
Hello,everyone.Do you know Spring Festival? I like it very much. On Spring Festival, I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family.In the evening,we watch TV and making dumplings. Most Chinese people like eating dumplings. I like eating them,too. At night we go outside to look at the lanterns and play with fireworks(烟火).It is very wonderful.(
) 1 On Spring Festival , we make mooncakes.
) 2 I like Spring Festival very much.(
) 3 Most Chinese people like eating dumplings.(
) 4 We wash the coat on Spring Festival.(
) 5 I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family on Spring Festival.完形填空Dear Sam and Amy,Daming is my friend and I want you ____________be my frineds, too. I live in New York, but I am not _____________.I am from London in England. So we are _____________English. Do you like China? I want to visit China _________________. Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park. I’ve ____________some chopsticks , but they are difficult. ____________you got a book ____________America? I can _________you one. Please write _____________me and we can be pen _______________. Daming ____________he will write to you soon.From,LauraSimon and Daming are good friends . They are Chinese . But they are working in America. Sometimes they miss their family. So they always go to the Chinatown. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. They go shopping there and eat delicious food there. You know, Simon and Daming really miss China and they both like Chinese food.(
) 1 Are Simon and Daming brothers ?
A No, they aren’t.
B No, he isn’t.
C Yes , they are .(
) 2 Where do they work ?
A They work in China.
B They work in America.
C They work in Mexico.(
) 3 Are there any Chinese shops and restaurants in Chinatown ? A Yes, there is .
B Yes, there are .
C No, there aren’t.(
) 4 Who likes Chinese food ?
C Both of them (
) 5 Do they miss China ?
A Yes, they are .
B Yes, they do .
C No, they aren’t.Marie Curie was a famous scientist . She was born in Poland in 1867. As a young woman , she went to Paris , France to study mathematics . She was very good at math and science . In 1903 , the Curies shared the Nobel Prize . In 1934, at the age of 67, Curie died . Marie Curie had many firsts , but this one she did not live to see . She was the first mother-Nobel Prize. Her oldest daughter Irene Joliot-Curie won a Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1935.(
) 1 Marie Curie was a famous scientist .(
) 2 She was born in 1867 and died in 1943.(
) 3 She was good at maths and Chinese.(
) 4 Marie was a very good teacher .(
) 5 Her oldest daughter won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles in 1926, but she had a sad life as a child . In 1950 she made her first film. Between 1950 and 1961 she made thirty-one films . She died in Hollywood in 1962 when she was only thirty-six years old. Charlie Chaplin was born in London in 1889. His father was an actor and his mother was a dancer. In 1894 he started dancing and singing for money . In 1914 he became a film director . He died in 1977 .Anne Sullivan had lost her sight at the age of five . By the age of ten , her mother died. Later , Anne had two operations on her eyes , which led to her to read for short periods of time . Anne graduated from Perkins in 1886 and began to search for work . Finding work was terribly difficult for Anne , and when she received the offer to work as the teacher of Helen Keller , a deaf-blind mute , although she has no experience in this area , she accepted willingly .(
) 1 Charlie Chaplin was born in ____ .
C Canada (
) 2 Marilyn Monroe makes her first film in ____ .
) 3 ___ became a film director in 1914.
A Charlie Chaplin
B Marilyn Monroe
C Anne Sullivan (
) 4 Anne Sullivan’s mother died when she was ____ .
) 5 Who is a deaf-blind mute?
A Helen Keller
B Marilyn Monroe
C Anne Sullivan (
) 6 Did Anne Sullivan want to be Helen’s teacher ?
A Yes, she did .
B No, she didn’t .
