
凡是睡着了的人都很丑,My fault?  中文释义:难道怪我吗,6、丑的人都睡了,来源:一个很黄很暴力的动漫《潜行吧,F**k off your sleep, rock up and let's have fun!  中文释义:别再睡了,My heart is almost collapsed at the moment.  中文释义:表达内心的无奈和崩溃,The ugly are asleep, while the handsome are awake.  中文释义:此刻,But it is of no damn use.  中文释义:虽然厉害得不得了,He wastes his beautiful face by making a living by his talent.  中文释义:在这个看脸的世界,Important things are to be repeated for 3 times.  中文释义:某件事情我重复了三遍...
1.come on! (常用,朋友之间)
2.cheer up!(振作起来!加油!)
3.go ahead!(尽管向前吧!)
5.fighting!(韩国人好像特别喜欢这么说~~前面还加A ZA A ZA,是韩文的加油的意思)
profession 专业 名词
major 专指大学里的专业
内衣裤 内衣类; 衬衣 潜水内衣 :underwear
内衣, 贴身衣:underclothes
衬衫, 内衣 :shirt
内衣, 裙子, 内裙 :underdress
内衣, 贴身衣 内衣,衬衣undergarment
最常见的是cheers, 另外也可以用Bottoms up,因为这个比较形象,意思就是把杯底倒过来,就是“干杯”之意。
另外,还有一种说法就是toast, 请看下面例句:
I'd like to ask everyone here join me in a toast for....
mobile/mobile phone/ cellphone /handphone / handset(这种较少 ,也指听筒) /etc
固定搭配,make use of sth. 中文意思是对……加以利用。
这道题考得是定语从句与make use of 的用法。定语从句中可省略what...
because much mean alot, well is not use in this place, you can use well w...
He robbed me a cell phone, a cell phone he stole my
答: 今天下午刚去做了4维,问医生漂不漂亮,帅不帅,他说比我老公漂亮,脸像我,这是什么意思啊!
答: training management assistant
答: natural science
答: 翻译:education management
相关问答:123456789101112131415 您现在的位置:&&>>&&>>&&>>&手机的利弊英文翻译正文
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phone
“手机的利与弊”属提纲式各抒己见类。也有书把此类模式的作文归类于匹配对比类或比较对比类作文。写作的套是“一些人认为―― ;而另一些人认为―― 。我的看法是―― 。”
这是篇提纲式议论文。根据提纲提示,可采用三段式行文,也可开篇引出导言段后,再采用四段式行文。经分析,文中所给的三个汉语提示均可视为该段的主题句。全文框架如下,第一段主题句为:Cell phones are getting mor二段主题句提纲点为:advanta第三段的主题句提纲点为:disadvantag段的主题句应为:My view is…。其全文及各框架具体构思如下:
The cell phones are getting more and more popular and important.
Advantages of the cell phone
Disadvantages of the cell phone
My view is…
Topic Sentence
The cell phone plays a more and more important role.
Developing Sentence
It has both advantages and disadvantages.
Topic Sentence advantages of the cell phone
Developing sentence 1 facilitate people’s life
Developing sentence 2 convenient for both callers and callees
Developing sentence 3 can be used as a tool to get on Internet
第三段:Topic Sentence disadvantages of the cell phone
Developing sentence 1 expensive to buy and use it
Developing sentence 2 might be harmful to people’s health
第四段:Topic sentence My view is its positive aspects outweigh its negative aspects
Developing sentence It has a bright future in development
IT(information Technology)信息技术
cell phone手机
cellular phone users手机用户
get on Internet上网
wirelemobile telephone无绳移动电话
via Internet通过因特网
conduct e-commerce从事电子商务 multifunction多功能
around the globe service全球服务 pocket computer袖珍电脑
Nowadays…but like everything else,….
First,…Second,…Most important of all,…
However, …To make matters worse, …worst of all, …Last but not least,…
In my opinion, …And…
Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT, cell phones play a more and more important role in people’s life.
Nowadays, cellular phones are getting more and more popular in China. However, it has both advantages and disadvantages.
With the development of information industry and its service levels being improved, more and more people nowadays use cellular phones.
As a useful communication tool and a good companion in modern life , cellular phones have both positive and negative points.
As is well known, everything has two sides. Likewise, cell phones have both positive and negative aspects.
It will be developed into Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers in the future. In a word, the advantages of the cell phone greatly outweigh its disadvantages.
With the rapid development of China’s telecommunications, the expenses of the cell phone will be greatly reduced, so that everyone will be able to afford one.
Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT, cell phones play a more and more important role in people’s life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.
First ,it’s useful. As a wirelemobile telephone ,it’s easy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life. Second, it’s convenient. Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately. Most important of all, it’s a very helpful companion. With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the net, browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce and doing whatever one can do via Internet.
However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages,. To begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp. that of global service. To make matter worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it’s alleged the micro-waves in it might do harm to people’s health.
In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China’s entry into the WTO,. Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And I believe its advantages will not only offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.
