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> Spam Message
2012年12月英语四级作文题目预测及范文,Spam Message
Spam Message
With the increasing use of cell phones, spam messages have become a heated issue. According to a survey, on average, people receive about 40 pieces of spam message per month. Spam messages may disturb, confuse, or even threaten people at any time.
Generally, there are two reasons for the spam epidemic. On the one hand, due to the fact that text message is a comparatively cheap channel. Many companies take advantage of it to advertise their products or services. Whether people are willing to receive the message is neglected. On the other hand, operators, holding lots of information on cell phone users, sell the importance information and make money out of it.
To solve the problem of spam message, relative authorities and professionals should make joint efforts. The government should set up laws to severely punish the illegal advertisers and those who disclose users’ information. Cell phone researchers and developers should upgrade the products and enable them to delete the spam automatically. Should people act together, they will be free from the spam message.
英语作文:设计一个message(信息)英语作文―Spam Message_百度文库
英语作文―Spam Message
你可能喜欢子任务级消息队列,sub-task message queue,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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-> 子任务级消息队列
1)&&sub-task message queue
A new data structure for message is given,then designed task message queue and sub-task message queue which are made up of different messages and completely independent.
2)&&task message queue
A new data structure for message is given,then designed task message queue and sub-task message queue which are made up of different messages and completely independent.
3)&&task queue
4)&&message queues
Multi-task scheduling algorithm and communication mechanism using message queues are discussed.
Through referring to the implementing method of TCP, the paper proposes SCTP s software model, in which module?based structure and the multi?process mechanism via message queues and shared memory are adopted.
5)&&message queue
Hierarchical message queue model supporting dy
Network Management Information Interaction Solution Based on XML and Message Q
Research of Application on Unix Message Q
6)&&message queuing
Design of Teaching Management System Based on Message Queuing T
After the design of the intelligent transportation system message queuing middleware(ITS-MQ), its constructs and components are illustrated.
丹麦弗莱维费斯肯级多任务舰艇丹麦位于欧洲北部,海岸线长达7314公里。西面濒临北海,北与挪威、瑞典隔海相望,扼守连接波罗的海和北海的主要通道厄勒海峡。厄勒海峡的最狭窄处宽仅约4公里,最深处水深20米。丹麦是北约成员之一,由于所处的地理位置,丹麦海军长期以来注重濒海作战能力。据最近据丹麦《防卫协议》,在对其三军进行大力度的整编中,整个潜艇部队退役,但海军在执行濒海作战时的特种能力将被继续保持并进一步提高,同时还将继续发展与灵活支持作战舰艇和巡逻舰艇有关的能力。濒海作战需要高性能小型舰艇,丹麦海军在八十年代初发展新型巡逻艇时提出了&标准-灵活&(standard flex)概念,即采用通用的平台和作战基础设施,根据作战使命不同选用模块化、可互换的作战载荷。现在&标准-灵活&概念已经成为丹麦海军舰艇发展的指导思想。基于&标准-灵活&概念,丹麦海军在1985年至1996年之间发展出&弗莱维费斯肯&(flyvefisken)级多任务舰艇,由丹麦造船公司建造。一、新型&弗莱维费斯肯&级多任务舰艇发展过程。80年代初,丹麦海军需要更新其22艘小型舰艇,包括6艘鱼雷艇、8艘巡逻艇和8艘扫雷艇。但受预算的限制,于是提出了&标准-灵活&概念,实施&标准-灵活 300&(sf 300)计划,建造新型&弗莱维费斯肯&级多任务舰艇。&弗莱维费斯肯&级以模块化概念为基础,使用一个标准船体和集装箱化武器系统和设备,允许舰艇快速变换任务用于监视、水面战斗、反潜战、水雷对抗/猎雷、布雷或污染监控。标准设备用于所有的任务,包括指挥系统、雷达和舰体安装声纳。&弗莱维费斯肯&级多用途舰艇序列如下:1984年丹麦政府批准采购第一批七艘舰艇,1985年7月该级舰艇开工建造。第一批共七艘具体情况:&弗莱维费斯肯&级第三艘&哈维凯特恩&号(p552)&弗莱维费斯肯&(flyvefisken)号,舷号:p550,日下水,日服役;&哈金&(hajen)号,舷号:p551,日下水,日服役;&哈维凯特恩&(havkatten)号,舷号:p552,日下水,服役时间:日服役;&拉森&(laxen)号,舷号:p553,日下水,服役时间:日服役;&马克瑞兰&号(makrelen),舷号:p554,1990年下水,日服役;&斯托恩&号(storen),舷号:p555,日下水,日服役;&斯维尔费斯肯&号(svaerdfisken),舷号:p556,1991年下水,日服役。1990年6月再一次签署购买六艘舰艇的合同。第二批共六艘具体情况:&格兰特恩&号(glenten),舷号:p557,1992年下水,日服役;&格里布恩&号(gribben),舷号:p558,1992年下水,日服役;&洛门&号(lommen),舷号:p559,1993年下水,日服役;&瑞文&号(ravnen),舷号:p560,1994年下水,日服役;&斯卡顿&号(skaden),舷号:p561,1994年下水,日服役;&维本&号(viben),舷号:p562,1995年下水,日服役。丹麦海军原计划1993年再订购三艘,但由于预算紧张而减为一艘。第三批:&斯洛文&号(soloven),舷号:p563,1995年下水,日服役。&弗莱维费斯&级多任务舰艇最终建造总数为14艘。在建造中部分系统存在一些差别,例如该级最初七艘主搜索雷达采用aws-6 2d g-波段雷达,最后七艘则采用trs-3d 3d/16 g-波段雷达。丹麦海军的14艘&弗莱维费斯&级多任务舰艇分属于三个中队:在第二中队共有七艘舰艇,&哈金&号、&哈维凯特恩&号、&斯托恩&号和&洛门&号等四艘组成了第22分队,主要执行巡逻任务;&斯维尔费斯肯&号、&格里布恩&号、&斯洛文&号等三艘组成第23分队,主要任务是反潜作战。


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