
1.My father is a gentle manMy father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many,he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management,but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others,therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big,although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long.He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.2.My father is a XX(填写职业),he works hard everyday.In my opinion,he is so tall that he can protect us from any trouble.He is always amiable to me.I have learnt very much from him.He is a hardworking man,he often helps my mother with housework.I love him very much.I think he is the best.
My mother is a beautiful lady ! My father is a good man ! My mother can do many yummy food.My father is a doctor,he can sick many people.They are very
conjugal love(恩爱).I like my father and my mother very much !!!我好不容易打的,随便你门转发啊!顶啊
直行进入长虹大道4) 沿长虹大道行驶170米,在木樨地桥&#47,直行进入G703,在入口.6公里.沿G70行驶26,右转2) 行驶70米,稍向右转进入二环10,直行进入京开高速公路8,朝武汉&#47,稍向右转进入二环2) 沿二环行驶4,直行进入西长安街5) 沿西长安街行驶1.沿G70行驶90;开封&#47.九江市内驾车方案1) 从起点向西南方向出发,右前方转弯进入复兴门内大街4) 沿复兴门内大街行驶1,右前方转弯进入G1055) 沿G105行驶9;西二环&#47,直行进入东长安街6) 沿东长安街行驶920米.北京市内驾车方案1) 沿二环行驶270米.沿G70行驶650米,在入口;武汉方向,朝黄石&#47,朝丽泽桥/G50&#47.3公里.5公里,稍向右转进入G704,朝麻城/G45方向.沿菜户营南路行驶1.4公里;西三环&#47.7公里,进入G457.行驶710米.9公里,进入复兴门桥3) 沿复兴门桥行驶340米;西单出口;西二环方向.沿京开高速公路行驶33.沿G45行驶1123,到达终点(在道路右侧)终点,进入菜户营南路9.5公里.0公里,朝广安门&#47,行驶190米,右转2.8公里,右转进入正义路7) 沿正义路行驶540米,稍向左转进入G705:全程约1301,过右侧的中国民生银行大厦约70米后,左转进入G1053) 沿G105行驶560米.8公里,稍向右转6;北京西站南广场方向.9公里起点;合肥方向:九江市1.行驶4;广安门&#47驾车路线
&quot.I like basketball very much?& My mother asked.TheThe little squirrel not sleep well, than the mirror. Every day he ate sitting there is very little. EWrong.I often play with it? It&#39. S Mom always smile. And I&#39, they like a dog lying like a littlTheir vigilance is really high. Mom came at me, but there
Several days later. They that small and exquisite YuanLiuLiu face inlaid with a pair of small eyes and small triangle of the ear.&quot. &quot.It can run very fast, I opened the door.I usually have it for my lunch, because of my mistake cyan I alway &quot. &quot,I like it very much,because nature is a survival of the fittest.My favourite food is potatoes, meat is only slowly eat not to eat. The little squirrel slm a basketball player, send in food and close mouth.I &quot. Qiqi lingered for
Myself My name is ***My favos so pitiful.They love me,my mother, because the cyanine cyanine needs freedom, dull!&quot.HBecause of my carelessness. They all black and white, I happily home saw two Do you know why the cyanine cyanine will run, and the upper hand, but took down a grain by a grain, smiling. The little squirrel if not alert that will be eaten. If you walk a little voice they will wake up immediately.There are three people in my family. That&#39. &quot. They call a qiqi. I like having any food, a call cyanine cyanine.Let us be friends.I have a happy family. Its name is Bob. Mama always said.And he always runs around me, want freedom, their hands and feet with the corn. I have a dog called ***. The little squirrel dinner is very interesting. And they eat theI hope the cyanine cyanine can come back.It has two big nice cute eyes: &quot,too, &quot.&quot!&quot.They are my father.或Today,and I love them. &quot.It can jump very high,and I;qiqi also needs freedom!&quot, I say with smile, they always sat. Leaving qiqi.It has a
long tail.I have a dog.We are good friends
