
一、出处及解释《易经》  第一卦 乾乾为天 乾上乾下
潜龙勿用初九:潜龙,勿用。(即第一爻,编者注。)   另: 帛书《周易》的爻辞为——初九,浸龙勿用。 象辞  象曰:潜龙勿用,阳在下也。 释义  【潜龙】:今都写作“潜”,帛书《周易》为“浸”,帛书易传《二三子问》为“寝”,三字古音同侵部,音近,所以“浸”或“寝”在这里都是“潜”的假借,应当读为qian阳平。   《说文》:“潜,藏也。”   《二三子问》曰:“易曰:‘[寝]龙勿用’。孔子曰:‘龙寝矣而不阳,时至矣而不出,可谓寝矣。大人安佚矣而不朝,在廷,亦犹龙之寝也。其行淢而不可用也,故曰“寝龙勿用”。’”这里虽然用字是“寝”,而孔子所释仍是“潜藏”之意。   【勿用】:《归藏》云:“昔者桀筮伐唐,而枚占荧惑曰:‘不吉。不利出征,惟利安处。彼为狸,我为鼠,毋庸作事,恐伤其父。’”这里面的“毋庸”就是“勿用”,这是对“勿用”的最好注解,“勿用”者,“毋庸作事”之谓也。   《文言》云:“初九曰:‘潜弗禒崔啡诏独措扫胆激龙勿用。’何谓也?子曰:‘龙德而隐者也。不易乎世,不成乎名;遯世无闷,不见是而无闷;乐则行之,忧则违之,确乎其不可拔,潜龙也。’”   崔憬曰:“九者,老阳之数,动之所占,故阳称焉。潜,隐也。龙下隐地,潜德不彰,是以君子韬光待时,未成其行。故曰‘勿用’。”   王弼曰:“不为世所易。”   以上解释都是同一个意思,都是说乾卦的初九爻是指要象潜藏的龙那样不要有所施为。也就是说,   在潜伏时期还不能发挥作用,必须坚定信念,隐忍待机,不可轻举妄动;时机未到,如龙潜深渊,应藏锋守拙,待机而动。   另:苏轼所著《东坡易传》则云:“‘乾’之所以取‘龙’者,以其能飞能潜也。飞者其正也,不能其正而能潜,非天下之至健,其孰能之? ”这个解释与上述主流见解不同。 编辑本段二、功夫名称  “潜龙勿用”是降龙十八掌的第四掌。   掌法:   右手屈起食中两指,半拳半掌,向陈玄风腰间打去。那是一招「潜龙勿用」,左手同时向陈玄风的腰间推去! 编辑本段三、歌曲简介  谢霆锋的《潜龙勿用》是电影《恋爱起义》的插曲,收在2001年5月发行的粤语大碟《玉蝴蝶》中,该专辑被赞为香港21世纪以来最好的一张摇滚专辑,没有之一。该曲曾被誉为谢霆锋造诣最高的一首摇滚乐曲风歌曲,谢霆锋才华横溢的作曲加上林夕出色的作词可说让该曲上升到了完美,MV中的暗色调风格更是耐人寻味和富有金属的味道,似乎即将引起一场华语乐坛从来不曾有过的流行金属巅峰。 歌词  贵重财物要好秘密 你就藏在我身   用电话绳箍到颈背敏感   你年年日日 继续留下我指纹   你别移动你好大尘 快用肥皂擦身   就像颈链乖乖跟我贴紧   我们明明蜜运 宇宙唯独我二人   给你精细的血管 给你精美的五官   不等于你需要公开搞试用   给你一柄手枪 不要给你子弹   它会跟你缠绵地沟通   给你一对手 不等于要拥啊拥   不要拥抱拥到歇斯底里   做一人人乐用 这是承诺你懂不懂   为何拿甜言蜜语印证你嘴巴有用   别以为长期陪着我会废掉嘴角武功   为何拿眉头额角印证你美色有用   记住潜龙勿用 这样玄妙你懂不懂   你像财物要守秘密 你就藏在我心   用甚么双手双脚找你新生   以后闲人就勿近 以后宁愿你不是人   给你精细的血管 给你精美的五官   偏要给你给你一颗心跃动   给你一柄手枪 给你一发子弹   不等于要放进谁的胸   给你一对手 偏要你拥啊拥   所以抵你抵你歇斯底里   誓要人人乐用 有用无用你懂不懂 乐评  文/ 李重言Stephen Lee (香港)   谢霆锋 《玉蝴蝶》    2001发行的《玉蝴蝶》专辑是谢霆锋出道迄今最重要的专辑,为他成功奠定唱作人身分,也把他的歌唱事业推到最高。   专辑成功的原因,除了是他跟王菲闹得热烘烘的情事外,还有这碟强劲扎实的音乐水准。整张专辑的音乐创作和演奏班底强大,有日本名吉他手Sugizo、北京爱乐乐团、李端娴、Eric Kwok,胡波和林夕等人,当然也少不了霆锋本人的创作。整张碟的曲风除了跟主流的粤语流行专辑有分别外,跟霆锋过去的大碟比较也有明显的差异。碟内歌曲不再局限于Pop Rock,就连重型的摇滚乐和Trip Hop都能在碟内听到,而题材方面更是多样化,由痴情男子到妒忌心重的自大男人角色都有,展现出霆音乐上的不同面貌。如果你笔者选择霆锋最精彩的一张碟,笔者毫无疑问会选这一张,是使在六年後的今天仍然这么选择。   电影主题曲「潜龙勿用」是首歌词满有意思的作品,借用《周易.象.乾卦》初爻爻辞「潜龙勿用」的内容来借题发挥,讲一个疾妒心重的大男人,警告女友别要再过份招摇,应看懂处于初爻「潜龙勿用」的美德。而这歌的编曲和旋律也出色,营造出一种大器的气势,是当时的流行乐坛鲜有的曲种,带来听觉的极大震撼。「玉蝴蝶」至今仍是情歌的经典,旋律动听,编曲浪漫动人,歌词环绕的主题是「怎样称呼另一半」,词中选用的物件如「风之纱」、「玉蝴蝶」、「恋生花」都带来浪漫的联想。「今天你生日」同样是首极为摇滚的作品,曲词不差,同「天下不乱」都值得一听。   歌迷乐评:   
T弗禒崔啡诏独措扫胆激he dragon hiding in deep waters already has waited for when vacating deep pool
那位英语高手帮忙翻译一段话 35
&p&本文是一篇关于现代汽车展厅室内知觉环境设计研究的论文。文章先简要阐述了选题的背景和研究意义、研究现状。并通过追溯汽车工业和汽车文化发展的渊源,比较中外汽车展厅的的兴起和发展历程,揭示现代汽车展厅室内环境的内涵,分析了营造现代汽车展厅室内环境的特殊意义。在收集整理大量的实例后,详细分析了现代汽车展厅的各种类型的展厅知觉环境设计, 并详细阐述了空间要素、色彩要求、光影要求、装饰要素、陈设要素及人工学、环境行为学等要素在汽车展厅中的应用。为汽车展厅室内设计提供一定的参考信息。&/p&
This article is a perception on& the environment of modern car design gallery interior of the paper. Article first briefly explained the background and significance topics and research. Automotive industry and vehicle through the back the origin of cultural development, comparing the rise of Chinese and foreign auto showrooms and the development process, reveals the indoor environment of modern car showroom content analysis to create a modern car showroom of special significance to the indoor environment. Collected a large number of instances in post, a detailed analysis of the various types of modern automobile exhibition hall perceived environmental design, and space elements described in detail, color requirements, lighting requirements, decorative elements, display elements and artificial science, environmental behavior science and other elements of the car showroom. Interior Design for the car showrooms to provide reference information. 可以在里面小车上站一个女生1种想要飞的的那种姿势
其他回答 (4)