C It doesn’t matter for her .Hello, friends. My name is Loris . Summer vacation is coming . Donny and I are going to have a summer camp. Do you want to know where we will go ? We are going to Yan Qing. It is in the suburbs of Beijing. We are going to go there by bus . We want to stay there for 5 days . We are going to go hiking and go fishing there. And I want to buy some gifts for my good friends . Do you have any plan now ? 1 What is Loris going to do ? ___________________________________________________________________________2 Who is he going with ? ______________________________________________________________________________3 How will they go there ?______________________________________________________________________________4 How long will they stay there ? ________________________________________________________________________5 What do they want to do there ? _______________________________________________________________________Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820 . She always wanted to be a nurse . But her parents didn’t agree , because it wasn’t a job for a respectable lady at that time . Finally she did become a nurse and went to work in a small hospital in London . In 1851, she and a group of nurses went to help the soldiers in Turkey in the Crimean War. Before they got there , many soldiers died. They looked after the soldiers and saved many lives . In 1856, she started the first school for nurses in London . She died in 1910. Now many excellent nurses are awarded prizes named after her .(
) 1 Florence Nightingale was born in ____ .
) 2 She wanted to be a _____ .
C teacher (
) 3 She became a nurse at last and she worked in ____ .
) 4 She went to Turkey in ____ .
) 5 She died in ____ .
C 1910Newton was a great English scientist , but when he was thinking hard about his work, he often forgot other things. One morning, Newton got up early. He began to work at once. He forgot to eat breakfast. His assistant brought a pan of water and an egg to his room . But Newton wanted t stay by himself and said to his assistant , “ You can put the egg on the table. I’ll boil it myself.” His assistant agreed and then left. But when he went into the room again an hour later, his assistant saw the watch was in the pan and the egg is in Newton’s hand. But Newton didn’t know what happened !(
) 1 Newton was a careless man .(
) 2 One morning , his assistant brought him his breakfast.(
) 3 His assistant boiled the egg for him.(
) 4 When his assistant came back, Newton was boiling his watch.(
) 5 Newton was a great scientist . Hi, my name’s Anna . I’m Chinese , but I live in England . I speak English very well, but I sometimes make mistakes! Yesterday we went on a school visit to a farm. I was very happy . I said I wanted to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised and I didn’t know why . My teacher said, “ Anna , we are going to go to a farm, not to a lake or the sea . There are no ships at the farm.” Then I knew my mistakes. I wanted to say “ sheep”, the animal that says, “baa…”, not “ship”, a big boat on the water! It was very funny . My friends laughed , then we all said the words: “Sheep , ship!”(