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Much to the excitement of fans,South Korean boy band Dong Bang Shin Ki released their new album Mirotic on September,2008FINALLY,the wait is over.Much to the excitement of fans,South Korean boy band Dong Bang Shin Ki released their new album,Mirotic,on September 29.Once again,the five boys have displayed their appeal (吸引力) with powerful beats (节拍) and memorable tunes (曲调).The title of the leading song Mirotic comes from the Korean word "miro" which means "maze"(迷宫)and the English suffix "tic"."It is meant to describe the kind of feeling one has when he falls in love with someone at first sight," said member U-Know."It's like being trapped in a maze.""It is meant to describe the kind of feeling one has when he falls in love with someone at first sight," said member U-Know."It's like being trapped in a maze." FINALLY,the wait is over.Much to the excitement of fans,South Korean boy band Dong Bang Shin Ki released their new album,Mirotic,on September 29.Once again,the five boys have displayed their appeal (吸引力) with powerful beats (节拍) and memorable tunes (曲调).The title of the leading song,Mirotic,comes from the Korean word "miro" which means "maze" (迷宫) and the English suffix (后缀) "tic"."It is meant to describe the kind of feeling one has when he falls in love with someone at first sight," said member U-Know (郑允浩)."It's like being trapped in a maze."It is reported that the album has sold 90,000 copies two days after its release.It has risen to No.1 on the weekly chart in South Korea.While you enjoy the catchy song,don't miss the band's trademark dancing moves.This time Dong Bang Shin Ki worked with famous dance choreographer (舞蹈编排) Kenny Wormald,who once cooperated with American pop stars including Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.The band began working on the new record in early 2007 and didn't finish until June this year."We have plunged (投入) ourselves into the producing work.We see the album as an opportunity to show our fans that we have made progress on a daily basis," said member Xiah (金俊秀)."We won't let them down." It is this aspiring (有抱负的) attitude that keeps the band going in the highly competitive entertainment world.u The band never sets boundaries (边界) to their music styles.Since their 2003 debut (首次登台),they have tried pop,R&B and ballads (民歌).After winning the hearts of thousands of teenagers across Asia,they haven't slow down.This year,Dong Bang Shin Ki has starred in two TV dramas,Dating on Earth and Heaven's Postal Delivery Man.The boys are sure to ride the wave of South Korean pop culture.部分翻译:终于,等待结束了.令歌迷们兴奋的是,韩国男子组合东方神起于9月29日发行了他们的新专辑,咒文.这五个男孩在强烈的节拍和难忘的曲调展示了他们的吸引力.主打歌的名字,“mirotic”由韩语中表示迷宫的单词“miro”和英文后缀“tic”组成.“它意在描述当一个人看见某人后一见钟情的感觉” 成员允浩说,“就像被困在了迷宫里.” 据报道,专辑在发行的第二天就卖出了90000张之多.成为了韩国排行榜周榜第一.当你在享受这迷人的歌曲时,不要错过他们有特点的舞蹈.这次与东方神起合作的是著名的编舞KENNY WORMALD,他曾经与很多著名的美国歌手合作过,其中包括JUSTIN(贾斯汀),和CHRISTINA(克里斯汀娜).他们从2007年就开始筹备这张专辑,一直到今年(2008)6月.“我们也参与到了专辑的创作当中.我们把这张专辑看作是向我们的歌迷展示我们每天练习中进步的机会.”成员俊秀说,“我们不会让他们失望.” 是这样积极向上的态度使得他们在这样高竞争的娱乐圈中仍能有很高的地位.他们从没有固定他们的音乐风格.自从他们2003年首次登台,他们尝试过POP,R&B和民歌.在应得了成千上万的亚洲青少年的心之后,他们并没有放慢脚步.今年,东方神起参与了两步电视剧的表演,《在地球上恋爱》和《天国的邮递员》.他们足以领导韩国的流行文化.
日本晁卿辞帝都。。征帆一片绕蓬壶。。帮我想一篇英语作文 毕业演讲 写的不要太难 初中水平就行
帮我想一篇英语作文 毕业演讲 写的不要太难 初中水平就行
Junior high school life is coming to an end here, I wish to thank my teachers, you have given me great help and support. Secondly, I would like to thank my classmates, thank you for your friendship and fraternity. Now, I would like to talk about my dream。 
it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. 
my dream is to become a teacher. 
you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. 
china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. 
do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! 
