food survey是food什么意思思

Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence
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'Nomads' seeking firm future
Haipiao, a word used to describe young people moving to Shanghai for versatile lives, now has a new interpretation: Chinese striving in a foreign country facing an uncertain future. Their nomadic lifestyle is encouraged by revised visa policies and their desire to develop themselves, usually free from social expectations back in China.
A MyCOS survey, among 5,126 college graduates who chose to undertake further study abroad in 2009, found that 43 percent of them planned to stay abroad after graduation, while 31 percent chose to return to China. The rest were not sure what to do.据麦可思公司的调查显示,在2009年到国外深造的5126名高校毕业生中,有43%的人打算学成后留在国外,31%的人则选择归国,剩下的尚不知何去何从。
“Their enthusiasm to try their luck in a foreign country is partly due to changes in visa policies,” said Wang Qian from Aoji Enrollment Center of International Education Ltd.“他们之所以热切想在国外碰碰运气,多半源于英国签证新政的出台。”澳际教育咨询有限公司的王茜(音译)说。
According to Wang, in 2008 the UK extended the validation time for the Post Study Worker (PSW) visa from one year to two years. With a PSW visa, international graduates can stay in the country, look for a job and decide on their future path. 王茜表示,2008年英国留学生毕业工作(简称:PSW)签证有效期从1年延长至2年。获得该签证后,留学生留在当地进行求职,并规划自己的未来。
Changing times时代的变迁
The US also extended the Optional Practical Training (OPT) period for science and engineering majors to land a job from 12 months to 29 months. If they land a full-time job during that period, they can apply for an H1B work visa that grants a maximum 6-year stay in the US. 美国政府也将本国大学理工科专业留学毕业生的实习期,从12个月延长至29个月。如果能在此期间找到全职工作,那他们便可以进一步申请H1B工作签证,最长可获签6年。
Besides, Chinese society’s relatively rigid expectations of young people have discouraged some graduates from returning after completing their studies, said Li Jinzhao, director of the Center for Diaspora and Transnational Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University.北京外国语大学跨国移民研究中心主任李今朝认为,中国社会对年轻人的期望值过高是导致一些毕业生学成后不愿归国的主要原因。
“Men in China are expected to be well-established in a career at 30 and women should be worried if they are still single at that age,” said Li, who studied in the US for 12 years before returning in 2007. “To many this seems less attractive than Western culture which encourages more diversified lifestyles.”李今朝曾留美12年,于2007年回国。他表示:“在国内,人们普遍认为男人应当‘三十而立’,而女人则应当‘三十成家’。与国内相比,西方文化提倡多元化的生活方式,这对许多人来说更有吸引力。”
Liu Xiao (a pseudonym), 30, agrees. He graduated with an MA from the University of Edinburgh in the UK and has been working as an engineer at Broadcom Corporation for four years.30岁的刘潇(化名)对此表示认同。在英国爱丁堡大学取得硕士学位后,他就职于美国博通公司,做了4年的工程师。
He lives in a low-rent room in Edinburgh and is saving for a trip around 10 European countries.他住在爱丁堡一间租金便宜的房子里,正攒钱计划一次欧洲十国游。
“I enjoy my freedom to make travel plans and take holidays,” said Liu. “If I were to go back to China now, I’d be expected to buy an apartment and a car, which would eat up all my money.”他说:“在这里,我可以随心所欲地选择去旅游度假。若是在国内,攒下来的钱就会全投在买车买房上了。”
However, a nomadic existence overseas is not free from pressure, according to Li Jinzhao.但李今朝也指出,海漂们并不是毫无压力。
Pressing decision沉重的抉择
Those choosing to stay in a foreign country cannot escape the challenges which face all new graduates, especially when many foreign countries are still struggling with recession and increasing unemployment rates.当下,国外很多国家仍笼罩在经济衰退的阴影中,失业率高居不下,选择留在国外的人们也是无法逃避这一现实。
Moreover, as foreigners, they have to deal with issues such as visas, cultural differences, and finally to decide when their nomadic existence is going to end. Generally speaking, Chinese graduates with 3-5 years’ work experience in countries like the US and the UK are qualified to apply for permanent residence.作为外国人,他们还要面对诸如签证和文化差异在内的许多问题,并最终决定何时结束他们的“海漂生活”。通常情况下,有3-5年英美国家工作经历的人就可以申请永久居住权了。
Liu dreads a “traditional” life path back in China, but he admits that the dilemma of returning home or applying for British citizenship is looming.尽管刘潇对中国传统的生活模式心生恐惧,但他仍然纠结在回国还是移民的问题上。
“I don’t know whether I will settle down in the UK. I have to take family issues into consideration,” said Liu who is single.
