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08-11-30 &
One day, I woke early in the morning to watch the sunrise. Ah the beauty of God's creation is beyond description.
As I watched, I praised God for His beautiful work.
As I sat there, I felt the Lord's presence with me.
He asked me, &Do you love me?& I answered, &Of course, God!
You are my Lord and Savior!&
Then He asked, &If you were physically handicapped, would you still love me?&
I was perplexed. I looked down upon my arms, legs and the rest of my body and wondered how many things I wouldn't; be able to do, the things that I took for granted. And I answered, &It would be tough Lord, but I would still love You.&
Then the Lord said, &If you were blind, would you still love my creation?&
How could I love something without being able to see it? Then I thought of all the blind people in the world and how many of them still loved God and His creation. So I answered, &It's hard to think of it, but I would still love you.&
The Lord then asked me, &If you were deaf, would you still listen to my word?&
How could I listen to anything being deaf? Then I understood. Listening to God's Word is not merely using our ears, but our hearts. I answered, &It would be tough, but I would still listen to Your word.& The Lord then asked,
&If you were mute, would you still praise My Name?& How could I praise without a voice?
Then it occurred to me: God wants us to sing from our very heart and soul.
It never matters what we sound like. And praising God is not always with a song, but when we are persecuted, we give God praise with our words of thanks. So I answered, &Though I could not physically sing, I would still praise Your Name.&
And the Lord asked, &Do you really love Me?& With courage and a strong conviction, I answered boldly, &Yes Lord! I love You ause You are the one and true God!& I thought I had answered well, but...
God asked,
I answered, &ause I am only human. I am not perfect.&
No answers. Only tears.
The Lord continued: &Why only sing at fellowships and retreats? Why seek Me only in times of worship?
Why ask things so selfishly? Why ask things so unfaithfully?&
The tears continued to roll down my cheeks.
&Why are you ashamed of Me? Why are you not spreading the good news? Why in times of persecution, you cry to others when offer My shoulder to cry on? Why make excuses when I give you opportunities to serve in My Name?&
I tried to answer, but there was no answer to give.
&You are blessed with life. I made you not to throw this gift away. I have blessed you with talents to serve Me, but you continue to turn away. I have revealed My Word to you, but you do not gain in knowledge.
I have spoken to you but your ears were closed. I have shown My blessings to you, but your eyes were turned away. I have sent you servants, but you sat idly by as they were pushed away. I have heard your prayers and I have answered them all.&
I could not answer. How could I? I was embarrassed beyond belief.
I had no excuse. What could I say to this? When my heart had cried out and the tears had flowed, I said, &Please forgive me Lord. I am unworthy to be Your child.& The Lord answered, &That is My Grace, My Child.& I asked, &Then why do you continue to forgive me? Why do You love me so?&
The Lord answered, & ause you are My Creation. You are my Child. I will never abandon you.
When you cry, I will have compassion and cry ! with you.
When you shout with joy, I will laugh with you! When you are down, I will encourage you.
When you fall, I will raise you up. When you are tired, I will carry you. I will be with you till the end of days, and I will love you forever.&
Never had I cried so hard before. How could I have been so cold?
How could I have hurt God as I had done? I asked God, &How much do You love me?&
The Lord stretched out His arms, and I saw His nail-pierced hands. I bowed down at the feet of Christ, my Savior. And for the first time, I truly prayed.
啊!神的创造之美远远超过人所能描述的。在观看时,我为主如此美丽的创造之工而赞 美。我坐在那儿,感到主就在我的身旁。
他又问我:“如果你身体有残疾,是否仍旧爱我?”我有些糊涂。于是低头看看我的胳 膊、腿和其他部分,我怀疑有多少事我原以为是理所当然的却不一定能做到。但我还是 回答说,&主啊,这是很难的,但我仍旧爱您。&
主接着问我:“如果你是瞎眼的,你仍爱我的创造之物吗?”我该如何去爱那些我无法 看见的东西呢? 然而我又想到世上那些失明的人们,他们中间有许多人仍爱着神和他 的创造之物!于是我回答说:“ 想起来很难,但主啊,我还是愿意爱您。”
主又问我:“如果你是一个聋子,你是否仍愿意听我的话语?”耳聋的如何能够听见呢 ?然而我明白 了。听神的话语并不仅仅用我们的耳朵,而是用我们的心。我回答说: “主啊,会很难,但我愿意听 您的话语。”
然后主问我:“如果你是一个哑巴,你是否仍愿意赞美我的名?”没有声音我如何能赞 美呢?然而一 句话启示了我:神希望我们从心底和灵魂的最深处发出赞美,他并不在 乎我们的声音如何。于是我回 答说:“即使我不能发声,我仍将赞美您的名。”
主又问我:“你真的爱我吗?”带着勇气和信心,我大胆地回答说:“是的,主啊!我 爱您是因您是那唯一的真神。” 我想我已经回答得很好了,但是……
“那为什么在平安无事的时候你迷失得那么远?在遭遇难处的时候你又那么殷勤地祷告 ?”
