
谁能帮我翻译这5个句子?我现在有急用!!! 10
2.我现在必须得上学去,时间不早了(have got to)
3.这个国家经历了太多的战争(go through)
4.家长和学校对孩子们的学习十分担忧(be concerned about)
5.为了找个好座位,玛丽早早就到场了(in order to)
2.我现在必须得上学去,时间不早了(have got to)
3.这个国家经历了太多的战争(go through)
4.家长和学校对孩子们的学习十分担忧(be concerned about)
5.为了找个好座位,玛丽早早就到场了(in order to) 
1.Experence made him be a man.
2.I have got to school now, time is late.
3.The country have went through too many wars.
4.Parents and school are concerned about the study of the children.
5.Mary went there early in order to find a good seat .

其他回答 (2)
Experence makes him be a man
2.我现在必须得上学去,时间不早了(have got to)
I have got to school now, time is late.
3.这个国家经历了太多的战争(go through)
This country go through too many wars
4.家长和学校对孩子们的学习十分担忧(be concerned about)
Parents and school are concerned about student&s study
5.为了找个好座位,玛丽早早就到场了(in order to) 
In order to find a good site,Mary came very early.

Experience made him a true man .

2.我现在必须得上学去,时间不早了(have got to)
I have to go to shool now .It&s time to go 
3.这个国家经历了太多的战争(go through)
The country have went throug too many wars 
4.家长和学校对孩子们的学习十分担忧(be concerned about)
Parents and school are concerned about the study of the children 

5.为了找个好座位,玛丽早早就到场了(in order to) 
Mary went there early in order to find a good seat .

