
Jabbing - definition of jabbing by The Free Dictionary /jabbing
jabbing Also found in: , , , , .
jabbed, jab·bing, jabs v.tr.1.
To poke or thrust abruptly: jabbed a knife into the log.2.
To stab or pierce: jabbed the steak with a fork.3.
To punch (someone) with short straight blows.v.intr.1.
To make an abrupt poking or thrusting motion: jabbed at the pickles with his fork.2.
To deliver a short straight punch.n.1.
A quick stab or blow.2.
A short straight punch in boxing.3.
A hypodermic injection.[Variant of .]
Switch to Noun1.jabbing - a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow); "he warned me with a jab with his finger"; "he made a thrusting motion with his fist", , , ,
- motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling
jabbing adj (pain) punzante
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On account o' their blame Cath'lic superstitions," said Dan, jabbing with the bright blade. Even during my sudden flight through the air I had not once released my grip upon my long-sword, and now I ran beneath the two battling monsters, jabbing the winged terror repeatedly with its sharp point. For immediately he was surrounded by a crowd of girls who drew the knitting-needles from their hair and began Jabbing them at the Guardian with the sharp points dangerously near his fat cheeks and blinking eyes.
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简明英汉词典bird[bE:d]n.鸟, 人vi.在野外观察或鉴别鸟类基本词义Bird[bE:d]伯德 (男子或女子名, 亦作Byrd)美国传统词典[双解]birdbirdAHD:[b?rd] D.J.[b*8d]K.K.[b)d]n.(名词)(1)Any of the class Aves of warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertebrates with forelimbs modified to form wings.鸟,禽:一种鸟纲温血、卵生、有羽毛的脊椎动物,前肢演变形成翅膀(2)Such an animal hunted as game.捕猎的鸟:为捕猎游戏的该种动物(3)Such an animal, especially a chicken or turkey, used as food:家禽:家禽动物,尤指鸡或火鸡,用作食物:put the bird in the oven.把鸡放到烤箱里(4)See clay pigeon 参见 clay pigeon(5)Sports See shuttlecock 【体育运动】 参见 shuttlecock(6)Slang A rocket, guided missile, satellite, or airplane.【俚语】 火箭、导弹、卫星或飞机(7)Slang A person, especially one who is odd or remarkable:【俚语】 怪人:人,尤指奇怪或非凡的人物:a sly old bird.老滑头(8)Chiefly British A young woman.【多用于英国】 年轻的妇女(9)Slang 【俚语】 (10)A loud sound ex a raspberry.表示不满的响亮的声音;咂舌声(11)Discharge from employment:解雇:lost a big sale and nearly got the bird.丢了笔大生意几乎被解雇(12)An obscene gesture of anger, defiance, or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward.下流手势:用向上指或捅中指表示生气、蔑视、或嘲笑的下流手势v.intr.(不及物动词)bird.ed, bird.ing, birds(1)To observe and identify birds in their natural surroundings.在自然界观察和辨认鸟(2)To trap, shoot, or catch birds.捕鸟、射鸟或捉鸟习惯用语for the birdsObjectionable or worthless.