主又继续:“为什么你只在团契和教会中歌唱?为什么你只在敬拜的时候寻求我?为什 么你每次都如此自私地只为自己求?为什么你求的时候没有信心?”
……我的眼泪 顺着我的脖子一直往下流。
“为什么你以我为羞耻?为什么你不传福音?为什么在受逼 迫的时候,你不靠着我的肩膀去哭泣却去靠着人的?为什么我给你机会去为我的名服事 的时候,你总是找借口?”
“你的生活如此蒙。是我不让你把如此好的救恩礼物扔掉。我保守你拥有聪明才智 是为了让你服事我,但你却继续逃离我。我用我的话语启示你,但你却不在知识上追求 长进。我向你讲话,但你的耳朵却闭着。我把我的倾注在你的身上,但你的眼目却 离开这。我派使者帮助你,但你却懒散地坐着把他们赶跑。我却听了你的祷告并都 作了回答。”
我无法回答。我该如何回答呢?我在信仰上是如此的羞愧。我别无借口。我能说些什么 呢?我的心 开始哭泣,泪水涌出来,我说:“主啊,求能饶恕我。我不配作你的孩 子。”
我问道:“那么您为什么一再原谅我呢 ?为什么您会如此爱我呢?”
主答道:“因为你是我所创造的,你是我的孩子。我永远不会撇弃你。当你哭泣的时候 ,我怜悯你, 我与你同哭泣。当你高兴地高呼时,我与你同笑。当你泄气时,我鼓励 你。当你跌倒时,我扶起你。 当你疲惫时,我背着你。我将与你同在直到最后的日子 ,并且我将永远爱你。”
乔治·华盛顿小时候住在弗吉尼亚的一个农场上。他的父亲教他骑马,经常带着年青的乔治到农场上干活,以便儿子长大后能学会种田,放牛养马。 华盛顿先生有一个美丽的果园,里面种着苹果树、桃树、梨树、李子树与樱桃树。有一次,华盛顿先生从大洋对岸买了一棵品种上佳的樱桃树。他非常喜爱这棵樱桃树,把树种在果园边上,并告诉农场上的所有人要对它严加看护,不能让任何人碰它。 这棵樱桃树长势很好。春天来了,树上开满了白花,散发出阵阵芬芳,许多蜜蜂都围着它辛勤地忙碌着。想到用不了多长时间就可以吃到樱桃树结的果子,华盛顿先生心里非常高兴。 大约就在此时,有人送给乔治一把明亮的斧子。乔治非常喜欢这把斧子,他拿着它砍树枝,砍篱笆,可以说是见什么砍什么。一天,他一边想着自己的斧子有多么锋利,一边来到果园边儿,举起斧子砍向那棵樱桃树。由于树皮很软,乔治没费多大力气就把树砍倒了。接着他又去别的地方玩了。 那天傍晚,华盛顿先生忙完农事,把马牵回马棚,然后来果园看他的樱桃树。没想到,自己心爱的树被砍倒在地,他站在那里惊呆了,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。是谁胆敢这样做?他问了所有人,但谁都说不知道。 就在这时,乔治恰巧从旁边经过。“乔治,”父亲用生气的口吻高声喊道,“你知道是谁把我的樱桃树砍死了吗?” 这个问题可把乔治给难住了,看到父亲如此愤怒,他意识到自己的一时冲动闯下了祸。他哼哼叽叽了一会儿,但很快恢复了神志。“我不能说谎,爸爸,”他说,“是我用斧子砍的。”华盛顿先生看了看乔治。那孩子脸色煞白,但直视着父亲的眼睛。 “回家去,儿子。”华盛顿先生严厉地说道。 乔治走进书房,等父亲。他心里很难过,同时也感到非常惭愧。他知道自己实在是太轻率了,干了件傻事,也难怪父亲不高兴。 一会儿之后,华盛顿先生走进书房。“到这里来,孩子。”他说道。 乔治听话地走到父亲身边。华盛顿先生静静地看了他很长时间:“告诉我,儿子,你为什么要砍那棵树?” “当时我正在玩,没想到——”乔治结结巴巴地说道。 “现在树就要死了,我们永远也不会吃到樱桃了。但比这更糟的是,我嘱咐你要看护好这棵树,你却没有做到。” 乔治羞愧难当,脸一红,低下头,眼泪就快要落下了,哽咽着说:“对不起,爸爸。” 华盛顿先生把手放在孩子肩头。“看着我,”他说道,“失去了一棵树,我当然很难过,但我同时也很高兴,因为你鼓足勇气向我说了实话。我宁愿要一个勇敢诚实的孩子,也不愿拥有一个种满枝叶繁茂樱桃树的果园。一定要记住这一点,儿子。” 乔治·华盛顿从未忘记这一点。他一直像小时候那样勇敢,受人尊敬,直至生命结束。 教育哲理:知错就改是很难得的,孩子犯了错如果及时承认并改正的话,作为父母应感到高兴,因为孩子具备了最为宝贵的品质——诚实。 George Washington, a child living on a farm in Virginia.His father taught him to ride a horse, often with young George to the farm to work, so my son can grow up to learn farming.break raised horses.Washington had a beautiful orchard, which was planted with apple, peach, pear, plums trees and cherry trees.On one occasion, Mr. Washington bought a tree from the other side of the ocean a good cherry tree varieties.He was very fond of classic cherry tree and the edge of trees in the orchard and the farm owner told it to strictly bar,The information provided must not be allowed to any person., When the cherry trees are growing well.Spring, a tree full of wasting time, sending up bursts of talent, it is hard for many busy bees all around.Think of how long it will not be able to eat the fruit of a cherry tree, Mr. Washington are very happy.At about that time, George was given a shiny ax.George likes to this ax, he has taken it is felled tree branches cut down a fence and see what can be said to be cutting down anything.One day, while I wondered how sharp the ax, went to the side of the orchard behind, and raised the ax