But another overseas “drifter”, Lin Yanqin, has had a clear plan since graduating from Rikkyo University in Japan with a BA in tourism this March.
Working as a website editor in Tokyo, the 24-year-old is using her itinerant lifestyle to improve her CV.
"I don't think I will have a competitive advantage unless I gain work experience here in Japan before returning to China," said Lin.
New book demystifies weight gain
We think we know what to eat: less red meat and more fibre, less saturated fat and more fruit and veg, right? Wrong, according to a controversial new book by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe.
In the book, Harcombe charts her meticulous journey of research into studies that underpin dietary advice ― and her myth-busting conclusions are startling.在该书中,赫尔康比记录了她研究合理膳食建议的严谨过程。同时,她的一些结论更是使得传统膳食神话破灭,令人大跌眼镜。
Myth: Fat is bad for us误区一:脂肪危害身体健康
‘Real fat is not bad for us,’ says &Harcombe. ‘it’s man-made fats we should be demonising. Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat? In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.赫尔康比说:“天然脂肪不会危害身体健康,人工脂肪才应是我们敬而远之的。我们为何要断定肉类含有过多饱和脂肪?事实上,每100克猪排中含有2.3克不饱和脂肪和1.5克饱和脂肪。
‘Fat is essential for every cell in the body. In Britain [according to the Family Food Survey of 2008, we are deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, which are responsible for healthy eyesight, bone strength, mental health, cancer and blood vessel protection and, therefore, heart health. We need to eat real fat in order for these vital vitamins to be absorbed into the body.’
Myth: We should eat more fibre误区二:多吃高纤食品
For three decades, we have crammed fibre into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our digestive systems moving. This is not a good idea, says Harcombe.
The advice to eat more fibre is put forward along with the theory that we need to flush out our &digestive systems. But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines, so why do we want to flush everything out? Concentrate on not putting bad foods in.
Myth: You need to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day误区三:每日五蔬果
‘Five-a-day is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice,’ says &Harcombe. ‘You’d think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit. Think again!
‘Five-a-day started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and veg companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991. There was no evidence for any cancer benefit.’
Myth: Fruit and veg are the most nutritious things to eat误区四:果蔬是最有营养的食物
Apparently not. Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the diet ― if served in butter to deliver the fat-soluble vitamins they contain ― but &fructose, the fruit sugar in fruit, goes straight to the liver and is stored as fat.
Fruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight, says Harcombe, who adds: ‘Vitamins and minerals in animal foods ― meat, fish, eggs and dairy products ― beat those in fruit hands down.’
Diverse range of urban pressures
导读:很多毕业生都争相涌向大城市,可是大家是否考虑过(metropolis) 生活的压力?下文对几个国内大城市的压力进行评估,希望能给你提个醒!
The biggest cities in China are pressure cookers for youth starting out on their careers.
对于那些打算在自己职业生涯大展拳脚的年轻人而言,中国一线城市就好比是 “高压锅”。
Here are some tips on what to expect if you are seeking to live in one of China`s dense urban environments.
Shanghai 上海
The financial center of the orient, Shanghai natives barely hide their prejudice towards out-of-towners, and along with the high-sky housing prices, any man would feel love is a luxury they can`t afford.
