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Now we can produce 8 series products: Wheelchair, Crutch, Cane, Commode Chair, Walker , Rollator, Powered Wheelchair, Tricycle and Spare Parts.
Now we can produce 8 series products: Wheelchair, Crutch, Cane, Commode Chair, Walker ,Rollator, Powered Wheelchair, Tricycle and Spare Parts.
Today Mrs.K. is able to walk 300 meters with the help of a rollator walker (or walking frame), but due to her severe posture control deficit she still needs the support of an auxiliary person.
,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of wheelchair, electric wheelchair,aid hearing,rollator,walkers,commode chair,cane,cruth series.
[rəul]n.卷, 滚动, 名单, 压路机,颤音v.摇摆, 滚, 绕, 转动, 展开
She rolled in for work twenty minutes late.
The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.
Years rolled on.
The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick.
The dog rolled on the floor.
英英解释:名词 roll:
rotary motion of an object around its own axis
a list of names
a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)
small rounded bread either plain or sweet
a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously
a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)
anything rolled up in cylindrical form
the act of throwing dice
walking with a swaying gait
aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
动词 roll:
move by turning over or rotating
move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle
occur in soft rounded shapes
flatten or spread with a roller
emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
wrap or coil around
begin operating or running
shape by rolling
execute a roll, in tumbling
sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity
move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
move, rock, or sway from side to side
cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/
boil vigorously
take the shape of a roll or cylinder
show certain properties when being rolled
rollrollD.J.:[r&#601ul]K.K.:[rol]vt. & vi.1.■(使)打滚, (使)转动, 滚动Round things roll easily.圆的东西容易滚动。The child was rolling a hoop.那个孩子在滚铁环。2.■卷, 把…卷成筒状The wire rolled easily.这种金属线便于卷绕。He rolled a cigarette for me.他给我卷了一支烟。vt.1.■碾平The lawn should be well rolled.这草地该好好地碾一碾了。Roll the road surface flat!把路面碾平!vi.1.■左右摇晃, 摇摆The ship was rolling badly.船左右摇晃得厉害。2.■发出隆隆声The drums rolled.鼓声隆隆。3.■开始工作Are the cameras rolling?拍摄开始了没有?n.1.■一卷2.■面包卷, 圆面包Six brown rolls, please.请给我来六卷黑面包。3.■名册The teacher read the roll of graduates.教师宣读毕业生名单。4.■打滚; 滚动Our dog loves a roll on the grass.我们的狗喜爱在草地上打滚。5.■轰隆声We heard the distant roll of the big guns.我们听到远处的隆隆的大炮声。
roll 在牛津词典中的解释
rollverbmove or cause to move in a particular direction by turning over and over on an axis(使)滚动;(使)打滚[no obj., with adverbial of direction]the car rolled down into a ditch.车滚到沟里了。[withobj. and adverbial of direction]she rolled the ball across the floor.她把球滚过地面。■turn or cause to turn over to face a different direction(使)翻身;(使)翻转;(使)侧转[no obj., with adverbial]she rolled on to her side.她翻身侧卧。[with obj. and adverbial]they rolled him over on to his back.他们使他翻身仰卧。