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第一篇:日汶川大地震带来的伤痛让国人永远铭记在心。四年过去了,一个新汶川重新展现在世人面前。近日某英语报社举办题为“New Wen-chuan,Great Changes”的征文大赛,请你写一篇100词左右的英语短文来参加此次大赛! 第二篇:你的英国朋友正在做一个课题:世界各地的生日庆祝方式。他请你介绍中国学生过生日的方式。请你更具一下要点写一篇短文:1.生日聚会 2.生日礼物 3.生日祝福 4.我认为更有意义的庆祝方式和理由。100词左右第三篇:假设你是李华。在最近的一次班会上,你班同学们就“高一学生是否需要吃补品来保持健康”展开了讨论。请根据下表提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,并谈一些你自己的看法,给某英语杂志投稿。百分之六十的同学认为:坚持锻炼,无需吃任何补品(tonic)2.过多摄入补品会增加体重,对健康不利。价格比较贵百分之四十的同学认为:进入高中、课业繁重、很多同学经常感到疲劳补品可以帮助恢复精力没时间锻炼身体
100词左右要原创,不要直接拿来翻译,急需,可以发到邮箱:. 谢谢,可以提高悬赏!
产六玉说产平平五 一谰 冫一一一一一产琉璃一谰斑玉主六斑一谰一王平产谰一谰斑玉眐主 故意古关于
CCTV有中英文网页,你浏览英文网页就有了On the night of August 8, 2008, the sound of heavy footsteps thundered across the "Bird's Nest" as colossal burning "footprints" marched in the sky along Beijing's central axis all the way through the Olympic Green to the National Stadium. As the last "footprint" lit up the sky above the National Stadium, spectators all over the world began a virtual tour of C what they saw was ancient China and young China, a nation wishing to build a harmonious home together with friends from all parts of the world. More than 20,000 performers from all parts of China including Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taipei, regaled audience members with martial arts performances and artistic story telling through song and dance. On the ever-changing backdrop and accompanied by amazingly complex displays of fireworks, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games was launched, literally, with a bang. The creative team BOCOG started soliciting programs worldwide for the Opening Ceremony in 2005. In 2006, 13 winning proposals started on their second round of competition. Based on the final results, a five-member directors' group was appointed from the three best teams. Zhang Yimou was chosen as artistic director and Zhang Jigang and Chen Weiya were selected as deputy artistic directors. Yu Jianping became director of the technology group and Lu Jiankang was made production director of the Opening Ceremony. Creating artistic harmony The creative team found that none of the 13 project proposals could be directly adopted for the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. It would take time and effort to put a unique show together. Chinese elements that are already well-known in the world, such as Peking opera, martial arts, the Great Wall, terracotta warriors, the Silk Road and Zheng He's ocean voyages, were applied in almost all the proposals, but how should they be integrated? The concept of a "painting scroll" emerged and most of the original program ideas unfolded around it, forming the artistic concept of "displaying the world on a small square," demonstrating the progress of blending Chinese culture with world culture. Early drafts In an early version of the program, complete with four chapters, the creative team used the ideas of paper, Chinese characters, the Earth and Chinese ink and brush painting as favored tools to express the themes of "civilization" and "harmony" in a liberal style. Leading officials also approved portrayals of the Silk Road and Zheng He's ocean voyages. All members of the creative team believed that the Earth should appear in the Opening Ceremony, which thus conformed to the slogan "One World One Dream." Chinese painting was also one of the elements that the creative team emphasized. The concept of paper could combine perfectly with Chinese paintings and thus become the master link that ran through the performances of the Opening Ceremony. In the summer of 2006, although a series of thoughts swarmed in the heads of the creative team members, they were having trouble harmonizing the themes in a final, cohesive manner. Two parts to make the whole By the end of April 2007, the creative team finally decided to divide the artistic performances into two parts: the first half, "Brilliant Civilization," would highlight the past 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, and the second half, "Glorious Era," would exhibit the great achievements and the new look of modern China, portraying