谁能帮我翻译一下,谢谢的英文翻译了!This i...

谁能帮我翻译一下!As some of you have known that I am a teacher in special education. Thus I’d like you to discuss your experience with special people. After this discussion, I wish you will learn more about the handicapped people and how to_作业帮
谁能帮我翻译一下!As some of you have known that I am a teacher in special education. Thus I’d like you to discuss your experience with special people. After this discussion, I wish you will learn more about the handicapped people and how to
谁能帮我翻译一下!As some of you have known that I am a teacher in special education. Thus I’d like you to discuss your experience with special people. After this discussion, I wish you will learn more about the handicapped people and how to help them. The first thing you need to know is who the disabled people are: they are either physically or mentally handicapped, such as the blind, the deaf, the mute, the mentally retarded, etc. The following are two kinds of classifications: one is based on “The Protection Act for the Handicapped” and the other “Special Education Act”. The former is for the handicapped that need social welfare, and the latter is for these special students. As you can see, the first seven items defined below for the handicapped people are the same in both Acts but the rest are not. I think you can figure out the reason. The categories of disabilities in “The Protection Act for the Handicapped.”
当你其中的一些已经知道我是特别的教育的一位老师。 如此我想要你讨论你对特别的人经验。在这讨论之后,我愿你将会学习更多有关病残的人和该如何帮助他们。你需要知道的第一件事物是残废的人是谁:他们像是盲人、聋者、哑子、心理上智能迟滞者身体上地或心理上妨碍等等下列者是分类的二个类型: 一以 " 伤残人的保护行为 " 和另一个 " 特别的教育行为 " 为基础。先前者是给被妨碍的那需要社会福...
纯人工翻译,呵呵!正如你所知道的我现在是一名特教.因此我想和你交流一下关于特殊人群的经验.通过这次交流,希望你能够学到更多的关于残障人士以及怎样帮助他们.你需要知道的第一件事就是什么是残疾人:他们也许是身体残疾或者是智力残疾,比如盲人,聋子,哑巴,智障,等等.接下来是两种分类:一种建基于"残障人士保护行动"和其它的"特殊保护行动".前者需要社会对残障认识和那个的关爱....帮忙翻译一下这封信,很短。中译英。 谢谢。
?转发:  由于本人英文书写能力实在太差。而最近又交了非汉语国家的恋人,又由于大家在不同的国家,所以沟通基本靠书信。说英语我没问题,写真是问题,我憋了4个小时也没写出来。     现在非常着急的要把这封信发出去,希望有好心人可以抽出点事情帮帮我。 如果我觉得你翻译的不错,以后可以长期合作,我基本两天给他写一次信。如果觉得浪费你的时间了,我也可以按次或月付钱给你,一直让你帮我来翻。谢谢。谢谢 。    信件内容:     “亲爱的。     我当然希望你每一刻都在我身边。我不担心你会突然出现,因为1,我很想见你。2,无论你在不在,我都不会干坏事的。   你又让我抱了一点点希望,希望你今天晚上真的会出现在DJ。   我明天下午一点钟的飞机离开这里,回香港,之后回上海。如果真的可以看到你的话,我会再一次的改航班,就像你曾经为我做的一样。     虽然我很明白那只是你给我开玩笑,但我还是在幻想今天你会突然出现。哈哈,不说这个了。   至于去洗手间跳舞的事情,我还真没考虑过。DJ的洗手间那么小,没办法跳。开玩笑了,我知道你是担心我被别人看上了,放心好了,我现在   已经成老面孔了,没有人愿意和我搭讪了。每天我都是默默地站在吸烟区抽烟,喝着啤酒,发呆,想你。     真的要回家了,要离开这个我已经呆了一个多月的城市了。没有什么留恋,不过我要感谢这个城市让我在这里遇到了你。这是我这个假期最开心的   事情。   我拍照就是显得小,不知道为什么。你把我当成28+ 就好了,我下次尝试拍得老一些给你看。我个人觉得年龄不是问题。     好了,亲爱的,希望你工作顺利。到周末了,好好享受。   我想你,非常的想。     在对上帝祈祷一下,你今天真的会出现。”       哪位大侠给翻译下?万分感谢。
08-09-19 & 发布
&Dear. I certainly hope that every moment you are around me. I do not worry, you will suddenly appear as 1, I would like to see you. 2, whether you are not, I will not do a bad thing. Again, you have a little hope, I hope you will do this evening in the DJ. I o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the plane left here to return to Hong Kong and Shanghai after the return. If you can see, I will once again change the flight, just like you and I have to do the same. While I understand that you just give me a joke, but I am still in fantasy today, you will suddenly appear. Haha, do not say this has been. As for the toilet to the dance things, I never really thought about it yet. DJ of the toilet so small, can not jump. A joke, I know you are worried about me being a fancy, rest assured, I am As has the old faces, no one has approached me and willing. I stood in silence every day are the smoking area to smoke, drinking beer, in a daze, like you. Really want to go home, I have to leave to stay for more than a month of the city. No nostalgia, but I would like to thank the city where I met you. This is the happiest of holidays Things. I was taking pictures seem small, do not know why. I am as you like, 28 +, the next time I tried some veteran won the bid to see you. I personally think that age is not a problem. Well, dear, I hope you will work smoothly. To the weekend, enjoy. I would like you, very much like the. God in prayer, you really will be. &
Important issue in the fourth quarter are good at learning Why should we organize the Red Army? Because to use it to defeat the enemy. Why should we study the laws of war? Due to the use of these laws of war. Not easy to learn, easy to use even less. Take the war in the auditorium of the knowledge, or in books, even though many people speak the same头头是道, Once a war breaks out there is the outcome of the points. The history of war and war in our own lives, have proved this point. Then key in the wrong? We can not ask the winners of the general fact, which is very little since ancient. We demand that the war to win the general course of the brave and wise general - generals智勇双全.