This article is about the modern automobile exhibition hall space environment design research paper. Along with the modern automobile industry and the automobile culture in the world each place vigorous development, accomplishes the automobile exhibition hall class building inevitably starting, the overseas developed country already accumulated many successes experiences about this kind of building space environment building, but our country is being in the development the stage, urgently needs the massive theories and the practice experience instruction in the reality design, therefore has the extremely important practical significance about this kind of building research. The article briefly elaborated the selected topic background and the research significance, the research present situation, the research scope and the correlation concept elaboration and the research significance devAnd through traces the automobile industry and the automobile culture development origin, compared with Chinese and foreign automobile exhibition hall class building starting with the development course, promulgates the modern automobile exhibition hall space environment the connotation, has analyzed the building modern automobile exhibition hall space environment special significance. Reorganizes the massive examples after the collection, multianalysis modern automobile exhibition hall clAss building each kind of type as well as the function evolved, the analysis explained the modern automobile exhibition hall space environment constitution essential meaning and theFin :lly the author unifies the Anhui international automobile city automobile exhibition hall the engineering design example, the dynamic design process will bring into line with to above constructs in the thought, hoped will provide the certain reference information for this kind of building space design, and will propose the future automobile exhibition hall space environment building forecast. 别迷恋哥
并详细阐述了空间要素、色彩要求、光影要求、装饰要素、陈设要素及人工学、环境行为学等要素在汽车展厅中的应用。为汽车展厅室内设计提供一定的参考信息。This article is one about
the modern automobile exhibition hall indoor consciousness environment
design research paper. The article elaborated the selected topic
background and the research significance, the research present
situation briefly first. And through backward automobile industry and
automobile culture development origin, compared with Chinese and
foreign automobile exhibition hall starting with the development
process, the revelation modern automobile exhibition hall indoor
environment's connotation, has analyzed the building modern automobile
exhibition hall indoor environment special significance. After the
collection reorganizes the massive examples, the multianalysis modern
automobile exhibition hall's each type's exhibition hall consciousness
environment design, and elaborated the spatial essential factor, the
color request, the light shade request, the decoration essential
factor, the arrangement essential factor and the person technology in
detail, essential factors and so on environment behavior study in the
automobile exhibition hall application. Supplies certain reference
information for the automobile exhibition hall indoor design.谢谢采纳~~
