
英语翻译我们老师让翻译下面两段句子 挺长的 请英语好的热心人来帮忙翻译一下 让我看看 Feng loves his hometown .He believes that old things must be given a place next to new things,or people will soon forget their gr_百度作业帮
英语翻译我们老师让翻译下面两段句子 挺长的 请英语好的热心人来帮忙翻译一下 让我看看 Feng loves his hometown .He believes that old things must be given a place next to new things,or people will soon forget their gr
英语翻译我们老师让翻译下面两段句子 挺长的 请英语好的热心人来帮忙翻译一下 让我看看 Feng loves his hometown .He believes that old things must be given a place next to new things,or people will soon forget their great past .He does not make speeches to get others to help him in his projects .Instead he goes out and does what he can himself .If others follow him,so much the better .One of his biggest projects was to protect the oldest street in Tianjin .Along that street some shops had done business for seven hundred years .Although the city government rebuilt this street,they did save its oldest building .Another project was more successful :he persuaded the city government to buy some land in the centre of the city so it could not be sold for businesses .This area is very important for the history of Tianjin .It was here that the city was first built during the Song Dynasty .Later many treasures were found here.To Feng,digging down into the earth is like reading page after page of a book .Each dynasty found in the earth is like an interesting story .Not long ago he and other writers and artists took photos of the old parts of Tianjin .The photos were put into a book which was very popular .The money from the book helps his projects .Once,an old man asked Feng to sign the book for him,saying he would give it to his grandson who was not yet bron .Feng was glad to do it-he knows that the past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the children of the future.
我也来帮忙I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest one of the civil products since the invention of the traffic tools.It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions.It also satisfies different requirements of various kinds of people due to its constantly appearence designs.It owns the day to day safety assurance system,which reduces the unsafety that high speed driving could brings as far as possible.It has successfully been the indispensable part of people's lives in modern society.However,the negative effect that it produced has been continuouslly taking on as one of the reasons that the vehicles commoditization causes the global warming.The number of people died and hurt in annual traffic accidents has been gradually increasing.In China,one person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes.One person can be hurted in the the traffic accidents every one minute.More and more automobiles have caused the traffic jams in every cities.These are the unavoidable drawbacks that automobiles bring us convience at the same time.If people obey the traffic rules strictly ,drive safely and take public transportation as much as possible,the negtive effects can be reduced to the lowest point.We can not stop the progress of modern technologies but can avoid the harmfulness that it can bring.In this way,we can still enjoy automobiles.
帮帮你喇,,I like automobiles, since traffic tools invented since car is the most rapid civil products of transportation. Its superior performance, provide people with a comfortable driving environmen...
love automobiles, for it is the fastest transportation in civil products. It provides people a comfortable driving environment for its e It meets with people's different needs ...
I like the car, since the transport since the invention of the car is the fastest growing products in civilian transport. Its excellent performance, providing people with a comfortable driving en...
I like automobiles, since traffic tools invented since car is the most rapid civil products of transportation.
Its superior performance, provide people with a comfortable driving envir...
I like automobiles, since traffic tools invented since car is the most rapid civil products of transportation.Its superior performance, provide people with a comfortable Cont...
我来试试I like the automobile. The automobile is the most efficient one among all the public transportation since the invention of the vehicle.With the well performance, the automobile make it c...