智勇双全To achieve this, there is a way to learn is to learn when to use this method, when used in this way also. What method? That is familiar with all aspects of struggle between the two sides, and find out the laws of their action, and the application of these laws in their actions. In many countries, books on military doctrine, are indicative of &the situation of use in accordance with the principle of& need to be defeated and all the instructions at the time of the disposal methods. The former is not due to death of the commander to use the principle of the latter is subjective and made a mistake in front of the commander, or a non-objective circumstances and can not be expected, the anti-change, the commander told how to dispose of . Will make mistakes why this subjective? It is because of war or the deployment of combat and command was not suitable for local conditions, subjective and objective guidance is incompatible with the situation, wrong, or is called subjective and objective does not resolve the contradiction between the. Do all the things people can not help this situation, will have more to do and compared to the sub will not do it. Compared to what will be asked to do on the military requirements compared to more than win, negative to say, compared to less defeated requirements. The key here is that the difference between subjective and objective fit together properly. Cite the case of tactics. Click to attack enemy positions in a wing, where the enemy is weak in the Department of surprise and thus the success of this called the subjective and objective world, that is, commander of the reconnaissance, determine and resolve, and the enemy situation and its configuration is line. If you click on another wing attack, or central, the result is a nail against the enemy, the attack did not go in, that is called inconsistent. The appropriate time to attack, do not reserve the use of no later than early, as well as the disposal of various combatants and combatants are in favor of action in favor of the enemy I do not, that is, the entire battle of subjective and objective circumstances all command line. With all things, in war or battle is extremely rare because of war or fighting the armed groups of both of the living, and with each other to keep secret the reason, this and dispose of still-life or day-to-day events is very different. However, in general command for as long as the situation in which there is some significance for the decision, that is the basis for victory. Commanders from the deployment of the correct determination of the correct, the correct determination of the judge from the right, the right to judge from the thoughtful and the necessary reconnaissance, and surveillance for a variety of materials, coherent thoughts together. Commanders to use all possible means and the necessary reconnaissance, will come from the enemy's reconnaissance of the various materials to be去粗取精,去伪存真, which及彼,由表及里thinking, and then add their own situation, and Comparative study of the two sides and mutual relations, which constitute a judge, will be determined to make a plan - this is a strategist in making strategic, operational or before fighting a whole process of understanding the situation. Military careless, do not do this, the military plans to set up in the basis of wishful, fantasy of such a scheme is inconsistent with the reality. Professionals with reckless enthusiasm can not help in the Military because of the deception by the enemy, the enemy or one-sided surface of the lure, by their own irresponsible subordinates without the encouragement of valuable recommendations, which can not help but to run into a wall, that is because they do not know or do not want to know that any military plan, should be established in the necessary reconnaissance and enemy and their mutual relations based on careful thinking about the reason. Understanding of the process, not only exist in the military plans to set up before, but also after the military plans to set up. When the implementation of a plan, starting from the start to the end of the war ended, it is also a process of understanding the situation, that is, the process of implementation. At this point, the first thing in the process of whether or not to live, need to re-check it. If you plan and circumstances do not meet, or do not fully comply with, it is necessary in accordance with the new understanding, constitute a new judge, set a new determination, the plan is scheduled to be changed to suit the new circumstances. Some things to change are some of almost every battle, all things change and some also from time to time. Reckless home to change I do not know, or do not want to change, only to dry eye, the results can not be non-wall. Above that is a strategic action, or a battle and fighting action. The experience of many soldiers, if he is learning with an open mind, he摸熟its own forces (commanders and combatants, weapons, supplies, etc. and overall) of the temper, and the enemy's forces摸熟(Similarly, the commander combatants, weapons, supplies, etc. and overall) of the temper, and摸熟all other war-related conditions such as politics, economy, geography, climate, etc., so the guidance of war or military operations, there are more sure, compared to be able to win. This is a long time to understand the struggle between the two sides, and find out the law of action to resolve the contradiction between subjective and objective results. This recognition process is very important, do not have a long experience, to understand and grasp the law of war as a whole is difficult. Able to do a real high-level commanders, not the inexperienced, or just good at the role of paper can do, we must learn in the war in order to do so. All with the principle of military law or military theory, or modern people are doing their predecessors in the past war experience. War of the past left us a lesson, it should focus on learning. This is one thing. However there is one thing, that