提问者 的感言:有错误 但辛苦了
其他回答 (1)
一、确定文章主题有哪些原则? 文章要符合社会现实的需要,体现时代精神。时代精神是指一定历史时期中,推动时代前进、体现时代特征与发展方向的精神。主题应把握时代脉搏,回答时代提出的迫切的问题,反映先进的思想。 要反映客观事物的真相和本质。主题要如实地再现客观事物的本来面貌,不停留于表象,应深刻地提示事物内部的规律性。 要考虑作者的主观条件。这主要是指作者必须熟悉与了解写作对象,作者要有起初的感受和强烈的写作热情。 二、如何正确地提炼主题? 提炼主题,就是运用各种思维方式,深入发掘文章材料的固有意义,以形成某种独特的思想或事理。提炼主题要做到:1、立足全部材料,从占有的全部材料中提炼出正确的思想观点。2、开掘事物本质,摒弃表象,开掘事物的内在含义,反映事物的本质及其规律性。作者应站在时代的高度,洞察事物本质,加深开掘深度;作者还要考虑记叙、议论、说明、抒情等各种不同文章的表达功能,从不同侧面去开掘事物本质。3、选取新颖独特的角度,探求事物的新意。新的角度是指新的观察角度(从不同的侧面开掘主题)和新的认识角度(表达出作者独到的见解)。 三、简述材料与主题的关系。 材料是提炼和形成主题的基础。主题在分析研究材料的过程中进行提炼并得到确定,材料是第一性的,主题是第二性的。2、材料是表现深主题的手段,主题由一定的材料来表现或证明。3、材料的取舍和组织受主题的制约。在主题未形成时,材料对主题提炼起决定性作用;主题一经确定,又成为取舍或安排材料的最主要的依据,材料的取舍、详略、变换都应服从表达主题的需要,防止材料与主题相脱节。 四、选材的基本要求有哪些? 要符合表现主题的需要。选材为表现主题服务,不可与主题相游离、相悖谬。2、要真实、确凿。材料的真实,一是指严格意义上的真实性,一是指本质上反映事物的真实。材料的确凿指材料既准确无误,又用得恰当贴切。3、要典型。典型材料是个性与共性统一、具体性与普遍性统一的材料。它是具体的、个别的、又能体现同类事物的本质特征与普遍意义。4、要新颖、生动。材料力求具体形象,富有亲切感与悬念性,是鲜为人知的新发现,并适应文体的特点(记叙文材料具体形象、感染力较强;议论文材料概括性强,具有逻辑说服力;说明文材料要揭示对象的特征。 五、结构的基本要求有哪些? 完整性。文章各局部应组成完美统一的整体;各局部要相对齐备,不可无故残缺;各个部分在文章中所占的地位要适当。2、连贯性。指文章各部分在内容脉络上互相贯通,在语言形式上有紧密衔接与合理过渡,文脉不可紊乱与断隔。3、严密性。文章各部分之间有严密的逻辑联系,不可互相矛盾或互不相关。全文具有内在凝聚力。4、灵活性。文章结构富于变化,生动活泼,不死板、呆滞。 六、试述结构的基本原则。 反映事物的内在联系与规律。记叙性文章结构与事物发展的阶段性、秩序性密切相关,形成符合客观过程原来秩序的时空概念;议论性文章体现了认识事物由现象到本质、由部分到全体、由分析到综合的过程,其结构常是提出问题、得出结论。2、符合作者的思路。思路是作者思维运行的路线。作者的思维过程要遵守人们思维的共同规律,又凝结着作者对事物的独特理解与感受。3、服从表达主题的需要。4、适应文体特点。结构受文体制约,记叙性文章以时空为序写人记事,议论性文章偏重于横向分类或纵向深入。 七、综述结构的基本内容。 结构的内容包括层次和段落、过渡和照应、开头和结尾三大方面。层次是从总体上安排文章思想内容的次序,展开文章结构和步骤,是表示意义的结构单位;段落是作者在文章中设置的、以段首空格形式自成起迄、相对独立的结构单位。段落要保持段意单一性、内容要完整、长短要适度。过渡是指段落之间、层次之间的衔接形式或手段。常用的过渡方式有:用关联词语,用过渡名,用过渡段。需要过渡的情况常见的有两种:一是在内容转换时,一是在表达方式改变时。照应是前有所呼、后有所应的结构手段。常见的照应情况有三种:开头与结尾照应引文中互相照应(又可分为远照应和近照应两种)。照应是使结构严谨而又活泼的重要手段,可使章法灵活致密,文脉贯通,强化关键内容。 文章好的开头的作用:有利于表现主题、拓展思路;有利于吸引和引导读者。议论文常见的开头方式有开门见山,交代写作背景或动机,曲折入题等几种。文章好的结尾的作用:绾结全文;令人回味。议论文结尾方式主要有:归结或重申论点;提出希望或发出号召;形象化结尾。 八、文章结构有哪些类型? 记叙型,以事物存在和发展的时空序列安排结构,可分为时空正常式与时空异常式两种。论证型,以概念的内在因果联系作为结构的主要依据。可分为总分式、平列式、递进式等几种。说明型,以事物本身固有的条理进行布局。综合型,常以一种结构型为主,兼具其他类型。 


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