■[with obj.]turn (one's eyes) upwards, typically to show surprise or disapproval(尤指表示惊奇,不赞同时)(眼睛)转动,旋转;向上翻动Sarah rolled her eyes.萨拉眼睛骨碌碌地转。■[with obj. and adverbial]make (something cylindrical) revolve between two surfaces使(圆柱形物体在两个表面间)转动,旋转Plummer rolled the glass between his hands.普卢默两手转动着玻璃杯。■[noobj., withadverbial](of a person or animal) lie down and turn over and over while remaining in the same place(人,动物)在原地打滚the buffalo rolled in the dust.野牛在尘土中打滚。■[no obj.](of a horse) lie on its back and kick about so as to keep its coat in good condition(马)仰卧蹬脚(以保持毛皮整洁)■[no obj.](of a moving ship, aircraft, or vehicle) rock or oscillate around an axis parallel to the direction of motion(船只,车辆)横摇;左右摇晃;(飞机)横滚,侧滚the ship pitched and rolled.这只船颠簸摇晃。■[no obj., with adverbial]move along or from side to side unsteadily or uncontrollably摇晃着行进;蹒跚地走they were rolling about with laughter.他们笑得走起来摇摇晃晃。■[with obj.](N. Amer. informal)overturn (a vehicle)(北美,非正式)使(车)翻身,使翻车he rolled his Mercedes in a 100 mph crash.他让他的梅塞德斯牌汽车以每小时100英里的速度,哗啦一声翻掉了。■[with obj.]throw (a die or dice)掷(骰子);掷出(骰子数)■[with obj.]obtain (a particular score) by doing this(掷骰子)得(分)roll a 2, 3, or 12.掷骰子得了2点,3点或12点。[no obj., withadverbial of direction](of a vehicle) move or run on wheels(车辆)行驶the van was rolling along the lane.运货车沿着车道行驶。■[with obj. and adverbial of direction]move or push (a wheeled object)推(有轮子的物体)Pat rolled the trolley to and fro.帕特来回推着手推车。■(roll something up/down)make a car window or a window blind move up or down by turning a handle把车窗(或百叶窗)摇上/摇下■(of time) elapse steadily(时间)流逝the years rolled by.岁月流逝。■(of a drop of liquid) flow(液滴)滚落huge tears rolled down her cheeks.大滴大滴的泪珠顺着她的脸颊滚滚流下。■[as adj. rolling]steady and continuous稳定持续的a rolling programme of reforms.稳定持续的改革计划。a rolling news service.一家稳扎稳打的新闻社。■(roll off)(of a product) issue from (an assembly line or machine)(产品)从(流水线,机器)产出the first copies of the newspaper rolled off the presses.第一批报纸下了印刷机。■(of waves, smoke, cloud, or fog) move or flow forward with an undulating motion(波浪,烟,云,雾)翻滚;涌流;滚涌the fog rolled across the fields.迷雾滚滚越过田野。■[no obj.][usu. as adj. rolling](of land) extend in gentle undulations(土地)绵延起伏;伸展the rolling countryside.绵延起伏的乡村。■[no obj.](of credits for a film or television programme) be displayed as if moving on a roller up the screen(影视节目的摄制人员名单在屏幕上)滚动显示■[no obj.](of a machine, device, or system) operate or begin operating(机器,装置,系统)运转;启动the cameras started to roll.摄影机开始运转。■[with obj.]cause (a machine or device) to begin operating使(机器,装置)开始运转roll the camera.开动摄影机。[with obj. and adverbial]turn (something flexible) over and over on itself to form a cylinder, tube, or ball卷;绕;卷成筒形(或管状、球形)she started to roll up her sleeping bag.她开始卷起睡袋。■(roll something up)fold the edge of a garment over on itself a number of times to shorten it卷起she rolled up her sleeves to wash her hands.她卷起袖子洗手。■(roll something down)unfold the edge of a garment that has been turned up in this way展开(卷起的东西)my hands were too dirty to roll down my sleeves.我的手太脏了,无法把卷起的袖子放下。■[with obj.]make by forming material into a cylinder or ball使成筒形(或球形)[with two objs]Harry rolled himself a joint.哈里给自己卷一个大麻烟卷。