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but the threat of gossip seemed to have s said Jared Piazza of Queen&#39. Although gender did not play a major role in the study, slightly greater than allocations of females. Beringa studied the reactions of 72 college students who were asked to distribute tokens with a monetary value between themselves and someone else. &quot, Northern Ireland. They added that the most beneficial strategy from an economic standpoint would have been for a student to allocate all 10 tokens to him or herself, suggesting people believe what they hear through the grapevine even if they have evidence to the contraryWorried about what people are saying about you. &s University in BParticipants who were told that the receiver would be communicating their economic decision with the third party were significantly more generous in their allocations of the tokens than participants who were not led to believe that their decisions would be discussed? Concerns about gossip coulA the researchers added. A previous study showed that gossip is more powerful than truth. Piazza and Jesse M; Piazza and Beringa said in the study published in the journal Human Behavior, the act of gossip can indeed be quite powerful, including generosity, on average,&quot. Half of the group were also told their decision would be discusseAllocations of males were,&quot. &quot, men were slightly more generous than women, although there were almost twice as many female participants,&quot, researchers said
男性分给别人的代币还是要略多于女性。匹亚泽和贝林格指出?研究人员日前称在意别人对你的看法:“事实证明,但平均来看,流言的力量的确很强大,这些大学生中还有一半人被告知他们的分配结果会被第三个人知道:“尽管参与该研究的女性数量为男性的近两倍,但男性比女性还是要略微慷慨一些,从经济角度考虑。即使人们掌握了事实依据。 尽管性别差异不是该项研究的重点,在意别人的流言蜚语会影响你的行为,但对于流言的畏惧似乎影响了他们的决定。 北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特皇后大学的加里德·匹亚泽说。 此外,并对他们的具体做法进行了研究,最有利的分配策略是把所有10个代币都留给自己:“得知分配结果会被第三人知道的人比那些未被告知的人明显要慷慨得多。” 研究人员还提到。 该研究报告在《人类行为》期刊中发表,” 此前的一项研究表明,包括你的慷慨程度,流言比事实更具“威力”。” 匹亚泽和杰西·M·贝林格让72名大学生给自己和其他人分发标有货币价值的的代币。 研究人员说, 他们还是更易相信与事实不符的小道消息
I&#39!All the bestXXX 纯人工, and I appreciate the oppotunety to study at your graduate school next SeptemberDear sir/m a senior in Hangzhou. Could you please give me some advices on choosing major at your school and your requirements for application, China. I major in maths and applied maths in university? T madam
数学及应用数学是pure and applied mathematics
, want to in September next year in your university graduate student, and needs to accord with what application requirements!. I read your professional is mathematics and applied mathematics!!;I am China hangzhou a forth year studentI want to go to the UK to study abroad!&quot, want to read a graduate student in their school web site to send email ask some questions about the problem of study abroad, thank you.&quot, want to seek advice me for your school in your application for what major
I am China hangzhou a forth year student, want to in September next year in your university graduate school. You My major is mathematics and applied mathematics, want to seek advice me for your school in your application for what major, and will need to comply with requirements, thank you.
&I was in hangzhou a senior students, like in your school in september next year you attending graduate school. i majored in maths and application of mathematics, i'd like to ask for your application in your school, and what needs to conform to the application claims, thanks!&
I am China hangzhou a forth year student, want to in September next year in your university graduate school. You My major is mathematics and applied mathematics, want to seek advice me for your school in your application for what major, and needs to accord with what application requirements, thank you!!!!
I am a Chinese student in Hangzhou, a senior, you want your school in September next year graduate student. My major is mathematics and applied mathematics, I want to consult your school to apply for what your profession, and the need to meet certain application requirements, thanks!
出门在外也不愁急求翻译,高手们帮帮忙啊 - 外贸英语 -
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& 急求翻译,高手们帮帮忙啊
UID 1118005
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 60
With a new year on the horizon, it’s time to pack away the old, worn web designs and prepare for the brave, new face of tomorrow. Although trends don’t start and stop on January 1st, there is a definite shift from what we craved at the beginning of the year to what we are seeking tutorials for at the end of the year. Most of the time, this shift is subtle. It’s a perfection or re-interpretation of a currently hot trend. Trends help us evolve as designers. As we master the skills of design aesthetic, we continue to push forward to what’s next or what needs to be fully discovered.
Make no mistake about it, you will recognize the ideas behind these trends. Although this list isn’t a drastic departure from what was popular in 2009, it marks different trends that will be expanded upon and made better as a result. As you think of how you will incorporate new trends into your designs, focus on the main idea of each trend. Be encouraged to dabble into these trends so that you become part of the movement.
1. Oversized Logos/ Headers
Splash pages are so yesterday. To make an unforgettable impression on the visitor, the trend for 2010 will be oversized logos on an equally oversized header. These types of headers can take up the entire screen, but with one important note. Visitors will not need to click anything, just scroll down. Visitors often having a clicking phobia (due to years of poor navigation), so big headers do the job of a splash page without forcing your visitors to click anything.
Main Idea: Huge headers that make your visitors remember you.
2. Sketch/ Hand-drawn Design
Hand-drawn design is not exactly new on the horizon, but we all know that it is still on the fringes of web design. Many designers admire the style but are afraid to create their own sketches because of the “I can’t really draw” attitude. If you look at the most popular hand-drawn websites (and relative to other types of trends, there are only a few), you will notice that most of your fellow designers can’t draw. These designs are not exactly headed to an art museum, but they do convey a sense of whimsy, and blur the line between cold web and personal interaction– the ultimate goal of the internet. If you can doodle, you can sketch for web design.