This dissertation is about the interior conscious environmental design and study of the modern automobile exhibition hall.The background ,significance,and present situation of the thesis is first illustrated briefly.What’s more,through the retrospect of the development origin of the automobile industry and automobile culture,a comparison of the rise and development of the automobile exhibition hall at home and abroad is made to convey the indoor environment connotation of the modern automobile exhibition hall and analyze the special significance of building the modern automobile exhibition hall interior environment.After a collection of examples,all types of exhibition hall conscious environmental designs of the modern automobile are analyzed detailedly,and applications of some elements in the automobile exhibition hall such as space element,color requirement,lighting requirement,decoration elements,display elements,and artificial intelligence,and environmental behavorial are stated in detail.Certain reference information is provided for the interior design of the automobile exhibition hall.
This article is a perception on& the environment of modern car design gallery interior of the paper. Article first briefly explained the background and significance topics and research. Automotive industry and vehicle through the back the origin of cultural development, comparing the rise of Chinese and foreign auto showrooms and the development process, reveals the indoor environment of modern car showroom content analysis to create a modern car showroom of special significance to the indoor environment. Collected a large number of instances in post, a detailed analysis of the various types of modern automobile exhibition hall perceived environmental design, and space elements described in detail, color requirements, lighting requirements, decorative elements, display elements and artificial science, environmental behavior science and other elements of the car showroom. Interior Design for the car showrooms to provide reference information.&
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2 f* Q* l3 ^$ @1 s& D$ |
此周边将圆角R0.5改成尖角,模具易于成型,在喷粉前进行研磨加工时,会自然成型一小圆角. 此面为分型面,由于分型面的原因,此面会变直
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Life is like a field
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原帖由 larryhua 于
14:57 发表 + o* a3 V4 E) J& A# ]
这句话里的专业词汇你懂不懂$ O, r0 S) p8 H; ~3 }, ]* j
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大致通顺就可以了 ) s8 i# \4 C) o3 O
- |# c8 T6 N1 I4 W3 S
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感谢各位的关注,现在这个问题已经解决了。; h" W" ]( {$ O) O
我们经理帮我翻译的,如下:0 d* H" ^; v) r) E$ P
modify A part from R0.5 to a directed edge angle,it will help product forming in cavity,
when product in grind proccess before powder coating,A part will form a round corner automatically,
B surface is a mouldjoint face,because of that,this surface(B surface??) will become a plane surface
你这样的举动是其他求助者应该做的 &&金钱 + 10
帖子8737&积分11418&金钱34046 &性别男&注册时间&
Life is like a field
where I choose to walk every step will show!
帖子2&积分71&金钱212 &注册时间&
This round will be around R0.5 into a corner, easy-to-die forming, before dusting grinding process, it will naturally forming a small fillet. Face to the surface, as the sub-surface reason for this will face Direct change
谢谢支持 &&金钱 + 10
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Mold will easy to forming if change roundness angle R0.5 into subacute angle .0 A& \" T. ?+ [
I t will naturally forming a&&small roundness angle during grinding process before plating powder.5 A$ g+ l9 N&&B' E
The 分型面surface will become a plane surface&&
一\这个"分型面"你们应该有专业的词语吧; }- G) e, u& m8 O
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