■[no obj., with adverbial](of a person or animal) curl up tightly(人,动物)卷起;蜷拢the shock made the hedgehog roll into a ball.震动使刺猬蜷成一团。[with obj. and adverbial]flatten (something) by passing a roller over it or by passing it between rollers压滚;辗;擀;滚平;烫平roll out the dough on a floured surface.把生面团在有面粉的板上压滚一下。[no obj., with adverbial of direction](of a loud, deep sound such as that of thunder or drums) reverberate(雷、鼓等)发出隆隆声the first peals of thunder rolled across the sky.第一阵雷声隆隆响彻天空。■[with obj.]pronounce (a consonant, typically an r) with a trill用颤音发出(辅音,尤其是r)when he wanted to emphasize a point he rolled his rrrs.当他想强调某一点时,他就用颤音发几个r音。■[with obj.]utter (a word or words) with a reverberating or vibratory effect声音洪亮地说出he rolled the word around his mouth.他声音洪亮地说出那个词。■(of words) flow effortlessly or mellifluously(词语)轻松自如说出;流畅地吐出the names of his colleagues rolled off his lips.他流畅地逐一说出他同事们的名字。(informal)rob (someone, typically when they are intoxicated or asleep)(非正式)盗窃(某人,尤指喝醉或睡着的人)if you don't get drunk, you don't get rolled.如果你没喝醉,你就不会被盗了。nouna cylinder formed by winding flexible material around a tube or by turning it over and over on itself without folding卷(或筒)状物a roll of carpet.一卷地毯。■a cylindrical mass of something or a number of items arranged in a cylindrical shape柱形物,一定数量的东西卷成的圆筒a roll of mints.一卷薄荷糖。■[with modifier]an item of food that is made by wrapping a flat sheet of pastry, cake, meat, or fish round a sweet or savoury filling卷状食品;卷饼;面包卷;肉卷;鱼卷salmon and rice rolls.大麻哈鱼卷饼。■(N. Amer. & Austral.)money, typically a quantity of banknotes rolled together(北美,澳)一卷钞票;钱I should eat out, enjoy the fat roll I'd taken out of my account.我应该出去大吃一顿,好好享受我从账户上取出的大把钞票。■a roller for flattening something, especially one used to shape metal in a rolling mill滚轧机;碾压机;压路机;辊轧机(尤指辊钢机)a movement in which someone or something turns or is turned over on itself滚动;打滚a roll of the dice.骰子的滚动。the ponies completed two rolls before getting back on their feet.矮种马打了两个滚才重新站起来。■a gymnastic exercise in which the body is rolled into a tucked position and turned in a forward or backward circle翻滚,翻筋斗a forward roll.前滚翻。■[mass noun]a swaying or oscillation of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle around an axis parallel to the direction of motion(船或车辆的)横摇;左右摇晃;(飞机的)横滚,侧滚;(航天器等绕纵轴的)滚动the car corners capably with a minimum of roll.这辆车能灵活转弯,摇晃幅度很小。■[mass noun]undulation of the landscape(地形的)绵延起伏hidden by the roll of the land was a refinery.在绵延起伏的土地后面是一家精炼厂。a prolonged, deep, reverberating sound, typically made by thunder or a drum隆隆声,轰响声;擂鼓声thunder exploded, roll after roll.雷声隆隆,一阵接一阵。■(Music)one of the basic patterns (rudiments) of drumming, consisting of a sustained, rapid alternation of single or double strokes of each stick(乐)(鼓的)单击(或双击)快速滚奏a very small loaf of bread, typically eaten with butter or a particular filling(尤指和黄油一起吃或含馅的)小块面包a bacon roll.一个熏咸肉馅小面包。an official list or register of names名单;花名册;目录■the total numbers on such a list(名单上的)总人数a review of secondary schools to assess the effects of falling rolls.对中学进行考察以评估学生人数带来的影响。