大虾帮忙翻译下这个视频.(英语翻译中文) 万谢

In the teacher-student interaction, although the interaction between the two bodies are equal, but because of the particularity of the status of teachers, teacher-student interaction tends to dominate the content, form, process and results. Because the concept of education and teaching personal preference is different, there will be different when the teacher and the learner or learner group interaction behave differently, which appeared in the difference teacher-student interaction, and these differences are mainly in the following three aspects.Difference (1) of the object. Observed interaction between teachers and b interaction with learners were more than good grades of M communication with class cadre of more than sitting in the front row of the learners get interactiv sitting right hand side of the learner teachers more than the left hand side to get the att俯碃碘度鄢道碉权冬护ention of the learner. (2) differences in the content. Interaction between teachers and teaching boys not only content, but also for classroom discipline, and interact with the girls more aspects good interactive content and academic learners to learn the majority, with the academic poor learners often more interactive aspects of the discipline.Difference (3) scheme. When interacting with the higher levels of student achievement, teachers tend to use democracy, affirmation and positive way, and seemed very patient, often give tips, praise and encouragement. While interacting with low achievement levels of learners, teachers often seem impatient, more inclined to take authoritarian, negative and controlled manner. Meanwhile, teachers interact with learners when the difference is also reflected in the interaction time, interaction processes and so on. Teachers differences in these areas on the one hand reflects the teacher's teaching philosophy, on the other hand will form an interactive atmosphere in the classroom, thus affecting the classroom teacher-student interaction effect.求采纳谢谢,翻译了很久,只求采纳!!!
世纪联华)大卖场发展突飞猛进,在最近几年,成为现代城市零售业的重点。而KA业务员往往扮演着企业的谋士与重点零售客户的顾问的二重角色,收集信息,运作KA大卖场涉及的流程和部门比较多,互利共赢,面露喜色、广告费用摊派,这是现在企业面临的一个关键的问题,KA(大润发,不但条件苛刻,了解并解决解决其问题。如何利用有限的资源来维护好客情关系,导致企业运作市场通入运作费过高,各种节日。其作用通常包括建立维护重点零售客户的关系。同时,帮助其健康成长,其重要性日渐凸显,与重点零售客户搞好关系,共同成长、促销,制定计划重点零售客户一般简称KA,是英文Key Accountant的缩写,而且还要小心应承。以此为背景
A KA salesman often plays a double role of company adviser and KA retailers’ consultant. His function generally includes establishing and maintaining good relationship with KA retailers. A critical problem confronted by the present enterprises is how to maintain good customer relations with limited resources and get onwell with important retailer clients, Century Lianhua) have been developing by leaps and bounds, formulating strategic plans and helping them to grow healthily, this paper tries to further analyze as follows, understanding and solving their problems. In recent yearsImportant retailer clients are generally termed as KA, collecting information, the approaches of KA salesmen on the management and operations of KA hypermarkets, not only the conditions of apportioned charges for festival.U these have led to high operation costs for market access, to strike a win-win situation and to grow together, the hypermarkets of KA (RT-Mart, but it also has to be handled tactfully and has to show a happy face, promotions and advertising costs are harsh, the operations of KA hypermarkets involve many procedures and departments. M their importance is increasingly prominent and has become the focus of modern urban retail business, KA is key account for short
Key retail customers generally referred to as KA, is the English abbreviation of Key Accountant, in recent years, KA (RT-Mart, Century Lianhua supermarket development make a spurt of progress), its importance is obvious, become the focus of modern city retail. At the same time, the operation of KA hypermarkets and Department of the processes involved in more, causes the enterprise market access operation costs are too high, a variety of holiday, promotion, advertising costs apportion, not only the harsh conditions, but also to be careful that, face lit up. How to use the limited resources to maintain friendly relations, and focus on retail customer rel...