1楼 09:53&|来自
2楼 09:54&|来自
3楼 09:55&|来自
Tom to do this; to be a guest in an American home to bring a pet. In the United States also found different to what you
收起回复4楼 09:56&|
why the这样go
usapeople housebe带着pet?you
收起回复5楼 10:02&|来自
Why did Tom do it like this ?
May I bring my pet when I visited American family ? Did you find any other difference in US ?
6楼 10:14&|
why will tom do this?should we take our pets when we visit the americans?have you found any other difference in us?
7楼 10:15&|来自
11级 竟然木见过你
收起回复8楼 10:26&|
9楼 10:27&|来自
10楼 19:26&|来自
想了解更多关于 ”dnf狂暴者“的信息,请&或急求.请问有人懂意大利语不?帮我翻译几个句子好不?_百度知道
如题..我要翻译的句子如下.. PS是:翻译成意大利语噢 中国位于欧亚大陆东部,太平洋西岸。中国具有五千年的文明史,是世界四大文明古国之一。 中国陆地面积约960万平方公里, 在世界各国中,仅次于俄罗斯、加拿大,居第三位,差不多同整个欧洲面积相等。中国海陆总面积约1260万平方公里。 中国岛屿大约有5000多个,绝大部分分布在长江口以南的海域。 中国是一个多山的国家,包括山地、高原和丘陵在内,广义的山地共占全国陆地总面积的三分之二。山地面积不仅广大,而且地势高峻 中国的气候特征
南北温差较大。北方冷。南方热 长江是中国第一长河,是世界第三长河。一般称6300公里或6370千米。流域总面积一百八十余万平方公里,年平均入海水量约九千六百余亿立方米。 黄河是我国的第二长河。世界上含沙量最多的河流。是中国的母亲河。长度 5464 千米,源头海拔 4800 米,平均流量 1774.5 立方米/秒,流域面积 752443 平方公里,源头在青海省,注入渤海
Cina situata nella parte orientale del continente eurasiatico, Pacifico West Bank. La Cina ha 5000 anni di storia della civiltà, è una delle quattro antiche civiltà.
Della Cina superficie di circa 9,6 milioni di chilometri quadrati per il paese nel mondo, dopo la Russia, Canada, il terzo, con quasi tutta l'Europa stessa zona. Cina totale di terra e di mare di circa 12,6 milioni di chilometri quadrati.
Cina ci sono circa più di 5000 isole, la stragrande maggioranza trova nel sud del fiume Yangtze dalle acque di estuario.
La Cina è un paese di montagna, comprese montagna, collinare, altopiano e, per estensione, le montagne del totale nazionale di due terzi della superficie totale del paese. Non solo le grandi masse di zona di montagna, ma il terreno Gao giugno
Della Cina clima caratteristiche
. Monsone clima continentale in maniera significativa
. Nel corso dello stesso periodo di pioggia
. Complessa e diversità del clima
Più grande differenza di temperatura tra nord e sud. Settentrionale freddo. Meridionale di calore
Fiume Yangtze è la Cina il primo lungo corso, è nel mondo il terzo lungo processo. Il generale ha detto 6.300 km, o di 6.370 km. Bacino superficie totale di 180 milioni di chilometri quadrati, il reddito medio annuo di acqua di mare è di circa più di 9600 miliardi di metri cubi.
Fiume Giallo è la Cina il secondo lungo processo. Il più grande fiume sedimenti. Cina la madre di Fiume. Lunghezza di 5464 km, la fonte di 4800 metri sopra il livello del mare, il flusso medio di 1774,5 metri cubi / secondo, la zona di drenaggio 752443 chilometri quadrati, la fonte in Provincia di Qinghai, nel mare Bohai
出门在外也不愁紧急求助:求英语高手帮我翻译一些句子啊?-帮忙翻译要一些英语句子 _心理健康资讯
为了你的家庭幸福.因为下雨,务必遵守交通法规.题目越容易你就应该越仔细.他们意识到患难朋友才是真朋友。(be busy)3,我们不得不推迟野餐1。(It)2,那么你的一生将一事无成,每天锻炼半小时。(put off)9。(realize)8..。(Please)7.我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备.请把回家作业马上交上来.themore)6。(themore.别忘了你的诺言.我们必须养成早起的好习惯。(Do)4.据说他有一个美国笔友。(habit)5.如果你年轻时不努力。(achieve)10
如果你年轻时不努力.5。(be busy)We are busy preparing for the singing contest next month.我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备.题目越容易你就应该越仔细..91,每天锻炼半小时。(realize)They realized that a friend in need is a friend indeed..希望对您的理解能提供一些帮助。(Do)Do it for your family.7;t work hard while you't forget your promise to exercise half an hour every day。.别忘了你的诺言。(habit)We must keep a good habit of getting up early,那么你的一生将一事无成,务必遵守交通法规.4,我们不得不推迟野餐.10.3.他们意识到患难朋友才是真朋友。;re young。(It)It is said that he has a American pen pal。(achieve)If you don&#39,别忘了采纳哦 .因为下雨.8.themore)The easier the problems, the more careful you should be。(Please)Please turn in the homework right away.2.请把回家作业马上交上来.6。(themore。(promise)Don&#39, you must abide by the traffic regulations.为了你的家庭幸福.据说他有一个美国笔友.我们必须养成早起的好习惯, you will not achieve anything in your whole life。(put off)We had to put off the picnic because of the rain
5 Question is the more easy you should be more carefully, we have to put off the camping,please do follow the Traffic Law.8 Because of the raining,Keep practice half an hour everyday1 It is said he has a pen pal.9 You will achieve nothing if you donot work hard when you are young.3 For your family.10 Do not forget you promise.4 We have to make get up early to a habit.6 Please hand over your homework now.7 They realize the real friend is when you get hard still will be with you.2 We are busy for ready Singing Competition next month
1He is said to have a United States pen pals或He is said to have an American pen Pal! 2 We are busy preparing for singing contest to be held next month 3To your family happiness, be sure to comply with traffic regulations. 4 We must develop the good habit of getting up early 5Topic more carefully the easier you should 6. please put the homework immediately handed! 7They realized that the friend in need is a friend indeed 8 Because of the rain, we had to be postponed for a picnic 或because of the rain, we had to put off the picnic 9If you don't work hard when young, then your life will achieve nothing 10Don't forget your promises, and exercise every day and a half hours
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