■a document, typically an official record, in scroll form公文;案卷常用词组a roll in the hay (或 the sack)(informal)an act of sexual intercourse(非正式)性交,野合be rolling (in money)(informal)be very rich(非正式)非常富有,在钱里打滚on a roll(informal)experiencing a prolonged spell of success or good luck(非正式)连连获胜;连续交好运the organization is on a roll.这个组织接二连三地走运。rolled into one(of characteristics drawn from different people or things) combined in one person or thing(把不同的人或物的特点)合为一体的banks are several businesses rolled into one.银行是合为一体的几种不同企业。rolling drunkso drunk as to be swaying or staggering醉得步态蹒跚rolling in the aisles(informal)(of an audience) laughing uncontrollably(非正式)(观众)笑得东倒西歪;捧腹大笑roll of honoura list of people whose deeds or achievements are honoured荣誉名册■a list of those who have died in battle阵亡将士名册roll one's own(informal)make one's own cigarettes from loose tobacco(非正式)自己卷纸烟roll up one's sleevesprepare to fight or work准备战斗;准备大干roll with the punches(of a boxer) move one's body away from an opponent's blows so as to lessen the impact(拳击手)避让对方打击以减轻受打击的力■(figurative)adapt oneself to adverse circumstances(喻)使自己适应逆境strike someone off the roll(Brit.)debar a solicitor from practising as a penalty for dishonesty or other misconduct(英)(因不诚实或其他不端行为)禁止(律师)开业;把(律师)除名派生rollableadjective语源Middle English: from Old French rolle (noun), roller (verb), from Latin rotulus 'a roll', variant of rotula 'little wheel', diminutive of rota继承用法roll something backreverse the progress or reduce the power or importance of something迫使…后退;降低…的影响力(或重要性)the strategy to roll back communism.削减共产主义力量的策略。roll in(informal)be received in large amounts(非正式)滚滚而来,大量拥有(钱)the money was rolling in.钱滚滚而来,多得不得了。■arrive at a place in a casual way, typically in spite of being late(尤指虽已迟到仍)毫不在意地来到Steve rolled in about lunchtime.史蒂夫大约在午餐时间才毫不在意地到来。roll on[in imperative](informal)used to indicate that one wants a particular time or event to come quickly(非正式)但愿(某一时间或事件)快点来到roll on January!.但愿一月快点来到!。roll something onapply something with a roller用涂料辊涂roll on a decorative paint finish.用涂料辊涂装饰用的末道漆。roll something outofficially launch or unveil a new product or service把…投放市场;推出the firm rolled out its newest generation of supercomputers.公司把最新一代的超级计算机投放市场。roll something over(Finance)contrive or extend a particular financial arrangement(财政)策划(某一特定的)财务约定,延长财务约定this is not a good time for rolling over corporate debt.这不是延期支付公司债务的合适时间。roll up(informal)arrive(非正式)到达,到场we rolled up at the same time.我们同时到达。■[in imperative]used to encourage passers-by to look at or participate in something, typically at a fairground进来(尤用于招呼路人观看某物或参与某事,多指请入露天游乐场)roll up, roll up, for all the fun of the fair.进来吧,进来吧,展览会里乐趣多。■(informal)roll a cigarette, especially a cannabis cigarette(非正式)卷纸烟(尤指大麻卷烟)roll something up(Military)drive the flank of an enemy line back and round so that the line is shortened or surrounded(军)翼侧卷击(敌方阵线)
roll 在给力大辞典中的解释
