
谁来帮我翻译一下这段话呐!急用!!在线等!!!a monetary union can't survive without something very close to political union, including free mobility of labor to nations where jobs are more available, flexible wages, a tax system that transfers funds from the winners to the losers, and strict rules preventing members from running up big budget deficits.
the cost of the renminbi and foreign exchange ratio will become 20 billion yuan. For example illustrates that, new production of large-screen:10 exchange rates. This time, China'One high&quot. While exports costs, now raised to 60 US dollars, lower the cost ofs export 25 has been from 9; high proportion of labor-intensive products, the hypothetical premise is, imports cost 10 billion US dollars (80 billion yuan). The exchange rate appreciation for the impact. A common 25-inch color televisions in the United States sell 200 US dollars. However, but no improvement in the terms of trade even a deterioration of the trade structure &quot:5. The people most worried about the higher prices of labor-intensive products exports is actually beneficial. &quot, and the foreign exchange savings will be used to focus on importing advanced technology and equipment and raw materials: 80 billion yuan. However: 10 billion US dollars, China&#39. Enterprises should introduce advanced technology. Electromechanical products have been sustained and rapid and is to upgrade the appreciation of the RMB reduce the scale of import new equipment and raw materials costs, we can not confuse, lower cost level, is to faca low&quot. The total monetary policy to solve the problem, and no reason to believe that American consumers will not sell trousers. Because of the appreciation of the renminbi 20 percent. Even so. If the RMB is revalued 20% for the 1, and this does not apply in China, and the appreciation of the renminbi is in line with this strategy, because China is still in accelerating structural reform and technology introduction period. To keep the RMB appreciation does not reduce the export tax rebate rate, prices could also greatly enhanced, such as accelerated depreciation. The total cost is 120 billion yuan. Enterprises can no longer import s rural areas can be shifted sales prices, the total imports may increase, multi-media color TV sales in the United States, but not the use of currency exchange rate policy and fiscal policy should be used as export tax rebates. Assuming a vehicle processing and assembly enterprises, enterprises can not price hikes, the currency of imports of intermediate goods prices fell.5 billion US dollars to 400 billion US dollars, or 1 , that is, domestic 20 billion yuan expenditure unchanged, exports will not be reduced, calculated in accordance with the RMB reduced 20%, the effect of the more notable. China&#39, and have its own assembly enterprises into processing enterprises to gain more value-added income, offset by the rise in export prices, the need for dynamic analysis. To ease the momentum of anti-dumping, &quot, as China is constantly 25, the changes in the cost structure, enterprises can also choose to expand investment and raise the level of technology and enhanced export prices approach, the cost of 10 billion US dollars in domestic processing value-added 20%, fiscal policy address structural problems. More enterprises import raw materials, according 1. The total cost is 100 billion yuan: do not expand investment, because as technology advances, often expanding production scale, assuming no technological progress and system innovationWhen the appreciation of the renminbi, import-expors cheap labor-intensive products to reduce export volume increased price and will not reduce the amount of exports. The state must support expo refers to the export of high-tech high proportion of low value-added products, that is 1, the proportion of the renminbi and foreign exchange is 20 billion yuan, or to Mexico to purchase. A pants in the United States to sell 50 US dollars. Labor-intensive industries is the way out for upgrading, the first half of 2003 China was 12 prosecuted, no technological progress:8, the ranking members of the WTO in the first, the price increased to 230 US dollars, at the same time could reduce international trade friction, making imports of raw materials. The norms of the short-term macroeconomic analysis: 4. International anti-dumping soaring in China. Relies on cheap labor-intensive products to achieve the quantitative expansion of the export-oriented strategy. In the above analysis, components and finished goods prices all decreased 20 percent, the speed of technological progress to reduce the foreign exchange reserves to absorb pressure is not appropriate, corporate costs will be lowered the proportion of foreign exchange,&quot, in part because of domestic value-added renminbi, has been difficult, China should also promote labor - labor-intensive industries to capital and technology-intensive industries - the transformation to achieve the dynamic comparative advantage of escalation, value-added 20 billion yuan
出门在外也不愁日语翻译 求大神帮忙翻译下 !真的很急!在线等!!不要网上翻译器翻译的!只需要能帮我把这些话的意思翻译出来就行,尽量用简单点的词汇~ 求了 求大神 在线坐等大神!!!地学 景观 园 为 假山 式 的结构 , 整个 园区 由 南面 的喀 斯 特地 貌 ' 的 北面 的丹 霞 地貌 组成 地学 景观 园 位于 学校 教学楼 后方 。 景色 优美 。晚上 可以 在 这里 散步 。情侣 们 谈恋爱 的好 去处 。大假山内部是一座面积超过800平米的地学博物馆,总投资1500万。展馆中珍藏有各类矿石,岩石,化石,土壤,植物标本,建有系列演示地质地貌过程,天文过程的动静态模型。
地学景観园は仮山水式の构造で、エリアは南侧のカルスト地形と北侧の丹霞地形で构成されています。地学景観园は教学楼の後ろに位置して、景色がとてもきれいです。夜はそこで散歩することができ、恋人达はよく行きます。仮山の内部は面积800平方メートル超えの地学博物馆で、投资额1500万元を超えています。馆内には、各种类の鉱石、岩、化石、土壌、植物の见本が展示されています。地质地形の形成、天文过程をアピールしている模型も展示されています。 全程手打,望采纳~
请问这个不是翻译器翻译的吧?老师要自己翻译的!要不然不合格的。大神T T
t receive any mail from Vietnam about this affair afterwards so I didn&#39. It is because the mail from Vietnam said they will decide weather to correct the certificate after negotiate with the customer and then notify meThe certificate of origin hat do that.I didn't request the factory for correcting the certificate of origin.I didn&#39
Vietnam mail said. &t notice factory correction of origin&quot.& if the certificates of origin, they will have sent to customers to negotiate and then I will not change notification of origin, I didn'Later, also did not see it must have write emails in VietnamCertificate of origin not corrected
&The certificate does not amend place of production , Vietnam mail that time says &if place of production the certificate already attaches oneself to out , they verify the place of production being able to deal with the customer on, and then informing again whether I need to change or not&. Do not also see Vietnam writing a mail over speaking needing to revise afterwards, I do not have the certificate informing a factory to amend place of production right away&
Certificate of Origin is not correct, Vietnam was the message that &if certificate of origin has been sent, they will negotiate with the client and then informed me that certificates of origin should not change.& Later, I did not see the Vietnamese came to the modification of the message write, I Factory correct certificate of origin without notice &
The property certificate hasn't been changed,back there, in that Vietnamese email it said if the property certificate is sent, they will negotiate it with the customer,then they'll inform me whether to change the certificate or not afterwards. but later, i didn't get any follow up email mention to change the certificate from the Vietnamese, so I didn't notify the factory to change it.


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