is, from our own research experience in these conclusions, the absorption of those useful things, things that refuse to those who do not need to increase those things specific to their own. After the one thing that is very important not to do so, we will not be able to guide the war. Reading is learning, the use of learning, but learning is more important. Study of war from the war - this is our main method. Opportunities did not go to school, and still be able to learn from the war, that is, to learn from the war. Revolutionary war is a matter for the people, often does not have to learn the再干, but dry up further study, learning is dry. From &ordinary people& to have a distance between the soldiers, but it is not the Great Wall, but can be eliminated quickly, revolution, war, stem, that is the way to the eradication of this distance. That is not easy to learn and use, is completely learned, skilled is not easy to use. That people can quickly turn into soldiers, is not difficult to enter this door. The two taken together, useful Chinese old saying: &There is nothing unachievable if there is.& Entry is not difficult to do studies is, as long as the heart, as long as good at learning it. Military law and the laws of other things, is the objective reality in our minds ⑴ reflection, in addition to our minds, the objective reality of all things. Therefore, the object of learning and understanding, including the struggle between the two, both of which are the object of study should be viewed as only our mind (thinking) is the subject of study. There is a person out on friends, dark in知彼, and a person prescribed in知彼dark in friends, they are the law of war can not solve the learning and use of the problem. Sun军事学家Chinese ancient books ⑵ son &知彼friends,百战不殆&, it is said, including the learning and use of the said two phases, ranging from understanding the objective reality of the development of the law and in accordance with these laws to determine the action to overcome their enem we should not belittle this. War is the national and ethnic, national and sub-national, class and class, political groups and political groups among the high all on the law of war, are the nation engaging in war, national, class, and political groups to fight for their own the use of victory. The outcome of the war, mainly to decide between the two sides in the combat military, political, economic, natural all conditions, there is no problem. But not only that, the two sides also decided to combat the ability of subjective guidance. Military permits the material conditions can not exceed the scope of the victory of the war an attempt, however, can and must be a strategist in the material conditions for the extent permitted by the victory of the war. Military activities in the construction stage of the above objective material conditions, however, a strategist with this stage, it can be a lot of success directing a magnificent opera to. Therefore, we guide the Red Army, established the material basis for an objective that is military, political, economic, natural all the conditions above, we must develop our power, guide and support the armed forces to bring down those of national and class enemies, change the bad world. Here useful and must be guided by our subjective capacity. We do not permit any one of the commanders of the Red Army into the reckless乱撞home乱碰; we must advocate of each of the Red Army commanders into a hero brave and wise, not only overwhelming courage, but also control the development of the entire war, the ability to change . Commander in the war of the sea to swim, they do not make their own sink, and make their own decision to step by step to reach the other side. The guidance of the law of war is the war of swimming technique. These are our methods. Chapter II the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Revolutionary War Since the beginning of the Chinese revolution in 1924 war, had passed two stages, namely from 1924 to 1927 phase and the phase from 1927 to 1936; the future is is the phase of the anti-Japanese war and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional. The three stages of the Revolutionary War, the Chinese proletariat and its political party led by the Communist Party of China. China's main enemy of the revolutionary war, the forces of imperialism and feudalism. Although the Chinese bourgeoisie in a historic opportunity to participate in the revolutionary war, but because of its self-serving and political lack of economic independence, do not want the leadership of the Chinese revolution can not be the complete victory of the war took to the road. The masses of Chinese peasants and urban petty bourgeois masses, are willing to actively participate in the revolutionary war, and be willing to make complete victory of the war. They are the main force of the Revolutionary W however, the characteristics of small-scale production, so that their political vision is limited (as part of the unemployed masses are thinking of having no government), so that they can not become a war leader of the right. As a result, the proletariat has embarked on an era of political arena, the Chinese leadership of the revolutionary war, would have to fall on the shoulders of the Communist Party of China. At such times, any of the revolutionary war, or if there is no breach of the