rollvi.1. 滚动; 打滚[Q]The coin rolled under the bed.硬币滚到床底下去了。2. (眼睛等)转动3. (船等)左右摇晃The boat rolled badly.船摇晃得很厉害。4. 发出隆隆声; 啭鸣The drums rolled.鼓声隆隆。5. (机器等)运转; 启动; (车)行驶The truck rolled on at full speed.那辆卡车全速向前奔驰。6. (时间)流逝7. (地势)起伏; 伸展8. 卷; 绕; 蜷缩vt.1. 使滚动; 使打滚[O]2. 卷, 绕[(+up)]She rolled up her sleeves and began to prepare for supper.她卷起袖子开始准备晚餐。3. 转动; 旋转; 用车载运He rolled his eyes at her.他的眼珠对着她骨碌碌地转。4. 掷(骰子)5. 辗, 轧6. 擂(鼓); 发(卷舌音或颤音)n.1. 滚动; 打滚[C]2. (一)卷; 卷状物[C][(+of)]Please buy a roll of film for me.请给我买一卷胶卷。3. 面包卷; 卷饼[C]4. 擂鼓声; 隆隆声[the S][(+of)]The roll of thunder was deafening.隆隆的雷声震耳欲聋。5. 名单, 名册[C]6. 左右摇晃The drunkard was walking in a roll.醉汉摇摇晃晃地走着。7. 【美】一卷钞票, 钱
短语词组:roll by1. 逝去The years rolled by.岁月流逝。roll in1. 大量涌进Invitations kept rolling in.请帖不断地涌到。roll on1. 滔滔流动The great river rolled on.江水滔滔地往前流。strike off the roll(s).1. 开除We can be struck off the roll for that.我们会为此而被开除的。
词义辨析:同义:vi.滚动; 打滚; 转动turnmoverotatepivotswivelwheel同义参见:cataloguelurchlist1curlbubblewind1laborwallowthunderthrashswingswaygrowlcoilrumble1coilrock1reel2enrollpitch1pedal
roll 在现代词典中的解释
rollroll[r&#601ul]vt.1.■使滚[转]动2.■使(烟、尘)滚滚而上升, 滚滚推进(浪、水等)3.■溜转(眼睛)4.■卷; 卷成(圆球), 卷拢, 卷起(in, into, up)5.■滚压(草地); 轧碾; 杆面; 烫平; 铺开6.■擂(鼓); 用卷舌发r音7.■使左右摇摆; 摇晃而行8.■(在心里)盘算, 翻来复去细想9.■[美俚]趁人睡着[喝醉]时偷窃10.■掷(骰子)11.■把油墨滚在...上12.■开动(摄影机等)The chimney rolls up smoke.烟囱滚滚冒烟。She rolled the string into a ball.她把线卷成一团。He rolled himself from side to side.他左右摇晃。词性变化roll[r&#601ul]vi.1.■滚动, 旋转, 滚动前进2.■行驶; 飘流; 流浪3.■波动; 起伏; 伸展; (岁月)流逝4.■左右摇晃; 颠簸; (船)摇摆着航行, (人)踉踉跄跄地走5.■卷起; 裹绕; 卷拢( together); 卷缩6.■辗; 轧; 擀7.■隆隆地响; 滔滔不绝地说; 啭鸣8.■(动物)打滚; (眼睛)转动9.■(烟)滚滚上升; (雾)消散10.■(车辆)出发; (摄影机)开始行动11.■发展; 进展Stones rolled down the hillside.石头沿山坡滚下。The ship was rolling heavily.船摇晃得厉害。The waves rolled in to the beach.海浪起伏地涌向海滩。Years roll on [by].岁月流逝。The drunken man rolled to me.那醉汉摇摇晃晃地朝我走来。The thunder rolled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。The clouds rolled away as the sun rose higher.太阳升高时, 云就散了。roll[r&#601ul]n.1.■滚, 滚动, 旋转; 波动; 摇摆, 蹒跚2.■轰鸣声; 急敲声; 滔滔不绝的说话声; (诗、散文等的)朗朗可诵的格调3.■卷状物; 卷轴; 胶卷; 纸卷; 发卷, 卷包(等)4.■(学校、军队等的)点名簿; 名单; 公文, 案卷; 记录; 目录5.■卷制品; 面包卷; 花卷; 肉卷, 烟卷(等)6.■滚筒机; 碾压机; 压路机, 卷扬辘轳; (装订)压型机; (打字机的)滚筒;【建】(柱头的)漩涡饰7.■(飞机等)侧滚; 翻滚8.■[美俚] 一卷钞票, 钱9.■【音】(和弦)琶音10.■(地形)起伏; 隆起the roll of thunder [drums]雷[鼓]声a toilet roll一卷手纸a roll of cloth一卷呢绒, 成卷的一匹布a roll of bread面包卷儿a man with rolls of fat on his neck脖子上有层肥肉的人roll bar(装在汽车上的)翻车保护杆; 防滚保护杆继承用法roll-adjustmentn.1.■轧辊调整rollaway[&#712r&#601&#650l&#601&#716we&#618]adj.1.■附有轮子并可折叠搬移的roll-backn.1.■反转, 反绕, 后翻, 回流2.■(门锁的)转轴凸轮3.■【自】重新运行, 重算4.■(政府)把价格压到标准[原来]水平5.■击退roll-cagen.1.■滚柱罩[盒]rollcallvt.1.■点名; 点名号[时间]roll-compactedadj.1.■粉末轧制成型的roll-collarn.1.■大翻领rollcumulusn.1.■层积云rollgang[&#712r&#601ul&#716&#609&#230&#331]n.1.■输送辊道rollhousing[&#712r&#601ul&#716hausi&#331]n.1.■轧机机架roll-mann.1.■滚轧机操纵者roll-mopn.1.■腌鲱鱼rollneckadj.1.■(衣服)有可翻折的高领的词性变化roll[r&#601ul]n.1.■可翻折的高领; 有可翻折领的衣服roll-onadj.1.■(除臭剂等)滚抹的2.■滚式装卸的n.1.■妇女弹力胸衣2.■滚抹的除臭剂roll-on-offadj.1.■滚式装卸(集装箱)的, 开上开下的roll-outn.1.■延伸, 退卷, 轧平, 扩展2.■【计】(主存储器)转出3.■(样机)初次公开展出rollpast[&#712r&#601&#650lp&#593:-p&#230st]n.1.■(重兵器)分列行进习惯用语be rolling in1.■在...中打滚; 富于; 沉溺于big roll1.■[美]大叠的钞票, 巨款call the roll1.■点名honour roll [roll of honour]1.■光荣榜2.■阵亡将士名单in the roll of1.■载入...名单, 跻身...之列on the rolls1.■在名单上on the rolls of fame1.■在名人录里snap roll1.■(一种特技飞行)快滚strike sb. off [from] the rolls1.■从(律师)名册上取消某人的名字; 吊销某人的律师执照roll around1.■(时间)流逝2.■(季节等)重临, 循环roll back1.■把...卷起来2.■(潮、浪)退落3.■(使)退却, 击退4.■(旧事)回到某人记忆中roll by
