
How do we get along with co-workers? We should be supportive, honest, and sincere in our company.First, we need to respect everyone who works in our company. Every employee should be treated equally. As male employees, we should not discriminate our female colleagues. In stead, we should be more understanding and open-minded when we work with them.Second, we need to be a contributor in our company. We should be capable of accomplish our pr we should be able to cooperate with our co-workers harmoniously
以怎样解决学习的烦恼和问题写一篇英语作文 30
As I teenager, my life is fun and stressed at the same time. I not have to deal with the school, but also issues of growing up. However, I also enjoy being a teen, going to school and learning everyday. The ideal happiness for me is a summer vacation without homework! I believe that having a vacation, perhaps just a short one, that I can plainly do whatever I want, would be awesome. I am looking forward to it, which is comming up in less than a month. But right now, I need to work hard for my final exams!
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具体的策略根据具体的目的会有所变动,但是大体的是不变的。 下面是我个人的经验,供参考。我是上海市重点的学生,英语成绩也是好算算的,希望能对你有所帮助: 1、兴趣肯定是首要的,如果没有,可以培养。现下最好的方法就是看电影和 听音乐。于电影,有些原声的发音和吐字未必清晰标准,但是推荐disney的动画电影,它的优点有:吐字发音清晰标准;用语浅显生动易懂;内容也很好接受,比较轻松。于音乐,推荐韦伯的音乐剧中插曲,优点:歌词比较易懂规范、文学性较强、文采优美;发音相对饱满标准;穿插在故事中,有故事性、趣味,最重要,很好听!若有兴趣,也可以阅读泰戈尔的诗集,或者其他英文诗歌,英语的美丽在其中淋漓尽致。 2、上述方法也是培养语感的重要方法,语感的重要性不言而喻了。另外,作为高中生,对于平时的英语练习和作业,最好也抱有一些兴趣吧。其实有些阅读和完形的文章都是不错的东西,全部是完善语感,提高英语的材料呀。与其在课外另外花时间,认真对待课内的东西肯定有好处。 3、这是很重要的一点:用英语思考。学语言最忌讳的,就是在头脑里做翻译。这要建立在有一定英语实力的基础上,但也要靠自己不断提醒,以免养成翻译的习惯,否则很容易学成中式英语。要做到这样,可以每天留五分钟出来自言自语一下,其实很有趣,也花不了多少时间。 可能您的目标还是锁定在应试更多一些吧。但是站得高才能看得远,培养英语的能力绝对是值得的投资。解决应试问题要站在更高的高度,才会有更全面,更理想的进步。 祝你学习好英语,感受语言的魅力! 下面是其他一些同仁的学习经验: 按下面的步骤来 Step 1:打通耳朵 完全听清 第一、选择1盘(再次强调是1盘而非1套)适合自身英语水平的磁带。 第二、每天集中精力把A面和B面连续听两遍。 第三、要坚持天天听,但每隔6天要休息1天。 第四、直到听清磁带中的所有内容。 Step 2:听读并举 掌握语法 第一、把已经能完全听清的磁带中的第1盘磁带再找出来。 第二、听写这盘磁带的内容。 第三、做听写练习时,一句一句地听。即:听完一句后,先按暂停,把刚才听到的写下来,反复听,直到完全听清这句为止。不会的单词根据发音大致拼写出来即可。 第四、听写完整盘磁带的所有内容后,用英英词典确认不会的单词的拼写是否正确(知道其意当然好,不知道也不要紧)。 第五、按这种方法听写完整盘磁带的内容后,尽量模仿磁带的发音和语调,从头到尾大声朗读(不满意的部分要再听一遍磁带重新朗读)。 第六、感觉到所有的句子都已经能朗朗上口以后,便结束这一阶段。 第七、整个过程中,每个星期要有一天与英语完全隔绝。 Step 3:跃跃欲说 出口成章 第一、用英英词典查以前做听写练习时不懂的单词。 第二、把单词的解释和例句记下来,若这其中还有不懂的单词的话,继续查字典。 第三、查词典要坚持查到没有不懂的单词为止。 第四、大约查一个小时以后,暂停查字典,并大声朗读通过查词典整理出来的内容。 第五、朗读约1个小时后结束。 第六、查在原文和单词解释中出现的所有不懂的单词,并一直朗读到完全吃透解释和例句为止。 Step 4:自我领悟 无典自通 第一、准备1盘录像带。 第二、带上耳机,每天看1遍。 第三、能够完全听清之后,便开始听写、朗读。 第四、将不清楚的单词,利用英英词典查找并朗读。 Step 5:文化融通 渐入佳境 第一、准备1张最近的英文原版报纸(在美国发行的报纸)。 第二、从社会版面挑选一篇短文章(1-2分钟就能念完的),然后大声朗读。必须坚持到完全消化为止,就好象自己成了新闻主持人一样。 第三、当确信自己不看原文也可以记住文章内容时,把她像讲一个故事一样绘声绘色地复述下来。 第四、能够流利地朗读时,才选第二篇文章,重复上面所讲的方法。 第五、看完一个版面后,就像第三阶段那样处理不认识的单词。 第六、把报纸上广告,名人访谈,漫画等所有的内容,都按上述方法加以学习。 总的来说,忘记语法,培养语感
当前分类官方群专业解答学科习题,随时随地的答疑辅导求一篇初中英语作文 内容为介绍如何学好数学_百度知道
求一篇初中英语作文 内容为介绍如何学好数学
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So with algebra and geometry of the time want to different treatment. Pay attention to the ability of change algebra and geometry abstract thinking, distinguish graphic abilityMethods from mathematics learning algebra and geometry, so the two b住丈第股郢噶贵庞ranches of mathematics has different learning methods
Mathematics is one of the compulsory subjects, so we should seriously from the beginning who started to study mathematics. So, how can we do to learn math? Several methods are presented for reference:
