
请告诉我以下问题的答案,最好能连步骤都写明。(1)Find asymptotes of g(x) if f(x) has asymptotes of x = 11 and y = -7 where f(x) = 2g(x - 7) - 3(2)Find and give the zeros
and their multiplicities (in the same order as the zeros, of the following function
f(x) = x^3+ x^2 - x - 1希望高手能帮手!
修改啦,之前负号没瞧见:第一题:f(x) = 2g(x - 7) - 3的渐进线是x=11, y= - 7. g(x)=(f(x+7)+3)/2的渐进线自然就是 x+7=11 和y=(-7+3)/2即x=4, y= - 2。理由你要去看渐进线的极限定义。第二题:x^3+x^2-x-1=(x+1)(x^2-1)=(x+1)^2(x-1)所以zeros are: -1 and 1, multiplicity for -1 is 2 and the multiplicity for 1 is 1.很简单, multiplicity就是因式分解后的那个根对应的指数
现在没时间研究 可能我不会
而且满足g(x)=2g(x-7)-3 问g(x)的渐进线
2 那个最长的单词是多样性 不会! 但猜答案是0
我在学微积分呢,第一题刚好见过类似的。希望能帮到你1,找出g(x)的渐近线,如果f(X) 有渐近线x=11 和y=-7,f(x) = 2g(x - 7) - 3f(x)的这两条渐近线一条是vertical asymptote,另一条是 horizontal asymptote。2,找出这些点和他们的多样性(都适用于一个方程:
f(x) = x^3+ x^2 - x - 1)
第一个是平移问题,把渐进线焦点按照图像平移就行了..得出是x=18 y=11第二题嘛...题没读懂...现在放圣诞了也没老师去问,sorry啊o()^))o ...先想想的.. 多样性?三楼的大侠,那个第二题不会是要求极值点吧?我们这学了求极值点,但是没涉及到多样性这个单词啊,难道我们学得简单了......
要:催化裂化是重质油在酸性催化剂存在下,在500℃左右、1×10下发生裂解,生成轻质油、气体和焦炭的过程。 Pick to: the FCC is heavy oil acid catalyst in present in 500 ℃ or so, 1 x 10 happened under cracking, generating light, gas and coke process. 催化裂化是现代化炼油厂用来改变重质瓦斯油和渣油的核心技术,是炼厂获取经济效益的重要手段。 The FCC is modern oil refineries to change heavier oil and gas residue core technology, is for the economic benefits of the refinery important means. 本设计根据独山子炼厂常压渣油催化裂化反应性质数据及相关数据对催化裂化装置的反应-再生系统进行了工艺设计。 This design according to the dushanzi refinery atmospheric residue catalytic cracking reaction data and related data of nature of catalytic cracking reaction-regeneration system for the process design. 首先查阅相关文献知道现在催化裂化工艺发展面临的问题; First literature review and know catalytic cracking process 并且了解到今后我国催催化裂化技术的发展方向; And what future in China to push the development of catalytic cracking
其次确定独山子炼厂1.4Mt/a常压渣油催化裂化装置的加工方案为多产汽油方案,反应—再生系统的烧焦形式为烧焦罐完全燃烧形式,并对其分别进行了物料衡算和热量衡算,根据计算的结果设计了反应—再生系统的主要设备(反应器,再生器,旋风分离器等)的工艺尺寸,最后还对反应器和再生器进行了压力平衡计算,完成了对基础数据的分析、汇总和运用,并完成对关键设备工艺图的绘制。 Then determine the dushanzi refinery 1.4 Mt/a residue of atmospheric catalytic cracking unit processing scheme for prolific gasoline scheme, the response-regeneration system of burnt form for burning tank complete combustion forms, and the, the material balance calculations and heat balance calculations, according to the calculation result of the reaction-regeneration system design of the main equipment (the reactor, the regeneration, cyclone separator) technology size, and finally to the reactor and regeneration is investigated pressure balance calculation, the completion of the basic data analysis, consolidation and use, and finish on the key process equipment drawing. 关键词:催化裂化; Keywords: 反应—再生; Reaction- 物料衡算; The material
工艺尺寸设计; Technol 工艺图 Process figure
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Supervisor__________Procedure Time Supervisor’s Signature
Thesis Proposal Mar. 31—Apr.10 2008First Draft Apr.
