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扬州大学简介:扬州大学坐落于江苏名城-扬州市区内。Yangzhou university introduction: located in jiangsu yangzhou university city-in yangzhou city.扬州大学是江苏省属重点综合性大学。Yangzhou university is jiangsu provincial focus comprehensive university.学校建有6个国家级特色专业,拥有3个国家级教学团队,29个省品牌特色专业,1个国家级实验教学示范中心,20个中央与地方共建实验室,2个专业的人才培养创新模式被列入国家级实验区,11个省级基础课实验教学示范中心,拥有14门国家精品课程。The school has a national features six professional, has three national teaching team, 29 provinces brand characteristic, a national professional experimental teaching demonstration center, 20 of the central government and the local construction, two professional laboratory personnel training innovation mode was listed in the national post, 11 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center of basic course, have 14 door country exquisite course.全校现有普通全日制本科生34620人,各类博、硕士研究生7362人。The existing ordinary full-time undergraduate 34620 people, all kinds of bo, master graduate student 7362 people.作为全国首批博士、硕士学位授予单位,学校现有博士后流动站7个,博士点54个,硕士点226个,博、硕士专业学位14种;As the first one of the doctor's or master's degree awards unit, the school has the postdoctoral research station 7, meier, a master's degree program is 54 226, bo, the master degree of 14拥有国家级重点学科2个,国家重点(培育)学科1个,部、省级重点学科11个,部、省级重点(建设)实验室14个,部、省工程技术研究中心、公共技术服务中心、省级研究院10个,1项成果获国家级教学成果二等奖。Having the key discipline 2, national key (foster) 1, department, the subject of the key subject 11, department, provincial key (construction) laboratory 14, department, provinc......相关信息& & & & & 其他回答要求太高了吧回答时间:[]Yangzhou University introduces: Yangzhou University is situated in the Jiangsu famous city - Yangzhou urban district. Yangzhou University is Jiangsu Province is the key Institution of higher education. The school constructs 6 state-level characteristic specialty, has 3 state-level teaching team, 29 province brand characteristic specialty, 1 state-level experiment teaching demonstration center, 20 central committees and the place build the laboratory, 2 specialized personnel training innovation pattern is included the state-level experimental plot, 11 provincial level basic course experiment teaching demonstration center, has 14 national high-quality goods curriculum. Entire school existing ordinary full-time undergraduate student 34620 people, each kind abundant, graduate student 7362 people. As national first batch doctor, the master's degree awards the unit, school existing Post-doctoral flow station 7, doctor 0.54, master 0.226, abundant, master specialized degree 14 Has state-level professional ethics 2, the country key (cultivation) discipline 1, provincial level professional ethics 11, the provincial level key (construction) laboratory 14, the province engineering technology Research center, the public technical service center, provincial level research institute 10, 1 achievement wins the state-level teaching achievement second prize. The fine academic tradition, the rich cultural inside story, the abundant scientific research strength and the vital innovati......回答时间:[]Yangzhou university introduction: located in jiangsu yangzhou university city-in yangzhou city. Yangzhou university is jiangsu provincial focus comprehensive university. The school has a national features six professional, has three national teaching team, 29 provinces brand characteristic, a national professional experimental teaching demonstration center, 20 of the central government and the local construction, two professional laboratory personnel training innovation mode was listed in the national post, 11 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center of basic course, have 14 door country exquisite course. The existing ordinary full-time undergraduate 34620 people, all kinds of bo, master graduate student 7362 people. As the first one of the doctor's or master's degree awards unit, the school has the postdoctoral research station 7, meier, a master's degree program is 54 226, bo, the master degree of 14 Having the key discipline 2, national key (foster) 1, department, the subject of the key subject 11, department, provincial key (construction) laboratory 14, department, province engineering technology research center, public technology service center, provincial institute of 10, 1 achievements were awarded as national teaching achievement prize. Excellent academic tradition, the rich cultural background, strong scientific research strength and energetic, and promote the innovation mechanism of yangzhou university has a great influence has a la......回答时间:[]Copyright & 2016推荐到广播
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