Beijing 北京
The polarization of rich and poor in China`s capital city is most visible. Beijing natives, high-ranking officials and skilled workers habituate the centr while pop stars and entrepreneurs occupy the picturesque suburbs. As a non-native, you might live under pressures for decades.中国首都北京的贫富分化,可谓有目共睹。北京本地人、高官、技术人才居住在城市中心区,而明星、企业家们则占据了风景如画的郊区。外地人或许要顶着压力熬上几十年,才会过上好日子。
The polarization of rich and poor in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province is blatant. Non-natives and people from other parts of Guangdong live on the edge of the city, while Guangzhou natives live in the centre.
Life in Shenzhen in Guangdong Province is fast paced. There are more females than males in the city, but some might struggle to find a soul mate with little money.
After Chongqing became a municipality, more non-natives moved to the city. Chongqing is known for beautiful girls looking for husbands from other cities, as men in the city generally have a lower salary.
Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province is full of men majoring in science and engineering, and there are far less women in the population. Many high-tech elites live here and with several famous universities, there is a very competitive vibe.湖北省会武汉云集了众多的科技人才,男女比例严重失衡造成女少男多的局面。科技精英汇聚一堂,名牌学府扎堆,因而竞争强、压力大。
Disquiet over student drivers
刺激, 鼓励
Each year universities and colleges across the country are seeing more students arriving for the new school year along with their own private cars.
Students driving to school is common and well accepted in some foreign countries, but the growing trend in China is causing controversy.
The contrast in expenses for those students who drive and those who don`t is striking.
Li Chaoran, 21, an English major at Beijing Foreign Studies University has driven his car to school since the start of term. He said that he spends about 2,000 yuan ($301) per month on his car, including petrol, cleaning and parking costs.
Support from parents父母来买单
It is parents who are supporting the cost of maintaining and running students` cars.
Chang Chao, a college student, said that every month, his parents put 2,000 yuan in his account as a subsidy for running a car.
For some students, a car is an inducement to work harder.
Lin Kai, a sophomore at the Communication University of China, said that he got the car from his father as a gift to celebrate success in the gaokao (national college entrance examination) a year ago.
Lin`s family only provide him with 500 yuan per month for petrol money, and keeps his living expense at about 1,200 yuan. "After getting the car, I felt the economic pressure. It encouraged me to study harder, to have a better future," he said.
Some drivers don`t deny the fact that, to some extent, they get a sense of superiority when driving a car on campus. But they claim they try to keep a low profile and do not intend to show off.
Outside opinion外界的看法
Some teachers express concern about the trend. Wang Zhi, a teacher from Chongqing University, does not welcome students driving to school.
"Some students drive to showoff," he said.他说:“有些学生开车是为了炫耀。”
"They are young and they race on the roads, and because of their lack of experience they are dangerous," he said.
"More students driving to school also encourages a culture of luxury consumption on campus."
Liu Hua, mother of a college student, said that many families are now so well-off that they can afford to buy a car for their children, which only increases children`s dependence.
"It is necessary to master the skill of driving, but more importantly, students should learn how to earn what they want by themselves, not always depend on parents." said Liu.
Students find creative ways to save校园生活省钱妙招大集合
导读:在提倡节约型社会的今天,大学生们除了(work-study programs)来补贴开支以外,还有很多独特的省钱诀窍,快来看看吧。
With limited pocket money in hand, many Chinese college students are increasingly opting to live life "low cost."
