英语作文大全my day off

帮忙写篇英语作文!要100-110字的啊!千万不要超了!给40分啊要求是:以My interesting/unforgettable school trip或My interesting/unforgettable day off为题写一篇作文!100字-110字!不要多了!不要虚构!要真实初二高水平作文就行.能够被选成最佳作文的啊!
我来帮你吧An Interesting School TripLast Sunday we had our school trip.We went to the Ocean Park.Early in the morning we gathered at our school gate.Then we started out at about 8:00am.We went by bus.We got to the Ocean Park at 8:30am.There were a lot of people in the park,boys and girls ,young and old are everywhere.We saw many colorful and strange fishes.But what's most interesting was watching the dolphin show.It was on at 3:00pm.The lovely dolphins jumped out of the water suddenly and dived under the water again quickly.Then they swam close to a ball by the pool and suddenly hit it with their noses.Soon they began to dance to music.Wow!How amazing it was!It was an interesting trip.We were very happy though we were tired.上星期日我们去郊游.我们去海洋公园.一大早我们在学校门口集中,然后8:00出发.我们坐公交车去的.大概8:30我们就到了那里.公园里有很多人,男女老少到处都是人.我们看到很多五颜六色的没见过的鱼儿.最有趣的是看海豚表演,是在下午三点.可爱的海豚突然跳出水面,又突然潜入水底.然后向水池边的球游去...突然,它用鼻子猛击那球.然后它又开始随着音乐跳起舞来.真是帅呆了.这这是一个好玩的郊游.虽然很累,但我们很高兴.
In order to study for a test, the first thing I have to do is to reorganize all the notes from the class. Then I will plan my time accordingly, balancing the time for study and rest. Time for entertai...
--by Fengyun from Class 5 Grade 8I think I have a fantastic day. In the morning, I visited my grandparents. I helped my grandmother clean the room. Tired but very happy. After that, I told some j...
扫描下载二维码My Last Day Off-两篇,初中英语,英语作文网
My Last Day Off-两篇
 I think I had a great time on my last day off. On Saturday, Iwent to study in the morning as usual. And I watched TV, played computer games, read in the afternoon. Also, I helped my mom clean the room in the evening. Tired but happy. On Sunday, I slept late, so I got enough rest. After that, I finished my homework and then I visited my friends. But the weather was so bad, and it rained all day. But I also felt happy. Because I played with him. Although I stayed at home. In the afternoon, I played computer games all afternoon. It was relaxing. In the evening, I read some books and did homework for long time. And I went to bed early. because I didn't want to slept late on weekdays.
  So you can see, my day off was really very great
????????????求英语好的写一篇英语作文!快速!以on my day off为题目写一篇70字左右的短文.在短文中说明你休息日所做的事情,可根据自己的观点加以评价以及对双休日的理解,可展开适当的想象和联想(水平要按照初二的写).
I had a great time on my last day off. In the morning, I hung out with my friends and bought some souvenirs. In the afternoon, I went to the park with my sister and we took some photos. In the evening, I went to the aquarium with my parents. We saw some sharks and some seals. We had some hamburgers and ate some ice cream.
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