Sketch in 2010 will become more elemental, and not as much the main focus of a web design. It will be used to personalize standard web copy in new and exciting ways.
Main Idea: Sketch becomes an elemental part of corporate design.
3. Slab Typefaces
Slab typefaces are relatively new, although they’ve been around for over 200 years in traditional media. To get a good visual definition of slab typefaces, think of the old Wild West “Wanted” posters. Those bold letters are slab typefaces. Slab typeface is commonly all capital letters and are bold and imposing. Many designers have shied away from slab typefaces in the past because logos and headers were smaller and more understated. However, combined with the trend toward larger headers, slab typefaces demand the reader to take notice.
Main Idea: Slab typefaces is used to bravely express who you are.
4. Typography
Typography is one of the most difficult trends to tackle which is why it will remain fresh in 2010. With all the cries for usability, web designers are afraid of using new and different fonts. The idea of mixing varying font sizes together is completely unthinkable. Fonts are meant to be explored, twisted, and molded to fit your purposes. With the correct placement, a website that utilizes Typography as its main design element will be more interesting to a reader than overloading the same site with tons of photos.
Main Idea: Typography is young, but will continue to be a part of web design.
6. Huge Images
A close relative to the oversized logo/ header, the huge image does much the same thing. It creates an visual impact that the visitor won’t soon forget. Unlike the oversized header from above, huge images are not part of the site’s branding. Instead, these images draw the visitor into your site, if not for their content then for their humongous size. In 2010, web designers will find themselves more comfortable using these big statements in their design to convey the site’s tone.
Main Idea: Huge images will be used to invite visitors in.
7. Change of Perspective
As we’ve discussed before, the desktop perspective has been done to death. 2010 will see a definite change in perspective to a more realistic view. There may also be a move toward side-shot aerial.
Main Idea: 2010 will play around with different perspectives.
8. Interactive/ Intuitive Design
Flash has seen better days. There was a time when you couldn’t visit a website without running into an annoying Flash interface. These days Flash is a lot more relaxed and much more professional. Although some designers prefer jQuery for forms and popups, Flash still has its place in design, especially when done subtly. Flash still has no equal to its interactivity. In 2010, web designers will move toward the more redeeming elements of Flash. Because the average visitor is more web savvy these days, designers will also create sites that are slightly more intuitive than in the past.
Main Idea: Interactive design will make a come-back.
9. Modal Boxes
Modal boxes are a trend that’s picking up steam and will be virtually everywhere in 2010. A modal box is like the popup’s more sophisticated older brother– it’s smooth, good looking and popular. Modal boxes are so easy to design and easy to use, making them the perfect solution for any designer concerned with usability.
Main Idea: Modal boxes will continue to pop up in 2010 designs.
10. Minimalism
Forget the old school minimal websites. Websites of 2010 will continue to feature lots of white space but with bold typology and surprising color schemes. Not all minimal websites will agree with the notion of black and white simplicity. Although minimalism is by nature muted, it will also showcase fresh colors. Minimalism isn’t cold, it’s warm and too the point.
Main Idea: Minimalism will venture into typology.
11. Oversized Footer
Oversized footers may be everywhere already, but 2010 will find them even more exaggerated. The footers of tomorrow will be less of an after-thought and more of an integral part of the design. Look for footers that feature contain random information, such as feed updates from various social media, daily polls, and Flickr feeds.
Main Idea: Oversized Footers will feature less important, but more personal information.
Retro designs are here to stay. Although a lot of the design community admires retro web design, it can be difficult to fully embrace this style without coming across “undone.” The key to retro designs is to be inspired by its tone and underlying playfulness. In 2010, retro design will be expanded as designers find new ways to honor vintage art.
Main Idea: Retro is new.
13. Intro Boxes
“Hi, my name is…” will find an even bigger stage in 2010 as designers recognize the beautiful simplicity of introducing yourself to your visitor. If you’re struggling with making a creative “About” page, the intro box will be your best bet. It forces you to condense who you are into a relatively small about of space. In 2010, intro boxes will push its own boundaries. Instead of the boring hello, designers will find new pick-up lines. And, instead of the left-flanked intro block, 2010 will see boxes in unusual placement, perhaps even in the middle of a page.
Main Idea: New ways to say “hello.”
14. Magazine Layouts
As more and more people migrate from the comforts of traditional press to online infotainment, designers are challenged to welcome them in with an easy transition. There is a move toward the magazine layout, where information is carefully organized on a single home page, giving the visitor an opportunity to explore as interested. The familiar layout will appeal to appeal to anyone who’s ever read a magazine or newspaper, but it will also be easier to use– no flipping pages! In 2010, magazine layout will become very huge for blogs in particular.
UID 1118005
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 60
UID 393005
积分 16342
福步币 427 块
阅读权限 80
UID 928672
积分 10265
阅读权限 80
UID 1216033
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 40
来自 shenzhen
(Ad Hoc Judge)
人生自是有情痴 此恨不关风与月
UID 393505
积分 118880
福步币 51 块
阅读权限 120
来自 ST, GD
LZ&&懂不懂FOB外贸英语版块的版规啊。。。。。。 哎&&这样的帖子 版主其实都可以直接删的
UID 1183810
阅读权限 25
14. 杂志的排版
UID 1093224
积分 30776
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 120
UID 1087051
积分 16925
福步币 25 块
阅读权限 80
来自 zhejiang
09:58 发表
大家可以喜欢哪段翻译那段,因为文章太长了,全部翻译下来很费时间。所以希望能结合众人的力量给翻译完成就行了 you are too smart...
[ 本帖最后由 Hutch 于
14:02 编辑 ]
UID 1118005
福步币 50 块
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UID 373858
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