proletariat and the leadership of the Communist Party, the war is certain to fail. Because of China's semi-colonial society from all walks of life and various political groups, only the proletariat and the Communist Party, not only the most narrow and selfish, and most have a long-term political vision and the most organized, but also the most open-minded to accept the world's advanced experience of the proletariat and its political parties and should be used on their own careers. Therefore, only the proletariat and the Communist Party leadership to the peasants, urban petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie, peasants and petty bourgeoisie to overcome the narrow and the unemployed to overcome the destructive group, and also be able to overcome the bourgeoisie of shaken and non-complete ( If the policy of the Communist Party does not make mistakes any), of revolution and war, embarked on the road to victory. From 1924 to 1927 of the Revolutionary War, the basic way that the international proletariat and the Chinese proletariat and its political party for the Chinese national bourgeoisie and its political influence of political parties and political co-operation carried out under. However, the presence of revolution and war of emergency, first of all, the big bourgeoisie as a result of the mutiny, but also as a result of the revolutionary ranks of the automatically opportunist leadership to abandon the revolution, the revolutionary war has failed. In 1927 the Agrarian Revolutionary War to the present is in the new circumstances of the. The enemy is not only a war of imperialism, and the big bourgeoisie and big landlords of the Union. The national bourgeoisie are bourgeois has become a big tail. The leadership of the revolutionary war but the Communist Party, the Communist Party has been formed for the Revolutionary War's absolute leadership. The Communist Party leadership of this absolute right to insist on the Revolutionary War is the most important conditions in the end. Without the Communist Party's absolute leadership that is not envisaged in the revolutionary war to the insistence of such nature. The Chinese Communist Party is resolutely heroic leadership of China's revolutionary war, in the fifteen years of long ⑶, people in the country, said his friend, the people, every day in order to protect the interests of the people, freedom for the people liberation, standing on the front line of the revolutionary war. Communist Party of China's experience in their own hard work, hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of brave and heroic members of the bloody sacrifice of cadres in the entire nation among several never played a great role in education. Chinese Communist Party in the revolutionary struggle in the history of the great achievements made in the nation today, the enemy penetrated a critical juncture in China has the conditions for salvation, this condition is that a majority of the people trusted by the people in a long time Therefore the test have been selected political leaders. The Communist Party now say, more than any other political parties say, are easily accepted by the people. Not the Chinese Communist Party in the struggle between the past fifteen years, the risk to save the new national subjugation is impossible. The Chinese Communist Party in the revolutionary war, in addition to committed right opportunism ⑷ Chen and Li Lisan &Left& opportunism ⑸ two mistakes, but also made the following two errors: First, in
to the &Left& opportunism ⑹, the Agrarian Revolutionary War this error has been made extremely heavy losses have been in the fifth against &encirclement and suppression& can not defeat the enemy base instead of the loss of the Red Army weakened results. The mistake was expanded in January 1935 in the Central Political Bureau of the Zunyi Meeting rectified when the ⑺. Second, from 1935 to 1936 in the right opportunism Zhang ⑻, this error undermines the development of the discipline of the party and the Red Army, so that the main part of the Red Army s However, due to the correct central leadership, the Red Army members and commanders in the consciousness of combatants, and finally also to rectify this error the. All of these errors, for our party, our revolution and war, of course, is detrimental, but we finally overcome our party and our Red Army is to overcome these mistakes in the training of more strong. Leadership of the Communist Party of China, and continue the vigorous leadership of the glorious victory of the Revolutionary War. This war is not only the banner of the liberation of China, but also of international significance of the revolution. The world revolutionary people are looking at our eyes. In the new phase of anti-Japanese war and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional, we will lead the Chinese revolution to completion, but also the East and the world will have a profound impact on the revolution. Revolutionary War past has proved that we not only need a correct Marxist political line, but also a Marxist military line of the right. Fifteen years of revolution and war, has been tempered by such a political and a military route. A new stage of the next war, we believe that this line will, according to a new environment, to further develop and enrich them, to defeat the purpose of the enemy nation. History