One way to do that, it seems, is team-buying. Online team-buying offers huge discounts and, not surprisingly, is gaining wide popularity on campus.团购可能算是其中的一种。而网上团购可以获得极低的折扣,自然广受欢迎学生们的欢迎。
Li Jing, a student at the Beijing-based China Youth University for Political Sciences, for example, says she often buys movie tickets on team-buying websites. 就读于中国青年政治学院的李晶(音译)就是其中的一员。她说自己经常会在网上团购电影票,此外,她还经常上网搜罗各种国际品牌化妆品的团购信息。
But while they offer a good opportunity to save money, Li said she would "think twice before buying them from online stores" because many of them were "a bit chaotic," and had fake goods mixed among them.虽然团购网站能提供省钱的机会,但李晶也表示自己在网购前会做到“三思而后行”,因为购物网站良莠不齐, “有点混乱”,企图鱼目混珠,以次充好。
So why don`t the students just earn more pocket money by taking up part-time jobs? Guo Jingna, a teacher at the Communication University of China, said most Chinese college students were unlikely to choose work-study programs to earn pocket money because of their intensive study schedules.那么,学生们为何不通过做兼职来赚零用钱呢?来自中国传媒大学的郭金娜(音译)老师表示,在中国,大多数大学生由于课业繁忙,而放弃勤工俭学来赚取零用钱这一途径。
Forever discounts 永享折扣
A kind of coupon card called "VELO" has become another ideal choice for many money savers. It provides all-round discounts while dining out or shopping in general.对于“省钱一族”来说,一种名为“维络城”的优惠卡成为另一种理想之选。无论外出就餐还是购物,使用该卡都能享受各式各样的折扣。但目前只有一些大城市拥有这种打折服务。而一些生活在欠发达地区的学生在缩减日常开销方面则是自有妙招。
Cao Zuyang, a student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, often searches for sales online and buys things together with friends to cut down on delivery costs. Cao once wanted to buy an electro-magnetic oven, which was on sale at a shopping website. He then asked five dormitory roommates to pitch in for the oven. Each student only paid 25 yuan. 来自中国电子科技大学的曹祖洋(音译)表示,他经常上网搜寻折扣信息,然后和朋友团购以节省运费。一次,他想在网上买一款正在促销的电磁炉。随后,他发动其他五个室友一起拼购,平均每人只花了25元。
Low-cost travel节约型旅行
Again, most students find it difficult to cope with the expense of accommodation while traveling. So frequently, they will choose to travel to cities where they have classmates and friends and live in their (friend`s) dorms.
For instance, Ge Rui, a student at the Hebei University of Technology, has been to many cities where he has friends.
"Friends can act as free guides, offer me free accommodation and give me valuable tour information, which saves money, time and energy," he said.
Ge said he could "buy fewer beverages and clothes" while traveling, and "broaden my mind" at the same time.
葛睿说,如此旅游可以在“少买饮料和衣服” 的同时,又“增长了见识”。
He said he, too, had friends from other cities coming over and living with him when they visited his city.
Getting your major decisions right留学必看:各国金牌专业大盘点
When it comes to studying abroad, it is important to consider the country`s strengths in terms of education and choose the major it is renowned for. Some countries are well known breeding grounds for artists, some for accountants, and others for musicians.
US: commercial
There are many influential commercial colleges in the US, such as the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Majors like finance, accounting and management are popular.
Canada: mining
Oil, natural gas and mining safety majors are excellent in this resource-based country.
UK: art design
Britain’s education is well known for its high quality and strict standards. The best subjects to study include education, art design and science.
France: music
There are more than 56 public art institutions and music, dance and drama institutions in France. Many are regarded as among the best art schools in the world.
Switzerland: hotel management
Like watches, good hotel management has become associated with Switzerland. It is one of the most beautiful and safest countries in the world.
The Netherlands: business
Business, management, medicine and architecture are the top majors. Most of the courses involve a lot of valuable workplace experiences.
Australia: actuarial science
Accounting, actuarial science, agriculture and gardening, cooking and food processing are top in Australia.
Walk before you run职场新鲜人:摆正心态,从小事做起
导读:导读:自命不凡的毕业生刚走上工作岗位,总想大干一场,体现自身价值。然而,现实却是令人失望的,职场新人们每天工作所要面对的只是些(trivial things)。那么,该如何调整心态呢?
THE first steps into the workplace can be confusing. Fresh graduates are eager to impress, but usually end up running errands like photocopying, which is frustrating.
Newbies have a choice: They can either let these disappointments spoil their new working lives or learn to adapt.
21st Century talks with several workplace newbies to find out how they handled the first few months of their careers.
1. Learn from basic jobs
Everything starts from the basics. Bankers start by counting notes and sales managers start with door-to-door selling. Tao Pei, 22, spent her first month in Beijing as a trade specialist at a food company faxing and photocopying.
“I was upset,” said Tao. “I was expecting to deal with clients instead of printers.” But she gradually discovered that running errands taught her how the whole business functions.