[on]1.■继续前进[进行]; (时光)流逝roll in1.■滚滚而来, 纷至沓来2.■在...中翻滚; 用...裹起来3.■(=go to bed)[美俚]就寝roll into1.■(使)滚进...2.■(使)卷成...3.■使合为(一体)roll off1.■印出; 复制出2.■[美口]骑自行车过...roll on1.■(指衣物)(能卷过肢体而穿上)2.■(时间)消逝; 流逝3.■(指时间, 主要用于祈使句)快点到roll one's own1.■[美俚]卷自己的香烟; 自行生活roll out1.■辗平, 铺平2.■洪亮地讲出[唱出]3.■[美俚]起床4.■动身, 离开roll over1.■(睡时)翻身, 反侧2.■使打滚roll up1.■(烟雾)袅袅上升2.■卷起; 裹起; 卷缩3.■(乘车)到达4.■[口]到场; 出现5.■渐次增加; 积累成6.■【军】卷击(侧翼)特殊用法adamite roll1.■高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊air roll1.■压纸辊air blowing roll1.■热风辊air removing roll1.■冷硬合金铸铁轧辊alloy iron roll1.■合金铸铁轧辊alloyed grain roll1.■合金纹理轧辊angle roll1.■角度矫正机anti-clip roll1.■防夹辊(防扁辊)anti-deflection roll1.■抗挠辊anvil roll1.■支承辊application roll1.■施料辊applicator roll1.■涂料辊; 施胶辊arm roll1.■夹臂滚artificial stone roll1.■人造石辊asbestos roll1.■石棉辊assessment roll1.■税收稽片清atmospheric drying roll(s)1.■常压式滚筒干燥机back roll1.■重算, 重新运行, 反绕; 后滚筒backspin roll1.■传动托棍back-up roll1.■支承辊, 支撑轧辊, 背辊back ward roll1.■后滚翻baffled perforated roll1.■折流匀浆辊baked roll1.■烤小圆面包bank roll1.■货币储备, 有效基金barrel roll1.■横辊2.■筒形辊3.■辊身barrel shaped roll1.■桶形轧辊batch-off roll1.■卷纸辊2.■分批辊beading roll1.■波纹轧辊beef roll1.■牛肉卷bending rolls1.■弯板机, 弯曲辊billet roll1.■钢坯轧辊brollly roll1.■轧机机座进口或出口处的水平导向辊blasting roll1.■卷筒炸药纸bloom roll1.■方坯轧辊, 初轧轧辊bored roll1.■空心滚筒break roll1.■(抛光机上的)带钢压紧辊; 轧碎机滚轴breaker roll1.■轧碎机滚筒, 对轧辊breaking-down roll1.■粗轧轧辊breast roll1.■中心辊, 胸辊(造纸); 悬辊(橡胶); 机架辊, 递辊bridle rolls1.■活套张紧辊brine-cooled rolls1.■盐水冷却的滚筒brush roll1.■毛刷滚buffling roll1.■擦光辊burnishing roll1.■抛光辊calender roll1.■砑光辊cam roll1.■凸缘滚辗cambered roll1.■凸面轧辊cambering roll1.■预弯辊cambridge roll V1.■形镇压器carbon steel roll1.■碳钢轧辊carbonized roll1.■表面经碳化处理的辊子carrier roll1.■(运输带)托滚carrying roll1.■引纸辊, 导辊, 传递辊caster rolls1.■(十二辊和二十辊轧机的)外层支承辊cathode roll1.■阴极辊central roll1.■中[间轧]辊chamber bored roll1.■空心滚筒chest roll1.■胸滚chilled roll1.■冷铸铁滚筒chilling roll1.■冷却滚筒chill-pass roll1.■冷硬轧槽铸造轧辊; 冷硬孔型轧辊chocolate nut roll1.■果仁巧克力蛋糕卷cleaning between (the) rolls1.■辊缝, 轧辊间隙, 轧棍开(口)度cloth rewinder roll1.■法兰绒辊, 布辊cluster roll1.■多辊(式)轧(钢)机coarse rolls1.■粗碾辊coarse diamond-point knurling roll1.■粗金钢钻压花滚刀coating roll1.■涂料辊cogging roll1.■开坯轧辊, 粗轧辊cogging-down roll1.■开坯机轧辊coiler roll1.■(带材导入多辊卷取机用的)成形辊cold roll1.■冷轧, 冷拔collar roll1.■凸缘轧辊collector's roll1.■税收征收清册composite (back-up) roll1.■组合式(支承)轧辊compressing roll1.■压实辊concave roll1.■凹面轧辊, 凹面辊, 带槽轧辊, 孔型轧辊concaved roll1.■中凹滚筒conditioner roll1.■压扁[平]辊cone-shaped roll1.■锥形轧辊conical roll1.■锥形滚筒, 锥形镇压器, 锥辊破碎机contoured roll1.■成形轧辊control roll1.■导滚conveyor roll1.■运输带鼓轮conveyor head roll1.■运输带前鼓轮cooked pork roll1.■熟猪肉卷cooling roll1.■冷却辊corrugated mixing rolls1.■皱纹混合磨couch roll1.■辘辋转筒, 伏辊cracking [crushing] roll1.■辊式破碎机cradle roll1.■托卷辊crash roll1.■防震垫cream egg rolls1.■奶油鸡蛋面包卷crescent roll1.■新月形面包crimping roll1.■(深)槽纹辊(牧草通过此辊后即折曲成S形)cross rolls1.■斜置轧辊, 横轧辊crowned roll1.■凸面轧辊, 中高辊crusher roll1.■粉碎机轧辊, (砂轮)非金刚石修整器滚轮crushing roll1.■压碎机轧辊, 辊式破碎机cubing rolls1.■刺辊(破碎机)curling roll1.■(封罐机)头道卷边滚轮cylinder roll1.■圆筒(光面)镇压器damping roll1.■(糖食)增湿辊dancer roll1.■跳动辊, 张力调节辊dancing roll1.■导纸辊dandy roll1.■【机】水印辊; 压胶辊; 压纹辊debending roll1.■板直辊, 弯直辊, 压直辊decoiler roll1.■开卷机带材板直辊definite chill roll1.■有限冷硬轧辊deflector roll1.