the Chinese nation's dream of building harmoniously with the people of the world. With this in mind, the final version of the project developed into the basic framework of a unique Chinese scroll, on which performers would expressively show the development of Chinese culture through time. On this stage, "moveable type printing," "Confucius' 3,000 disciples," "The Analects of Confucius," "Zheng He's ocean voyages" and "Chinese ritual music" would all be showcased, depicting a weighty painting of the flow of Chinese civilization. The long scroll would also incorporate China's more recent achievements, including the "Bird's Nest." 日晚,雄浑的脚步声响彻在国家体育场“鸟巢”, “巨人的脚步”沿着北京城古老的中轴线一步步迈向“鸟巢”,全世界的目光跟随这些壮美的脚步开始了一场奇妙、梦幻的中华文化之旅,他们的眼前呈现的是一个古老的中国,一个年轻的中国,一个希望与全世界的朋友构建和谐家园的中国. 这既是一个展现中华文明的舞台,也是一个展现中国科技水平以及组织大型活动能力和信心的舞台.在长达三年的开幕式创意、制作历程中,开幕式团队的所有成员焚膏继晷,为中国历史上最大的盛典仪式,贡献着自己的智慧和汗水,他们的脑海深处一直回想着那句话“祖国利益高于一切”. 与北京奥运会会徽等核心标识的产生过程一样,北京奥组委在开幕式筹备工作中同样采取了公开征集和定向邀请的方式进行.北京奥运会的开幕式从一开始就注定不可能被打上“某一个人”的烙印. 一直关注北京奥运会筹备工作的人们会发现一个规律,从北京奥运会会徽“中国印舞动的北京”,到主题口号“同一个世界、同一个梦想”,在五个可爱的福娃“北京欢迎你”,北京奥运会每一个具有标志性的景观都不可能被打上“某一个人”的烙印,每一项成果几乎都是在公开征集的基础上兼收并蓄、反复修改而成的集体智慧的结晶.凝聚着集体智慧的成果必然具有广泛性和普适性,这也正是这些标志性的符号在最广的范围内获得认可和喜爱的重要原因之一. 之前的成功案例,使北京奥组委决定通过公开征集的方式推动开闭幕式筹备工作.日,北京奥组委召开新闻发布会,公开发布《2008年奥运会开幕式、闭幕式创意方案征集活动征集书》,北京奥运会、残奥会开闭幕式工作正式拉开序幕. 经过3个月的征集,两轮评审,北京奥运会开闭幕式方案征集工作前后历时一年.北京奥组委在对待这项工作时的谨慎态度可见一斑,也正是经过了这样严格的程序,开幕式的质量才能得到保障. 2005年3月,北京奥组委面向全球公开征集开闭幕式创意方案的工作正式启动.奥运会开闭幕式创意方案征集活动采取了社会公开征集和定向征集相结合的方式,包括张艺谋、陈凯歌等导演都接到了奥组委的定向约请.此外还有北京歌华、北奥集团、中国对外文化集团、北京舞蹈学院、派格太和公司以及解放军艺术团创作策划核心组等总共 11 家定向征集单位.在历时3个月的征集中,共收到409份方案. 为保证征集活动的公开、公正、公平,征集活动截止后,北京奥组委请来了北京市长安公证处的公证员来全程监督应征方案的拆封和验证过程.经过细致地检查,面向社会公开征集的有效作品一共有 210 件.北京奥组委组织各方面的专家对这 210 件作品进行了集中评审.法国ECA2 公司以及歌华中演两家的方案最终一起进入下一轮.除此之外, 11 件定向征集来的作品将不经过专家们的评选直接晋级.这样,一共将有 13 家团队进入第二阶段的竞标. 在第二轮的陈述中,8名评委分别为五家团队打分.打分内容细化为22项.其中在中国传统文化元素这一项上,歌华集团的分数最高;当代风貌一项则是国家歌舞团、中央电视台和北奥公司的联合团队得分最高;在世界文化的表现上得分最高的是张艺谋的团队;而解放军团队在技术实施上分数最高.各家团队各有所长,最后把22项的分数相加,总分最高的是张艺谋的团队,解放军创作策划核心组名列第二,国家歌舞团、中央电视台和北奥公司的联合团队位列第三. 按照最终的评审结果,北京奥组委选择了前三名创意团队的核心骨干组成了导演组,张艺谋、张继钢、陈维亚被分别为总导演和副总导演.来自另外两个团队的于建平、路建康则被分别任命为技术制作组组长和制作总监. 开闭幕式工作团队的主要成员均来自各个竞标团队,没有进入第二轮陈述的焰火专家蔡国强,他被委以开幕式视觉总设计的重任.
  上海新东方学校 汪忠平
  这次的四级考试写作题是我们在上海新东方的课堂里重点预测的题目之一(我们原题是Disposal Products)。因为从往年作文考察范围来看,四级写作主题大部分是大学校园生活,其次就是和人们日常生活相关的一些题目。而国家今年五月刚刚下达禁塑令!四、六级发展二十年,考过很多题,重复过一些题,可考的题也就那么几道了。
  Limiting the Use of Disposal Bags
  & These days disposal products often hit the headlines of newspapers and have been brought into focus of the public. Indeed, it is widely accepted that they have gained increasing popularity among people in all walks of life. Taking a look around you, you can find examples too numerous to list: When you walk on the street, you can see plastic bags f When you ramble along the river, you can find plastic bottles f When you stroll in the park with your lover, you can notice waste paper thrown everywhere.
  & Among the most important reasons often cited by people is the quickening pace of modern life. They are often too busy to wash dirty dishes or glasses, as a result they can do nothing but use disposal products. Also playing a part is the improvement of people's life. As a result of the policy of opening and reform, an increasing number of people are much richer than before and can afford disposal products.
  & Admittedly, they might benefit us in a short term. Unfortunately, they will do us harm in more than one way. The major harm is (that) they are sure to pollute the environment. To make matters worse, they are likely to have potential harm to public health. To illustrate this point, I can think of no better example than HP, the river through S. As a result of disposal products in it, the water has caused some diseases in the local people.
  & To sum up, for the factors mentioned before, we can safely reach the conclusion that the prevalence of disposale products is bound to cause a chain of undesirable effects. In view of the present situation, it is high time that the government tried every means to protect the environment. Only in this way, can we have a bright future
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