For example, Tao is told to photocopy remittance vouchers and client invoices for double checking before the originals are mailed. This helps to avoid any potential disputes later on.
“Senior workers don’t explain these details to you, but you can learn through doing basic jobs,” said Tao.
How to be a happy errand runner:
- Say “Hi” to people and make friends with your colleagues.
- Read files while waiting by the printer. They are free “textbooks”.
2. Learn to handle pressure
Many problems met by newbies are as a result of a lack of practical work experience.
On her first day at work, Tao stood puzzled in front of the scanner. “When assigning tasks to me, my colleagues assume that I can figure how to do things out by myself,” said Tao.
In order not to let them down, Tao even uses her spare time to improve her performance in the office. “The senior staff are able to put work aside when they walk out of the office, but I can't,” she said.
recently conducted a survey on employee insecurity. Among the 365 interviewees, 43 percent have less than three years' work experience. About 67 percent of interviewees often feel insecure. The report points out that the main source of newbies’ insecurity is fear about work performance.
Cai Zhiyang, 23, who started to work in an electric power enterprise three months ago in Guangzhou, also admitted to making extra efforts to ease the pressure of his first job. He volunteered to stay on night shifts during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. “I can afford the loss of holidays, if that helps me to master my job more quickly,” said Cai.
Easy ways to relax:
- Keep a bubble wrap in your desk drawer. Press it and feel your stress disappear with the sound of popping bubbles.
- Meditate for 10 minutes during your lunch break.
3. Get used to having less freedom
Gu Zhiren, 22, works at an IT consulting firm in Shunde, Guangdong, an hour from his home in Guangzhou. His job involves endless business trips, which fuel his desire to make regular visits home.
“At college, I could go out on dates and visit my grandma whenever I liked in my spare time. But now, I cannot afford such freedom,” complained Gu.
Office etiquette and rules might also imperil new employees who haven’t yet made the switch from campus mind to office mind.
Tao Pei once broke into a run in the office during an urgent task, but was pulled to one side and scolded by a senior member of staff, who said to her: “Slow down and be quiet. You’re in the office now, not at college!”
Tao used to feel constrained by such rules, but now she has a fresh perspective: “Respecting office rules is an indicator of professionalism.”
Three office rules you must know:
- Clean your desk before starting work.
-Control your time spent on text messages and phone calls if they are not related to work.
-Keep your voice down and your footsteps soft.
Embracing new challenges21岁:人生新境界
In Western culture, 21 was the age at which young people traditionally received a key to their parents’ door, as a symbol of entering adulthood.
Now, the age of 21 is a time when people ask themselves: where do I go from here?
Jiang Fangzhou’s 21 years have been filled with the kind of success most young people wouldn’t dare hope for in a lifetime. She published her first book at the age of nine and has written many more since then.
She is regarded as a spokesperson for her generation. However, her hopes and concerns for the future appear decidedly normal.
Not that Jiang herself sees it that way. The pressures that she feels as a 21-year-old are fairly abstract, while the worries of her peers are more to do with practical issues.
She explains that while her fellow students are chiefly concerned with getting a job or buying an apartment, she frets over how she can excel in her work despite having little experience of the world.
“Over the past 10 years what I lacked was not skills, but the ability to perceive society,” says Jiang. “Having lived in China for so long, I’m worried many of my values are not objective anymore. They might have been *assimilated, or compromised, by my surroundings.”
However, Jiang, now a senior at the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University, notes that her peers face intense pressure and competition at school. They are expected to excel in their field of study despite limited experience, just as Jiang is expected to shine in the literary world.
Although Jiang believes this level of pressure means young people in China have never “*reveled, been *hippies or lived a bohemian lifestyle”, she notes that young Chinese live in an era in which social transformation is occurring and in which “possibilities arise and roll on with full force”.
Young people, she says, have been forced to open their eyes to the world around them. Jiang’s world has opened up, too. She’s more at ease with herself at 21, compared with when she began college.
“My horizon has broadened and I’m more tolerant,” she says. “As a freshman, I was desperate. I stopped people around me and asked: ‘Is there anything in the world still worth hoping for?’ But now I don’t do that.”