■升降辊delivery roll1.■运送辊, 传输辊, 导出辊delivery tension roll1.■出口张紧辊depressing roll1.■升降辊descaling rolls1.■破鳞辊dinner roll1.■午餐小面包dip roll1.■浸渍辊discaling roll1.■齿(面轧)辊, 碎鳞轧辊disk-shaped roll1.■盘形辊distribute roll1.■(涂料辊涂机中的)分配辊, 布料辊doctor roll1.■括刀辊double roll1.■猴滚翻(两人互握踝的滚动)double-pour chill roll1.■双层冷铸铁轧辊double-pour (cast iron) roll1.■双层铸铁轧辊double-pour grain roll1.■双层麻口铸铁轧辊, 双层细晶粒轧辊drag roll1.■压辊, 空转辊drag pinch roll1.■拉紧咬送(曳料)辊draw roll1.■进料辊, 引入辊, 紧缩辊, 拉伸辊(纺机)drier roll1.■干燥滚筒; 滚筒式干燥机drive roll1.■主动辊driven roll1.■驱动轧辊ductile cast iron roll1.■可锻铸铁辊dull roll1.■毛面辊dunking rolls1.■沉浸压辊dusting rolls1.■擦光辊edge roll1.■(封面)压型机; 边缘半圆饰; (针织物)卷边embossing roll1.■印花辊engraved roll1.■刻花辊, 雕刻辊, 花滚筒entry tension roll1.■进口张紧辊Eskimo roll1.■猴滚翻(两人互握踝的滚动)etched roll1.■蚀刻辊expander roll1.■展毯辊; 舒展辊; 胀管器滚子extraction roll1.■压出辊, 压榨辊felt-covered roll1.■绒辊felt widening roll1.■起动辊; 麻花辊felt wrapped roll1.■压光辊finish roll1.■给油辊finished roll1.■光制轧辊finishing rolls1.■整理机;【采矿】细轧机, 精轧轧辊first operation (seaming) roll1.■头道卷封滚轮(制罐)fixed roll1.■(固)定辊flat roll1.■平滑辊flattening rolls1.■碾平机; 轧扁机flexing roll1.■弯折辊flicker roll1.■去籽辊floating roll1.■浮泳式压榨辊fluted roll1.■槽纹辊fluted feed roll1.■排种槽轮flux roll1.■熔剂辊fly roll1.■压纸辊flying backward roll1.■(双杠)后空翻flying dive roll1.■鱼跃前滚翻flying forward roll1.■(双杠)前空翻foot rolls1.■底辊football roll1.■侧滚翻forging roll1.■锻制轧辊form crushing roll1.■成形辊former roll1.■成形轧辊forming rolls1.■成形轧辊, 成形轧机, 压延辊(平板玻璃)forward roll1.■前滚翻frame roll1.■帧滚动French roll1.■法国式小面包friction roll1.■压紧辊, 摩擦传动辊fried roll1.■油煎春卷front roll1.■前滚筒full roll1.■轻度凸面轧辊full-suspended rolls1.■双支点轧辊furnace rolls1.■炉内辊furnace pull-out roll1.■炉内拉料辊gallows roll1.■导向滚柱, 随动轮托架gap rolls1.■锻造辊筒gathering roll1.■(拉丝)集束轮(玻璃纤维)germ rolls1.■去胚芽轧辊机getting-down roll1.■开坯机座轧辊glottal roll1.■喉颤音grain roll1.■铸铁轧辊graining roll1.■印花辊(搪瓷滚花用)green roll1.■铸铁轧辊grid roll1.■方格压印滚筒(水泥人行道修筑用具)grinder roll1.■磨辊grinding roll1.■砂轮, 磨辊(中速磨)grinding rolls1.■辊轧机grip roll1.■夹持(转子)辊gripping roll1.■拉料辊, 擒料辊grooved roll1.■槽形辗压机; 有槽滚筒, 槽形压路机grooved iron roll1.■有槽铸铁轧辊ground roll1.■防护辊guide roll1.■导向辊, 拉引辊, 主动辊, 导辊hand-guide roll1.■手动校正辊hand-operated bending roll1.■手动弯曲辊hammer rolls1.■锤碎机hard-grained roll1.■硬铸铁滚筒head roll1.■驱动滚筒, 传动辊heavy steel plate bending roll1.■重型钢板折弯机help(er) roll1.■辅助辊high-speed rolls1.■高速辊式破碎机hitch roll1.■毛毯转向辊; 张紧辊holding [slow] roll1.■低速辊hollow cast roll1.■铸造空心轧辊hollow roll1.■卷筒接头; 空心辊hollow back roll1.■挂臂挺身回环holy roll1.■匀浆辊home roll1.■主辊, 主滚筒honeycomb roll1.■蜂窝辊; 蜂巢式真空辊honor roll1.■荣誉名册, 荣誉簿horizontal roll1.■水平轧辊hot roll1.■加热压光辊hot air roll1.■热风辊hot milling roll1.■热轧机hot-rolling roll1.■热轧用轧辊husking roll1.■剥玉米穗苞叶辊hyperboloid straightening roll1.■双曲线矫直辊idler roll1.■无载托辊, 空转辊; 空转轮, 惰辊[轮], 跨轮; 托纸辊immovable roll1.■固定辊impact roll1.■冲击滚轮indefinite chill roll1.■无限冷硬轧辊inner roll1.■内辊in-running rolls1.■对向回转的滚筒intermediate (calender) rolls1.■中间(压光)辊, 中间滚筒internal [inner] roll1.■内辊inverse press roll1.■倒装压榨(装置)jack roll1.■手绞盘jump roll1.■扁钢轧辊(两头带辊环平辊身的)kaiser roll1.■蔷薇花状小面包(有折角的小圆面包)kibbler roll1.■辊式破碎机killing rolls1.■矫形滚筒king roll1.■压光机底辊kiss roll1.■湿润辊knife roll1.■刀辊knobbling rolls1.■开坯轧辊, 压轧辊knurl roll1.■压花辊knurled roll1.■网纹轧辊, 槽纹轧辊land roll1.■镇压器leader rolls1.
