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中文翻译n.海德〔姓氏〕。:&&&&派对机器; 贪心:&&&&德格拉斯海德:&&&&海德; 亦曾有过婚外情:&&&&海德:&&&&海德病,结节性痒疹:&&&&(伦敦的)海德公园。a Hyde Park orator ...:&&&&hyde's disease:&&&&姐妹化身
例句与用法I heard they frequented hyde park .我听说他们常去海德公园。Hyde park also became a favourite place for duels .海德公园也成了决斗的好地方。Mr. hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of the breath .海德先生猛然朝后一缩,倒抽了一口凉气。In hyde park, elegantly attired riders centered on rotten row .海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站在罗敦小路中央。Hyde park has pop festivals, with 200, 000 people sitting on the grass .海德公园举行流行音乐会有二十万人坐在草地上听。The crystal palace was built in hyde park for the great exhibition of 1851 .水晶宫是为1851年的世界博鉴会而在海德公园内兴建的。Phyl had her meal at the harold's home, but she had to go on to hyde park alone .菲儿在哈罗德家吃了饭,但是饭后只好独个儿上海德公园去。Few people knew that missy actually listed her permanent address for voting as sara's hyde park mansion .米丝为了参加选举,实际上把她的永久地址写成萨拉在海德帕克村的宅第,这一点是没有多少人知道的。I meet the canadian cabinet this morning and the quebec cabinet this afternoon, and start thereafter for hyde park .我预定在今天上午同加拿大内阁会见,下午同魁北克市政府领导人会见,然后动身前往海德公园。In the hyde park and englewood districts, men organized vigilante groups and sent word to chief of police glenman offering aid .在海德公园和恩格尔伍地区,人们组成地方团队,并通知警察局长格林曼说愿意提供援助。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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