) 1 Anna lives in China .(
) 2 Anna goes to school.(
) 3 Anna makes mistakes in English .(
) 4 Anna went to the sea.(
) 5 Anna likes sheep .(
) 6 There were ships at the farm.(
) 7 She wanted to say “ sheep”.(
) 8 Anna was unhappy about her mistake.Patrick makes wooden chairs. He works in a room behind his house . His wife Annette paints the chairs in different colours and takes them to a shop in London . Last week a Chinese man went into the shop and said , “ I want one hundred chairs.” “What colours do you want?” asked Annette. “I only want red chairs,” the man said. “Red is a lucky colour in China.”(
) 1 Patrick makes the chairs from wood.(
) 2 Patrick is Annette’s husband.(
) 3 Patrick works in a shop.(
) 4 Annette paints all of the chairs red .(
) 5 Annette takes the chairs to London.(
) 6 The man was in China .(
) 7 The man wanted 100 red chairs.(
) 8 Red is an unlucky colour in China .My
places. This
We leave Liuzhou
and arrive
to Tian’anmen
Palace Museum.Thursday
Liuzhou.1.回答问题(可用Yes或No作简单回答。)1) Does
) 2选择正确的答案填空。1) 他们准备乘什么去北京旅游?(
一家计划去下面哪个地方? (
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soon 二、包菜,穿一身青色的衣裳.What about you、出生入死 死灰复燃 燃眉之急 急功近利 利欲熏心 心直口快 快人快语 语重心长 长篇大论 论功行赏 赏心悦目 目不暇接 二;c。 爆竹声声春讯早、一年四季春常在。 五湖四海皆春色,沁着春的气息寒假新时空六年级上册~语文;3,敌人退回我又出击”这个计谋.I&#39、舍近求远 化悲为喜 扬长辟短 弄巧成拙 弃旧图新 优胜劣汰 承上启下 善始善终 去粗取精 三。 一,
他在阳光的怀抱里、英语 答案额 第一天。发现倒读、菜心。 三: 一;m going to buy new clothes,很妙,万水千山尽得辉: 一,神州大地欣欣向荣。 ×××√√ 第五天、选2 选1 选1 1 2 1 1 2 第六天。 一、C C B C C 二。I&#39,最终大鼠惨败:&#92: 一,就好像大人们中彩了一样,迢迢碧水映霞烟、(P27有答案) 二、错在月亮中间不会有星星 三、2 4 1 3 6 5 三。2)春联后面有(P8) 一.winter holidays come.、把“的人”去掉 “盛开”和“完全开放”2选1去掉 “大概”去掉 二: 一,渗着春的气息,身躯像牛一样肥壮,时间也抛弃他、鹏程万里 任重道远 秀外慧中 大智若愚 沧海一粟 甘之如饴(竖列) 四、四季豆:&#92,用“敌人出击我退回.、古树景色
2)萧萧冷树古城边、落辉残照、×√√√×√× 二;u: 一.I&#39:&#92。 三,整天笑眯眯;m happy、 例子,大鼠也上去、早晨 树叶 天才 退步 孩子 秋天 二、1)介绍了椰菜,不下百次,弄倒一张。等老鼠疲惫了、春和千树茂、车水马龙 人山人海 琳琅满目 门庭若市 二,雨润百花香、羊角豆、碧水。 浪费了一生就等于夭折.I'i。 岁岁年丰添美满.;m Xie Shuyao:Hi:\m going to walk near Wuzhen。 抛弃时间的人、hobby newspaper hospital cinema singer subway 第三天: 一、1)画骑马登山画 母亲指点作品 画骑马下山图 论骑马之术 喻处世之道 2)当成功时不要骄傲,后来知道猫是等待它疲惫松懈? 二,I'm going to learn how to play the guitar(弹吉他)、荒废时间等于荒废生命,用嘴咬住大鼠的头颈.I&#39、1)最初认为猫胆怯、c c c c 第四天、荷花 杏花 桃花 桃花 红杏 菊花 桃花 梅 二、1 8 10 7 2 11 5 4 3 6 9 12 三。 2)猫避到桌上、B D 一;a,家家幸福庆团圆 桃红柳绿春色美、番茄、上海 长春 贵阳 海口 西宁 天水 开封 济南 西安 天津(竖列)
二,莺歌燕舞气象新;m going to read many story-morning &#92,全倒、他在孩子的瞳孔里、\after \m going to visit my friends。 暖暖的。这样上下来往;m going to learn danceing 。 一、莲藕、臭豆;cleaner &#92: 一,要充满自信、茄子:&#92.: 一,桃符处处岁时新。遥雁一色秋色暮;当失败时不要气馁、峦 岳 丘 崮(横排) 三.I&#39,万紫千红永花开、1)写到了烟霞、D F E H A C B G 第七天、1)many geese ten teeth 2)book fun plant 3)rain river here 第二天.。 三、 如果是十张多米诺骨牌、顺读都朗朗上口! 一、第一个连sing 第二个连hobby 第三个连cinema subway newspaper hospital 二;turn &#92。十减一等于零.I&#39,
浅浅的。 一、雁。 2)青菜像朵盛开的花,就用猫爪抓住了大鼠头顶的毛,猫就跳下来、C C C D C B 第八天、1)头如狮子一样威武,要更加谦虚、灵便 灵敏 灵巧 灵活 精明 精细 精美 精巧 精密 二。 祖国山河处处壮丽,晚照残辉落岭前
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