roll 在21世纪词典中的解释
roll[r&#601ul]vi.1.■滚,滚动:The dog is rolling on the lawn.狗在草坪上打滚。2.■(眼泪等)滚落:Lucy's tears rolled down her face.露西的眼泪从她的脸上滚了下来。3.■(车辆)行驶;用车运送:The train was rolling at high speed.火车在高速行驶。Our school bus rolled along the highway.我们的校车在公路上行驶。4.■盘旋:Dark smoke was rolling up from the chimney.黑烟从烟囱里袅袅上升。5.■(岁月等)流逝;(时间)不知不觉地到来:The years are rolling on.岁月在流逝。Spring rolled around again.春天不知不觉地又来到了。6.■(天体等)循环运行:The planets roll on their courses.行星沿轨道运行。7.■翻滚;奔腾;顺流而下:A black car rolled down the hill.一辆黑色汽车从山坡上翻滚下来。Like the Yellow River,time keeps rolling along.时间像黄河一样不断滚滚奔腾向前。8.■(地势等)起伏;伸展:The hills rolled toward the horizon.地平线上山峦起伏。9.■(雷、鼓等)发出隆隆声;(鸟等)啭鸣:The thunder rolled in the distance.远方雷声隆隆。10.■[美国英语]【橄榄球】横移突破,向场边跑动[全称roll out]11.■[古语]漫步;徘徊;流浪12.■卷;绕;裹;被烫平:Hedgehogs can roll into balls.刺猬能滚成一团,形成圆球。13.■(眼球等)转动,旋转:Her eyes were rolling with fear.她吓得眼珠上下打转。14.■(船只等)颠簸;摇晃:The ship was rolling heavily to and fro on the rough seas.船在汹涌的波涛中晃来晃去很不平稳。15.■蹒跚而行:The old man rolled up to me.这位老人步履蹒跚地向我走来。He is rolling drunk.他醉得东倒西歪。16.■辗;轧;擀:The dough is so wet that it won't roll.面团水太多,不能擀。17.■(话语)滔滔不绝:Words of gratitude were rolling from her lips.她在滔滔不绝地讲着感激的话。18.■(机器)运转;开机;(电影等)开拍:Their electric pumps are rolling twelve hours a day.他们的电泵每天运转12小时。Let them roll!开机!(拍电影或电视剧时用语)19.■[口语]富有;拥有(常与in连用):They are rolling in money and property.他们拥有大量的钱财。She is rolling in luxury.她过着奢华的生活。20.■[口语]出发;开始行动:Hurry up.It's time to roll.快点,该出发了。21.■[口语]笑声不止;捧腹大笑:They were rolling with laughter.他们笑得前仰后合。His jokes kept us rolling about all evening.他的笑话使我们捧腹大笑了一晚上。vt.1.■使滚动:They often rolled the snowballs in winter.他们在冬天常常滚雪球玩。The strong wind rolled the waves onto the shore.大风吹着海浪滚上海岸。2.■推车;用车载运:The school bus rolled us to the airport.校车载送我们到机场。3.■开动,使开始运转:to roll the camera使照相机开始运转4.■急速地擂(鼓):They rolled their drums to bring out the villagers.他们击鼓召唤村民。5.■声音洪亮地说出:The actor rolled out his words so that every one in the theatre could hear what he said.那位演员声音洪亮地朗诵台词,以使剧场中的每个人都能听到他讲的话。6.■卷舌发出:He can't roll his r's.他不能卷舌发出r音。7.■使左右摇晃:The high waves rolled the little boat from side to side.巨浪使小船左右摇晃。8.■使(眼球等)左右转动;传送秋波:The boy rolled his eyes in amazement.男孩惊愕得眼珠上下打转。She kept rolling her eyes at the young man.她不断向那个小伙子传送秋波。9.■卷;绕;搓:She rolled up her sleeves and started washing.她卷起袖子,开始洗衣服。You should roll the wool into a ball before you start knitting.你应当在织毛活儿以前先把毛线绕成线球。10.■裹:He rolled himself up in a blanket.他用一条毯子把自己裹起来。11.■辗;轧;擀;烫平:They were rolling the playground with a steam-roller.他们正在用压路机压平操场。12.■[美国英语]掷(骰子):She was lucky to roll an eight.她很幸运掷出个8点。13.■【印刷】把油墨滚在…上14.■[美国俚语]盗窃(喝醉或睡着的人)口袋里的财物:He had been beaten up and rolled.他受到毒打并被翻来转去地搜遍全身抢尽财物。n.1.■滚动;翻滚2.■纸卷;卷轴;卷状物3.■目录;登记表;名册4.■卷;捆;匹5.■卷饼;小圆面包;卷状食品6.■滚筒;滚轴7.■辗子8.■【印刷】油墨辊9.■【建筑工程】(柱顶的)旋涡状装饰10.■(地势的)起伏11.■摇摆,晃动12.■(鼓的)急敲声;(雷等的)隆隆声13.■(鸟的)啭鸣声14.■(话语的)抑扬声调15.■【语言学】滚音,颤音16.■[美国俚语]一捆(或一卷)钞票17.■【航空学】(飞机的)横滚18.■(服装的)滚边;卷边19.■【装订】压印机20.■[俚语]性交近义词listbig roll[美国俚语]巨款call the roll点名,点卯go and have a roll[俚语][用于祈使句]滚开honour roll(中、小学优秀生)光荣榜;荣誉册(纪念碑上或纪念馆里的)阵亡将士名单on a roll超常发挥,连续获胜中;正在走好运,交好运,手气好,处在走运的时期,飞黄腾达[与一修饰词连用,表示某一特种势头]:on a wild roll now现在已达顶峰状态snap roll快滚(一种特技飞行)strike someone off(或from)the rolls开除,把…除名从(律师)名册上取消某人的名字,吊销某人的律师执照


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