tells us that the correct political and military of the line, rather than arising naturally and safely developed, but the struggle with the emergence and development. On the one hand, it should be with the &Left& the fight against opportunism on the other hand, it is to fight with the right opportunism. Different from those against the revolution and the Revolutionary War to combat the tendency of the harmful, and to overcome them completely, the correct line of the building and the Revolutionary War victory is impossible. I am in this booklet is often referred to the wrong advice, that is, for that purpose. Chapter III of the characteristics of China's Revolutionary War Section I of the importance of this issue Does not recognize, I do not know, or do not want to know what the Chinese revolutionary war has its own characteristics, and the Red Army's military operations against the KMT, as the same and the general war, or the same as the civil war and the Soviet Union. Lenin led the Soviet Union of Stalin's experience in the civil war is the meaning of the world. All of the Communist Party, the Communist Party of China also are based on the experience of Stalin and Lenin's theory on this experience as a comprehensive guide. However, this does not mean that we should be under the condition of our machinery to use this experience. Many of China's revolutionary war has its own characteristics different from the Soviet Union, civil war. Estimated that such characteristics do not, or deny this feature, of course, is wrong. This point in our decades of war has been completely proved. Our enemies have made similar mistakes. They do not recognize and fight the Red Army and other operations need to have different strategies and tactics. They rely on various aspects of its advantages, take us, cling to their old tactics. This is the fourth time in 1933 the enemy's &encirclement and suppression& period and the previous case, the result is that incurred by their previous failure. First of all, the KMT army raised the issue of new ideas is reactionary Kuomintang generals Sadakazu柳维,戴岳later. Finally, Chiang Kai-shek to their views have been adopted. This is the Chiang Kai-shek Lushan ⑼ Officers Training Corps and at the fifth &encirclement and suppression& in the implementation of the reactionary principle of the new military have ⑽ process. However, the presence of the enemy to change its military doctrine to fit in with the Red Army fighting the case, we have a team return to the &old& people. They preferred to return to the general aspects of the situation, and refused to understand the special circumstances of any refusal to bloody history of the Red Army experience, take the power of imperialism and the KMT, the KMT army ignored the power of the enemy the use of the reactionary turn a blind eye to the new principles. Result is the loss of the outside border of Shaanxi and Gansu in addition to all the revolutionary base, so that the Red Army from 300,000 people down to tens of thousands of people, so that the Communist Party of China dropped by 300,000 members of the tens of thousands of party members, and organizations in the region almost the KMT All lost. In short, is a great historic punishment. They claim to Marxism-Leninism, the fact that Marxism-Leninism did not learn. Lenin said: Marxism and the most essential things of Marxism living soul, is the specific analysis of specific cases ⑾. Comrade exactly those we have forgotten this point. Therefore, do not understand the characteristics of China's revolutionary war, will not be able to guide China's revolutionary war, the Chinese revolution will not be able to guide the way to victory in the war path. Section II the characteristics of China's revolutionary war what Such being the case, the characteristics of China's revolutionary war what is it? I think there are four main features. The first characteristic is that China is a political and economic development of the large imbalances in the semi-colonial country, and after the revolution from 1924 to 1927. This characteristic, pointing out that the development of China's revolutionary war and the possibility of victory. The presence of the winter of 1927 to the spring of 1928, China's guerrilla war in the background, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces border region - Jinggangshan comrades, some of the &Red Flag played in the end how long& this question, we It had pointed out to the (first湘赣边界Party Congress ⑿). Because it is a fundamental issue, do not reply to the Chinese revolution and the Chinese Red Army's ability to base the existence and development, we will not be able to step forward. Communist Party of China in 1928 the Sixth National People's Congress ⒀, made the issue a reply. The Chinese revolutionary movement, then there is the correct theoretical basis. Now take a look at this issue separately: China's political and economic development is uneven - a weak capitalist economy and serious at the same time the existence of the feudal economy, the modern style of a number of industrial and commercial city and stagnation at the same time the existence of the vast rural areas, and several millions of millions of industrial workers under the old system of farmers and handicraft workers, and that the management of the central government and management of the major