Jiang says that she may not pursue writing as her main future career because she wants to try “other lifestyles” C overseas travel and study touring sound particularly inviting to her. But she is concerned that many foreigners have skewed perceptions about China.
“A few days ago I overheard a conversation between two foreigners sitting next to me on a flight,” says Jiang. “They were having a heated discussion about the number of beggars in China. And how Chinese always go for ‘petty profits’. In fact, they had been in China for only a week.”
Jiang believes prejudice is inevitable, but she also maintains that Chinese and Westerners, for example, share much common ground.
“We share the same principles, such as integrity and a willingness to help others,” says Jiang. “The differences between peoples are not that huge.”
Let your telly be your tutor! 看美剧学英文:2010秋季观剧指南
The fall TV season is in full swingCold favorites are back and new shows have premiered. But after all the cutbacks, after Ugly Betty said goodbye, what’s left to get you through the chilly days?
Here, 21st Century does a roundup of what’s on offer this fall and helps you choose the best shows to brighten those darker evenings.
Youth speak时尚潮语
If you’re interested in foreign youth culture, check out the following:
Gossip Girl《绯闻女孩》
Watch this show to sample some girl talk between best friends. Serena and Blair’s fights and make-ups continue as both the girls go to Columbia after high school.
Blair: Stop whatever you’re doing. We need to shop.
Serena: B, only for you.
One Tree Hill《篮球兄弟》
This long-running hit has moved on to its eighth season. Two things, however, remain constant in this show: basketball and buddies. This would be the show to teach you the intricacies of buddy talk.
Lucas: Why are women so screwed up? 卢卡斯:为什么女人那么难搞?
Nathan: Let me guess C Peyton.内森:你是说?柏敦?
The teen drama revolves around several students at the fictional West Beverly Hills High. The show is packed with the latest teen slang which you can then try out on your friends.
Naomi: Ewww, I look like a Cullen! (The Cullen family is a vampire family from Twilight.)
Workplace English职场英语
If you’d like to take a look at what’s happening in the workplace and get some tips on how to speak to your current or future boss, check:
Lie To Me《别对我撒谎》
Dr. Lightman is a gifted face reader who can tell if you are lying, but he is also a tough, quirky boss who can sometimes be rude and unreasonable. Watch and learn how to deal with a boss like Dr. Lightman.
Lightman: Come in here. Make yourself useful.
The Office《办公室》
The comedy featuring a group of idiosyncratic employees at a paper company can offer some business humor.
Dwight: It is called a “ladies room” for a reason. And if you cannot behave like ladies, well then you are not going to have a bathroom.
The Good Wife《傲骨贤妻》
When her husband is jailed after a very public sex and corruption scandal, Alicia returns to her old job as a defense attorney. Learn from this smart and reserved woman who always chooses her words carefully.
Julius: You think he’s innocent?
Alicia: No, I think he’s innocent of this.
American humor美式幽默
If you are a big fan of American humor and would like to pick up some good one-liners, try:
Big Bang Theory《生活大爆炸》
This show about four geeks and a less intelligent beauty always hits the spot. To make it even funnier, Sheldon starts dating a neurobiologist named Amy in this new season. A geek dating a nerd C just imagine the comic potential!
Sheldon: Amy pointed out that between the two of us, our genetic material has the potential of producing the first in a line of intellectually superior, benign overlords to guide humanity to a brighter tomorrow.
Modern Family《摩登家庭》
The 2010 Emmy Award winner for best comedy continues to tickle the funny bone with its second season. The three families still have lots of issues to deal with, but they never fail to churn out punch line after punch line.作为2010年艾美奖喜剧类最佳剧集得主,该剧的第二季持续发力,令观众笑声不断。三个家庭尽管状况百出,却仍旧妙语连珠。
Jay: Don’t most kids drink soda? 杰:大多数孩子不是都喝汽水吗?
Manny (12-year-old): Who knows what they do? 曼尼(12岁):(不关我的事),谁知道他们都做些什么?