2007Second Draft Apr.1, 2007Final Draft Apr. 10, 2007Thesis Evaluation & Defense Apr. 25, 2007School of Foreign StudiesFuyang Teachers College附件2
(英文封面例页)An Investigation into Learner Autonomy in College English Teaching论文题目:三号Times New Roman体,加粗,居中在三号字, Times New Roman 体状态下, 空3行作者姓名(汉语拼音)、导师姓名(汉语拼音):均为三号Times New Roman体,加粗, 居中Author:
Li SiSupervisor:
Zhang San在三号字, Times New Roman 体状态下, 空3行A ThesisSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree of B.A. in English三号Times New Roman加粗,居中学院、学校、完成时间均为三号Times New Roman,加粗,居中 School of Foreign Studies
Fuyang Teachers College, Anhui ProvinceMay, 2008本页不标页码附件3
(汉语封面例页)下划线,小三号宋体加粗,居中学位论文为三号宋体加粗,居中英汉文化寒暄语比较研究在三号字, 宋体状态下, 空3行陈
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为三号宋体加粗,居中, 左右对齐 单
阜阳师范学院外语学院专业名称 英语教育申请学级别 学士学位授予单位
阜 阳 师 范 学 院2008年
附件4(英语内容摘要例页)题目居中,Times New Roman三号,加粗 The Image of the Room in Kate Chopin’s Works小三号,Times New Roman加粗, 居中 中间空一行Abstract中间空一行小4号Times New Roman体 Now regarded as an important forerunner of feminist movements, in her writing Kate Chopin introduced her readers to strong-willed, individualistic, and rebellious heroines, and expressed the feminist view that women should be independent and free in soul and body. This thesis does a detailed study of the repeatedly-used the image of the “room”. It explores the significance of the room in the women’s lives in terms of role-fulfillment as a mother and wife, their psychic growth from repression, awakening to rebellion. It illustrates the profound revelation and criticism evoked by the image of the “room” itself in Chopin’s works. Chopin condemned the patriarchal society and showed her sympathy with women by depicting what happened in the room. This thesis analyses the symbolic meaning of “the room of a view”, that is, Chopin’s feminist views that women should break the cage of the present life and go out into a free world. It puts forward that when we look at women writers collectively, we can see the recurrence of the images of the “room” and the “house”, because of their similar life experiences as women. In the conclusion part, it proposes that other images, regarded as the “female s are worthy of study, for instance, the long beautiful hair of women. 中间空一行英语内容摘要200词左右,两端对齐, 1.5 倍行距Key words: a room with view
加粗,小四号 小四号宋体, 中间以分号隔开标题居中,宋体,三号,粗体 附件5(汉语内容摘要例页)宋体小四号,首行缩进两个汉字, 两端对齐中间空一行 凯特肖邦作品中的房间意象居中,四号,粗体中间空一行 内容摘要凯特肖邦是十九世纪一位重要女性作家。其作品表达了新女性在身体、心灵和灵魂三方面的觉醒意识,表达了女性解放的主题,抨击了十九世纪夫权统治下的道德规范。本文以肖邦作品中反复出现的“房间”意象为研究对象,阐述“房间”意象的运用如何有助于刻画女性压抑心理,记录女性自我成长,和表达女性解放主题。本文拟用传记批评方法,结合肖邦进行创作时的社会背景,家庭背景说明肖邦重复使用“房间”意象的内在动因,分析“房间”在妇女被动完成女性角色(妻子与母亲)过程中所具有的空间位置意义。并运用精神分析法和女性批评方法分析“房间”所具有的心理学意义,即在“房间”里女性经历了从压抑,觉醒到反叛的成长。再分析作家如何通过描写女主人公伫立“房间窗前”,眺望远方这一场景来表达女性其女性主义呼声。最后,笔者认为肖邦作品中其他多次出现的意象,如女性浓密乌黑的头发亦具有研究价值。关键词:房间;女性角色;女性心理;窗 左对齐,小四号宋体,粗体附件6 (提纲例页),Are Books Obsolete?: The Prospects 题目居中,三号Times New Roman,加粗
for Electronic Texts小四号字,加粗,下划线顶格, 左对齐, 1.5倍距 Thesis StatementAlthough the recycling of plastic packaging in the United States can diminish the plastic waste stream, the excessive use of plastic packaging is difficult to justify from an environmental as well as from an economic point of view. 小四号字,加粗,下划线OutlineI.