warlords warlords small provinces, and that the reactionary armed forces under Chiang Kai-shek in the so-called central forces and the warlords of the provinces under the so-called non-brand military forces do exist in two parts, a number of rail car routes Road and general wheelbarrow Road, only feet away and the road is not good with their feet at the same time the existence of path. China is a semi-colonial countries - the lack of harmonization of imperialism, the impact of the ruling group in China among the non-uniform. Semi-colonial country dominated by a few countries and the colonial domination of one country is different. China is a big country - &the East West does not shine bright, and the south the north,& it will not face any leeway. China is the result of a Revolution - ready for the seeds of the Red Army, the Red Army ready for a leader that is the Communist Party, but also ready to participate in one revolution of the people. Therefore, we say that China is a result of a revolution, the political imbalance of economic development, semi-colonial power, which is the Chinese revolution of the first characteristics of the war. This feature not only provides the basic of our political strategy and tactics, but also provides our basic military strategy and tactics. The second feature is a powerful enemy. KMT enemy the Red Army, which is what? It is the power to seize and stabilize the relative political power of its party. It is supported by the world's major counter-revolutionary nations. It has transformed its troops - the transformation and China have a history of any of the armed forces are not the same era, and modern country and the world in much the same forces, weapons and other military supplies to the supply of solid is much more than the Red Army, and the number of its troops more than any one of China's era of military history, more than any country in the world of the standing army. Its army and the Red Army, there is a huge difference between comparison. It controls the whole of China's political, economic, transport, culture hub or the lifeline of the regime, it is a national regime. Chinese Red Army is a powerful enemy in this way before. This is the second revolutionary feature of the war. This characteristic, so that the operations of the Red Army can not and the general war and civil war in the Soviet Union, there are many different Northern Expedition. The third feature is the weak Red Army. Chinese Red Army is the first time in the Great Revolution failed, to start from the guerrillas. China not only in the reactionary period, and reactionary in the world of capitalist countries in the political economy more stable period. Our power is dispersed and isolated or secluded mountain of power, without any external assistance. Revolutionary base of the economic conditions and cultural conditions compared with the KMT is a backward region. Revolutionary base area villages and small cities only. Its region is very small to start, then it does not great. And mobi the Red Army did not really solid base. Less the number of Red Army and the Red Army's weapons are bad, the Red Army's supply of food clothing and other substances is very difficult. This feature and the former is characterized by sharp contrast. Strategies and tactics for the Red Army is in such sharp contrast occurred. The fourth characteristic is the leadership of the Communist Party and the Agrarian Revolution. The first characteristic feature is the inevitable result. This feature resulted in two cases. On the one hand, China's revolutionary war is in China and the reactionary period of the capitalist world, but is able to victory because of its Communist Party leadership and assistance to farmers. Base is small there are a lot of political power and a huge屹然opposed to the KMT regime, the KMT's military offensive to a lot of difficulties, because we have the assistance of farmers. Although the Red Army's combat effectiveness of small but powerful because of the Red Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of staff arising from the agrarian revolution, for the benefit of their combatants, and between commanders and combatants in politics are the same. On the other hand, and became a sharp contrast to the KMT. KMT is opposed to the agrarian revolution, there is no assistance to farmers. Although the number of its troops, the soldiers did not allow the masses and many small producers of lower-level cadres who consciously hard for the KMT, between officers and men were divided in politics, which reduce its combat effectiveness. The third quarter resulting in our strategy and tactics After a revolution of political and economic imbalance in the semi-colonial power, powerful enemy, the weaker the Red Army, the Agrarian Revolution - This is the Chinese revolution of the four main characteristics of the war. These features, provides for the guidance of China's Revolutionary War routes and many of the principles of strategy and tactics. Characteristics of the first and fourth characteristics, provides for the possibility of the development of the Chinese Red Army and the possible defeat its enemies. The second and third characteristic feature of the provisions of the Chinese Red Army can not quickly develop and can not be quickly overcome their enemies, that is, provides a lasting war, and if so to