令人不快的或无用的语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old English brid [young bird] 源自 古英语 brid [幼鸟] 继承用法bird“ingn.(名词)现代英汉词典bird[b\:d]n.(1)鸟a bird of passage一只候鸟(2)少女;姑娘;人(3)嘘声They gave the actor the bird.他们嘘了那个演员。习惯用语birds of a feather同类的人;一丘之貉early bird早起早到的人kill 2 birds with one stone一举两得,一箭双雕现代英汉综合大辞典bird[bE:d]n.(1)鸟, 禽(2)[美口]火箭, 导弹, 飞机, 卫星, 宇宙飞船(3)羽毛球(4)[俚]人, 家伙; 姑娘; [讽]非凡人物(5)(航磁测量)吊舱(6)[美俚](代表军阶的)鹰徽(7)探测器a useful bird益鸟a pernicious bird害鸟a game bird供猎食的鸟What a queer bird!真是个怪人!词性变化birdvi.(1)在野外观察辨认野鸟(2)打鸟, 捕鸟继承用法birdbandern.为鸟标记者birdbathn.放在庭院供小鸟饮水或戏水的盆形器皿birdbrain[5b\:dbreIn]n.[俚]傻瓜; 蠢货birdcage[5b\:dkeIdV]n.(1)鸟笼(2)圆拱结构birdcall[`b\:dkR:l]n.(1)鸟语(2)摹仿鸟叫的声音; 摹仿鸟叫声的器具(3)单边带长途通信设备bird-clawadj.枯瘦如鸟爪的bird-dogvt.[俚]细心观察; 调查birdeyen.无烟煤的一种粒级; 栗叶草bird-eyedadj.目光锐利的; 似鸟眼的; (马等)易惊的birdfarm[`b\:dfB:m]n.[俚]航空母舰birdhouse[`b\:dhaJs]n.鸟舍; 大鸟笼birdlifen.鸟类生活; (一地区的)鸟类birdlime[5b\:dlaIm]n.(1)粘鸟胶(2)陷井; 圈套birdman[`b\:dmAn]n.(1)捕鸟者, 鸟类研究者(2)[口]飞行员birdseed[5b\:dsi:d]n.鸟食bird's-tonguen.(1)平原槭(2)刺石竹bird-watchvi.观察野鸟(的生活习性、动态等)birdwomann.[口]女飞行员birddomn.[美俚]美女世界birder[`b\:dE(r)]n.捕鸟的人; 玩鸟的人; 野鸟研究家birdlikeadj.似鸟的; 敏捷轻快的习惯用语a bird in the bush尚未到手的东西; 没有把握的事a bird in the hand已到手的东西; 有把握的事; 既得利益A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.[谚]二鸟在林, 不如一鸟在手; 多得不如现得。A bird in the hand is worth two in the wood.[谚]二鸟在林, 不如一鸟在手; 多得不如现得。A bird is known by its note, and a man by his words.[谚]闻声知鸟, 闻言知人。A little bird told me.[口]我听说; 有人私下告诉我。A little bird whispered to me.[口]我听说; 有人私下告诉我。an early bird[口]早起的人; 早到的人; 做事趁早的人Arabian bird不死鸟(阿拉伯古代传说中的凤凰, 传说五、六百年后自焚成灰, 由灰重生)do sth. like a bird爽爽快快地做事; 毫不吃力地做某事dolly bird[口]漂亮、时髦的青年妇女downy bird[俚]机灵的人, 不会上当的人Each bird loves to hear himself sing.[谚]鸟儿爱听自己的鸣声; 每个人都欣赏自己的话; 文章是自己的好。eat like a bird吃得极少; 饭量很小Every bird likes its own nest best.[谚]鸟均爱其巢; 人皆爱其家。for the birds[美口]荒唐可笑的; 沉闷无聊的; 毫无价值的; 只能骗那些轻信的人的gallows bird[口]该受绞刑的人gaol bird (= gaol- [USA]jail bird)囚犯; 释放犯; 惯犯; 恶棍, 无赖prison bird (= gaol- [USA]jail bird)囚犯; 释放犯; 惯犯; 恶棍, 无赖gay bird(1)快活的家伙(2)寻欢作乐的家伙get the bird(1)(=get the big bird)(演员等)被嘘, 被喝倒采(2)被奚落, 被嘲笑, 碰钉子(3)被解雇, 被免职, 被开除give sb. the bird(1)(=give sb. the big bird)(对演员等)发出嘘嘘声, 喝倒采(2)奚落 某人, 嘲笑某人(3)解雇某人, 叫某人滚蛋hear a birdsing[口]私下听人说; 得到秘密情报in bird[俚]坐牢It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.[谚]家丑不可外扬。keep the bird in one's bosom[罕]对...保持忠诚, 对...忠心耿耿kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕; 一举两得like a bird动作轻快地, 轻松地; 毫不吃力地; 爽爽快快地night bird(1)夜出活动的鸟(如猫头鹰、夜莺等)(2)夜间迟睡的人; 夜出活动的人(常指做坏事)Old birds are not to be canght with chaff.[谚]秕糠捉不到老鸟; 老练的人不易上圈套。queer bird古怪的家伙Roman bird罗马鸟(鹰的别名)(古罗马军团的纹章)sing like a bird唱得轻快嘹亮the (big) bird喝倒采的嘘声(一般与get, give连用)The bird has flown.