Hundreds backyard cherry tree.Since the bark is very soft, George did not put much effort trees cut down the costs.He then went to another default.That evening, President finishes his farm in Washington, led horses back sheds, and then to see the cherry tree orchard.I did not expect that their beloved tree had been cut down to the ground, he stood there stupefied by almost could not believe my own eyes.Who dares to do so?He asked everyone, but one does not know.At this moment, from George happen after next.&George,& my father shouted out, with angry tone.&Do you know who my cherry tree to death? &This can be difficult for George to live, to see her father so angry.He realized his impulsive owner of the disaster.He hum browsers for a while, but quickly resumed consciousness.&I am not a liar, father,& he said, &I was a hack with an ax. &Mr. saw George Washington.Shabai that children face, but his father's eyes open heart.&I went home, my son. &Mr. Washington said sternly.George walked into the library, and wait for his father.He felt very, also feel very ashamed.He knew it was too rash, dry pieces of things, it is hardly surprising that his father unhappy.After a while, Mr. Washington walked into the library.&I came here, the children. &He said.George obedient to walk father.Mr. Washington, he quietly read a very long time : &I am told that her son,Why do you have to cut down the tree? && At the time I was playing, but he did not expect -- &George said to stutter.&Now, the tree will die, we will never get a cherry. But worse than that,I asked you to a good tree care, you have failed to do so. &George shame because there Lianyihong, we bow our heads.tears are going to come, said in a voice choked with sobs : &Sorry, Dad. &Mr. Washington hands on the children cheer.&Watching me,& he said, &loss of a tree, I would certainly be very difficult, but I am also very glad thatbecause you told me the truth with courage. I honestly prefer to have a courageous childdo not want to have planted a cherry tree was a lush growth of the orchards. We must bear in mind this point,son. &George Washington never forget this.He has been brave as a child is respected and until the end of life.: Taking the philosophy of education is difficult, if children make the wrong time to recognize and correct,parents should be happy, because the kids have the most valuable quality -- honesty.
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刘雅霏暑假日志3――紧张的英语考试作文 300字-400字 文/刘雅霏
刘雅霏暑假日志3――紧张的英语考试刘雅霏暑假日志3――紧张的英语考试 昨天的时候,我在中关村学英语已经15天了,听说要考试了,我心里非常的紧张,深怕因粗心大意而出错,考不了一百分而忧愁,但我总会安慰自己说:没事的,好好复习,就一定可以拿一百分的。 在这15天里,我学到了很多的知识,有48个音标+/ju:/,还有许许多多的单词,还有一些要背过的句子。当然,里面也有我不会的,这时候,我就要请教我的家教――爷爷喽! 昨天考试,我非常紧张,但转念一想:我这才学突破一,试卷上的题应该不是很难。我这才放下心来 试卷一放下来,我觉得有点难,但又有点不难。于是我便放下心来安心答题?????? 考完试了,放学了,我也不知道会考得怎样,不过,我希望我能考个好成绩。
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