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上海乐天美容整形外科医院的杨红华医师毕业于上海第二医科大学医疗系。在上海第九人民医院整形外科有十二年临床工作经验,师从我国整形外科泰斗张涤生教授, 获整形外科副主任医师职称。上海乐天美容整形外科医院的杨红华曾于美国夏威夷大学kapiolani医疗中心、日本SEIBU整形美容中心以及韩国BK整形外科医院工作访问和学术交流。在《北美临床整形外科》等国内外医学杂志发表多篇学术论文。近十年来任上海市黄浦区中心医院整形外科主任、上海(中韩合作)乐天美容外科门诊部主任、医疗负责人。
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例句与用法1.The seibu dome in tokyo features ptfe materials东京西武使用膜材料屋顶2.President , kyokushin karate seibu association极真清武会代表3.Hankyu department store , seibu department store and movie theaters内由阪急百货店和西武百货店、电影院。 4.Seibu railway co . , ltd西武铁道5.And this bid only pays the seibu lions , matsuzaka ' s current employers , for his rights这个金额只支付给西武狮队,松坂现在的东家。 6.On the jr yamanote line , the seibu shinjuku line , the tokyo metro tozai lineJr山手线?西武新宿线?地铁东西线高田马场站出口步行即是7.On the jr line the tobu tojo line the seibu ikebukuro line . 3 - minute walk from higashi ikebukuro sta交通: jr 、东武东上线、西武池袋线池袋站步行约8分钟8.The seibu lions , matsuzaka ' s club in japan , have four days to accept or reject the bid日本的西武狮队,松坂大辅的东家,有四个工作天的时间考虑是否接受。 9.Where you can find many departmental stores like mitsukoshi , sogo , seibu , fashsion island etc . , cum local speciality shop houses最著名的名店廊、三越、崇光及西武百货公司都在本宾馆附近。 10.Tobu tojo line express , exit at " kawagoe - shi " 47 minutes from shinjuku , seibu shinjuku line rapid express , exit at " hon - kawagoe由新宿乘坐西武新宿线快速急行电车47分钟, “川越市”下车&&更多例句:&&1&&
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tokyo metro marunouchi line是什么意思
中文翻译东京metro丸之内线东京地下铁丸之内线京地下丸之丸之内线:&&&&n. 东京〔日本首都〕。 Tokyo Bay 东京湾〔日 ...:&&&&n. 〔英国〕 1.= the Metropolitan ...:&&&&vt. 交尾。
例句与用法1.5 - minute walk from kasumigaseki sta . on the tokyo metro marunouchi line东京地铁丸内线霞关站出口步行5分钟2.1 - minute walk from korakuen sta . on the tokyo metro marunouchi line namboku line交通:东京地铁丸内线?南北线后乐园站步行1分钟3.15 - minute walk from marunouchi exit of tokyo sta . on the tokyo metro marunouchi line and the jr lineJr 、东京地铁丸内线东京站丸内出口步行约15分钟4.From jr ikebukuro , the tokyo metro marunouchi line or yurakucho line west exit ( metropolitan exit ) , about 3 minutes walk . on the left side of nishiguchi park由jr池袋站、东京地铁丸之内线和有乐町线西出口(大都会出口)步行约3分钟。 5.From the tokyo metro marunouchi line , chiyoda line kokkaigijidomae , about 2 minutes walk or from the tokyo metro yurakucho line nagatacho , about 3 minutes walk东京地铁丸之内线、千代田线国会议事堂前站步行约2分钟;或者东京地铁有乐町线永田町站步行约3分钟。 6.From jr ikebukuro east exit , the tokyo metro marunouchi line , or yurakucho line ikebukuro , about 10 minutes walk or from the tokyo metro yurakucho line higashiikebukuro , about 3 minutes walk或者由东京地铁有乐町线东池袋站步行约3分钟;由都电荒川线东池袋4丁目步行约4分钟。 7.It used to be an artists town in the taisho era and was transformed into a public market after the war . jr yamanote line , saikyo line , tohoku - hon line , takasaki line , the tokyo metro marunouchi line , yurakucho line , seibu ikebukuro line and tobu tojo line stop at ikebukuro stationJr的山手线、琦京线、东北本线、高崎线;东京地铁的丸之内线、有乐町线;西武池袋线、东武东上线都驶入本站。 