尽管如此,因它而产生的负面结果也在不断呈现,由于汽车的大量普及使得尾气排放成为全球气候变暖的原因之一;每年因车祸死伤的...急求!英语高手帮忙翻译下面一段话!未成年人犯罪的矫正措施摘 要
急求!英语高手帮忙翻译下面一段话!未成年人犯罪的矫正措施摘 要
急求!英语高手帮忙翻译下面一段话!未成年人犯罪的矫正措施摘 要
未成年人犯罪已经成为世界各国普遍关注的一个社会问题.近年来,我国未成年人犯罪呈现出犯罪年龄低龄化、犯罪类型多元化、犯罪手段成人化、犯罪成员团伙化、流窜化的特点.由于我国正处于社会转型中,法律和相关制度还不完善,未成年人违法犯罪问题近年来有日趋严重的迹象,给社会造成了极大的危害.本文通过了解未我国未成年人犯罪的现状,分析我国未成年人犯罪的特点,思考我国未成年人犯罪的形成原因,并且根据分析提出若干针对我国未成年人犯罪的矫正措施,这对于我国构建社会主义和谐社会有重要作用.关键词: 未成年人; 犯罪; 矫正措施
Abstract:The underage criminal act has attracted attentions from all over the world as a problematic social issue.Over the years,our country's underage criminal activites has enter a new trend.Under this new criminal trend,the age of crime-comm the ways of commiting the cri the crimial acts are be and the underage crimes are committed as a collective gang as compare to individules.Due to the fact that our country is going through a change of social structure,our law and regulations has not been fully developed.The widespread underage crime has a growing threat to the society,and has already caused negative impacts on the society.By understanding the current state of the underage crime,analysing the charactristics of the crimes,and reflecting on the causes of the underage crime,this article gives several solutions to the problem of underage crimial activities.This serves as a major influence on building a socialism and harmonious society for our country.Key words:Underage,Crime,Corrective Measures发email给美国一家医药公司,帮忙翻译一下英文,急救我父亲,谢谢各位好心人帮忙_百度知道
我父亲患肝硬化、肝腹水长达10年之久,由于腹腔大量积液,现急需贵公司的腹腔引流管,由于中国没有,希望你们看在主的份上,拯救我父亲,我将感激不尽。如果贵公司可以做到,希望我们尽快交易,你们提供账号,我把钱款打入账号。 各位好心的大侠,我要的是语法正确的翻译,希望不要提供网络翻译的那种 谢谢,我真的很急需,再次感谢
Dear Sir My father has gotten the cirrhosis for almost more than 10years. Due to the large amount of pleural effusion of my father, now we need your drainage tube of abdominal cavity urgent. We can’t find your product in China and hope can get it send by you as soon as possible. If you can do it please let me know your account and I would like to remit money to buy it from you.Your early reply will be highly appreciatedWith best regards落款:你的名字另外, 你没有说明要买的标准产品名称(商品名),规格, 和数量。也没有问询单价是多少。这样你收到他的回复后容易造成周折。祝顺利
谢谢大家了 产品的规格型号我都附图了,再次感谢所有帮助我的好人们,谢谢
My father have had 肝硬化 and 肝腹水 for ten years. Due to severe 腹腔积液,the treatment requires the type of 腹腔引流管 from your company. For god's sake, if you can help save my father, I will be so grateful. If you could, I wish that we can make the deal as soon as possible. I can pay the price immediately if you give me the bank account information of you company. 我自己是个医生,但是我也只能帮到这里。我知道肝硬化是cirrhosis. 但是别的名词我也不了解。因为我是血液科的。我有权威医学辞典,但是病的名称有很多种说法,我也不知道每种有什么区别。建议你请专业人士帮助。你发英文件的时候也附上中文吧。对方公司可能会有中国雇员,或许能帮点忙祝平安
重要又急的话 要么去 北京 协和医院 中日友好医院 那些 大医院该有要么直接 去美国治病要么咨询一下 香港那边的医院
该能找到 需要的 祝 好运
在我第一次参加钢琴比赛前,我的老师曾这样跟我说,你不用害怕和紧张,就像平常一样,你可以把周围的老师们当做是蔬菜和水果,(这位是土豆先生,这位是西红柿小姐,.),这样你就可以当周围什么人也没有,只有你和流动的音乐声.我想这个和演讲的本质是一样的,克服了心里也就战胜了自我.In my first time to attend piano before the game, my teacher was talking to me like that, you need not fear and nervous, as usual, you can put the surrounding teachers as fruits and vegetables, (this is potatoes sir, this is the tomato miss,...) So you can when what is no one around, only you and mobile music. I think the essence of this and speech is the same, overcoming the heart also beat yourself.


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