重点零售客户一般简称KA,是英文Key Accountant的缩写,在最近几年,KA(大润发,世纪联华)大卖场发展突飞猛进,其重要性日渐凸显,成为现代城市零售业的重点。同时,运作KA大卖场涉及的流程和部门比较多,导致企业运作市场通入运作费过高,各种节日、促销、广告费用摊派,不但条件苛刻,而且还要小心应承,面露喜色。如何利用有限的资源来维护好客情关系,与重点零售客户搞好关系,互利共赢,共同成长,这是现在企业面临的一个关键的问题。而KA业务员往往扮演着企业的谋士与重点零售客户的顾问的二重角色。其作用通常包括建立维护重点零售客户的关系,了解并解决解决其问题,收集信息,制定计划,帮助其健康成长。
出门在外也不愁汉音对照 哪位帮我翻译一下,几个英语,万分感谢 na wei bang wo fan yi yi xia , ji ge ying yu , wan fen gan xie - 王朝网络 -
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| 來源: 互联网&&本文为【】的汉字拼音对照版  this is the little garden in front of my house(这zhe是shi我wo家jia门men前qian的de小xiao花hua园yuan)  house's door  My hoouse dooor【】【】&今日推荐&&幽默笑话百态军事探索娱乐女性健康旅游互联网·······&&this is the little garden in front of my house(这是我家门前的小花园)
house's door
My hoouse dooor&  免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与王朝网络无关。王朝网络登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。&王朝美图& 02:46:11&&&&&&&转载本文&UBB代码&HTML代码复制到剪贴板...&更多内容··········&&&&频道精选&&网友关注··········&&热点推荐&01&&02&&03&&04&&05&&06&&07&&08&&09&&&&王朝女性&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝分栏&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝编程&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝导购&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝其他&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&&&2005-&&版权所有&在线等,英语翻译,十万火急,请各位大虾帮帮忙!万分感谢!_百度知道
The sociaty is now facing a period of comprehensive transition.Significant and profund changes have happened both on the economic system and the social strucure.Economic sectors,organization patterns,employment and living sytle are gradually diversified.However,social contradictions and social issues showed up.Hence, a government of high efficiency,smooth operation,regulated behaviour and meeting the social demands for development will play a major role in the promotion and improving of social administration during the transformation period.We can see some positive efforts the governmeng is working on:from all-aroundfrom rule of mafrom a closed one to an open one and from a controling one to a service one.The transition of the government function is a necessary for market economic development and buildi憨骸封缴莩剂凤烯脯楼ng a service-oriented government. 请参考!
At present, our society is in a period of comprehensively transitioning
economic system and social structure has changed significantly , economic composition, forms of organization, employment and way of life have become more diversified, social contradictions and social problems emerged . Therefore, high efficiency, coordinated operation, normative conduct, and development adaptive type goverment plays a leading position
in the strengthen of transitionning and improve the social management. The government is converting from all-pervasive government to limited government, from man-governed to law-governed, from closed to open , from control
其中,7-8Yrs hem badge 大约会超出下摆(hem)1cm,9-10Yrs hem badge大约会超出下摆(hem)0.5cm。badge 尺寸大约为6cm,较大于hem rib,所以此问题很难避免,请你理解!      烦请英文高手帮忙将这段话翻译成英文!万分感谢!
09-09-23 &
环保税和双重红利在一个充满活力的经济总理glomm 经济部在印第安纳大学布鲁明顿川口大司研究所的社会和经济研究大阪大学facundo塞普尔韦达研究学院社会科学澳大利亚国立大学1,2 5月25,2004 摘要本文探讨税收中性的绿色税制改革大致相同的双重红利hypothesis.using一个动态一般均衡模型校准,以美国经济,我们认为增加汽油税和使用收入,以减少资本所得税确实提供两种类型的福利收益:从更高的消费市场消费品(电子? ciency 股息) ,以及从一个更好的环境质量(一个绿色的股息) ,即使虽然在新的稳定状态环境质量还可能worsen.we 发现,由于现有的证据有多少住户都愿意以支付改善空气质素,大小,绿色的股息是非常小的绝对规模,和远小于电子? ciency股息。 1引言的可能性,绿色税务改革可能会产生双重红利,已成为一个主要问题是在环境政策arena.the双重红利海兰pothesis是很好的exposited在goulder [ 1995 ]和bovenberg [ 1999 ] ,除了从增加福利,由于较低的污染外部性, a'green'divi - dend ,环境税增加收入,可以用来降低其他前现行税制的扭曲,导致在福利收益从一个规模较小的重负损失的税收制度, or'e ? ciency'dividend 。因为它的吸引力,李娜真实,环境的税制改革已贴上标签a'no遗憾的选择' ,这本文探讨电子商务? ects环境税制改革,在该usalong 线的双重红利的假设。 以前的工作,对双重红利的问题,解决问题就性质最优税:审查是否在在场的既存扭曲的,最优的环境税首先在于它的pigovian level.here , 扭曲e ?等,增加环保税以上在哪一级边际污染损害的是内部应相比,该e ? ciency收益减少其他有影响力的文件, bovenberg 和德mooij [ 1994 ] ,研究是否增加税率,对污染良好的从其pigovian水平,并减少原有劳动的税收收入中立的时装将提供一个福利gain.their的主要调查结果表明, 虽然环境质量有所改善,电子商务? ciency红利不该模型,环保税,从而以更扭曲atthe保证金比劳动税,凭借他们的电子商务?等就组成该生产bundle.this重要成果,已成为加强石料,并已证明鲁棒了大量的扩展,包括资本积累动态( egbovenberg和goulder [ 1996 ] , bovenberg和斯穆尔德斯[ 1996 ] ) 。


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