8.From the tokyo metro marunouchi line , ginza line and hibiya line ginza , about 5 minutes walk . from toei subway asakusa line higashiginza , about 3 minutes walk . from jr yurakucho , about 8 minutes walk and from jr tokyo , about 10 minutes walk , along showa - dori由东京地铁有乐町线和银座1丁目站步行约3分钟;由东京地铁银座线、丸内线、日比谷线东银座站步行约5分钟;由都营地铁浅草线和东银座站步行约3分钟;由jr有乐町线站步行约8分钟; jr东京站步行约10分钟。 9.Inside tokyo station , built with red bricks , is a large commercial area with event halls , shopping area , coffee shops and restaurants . jr bullet train tokaido line , yamanote line , chuo line , keihin - tohoku line , sobu line , yokosuka line , narita express , the tokyo metro marunouchi line , keihin line stop at tokyo station东京站以其红色砖瓦建筑的车站大楼而深受人们的喜爱,东京站的站内以及周围地区、地下街是一个大型商业区,分布着举办活动的场地和购物区、咖啡店、餐馆等等。
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例句与用法1.Former kimono shop of the now famous department store , mitsukoshi )三越吴服店海报谅暗( ryoan ) 2.1979 one - man show of pottery at the mitsukoshi department store in sendai , japan1981在多伦多的安大略工艺中心举办个展3.Short walk from mitsukoshi - mae sta . on the tokyo metro ginza hanzomon lines东京地铁银座线?半藏门线三越前站出口步行0分钟4.In 1988 , coach established a distribution agreement with mitsukoshi , a leading japanese department storeCoach公司于1988年与日本一家主流百货店三越公司签署了分销协议。 5.Where you can find many departmental stores like mitsukoshi , sogo , seibu , fashsion island etc . , cum local speciality shop houses最著名的名店廊、三越、崇光及西武百货公司都在本宾馆附近。 6.Starting out from the grand formosa , the first stop is the shopping district along santuo road , where you ll find the very cosmopolitan shin kong mitsukoshi , sogo , fe21 mega , and chien tai department store以此为基点,首日到三多路商圈,逛逛也是标榜国际品味的新光三越sogo大远百建台百货所组成的新兴三多商圈。 7.Besides dream mall , the shopping circle formed by shinkong mitsukoshi and sogo on sanduo road is the downtown of cianjhen . there are always unceasing people flowing among the street除了统一梦时代之外,三多路上的新光三越与太平洋崇光两家百货公司,形成的购物商圈,也是前镇区最多人潮聚集的闹区,每逢假日购物逛街的人潮川流不息。 8.The inside is as impressive as the outside . from the tokyo metro hibiya line and toei subway asakusa line ginza ( about 2 minutes walk ) or from jr yurakucho ginzaguchi , go straight along harumi - dori , at the another side of ginza mitsukoshi东京地铁日比谷线、都营地铁浅草线东银座站步行约2分钟;或者由jr有乐町站银座出口方面出晴海大道直进。 9.Sogo and shin kong mitsukoshi , located near the traffic circle at the intersection of santuo no . 3 road and chungshan no . 2 road , are the first foreign department stores in kaohsiung . it was the opening of these two stores that spurred a subsequent commercial renaissance in the district位于三多三路与中山二路圆环附近的两家日系百货公司sogo与新光三越,是高雄最早的两家国际连锁百货,带动了整个三多商圈的发展。 10.Times square is one of the landmarks in this area because the mega - mall contains over 200 shops and its large video wall facilitates the annual countdown on new year s eve as well as broadcasting other events . in addition to times square , there is sogo , winsor plaza and mitsukoshi shopping centres which are also located in this area除了街边的店铺外,铜锣湾亦有很多大型商场,其中时代广场便独具风格,其巨型户外的电视幕墙可说最为吸引,在除夕时更是大家倒数的热门地点。除时代广场外,崇光、三越和皇室堡等都是区内鼎鼎大名的百货公司和商场。


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