Curricular attention should be paid to speak, after-school should be a timely review.The acceptance of new knowledge, mathematical ability, mainly in the classroom, therefore we should attach importance to curricular learning characteristics of the efficiency of finding the right way of learning. Class, the teacher should keep thinking, start thinking positively predicted the following steps to compare their own problem-solving ideas and talk about what the different teachers. In particular, grasp the basic knowledge and basic skills of learning, after-school review a timely manner without leaving any doubt. Exercise first before doing a variety of teacher knowledge and point spoken memories again, the correct formula to master various types of reasoning, Hing memories as far as possible instead of adopting the act was not clear immediately open book. Serious work independently, diligent in thinking, in a sense, should not cause do not know that the question of learning style, for some subjects because of their own ideas is unclear, find it difficult to solve, should be allowed to own a careful analysis of the subject to calm down as far as possible themselves. At each stage of the study should be collated and summarized, the knowledge of point, line, surface woven together into a knowledge network, into its own body of knowledge.
More appropriate title, to develop good problem solving habits.To learn mathematics, more topics are inevitable, and familiarity with a variety of kinds of questions of the problem-solving ideas. Start from the basis of the beginning of title to textbook exercises on the subject, and repeatedly practicing lay a solid foundation, find more extra-curricular exercises to help explore new ideas, improve their analysis and solving skills, to master the general problem solving rules. For some error-prone title, may have the wrong title set, write their own problem-solving thinking and problem-solving process of the correct to compare the two to find their own mistake for timely correction. In peacetime to develop good problem solving habits. So that their energy highly concentrated, so that the brain excitement, quick-witted, able to enter the best state, in the exam can be used freely. Practice has proved that: the more a crucial time, the performance of your problem-solving habits and usual practice is no different. If the usual problem-solving when the casual and careless, carelessness, and so, often fully exposed in the final exams, so in peacetime to develop good problem-solving habits are very important.
Attitude adjustment correctly examination.First of all, should focus on basic knowledge, basic skills, the basic approach of these three areas, because each test is also accounted for most of the basic topics, but for those problems and the more integrated the subject as a swap thought about it seriously, try to make their own messier, done after going to the question summarized. Adjusted my mind to make itself at any time, calm and methodical thinking, to overcome impulsive emotions. In particular, have confidence in themselves, always encouraging their own, in addition to himself, no one can defeat me, there must be they do not collapse, no one can crush my pride. Prepare before the exam and thought conventional title, launched their own ideas, we must guard against exam to go in ensuring the correct rate of speed under the premise of improved problem-solving. For some basic questions must be easy to take
For some problems, we should try to get points, the examination is necessary to learn to try to score, so that their normal or even supernormal levels of play.
Learning math is not with the tense, mathematics is very flexible and easy to gra
since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it 及席高酵薨寂鉴勺would be natural to use a shared mother tongue, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going你需要常常和英语教师以外的人士用英语交谈,You need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. If nothing likt easy, even better。亦可参加英语俱乐部或国际会员的俱乐部(至少有时使用英语沟通),彼此若用英语交谈总会觉得很不自在。如果没有合适的社团可加入Study English。这当然很不容易,也不妨考虑任何足以提高英语能力的机会. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people,这样对很多人而言更有益,因为与母语相同的人自由交谈时. This isn&#39


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