Introduction II.
The New Electronic Medium III.
Advantages of Electronic TextsA.
提纲各级标题均为小四号字 For Publishers 1. Publishing on Demand 从二级标题开始依次缩进, 每一级标题序号与上一级标题的第一个单词的首字母对齐 2. On-line Publishing 3. Electronic TextsB.
For Readers 1.
Instantaneous Access2.
Capacity to Read the Text in Different Ways3.
Elimination of Storage Problems C.
For Authors
Drawbacks to Electronic Publishing A.
For Publishers B.
For Readers C.
For AuthorsIV.
The Enduring Appeal of Books for ReadersV.
Conclusion 本页不标页码附件7(参考文献例页)在三号字, Times New Roman 体状态下, 空1行居中,三号Times New Roman,加粗Works Cited空5个字符Benjamin, Walter. “Blending Networks in Translation.” Hermeneus. 7 (2005): 221-239.Burstyn, Joan. Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Nobel, 1981.Douglas, H. Brown. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1987.Gardner, Thomas. “An Interview with Jorie Graham.” Denver Quarterly 26.4
(1992): 79-104. Marcuse, Sibyl. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York: Harper, 1975.Miles, Adrian. “Singin’ in the Rain:A Hypertextual reading.” Postmodern Culture 8.2 (1998). 25 June 2000& 2miles.html&.丁家永. 现代教育心理学[M]. 广东: 广东高等教育出版社, 2003.龚春燕, 林允舒, 扬勇. 魏书生教育教学艺术[M]. 广西: 漓江出版社, 2004.王敏. 风格与气韵——雪莱《西风颂》三家译文之比较[J]. 西安外国语学院学报, 2000 (4): 55-58.文献排列顺序先英文,后中文;按照作者姓的字母或拼音顺序排列, 小四号, 1.5倍距
圆周率。。应该就是pi 化简:simplify 概率:probability 统计:statistics
回复:4楼没, 也不多。我只是闲着没事干, 所以来的。
其是你google 一下就出来了。 try this one: 左边的column 还有很多。 慢慢看吧。 点击单词会给你意思。 能不能和中文对上号儿就得看你的了。
急急急,英文翻译,求高手 15
  直直往前走就到了二仙桥,这个桥弯的特别厉害,上面的石头也被磨平了,站在桥上,看远处的山和水,如入仙镜。而又往前走,不远处就是磨房。磨房靠水的力量,推动石碾,石碾一圈圈的转,在当时也算是先进的机器,这就是古代的“面粉厂”,我想以前这里的人们,一定过着富足的生活,家家丰衣足食。 古镇内尚存有韩氏姑媳的“双节孝”牌坊 。
We will go to the Korean family courtyard. It is the home of late qing dynasty, into the door, and the court all around the house opposite, the house next to the corridor, we go down the hall and went back to the door of the courtyard, walk into the same structure is,...
We will go to the Korean family courtyard. It is the home of late qing dynasty, into the door, and the court all around the house opposite, the house next to the corridor, we go down the hall and went back to the door of the courtyard, walk into the same structure is, ZhengWu came to the door and see the house of Korea fathers set like inside. The ZhengWu and the head, main entrance only five product more officials can go, both sides each some small doors, the civil service left, right attaches. Two door also is to have cultured, carving up the patterns is not, but then set in good time, the craft is consummate, can say is wonderful artical excelling nature. The room with a bronze statue what also have no, surrounded by some poems ah of what, nothing but is eulogy, in-class writing is the history of the house of Korea, ?