mess it up, but also may fail. This is the Chinese revolution of the two aspects of war. At the same time, the existence of these two aspects, that is to say, both the smooth conditions, and difficult conditions. This is the fundamental law of the revolutionary war, many laws are fundamental laws of this happened by. Decades of war in our history proved the correctness of this rule. These eyes can not see who is the fundamental law of nature, will not be the guiding China's revolutionary war, the Red Army will not win. Obviously, the right to provide strategic direction, when the offensive against the adventurism, and defense against the conservatism, opposition to the against the Red Army and the guerrilla, but of recognition of the Red A against the campaign and the strategy of protracted war速决战recognize the strategy of protracted war and the battle速决战; opposed to fixed lines and positional warfare operations, recognition of non-fixed line and movement
against the defeated war, recogni opposed to the strategic direction of two fists, and recogn against the rear system, the system of recogniti against the concentration of absolute command, to recognize the relative conc opposed to purely military point of view and bandits and ⒁, the Red Army is a recognized advocate for the Chinese revol against the bandits and ⒂, recognized serious
against the warlords, and recognize the limited authority of democratic life and opposed sectarianism is not the correct policy on cadres, the cadres to recogniz against the isolation policy for recognition of Finally, the objection to the Red Army in the old stage stop for the Red Army to a new stage of development - all a matter of principle, requires the right solution. We now pay attention to strategic issues, it is necessary to the revolutionary war on China's bloody history of decades of experience, a good description of these problems. Chapter IV of &encirclement and suppression& and against &encirclement and suppression& - the main form of the Chinese civil war Over the past decade guerrilla war from the beginning of the day, any independent or red guerrillas surrounding the Red Army, a revolutionary base area around it is often encountered in the enemy's &encirclement and suppression.& Enemy of the Red Army as a foreign body, it appeared to want to capture. The enemy is always followed by the Red Army, and is always surrounded it. This form is not changed over the past decade, and if there is no substitute for national war civil war, then, until the enemy becomes weak, the Red Army into a strong person until that day, this form will not change. The activities of the Red Army to take the anti-&encirclement and suppression& of the form. The so-called victory is largely against &encirclement and suppression& of victory, and this is a victory strategy and campaign. Opposed to an &encirclement and suppression& is a battle, and often even by the size of several dozens of organizations from the fighting. In an &encirclement and suppression& there is no basic way to break before the battle even by many of the victory, but also can not say that or the entire campaign strategy has been won. Decades of war, the history of the Red Army, is a anti-&encirclement and suppression& history. The enemy's &encirclement and suppression& and the Red Army's anti-&encirclement and suppression&, mutual use of both offensive and defensive form of combat, this is no different from saying that the war. However, the characteristics of the Chinese civil war, then they repeated the long-term. In an &encirclement and suppression& of the enemy to attack the defense against the Red Army, the Red Army in defense against the enemy's attack, which is against &encirclement and suppression& of the first phase of the battle. Defense against the enemy to attack the Red Army, the Red Army offensive against the enemy's defense, which is against &encirclement and suppression& campaign second phase. Any of the &encirclement and suppression& are included in two phases, but also repeated the long term. Long-term repeatedly, is that the form of war and fighting repeatedly. This is a fact, no one to know one look. &Encirclement and suppression& and against &encirclement and suppression&, is a form of repeated wars. To attack the enemy's defense to me, I attack the enemy in defense of the first stage, and to guard against enemy attacks me, I attack the enemy in the second phase of defense is every &encirclement and suppression& in the form of repeated fighting. As for the content of war and fighting, is not simply repeated, but each different. This is also the fact that a person known to see. The law here is the &encirclement and suppression& and against &encirclement and suppression& every time the scale of large, complex situation every time, every time the fierce fighting. The ups and downs, however is not. Fifth &encirclement and suppression&, because the Red Army has greatly weakened the south base of all the loss, the Red Army moved to the northwest, not as a threat in the South as in the domestic enemies of the status of the most important, the &encirclement and suppression& of the scale, and fighting, more smaller, simpler, to ease some of the. The failure of the Red Army, what is it? At the strategic level that only the anti-&encirclement and suppression& is not successful, it is called a