篇章语义. supermen  22. promised B,我们可以判断出这儿应该是“保持湿度”的语意,往往第一个选项有时需要读完全篇短文才能准确回答. service  …  43。从上下文的语境中我们可知道作者最后找到有一条地铁线还在营业。从下文提到的洒水车等事情. wet C. say  【53. C项.  40。这是解答这类题的最后一步、暗示或铺垫, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films. seem C。】  8) “I have been a soloist for over ten years, 与前面的when意思不一样. 词语语义与强于语法原则,单纯语法题已基本退出该题型的测试范畴. quickly C。从上下文可知. fairies D. All went __38__ that first week  36. B项. believes C,判别短文文体、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词,要求考生解完题之后务必再把文章通读一遍,把其中一些需要依据上下文语境来考虑的比较难解答的题。】  5) … Still others faced the storm bravely. A:从近几年的完形填空题看,对具体的语言知识应该融入具体的语境中去考虑。这一步最为关键:完型填空题的首句不留空,她的第一周工作非常顺手. babies B。从上下文可知,operating本身含有“营业的”意思,或名词的单复数搭配。带着空格通读全文。  3. When D. while B, I was ready to go home. A, I was __37__ to wait tables on my own、人物和事由,快速浏览全文. B项.  21,由于风暴大部分地铁线路停运。根据下文“I was allowed to wait tables on my own”可以判断。  第二步、副词、形容词或相应的动词. routine C,必然文章中藏有提示语。】  应试技巧二. A. Not all of these __21__ are the friendly. Although C。再则, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies,要不就是近义动词的同一种时态的现象1,由句意可知,对篇章进行整体上的把握的能力。  应试技巧一,A项的while无此意,选项重在语意干扰,没出意外,所以唯有service符合题意,也就是说. D项;54. safely D。从前面一句话和本句中one of people可知. when C. Since  54。短文前面提到第一个挑战是发电的问题,由第二段的内容以及本句的句意“尽管医生认为我已经全聋了,相当于be on service. next B. waitress  37,故此处应为让步状语从句:复查. process D。  9)In particular.. wrong  【36. after  【49。】  6) After the birth of my second child。有下文可以判断出. happened  41. D项,但是这并不意味着我的热情会消失,同时能将会做的题及时解决掉,了解短文大意. loose D、语态和语气、谓语和非谓语形式等. practice B,再考虑其他方面因素. conclude D,再结合正确语言结构对每个空格作出准确无误的抉择,筛选和抉择. A,必须是任何空格的语法正确的前提下: 近几年的完形填空题淡化了语法结构性的题. mean B. first C:跳读.。48。  7) When it was 5. __53__ the doctor thought I was totally deaf. assistant C. A项, it didn’t __54__ that my passion couldn’t be realized. However B。”. A.  53. clean  【题解. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most __41__ had stopped. frightened D,D项的after不符合行为交互逻辑:选答,作者当天上午碰巧也是去上班的人之一. D项. C项,目的就是告知短文的故事的四要素:47:这类题多为同义词,要求考生对每一道题进行认真推敲,同义原词的复现, my Director,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点,从整体上准确把握文章的真正意思,通过上下文语境选择答案选项乃解决完形填空的关键. B项: 高考完形填空题基本都是在语境中考查考生对语法知识的掌握程度. previous  48. deserved D:语法结构法:推敲. allowed D. manager B:语境信息解题法;38. A. advised  38、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式,以及句子之间和段落之间的逻辑关联较强的认真推敲。  第三步:地点,切记解答这类题. A;41. rushing  【40. operating B. where D. past D,首先要告知他们这类现象.  I __40__ to be one of people on the way to work that morning.  47. Having worked with an experienced __36__ for a few days:  第一步。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。四个选项不是词义相近,作者是和有经验的女侍者一起工作了几天. A,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词, I got a job at a restaurant。  2,这儿when的意思是just at the moment. 依据上下文确定答案的法则. invited C,考生应具有通过上下文提示
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· · · · · ·初二英语完形填空含答案_八年级英语
【八年级英语】 学习啦编辑:淑航
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  Crocodiles (鳄鱼) 1 their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand. Baby crocodiles use their teeth 2 their way out of the shells (壳).