Go straight ahead to the second bridge, the bridge of curved special severe, and the stone was also flattened, standing on the bridge, see distant mountain and water, such as into the wonderland. And go forward, not far away is the mill. By the power of the water mill, promote rinlraix, rinlraix wreaths of turn, at that time is the advanced machine, this be the ancient "flour factory", I think the people here before, must have a rich life, every well-fed. In the ancient town is being HanShiGu adult "double festival filial piety" arch.Night? Just fun, the streets are filled with barbecue, snacks, many people in the river put river lamp, with the river slowly drifted down, can look good. There are many people in the bridge put the sky lanterns, heaven that the little light faint with everyone's blessing slowly disappears in the line of sight of people. Enough with full, we'll go back to take the time to rest and prepare the second day go to white MaQuan.Another morning, at 8 a.m. and, here's air good fresh, we went to the white MaQuan, built in tang dynasty, all the way to the lichen is everywhere, it's not the kui is everywhere YuCheng damp, ha ha.
其他回答 (3)
Go straight ahead to the second bridge, the bridge of curved special severe, and the stone was also flattened, standing on the bridge, see distant mountain and water, such as into the wonderland. And go forward, not far away is the mill. By the power of the water mill, promote rinlraix, rinlraix wreaths of turn, at that time is the advanced machine, this be the ancient "flour factory", I think the people here before, must have a rich life, every well-fed. In the ancient town is being HanShiGu adult "double festival filial piety" arch.Night? Just fun, the streets are filled with barbecue, snacks, many people in the river put river lamp, with the river slowly drifted down, can look good. There are many people in the bridge put the sky lanterns, heaven that the little light faint with everyone's blessing slowly disappears in the line of sight of people. Enough with full, we'll go back to take the time to rest and prepare the second day go to white MaQuan.Another morning, at 8 a.m. and, here's air good fresh, we went to the white MaQuan, built in tang dynasty, all the way to the lichen is everywhere, it's not the kui is everywhere YuCheng damp, ha ha.
&& 全文用过去式:
We&went to South Korea Courtyard. It is the end of the Qing's house, into the door, surrounded by a yard between the house, the house next to the corridor, we&went down the corridor back to being on the hospital door,&went into the same structure is, to being house door, saw Korea as the ancestral home to put in there. This is the first house there, said, the main entrance only Wupinyishang officials can go on each side of the door, go left the civil service, military attache of the right to go. Two doors is also very particular, the above pattern is not carved up, but after being re-engraved insert into, and craft is exquisite, can be said that talent. In addition to the bronze statue of the house with nothing, surrounded by some of what poetry ah, nothing more than singing the praises, the classroom is to write the history of Han, was born Scholars, a high official has made a lot of titles, equivalent to the current provincial cadres, the bureaucracy is not a small bar. Like the front is a rectangular table, listening to the narrator say this is to do with Phoebe, very valuable. Here we do not have too much to stay.Straight forward to the two Xianqiao on this special powerful curved bridge, above the stones have been removed, stood on the bridge, watching the distant mountains and water, such as the fairy into the mirror. But to move forward, not far from the mill. Mill by water power, to promote the stone grinding, stone grinding a circle turn, can be considered at the time of advanced machines, which is ancient, "Mills", I think the people here before, we must live a prosperous life, Every family clothing. Regardless of the town of Han-law may still be a "double filial piety" arch.Go play with at night, the streets filled with barbecue, snacks, a lot of people put lanterns in the river, with the slowly floating down the river can be good-looking. Many people put day light in the bridge, the sky so little faint light gradually disappear with everyone's blessing in people's line of sight. Had enough to eat, and we go back to seize the time to rest, to prepare the next day to the White Horse Springs.Is another early morning, before 8 am is where fresh air is good, we went to the White Horse Springs, built in the Tang period, all the way around to the moss, the rain really worthy of the city everywhere wet, huh, huh.
天那 这太难了吧


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