failure, but only partially and temporarily called the failure. Because of the fundamental failure of the war, the destruction of the entire Red Army, but the fact that I did not. The majority of the loss of bases and the transfer of the Red Army, this is a temporary and partial failure is not permanent and the failure of all, although this is included in the local party and the army and the base of 90%. This fact, we continue to call it defense, and the pursuit of the enemy's attack is called a continuation. That is to say, in the &encirclement and suppression& and against &encirclement and suppression& of the struggle, we do not go from defense to attack, but the attack by the enemy to break our defense, our defense will become a retreat, the enemy's attack on the change has become a pursuit. However, until the Red Army arrived in a new area, for example, we have moved to Jiangxi, Shaanxi and other places, &encirclement and suppression& of repeatedly appeared. Therefore, we said that the Red Army's strategic retreat (Long) is a strategic defense of the Red Army to continue, in pursuit of the enemy's strategy is to attack the enemy's strategy to continue. China's civil war and any war at all times, the basic offensive and defensive fighting in the form of only two. The characteristics of the Chinese civil war, is the &encirclement and suppression& and against &encirclement and suppression& and repeated the long-term offensive and defensive combat two forms of long-term and repeated, and includes more than 10,000 km with a great strategic shift (Long) ⒃ such a things inside. The failure of the so-called enemy, is also true. Their strategy has failed, that is, their &encirclement and suppression& that we break, we turned into a defensive attack to the defensive position of the enemy, we must once again be re-organized the &encirclement and suppression.& We did not like the so-called enemies of more than 10,000 km of the strategic shift of the kind of situation, it is because they are the national rulers, their much more powerful than we are because of. But some things are off. A number of bases was the Red Army siege of the white enemy positions stand out, go back to the white area to reorganize attack is such a thing occurred. If the extension of the civil war, the Red Army victory in the broader scope, such things will be grown. But their results can not be compared and the Red Army because they do not have the people's assistance, and inconsistencies between the officers and men. If they learn of the long-distance transfer of the Red Army, it is certain will be eradicated. In the 1930 period立三路线, Comrade Li Lisan do not know how the durability of the Chinese civil war, so do not see the development of the Chinese civil war in the &encirclement and suppression& and &encirclement and suppression&, to break the long-term and repeatedly broken the law (At that time, there are three湘赣边界&encirclement and suppression& ⒄, Fujian, the two &encirclement and suppression& ⒅, etc.), so in the young age of the Red Army was also ordered to play the Red Army, Wuhan, order to hold the national armed uprising, trying to national revolution rapid victory. This has made a &Left& opportunist errors. From 1931 to 1934 of the &Left& opportunism, nor believe that the &encirclement and suppression& of the law repeatedly.鄂豫皖base in the border area are the so-called &partial division& ⒆ said, where some of
Forwarding:Because my English writing ability is really bad. But recently made the Chinese national lover, because everyone in different countries and so on the letter. Communicate basic Speaking English is ok with me, photo, I filled 4 hours also didn't write it out.Now very anxious to write this letter sent to have good, can take out something to help me. If I feel you well, later can translate long-term cooperation, I wrote him a letter for two days. If you waste time, I can also press or month pay you, always let you help me to turn. Thank you. Thank you.Mail contents:&Dear.I sure hope you every moment in my side. I don't worry you suddenly occurs, for one, I'm dying to see you. 2, wherever you are, I will not do evil.You make me a little hope, hope you tonight will really appeared in the DJ.I tomorrow afternoon plane leave here, return to Hong Kong, after returning to Shanghai. If can really see you, I will again change my flight, as you have done for me.While I understand that you just give me a joke, but I still in fantasy today you will suddenly appeared. Haha, say this.As to the bathroom, dance I return true have never thought. DJ bathroom small, can't jump. Kidding, I know you are worried about me being attracts, don't worry, I nowHave a face to the old, no one would and I approached. Every day I was standing in the non-smoking area, silently drinking beer, stunned, think of you.Really want to go home, leaving this I have spent more than a month of the city. No regret, but I want to thank the city let me meet you here. This is my most happy this holidayThings.My pictures are appears small, don't know why. Do you take me for 28 + is ok, I will try to give you see some old. I personally think age is not a problem.Well, my dear, I hope you work smoothly. Until the weekend and enjoy.I miss you very much, want to.In prayer to god, you really can appear. &


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