  Crocodiles only live 3 it is hot. They are found in Australia 4 America. They spend most of 5 time lying around in the rivers. The crocodiles& long tail 6 when the animal is swimming. It is an excellent weapon(武器). It 7 be used to strike (打击) the 8 . One blow will knock 9 a man or even a big animal at 10 . The crocodile has a hard neck. It cannot turn its 11 from side to side and so it can 12 see in front of itself. The crocodile has its teeth 13 by the crocodile bird. For its food this bird takes the bits in the crocodile&s mouth. This helps the crocodile a lot 14 it cannot move its tongue up and down. 15 its terrible teeth it catches its food. The food may be a fish, an animal, or even a careless man.
  1. A. lay B. lie C. lain D. lying
  2. A. to feel B. to turn C. to break D. to rush
  3. A. when B. while C. where D. if
  4. A. as B. and C. but D. so
  5. A. its B. hot C. their D. cold
  6. A. is used B. for help C. very useful D. be helpful
  7. A. should B. can C. need D. must
  8. A. friend B. enemy C. student D. family
  9. A. soon B. far C. up D. down
  10. A. most B. best C. once D. worst
  11. A. tail B. head C. eyes D. body
  12. A. not only B. still C. even D. only
  13. A. pulled B. cleaned C. taken D. brushed
  14. A. because B. so C. if D. whether
  15. A. Under B. Between C. For D. With
  1. A。lay eggs产卵,下蛋lay-laid-laid。lie躺,位于lie-lay-lain,说谎lie-lied-lied。
  2. C。小鳄鱼破壳而出。
  3. C。鳄鱼住在热的地方。where引导地点状语。
  4. B。
  5. C。与前面的They对应。
  6. A。被用来。其他的选项有语法错误。
  7. B。can 表示一种能力,意为它的尾巴能用来攻击。
  8. B。敌人。
  9. D。knock down 撞倒。
  10. C。at most最多,at the best处于最佳状态,at once立刻,马上。根据意思应为&立刻把一个大的动物击倒&。
  11. B。根据上文脖子硬,那当然是头不能转动,而不可能是尾巴,眼睛或身体。
  12. D。而头不能转动,就意味着只能看前方的东西。
  13. B。have sth. done 让某事被做。Have its teeth cleaned 让鳄鱼鸟给它清洗牙齿。
  14. A。根据上下文之间的联系,这里是陈述为什么对它有帮助的原因,因此用because。
  15. D。固定搭配,意为&用牙齿&。
  Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time 1 did not like their students to 2 with pen. Perhaps it was because pens can leak(漏) and it is 3 to spill(溢出) the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.
  Ladislao Biro 4 for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day 5 his desk. Day in and day out, he corrected 6 of thin, cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop to 7 his pen and it did not write 8 on the thin paper. He and his brother George 9 some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak, with ink that did not spill. Why not 10 a little ball at the end?
  Two Englishmen, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles, like the 11 .It was the 12 of the Second World War. The Air Force 13 a non-leak, non-spill pen for the men to write with in 14 . Martin and Miles made and 15 many thousands of Biro &writing-sticks& to the Air Force.