Think twice about the reality of these jobs拿到这些工作offer要三思!
Accounting firm会计师事务所
The number of the females in the office is always overwhelmingly more than male. And frequent overtime is a headache.
PR and ad companies人力资源公司/广告公司
Though you get to know lots of people, those who transform their working relationship into intimate romance are few.
Law firm律师事务所
The serious nature of the work means lawyers are hardly renowned as romantic. Female lawyers have a tendency to intimidate men, and enjoy it.
Costume designer服装设计师
Good costume designers are always "seeking something fresh," and find it hard to keep relationships going a long time.
TV studio make-up artist, stylist, cameraman电视台化妆师,造型师,摄像师
Their workplace is full of beauties and attention seekers, and they gradually become less impressed by good looks. Girls get fed up with the feminine nature of the men.
Journalist or editor记者、编辑
They take it for granted that they know more than everyone else, and become narcissistic, proud and intolerant.
Actor or actress演员
Surrounded by temptation and opportunities to start a relationship. Those who achieve fame often need to remain single to maintain fans` support.
Team sports are generally male or female, and with life supposedly made up of training and competing, that leaves little chance to chase the opposite sex.
Mimic a model pose折手舞:时尚新潮流
For some, myself included, dancing is something best left to those who don’t possess three left feet. I know, it’s more usual to say “two left feet” but, in my case, my brain must also be included. It simply refuses to supply my body with a sense of rhythm.
You see, voguing, a dance consisting of a series of stylized poses in imitation of fashion models, can only be done by professionals or extremely cool people. I, unfortunately, will never be in either category.
Of course, a professional dancer can carry off a decent vogue, as long as it suits their image. Madonna is probably the most notable voguer, with her 1990 song and video, Vogue.
In the video, Madonna struck a series of angular poses in the vogue style, and sent the popularity of the form skyrocketing among a new generation.
Recently, Jolin Tsai took things further on her latest album Myself, which is very much in the vogue style. Rather than simply striking the occasional vogue pose, Tsai vogued all the way through her video Honey Trap, creating another sizzling chapter in the ever-evolving vogue story.
Tsai is similar to Madonna in the way she consistently re-invents herself and her image with every new album. Yoga is another theme that unites the two star singers. No wonder each has such a knack for staying in vogue.
Vogue dancing started back in the Harlem ballrooms of the early 1930s. You can imagine the scene: hip and happening, smoky and full of the energy of a new musical revolution.
Swing jazz was in the air, the new stars of that form were emerging and all the cool cats were voguing like crazy. How can one possibly compete with such style and panache? It’s better not to try.
Tsai isn’t the only one to have caused a recent vogue sensation. The online video of a rather overweight boy named Qiu Yucheng voguing went down a storm with many netizens. I myself was less than impressed. Voguing is supposed to be about evolution, style and grace, not ghastly online parodies of an existing dance form.
Take a leaf out of my book, kid: if you can’t add to itCand do so with styleCkeep your left feet firmly on the ground.
Five majors to help girls get romance
A recent investigation has found that there is a possible connection between a female student's major and her marriage prospects.
Here are five majors that may improve chances of finding a partner.
Education: life balance
They are often gentle in nature, and know right from wrong.
As they become teachers, they have regular work-and-rest time, which is very convenient for them to take care of a young family.
And, they could be a free tutor for their children.
Arts: inner charm
Besides their creative appearance, their inner qualities are also attractive.
A girl who embraces the enlightenment of art long term is usually different from one who only knows superficial beauty.
Economics: practical
Their way of thinking means they are competent, have valuable opinions.
Moreover, they can perform well in the fields of economy, business and investment.
Girls from this major are also experts in earning money and managing finance for the family.
Languages: fashionable
Western influences mean they usually have a trendy lifestyle.
With closer trade relations between China and foreign countries, these girls are welcomed in today’s bleak job market.
Management: life skills
These girls know how to manage a company and its staff.
Besides, they also know how to manage a husband and their families.
They have a better understanding on the demands of a man and are able to surprise him.
A man who is living with one of these girls might feel a simple happiness in their daily life.
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