[口]囚犯或要追捕的人逃了; 人去楼空。The bird is flown.[口]囚犯或要追捕的人逃了; 人去楼空。the birds and the bees(可向儿童说明的)关于两性关系的基本常识The early bird catches the worm.[谚]早出的鸟吃到虫子; 捷足先登。The early bird gets the worm.[谚]早出的鸟吃到虫子; 捷足先登。the secular bird不死鸟, 长生鸟, 阿拉伯传说中的凤凰There are no birds of this year in last year's nest.[谚]去年的巢里找不到今年的鸟; 情况已经不同了。work like a bird工作得很勤快; 工作起来毫不吃力bird in one' s bosom[废]内心的誓言; 忠心; 良心bird in the bosom[废]内心的誓言; 忠心; 良心bird of ill omen(1)凶鸟(如乌鸦、猫头鹰等)(2)报凶讯的人, 不吉利的人, 预言灾祸的人bird of Jove鹰, 鹫bird of Juno孔雀bird of Minerva枭, 猫头鹰bird of night枭, 猫头鹰bird of one's own hatching自酿之祸, 自作之孽bird of paradise(新几内亚鸟产的)极乐鸟, 风鸟bird of passage候鸟; 行踪不定的人bird of peace鸽bird of prey猛禽(鹰、鹫、枭等)bird of Washington[口]美洲鹰, 秃鹰(美国国徽)bird of wonder阿拉伯古代传说中的凤凰, 不死鸟(传说五、六百年后自焚为灰, 由灰重生)birds of a feather同类的人; 一丘之貉Birds of a feather flock together .[谚]同类鸟儿一起飞; 物以类聚, 人以群分。birds of one wing[废]同类的鸟特殊用法adjutant bird (stork, crane)秃鹳aquatic bird水禽, 水鸟cursorial birds走禽类diving bird潜鸟domestic bird家禽dragoon bird龙骑兵鸟fattening bird肥育的禽game bird野禽money bird一场中的决胜分(西方称法)prairie bird草原鸟predatory bird捕食鸟rainbow bird虹色鸟raptorial bird猛禽resident bird留鸟running bird走禽shore bird岸禽类swimming bird游禽thermometer bird温度计鸟uneviscerated bird未去内脏的禽walking bird步禽类基本词义Bird[bE:d]n.伯德 (男子或女子名, 亦作Byrd)用法词典bird来自中古英语 bird<古英语 birdd 鸟[七国语言]英汉公共大词典bird鸟美国传统词典birdbirdAHD:[b?rd] D.J.[b*8d]K.K.[b)d]n.(1)Any of the class Aves of warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertebrates with forelimbs modified to form wings.(2)Such an animal hunted as game.(3)Such an animal, especially a chicken or turkey, used as food:put the bird in the oven.(4)See clay pigeon (5)Sports See shuttlecock (6)Slang A rocket, guided missile, satellite, or airplane.(7)Slang A person, especially one who is odd or remarkable:a sly old bird.(8)Chiefly British A young woman.(9)Slang (10)A loud sound ex a raspberry.(11)Discharge from employment:lost a big sale and nearly got the bird.(12)An obscene gesture of anger, defiance, or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward.v.intr.bird.ed, bird.ing, birds(1)To observe and identify birds in their natural surroundings.(2)To trap, shoot, or catch birds.习惯用语for the birdsObjectionable or worthless.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old English brid [young bird] 继承用法bird“ingn.[名词委审定]英汉动物学名词(1996)bird鸟英汉地质大词典bird n.吊舱 英汉环境大词典bird n.鸟 英汉航空大词典bird n.9鸟,飞行器;n.鸟 英汉化学大词典bird n.鸟,禽类,飞机 英汉计算机大词典bird n.鸟(禽类,飞机) 英汉机械大词典bird n.飞机 英汉建筑大词典bird n.鸟,禽类,飞机 英汉农牧林大词典bird n.鸟,禽,鸡 英汉能源大词典bird n.飞机,鸟,禽类 航空英语缩写词典BIRDREYKJAVIK(ACC/FIC) 雷克雅未克(区域管制中心/飞行情报中心)英汉医学大词典bird n.鸟,鸟类 英汉中医大词典bird n.鸟
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