最后,权衡利弊,通过“In my opinion”作者亮出自己的观点:随着中国入世手机费用的下降,“利”会远远超过“弊“,且手机未来的趋势会向掌上电脑型发展。
手机的利弊英文翻译2    〖预览〗随着科技的发达,手机的研发更是变化无穷,原本那笨重的水壶刑大哥大摇身一变,最后变成了一部仅有0.5公分薄的手机。随之,许多的电信公司也不忘有其赚取丰厚的利润,纷纷推出了促销活动来吸引用户。  这种高科技的发明的确为各国的经济发展提升了不少,也为人类带来了许多好处,无论我们身在何处,只须轻轻按下手机键,话机的另一方马上会传来了一把自己期望听见的声音,这就所谓的方便。  手机里所备有的功能很多,当中包括游戏设定,发短信息,闹钟提示,备忘录,电台收听,照相机,计算机等功能。这样多姿多彩的功能在适当的时候使用,好处虽多,一旦月在不正当的地方,它将会是导致作奸犯科的祸首了。  总而言之,手机有很多好处只要我们善于利便能发挥到积极也能让我们感到方便。……【】手机的利弊英文翻译3    〖预览〗电脑的利与弊作文400字(一)  现在是信息时代,电脑是不可少的。在网上可以做很多事情,比如看书、娱乐、炒股、聊天,它可以让你增加知识,交到朋友,也可以让你掉进万丈深渊,这就是电脑的利与弊。下面我给你介绍网络的利与弊。  在网络上可以和自己的朋友聊天,即使他远在千里,你也会感到他近在咫尺,哪像从前还要飞鸽传书,就算邮寄的也起码要两三天呢。在网络上还可以把自己的得意之作发表上去,让大家来点评,既可以知道作品的好坏,又可以提高自己的写作水平。  虽然在网络上有非常多的好处,但如果使用不当,也会给自己带来许多麻烦。有很多人因为在网络上被人诈骗而走上了极端,甚至有些人因为没有上网吧的钱,所以走上了犯罪道路。还有些人长期待在电脑面前,引发腰间盘突出。网络构造了一个虚拟世界,它可能会让意志薄弱者跌入“泥潭”而不能自拔。我们要做网络的主人,而不要成为它的奴隶。  电脑的利与弊作文400字(二)  现在,电脑已经逐渐成为我们生活不可缺少的东西。随着世界的科技发展,电脑网络在我们生活中的用途也越来越大,工作,生活,学习都离不开它。  会利用电脑网络来提高自己的知识水平的人,当然在学习,工作等各方面的成绩出类拔萃;而那些利用网络游戏来占满自己的所有生活空间的人,当然各方面的成绩都一落千丈。  网络给了人类很大的帮助,但网络的不同作用,再加……【】手机的利弊英文翻译4    〖预览〗我的爸爸最近一段时间,不知道是怎么一回事?竟然迷上了手机,他把手机总是揣在身边,寸步不离的,就好像是什么宝贝似的。老是看着手机。不信,你就听我讲一讲,我爸爸已经到达痴迷的地步了。  早上,一起床,他就坐在被窝里,拿着手机就在看。我问爸爸:“你到底在看什么?”爸爸不耐烦地说:“我看小说呢!”原来,是这样的呀!我想爸爸一定是迷恋上这部小说了,要不,总是看着手机,到达这样如痴如醉的境界呢!他每天都是如此,床上要看个半个小时,在妈妈的再三催促下,爸爸才起来刷牙,洗脸。爸爸在上厕所的时候,也真是见缝插针呀,坐在马桶上,手里还拿着手机在翻看。接着,是吃早饭了。爸爸还一边吃着饭,一边看着手机。至于,白天爸爸上班有没有看我就不知道了,不过,照这种情况的话,我想爸爸只要有时间,肯定是会看的。到了晚上回家吃晚饭的时候,爸爸也是这样,一边吃饭,一边看手机。爸爸 就连洗脚的时候,也是一边看着手机,一边洗脚。晚上睡觉之前,也还是坐在床上,要看很久才肯罢休,嘴里还嘟囔囔着:“眼睛疼死了。”我想,你眼睛不疼那才叫怪呢!这么长时间对着手机,怎么可能会不疼呢?  你说,我爸爸看手机是不是已经达到痴迷的地步了!我也真是醉了!……【】手机的利弊英文翻译5    〖预览〗Nowadays,more and more people prefer to travel quite often. By traveling, we not onlycan relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles. From my aspect, I thinkwe can make many friends and travel with them.
Firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. Formodern life, we are busy with our work with high pressure. However, when wetravel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from bothwork and life.
Secondly, we can make friends by traveling.For most travelers, they tend to find many companions to travel with. If yo……【】手机的利弊英文翻译6    〖预览〗The Advantage And Disadvantage of Part-time Job
As students of today have to pay much attention to our lessons and know little of society though it’s not our fault.A holiday is the best time to make up for that.Taking a part-time job is a good form of social practice.What is learned in books can’t have the same deep effect on us as what is learned through experience. In social practice,we can surely make progrein both knowledge and ability.Besides,taking a part-time job,we may get paid more or leto help our family.
Thus,I will say a senior school student should ……【】手机的利弊英文翻译7    〖预览〗omes smaller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.
People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and uickly. You don t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attracti……【】手机的利弊英文翻译8    〖预览〗11111As we know, with the development of society, more and more students are having cellphone. They are given as presents from parents, friends or relatives. In my opinion, the disadvantages are much more obvious than advantages of using cellphone. Here are my reasons.
First, cellphone will distract us from listening to the teachers in class. For example, while we are having class, and the cellphone rings, no doubt, it will distrub all of us, including teachers and students. So it will have an negative effect on our study.
Second, it is clear to us that using ce……【】
  手机的利弊英文翻译所属栏目:〖 尚无数据〗
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shou ji liu liang
liuliang of shouji
dataflow .
traffic data
4G or 3G or GPRS ?
river blowing in phone
It's called data bundle here. You can say my package contains 800m data usage/month.
mobile data
Traffic 有表示“流量”的意思。但倾向于是“(交通)流量”。
data usage,
Calculate my usage for downloading a song
posting a message on the English Forum. 算算我下首歌 或 发个帖 的流量 amount of data transferred
比如:Some service providers charge by the amount of data transferred.
有些服务商 根据流量收费。 data plan,
比如: I have a 3G data plan.
我的手机是 3G 流量个人经验 , 非通信专业答案。
cellphone traffic
就是 data ……
data usage


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