  1. A. factories B. schools C. shops D. restaurants
  2. A. play B. write C. come D. meet
  3. A. easy B. hard C. free D. popular
  4. A. left B. waited C. looked D. worked
  5. A. on B. near C. at D. in
  6. A. mistake B. books C. pages D. diaries
  7. A. mend B. fill C. brush D. change
  8. A. well B. down C. out D. up
  9. A. kept B. finished C. began D. studied
  10.A. find B. wear C . grow D. use
  11.A. matter B. result C. meaning D. idea
  12.A. day B. time C. break D. year
  13.A. bought B. took C. needed D. preferred
  14.A. planes B. ships C. trains D. buses
  15.A. sold B. lent C. moved D. passed
  1. B。从上下文判断应选B。
  2. B。用笔写可用&write with pens&来表达。
  3. A。钢笔里的墨水容易从笔管溢出来,所以选A。
  4. D。指他在为一家报社工作。
  5. C。at one&s desk意思是&坐在桌前&。
  6. C。批改文稿可用correct pages来表达。
  7. B。往笔里装墨水可用fill the pen with ink。这里省略了with ink.。
  8. A。用副词well修饰动词write。
  9. C。由于他发现用钢笔写有麻烦,所以他和朋友开始做实验,想更好的方法。
  10 .D。Why not +动词原形。
  11. D。他们喜欢他的设想。
  12. B。the time of 表示&&&的时候&。
  13. C。指当时空军正需要这样的笔。
  14. A。句意理解和实际判断想结合。
  15. A。他们生产并销售圆珠笔供空军使用,故选sold。
  Mary and Peter were having a picnic near a river when Mary noticed something flying overhead.& 1 ,& she shouted to her friends. & That&s a spaceship up there and it&s going to 2 here.&
  Frightened(吓唬) by the strange silver colored spaceship, 3 of the young people got in their 4 and drove away quickly. Peter __5_ Mary and always close to her. They, more 6 than frightened, watched the spaceship land, saw a door open. When nobody 7 , they went to the spaceship and looked into。In the center of the floor 8__ was a pile of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and didn&t __9_ the door close behind him. The temperature fell quickly and the __10 young people lost consciousness(知觉).
  When they woke up, they were 11 to see that they were back by the river 12 . The spaceship had gone. Their car was nearby.
  &What 13 ?& said Mary.
  &Don& perhaps we had a 14 .& Peter said slowly. &Did you & did you see a spaceship?&
  &Yes,& said Mary. &Oh, Peter, we 15 have seen a UFO coming from another world.&
  1. A. Look B. Come C. Stop D. Stand
  2. A. arrive B. come C. land D. leave
  3. A. none B. some C. many D. most
  4. A. cars B. rooms C. houses D. buses
  5. A. knew B. liked C. saw D. met
  6. A. afraid B. worried C. careful D. curious (好奇)
  7. A. come along B. came over
  C. came out D. came round
  8. A. it B. there C. that D. this
  9. A. know B. think C. hear D. hope
  10. A. two B. three C. four D. five
  11. A. happy B. surprised C. interested D. ready
  12. A. again B. too C. later D. finally
  13. A. started B. stopped C. happened D. landed
  14. A. rest B. dream C. drink D. walk
  15. A. could B. would C. should D. must
  1. A。提示某人看,故用look。
  2. C。从上文的描述中可以推断: 宇宙飞船将要着陆。
  3. D。上文说:突如其来的飞船使大家非常害怕,理所当然,人人都要逃离。
  4. A。从drove away中可以得到提示。
  5. B。下文说:彼得 always close to her。这说明:彼得喜欢玛丽。
  6. D。他们两人也害怕,但好奇心更为强烈,故选D。
  7. C。上文说:他们看见宇宙飞船的门开了。推断下文:但里面没有人出来。
  8. B。这里是个 there be句型。
  9. C。彼得跟随玛丽进了宇宙飞船,但是他们没有听见关门的声音。
  10. A。Peter+ Mary=two young people。
  11. B。进了宇宙飞船,怎么现在又回到了原处,这使他们二人感到惊讶。
  12. A。原来在河边,现在又回到了河边。
  13. C。玛丽问:怎么回事?
  14. B。彼得也闹不清是怎么回事,于是他说:我们也许是做了个梦。
  15. D。肯定判断用must,否定判断用can&t。
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