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Susie May Isaacs,my great grandmother,was a beautiful woman,both in person and in spirit.She lived through two World Wars and the Great Depression.She was born in a boat in Western Oklahoma to a Cheyenne Indian father and white mother.During the eleven years I knew her.I received the gifts of witnessing determination,courage,love and perseverance.Ma lost her leg when she was 83 due to poor circulation and was told she would be in a wheelchair the rest of her life.The doctors were astonished when she left the hospital using a cane and had named her new wooden leg “Peggy”.In 1982 Ma had a heart attack and was diagnosed with heart failure.During the weeks she was in ICU(监护病房),the hospital did not allow children to visit.Ma became very upset and refused to eat until she was allowed to see her sixteen great­grandchildren.We all had received bibles from her as babies which were filled with clippings(剪报) of jokes and stories.When we saw Ma,she gave us all $5.With the help of our parents we bought 16 new bibles for her to sign and fill with her clippings.None expected her to be able to sign them all before she passed away.But we all underestimated her courage and strength when she was released from her “death bed” to go home and began her task of love.During her last month she signed all the bibles and gave them to us filled with clippings and hand written poems.Many years before Ma's death she had told her friends she would die on a Sunday so she could meet her Lord when he wasn't so busy.She had a massive heart attack on Thursday afternoon.She endured eight heart attacks between then and Sunday morning at six when she went on to meet her Lord.苏茜梅艾萨克斯,我的曾祖母,在人与精神上是一个美丽的女人.她经历过两次世界大战和经济大萧条.她出生在俄克拉何马州西部一艘夏安族印第安人的父亲和白人母亲.我知道她在十一年.我收到的礼物见证的决心、勇气、爱和毅力.马失去了她的腿,她是83年因血液循环不良和被告知她将在轮椅上度过余生.医生很惊讶当她离开医院使用手杖和任命她的新木腿“佩吉”.1982年马英九心脏病发作和被诊断出患有心力衰竭.周期间她在ICU(监护病房),医院不允许孩子去.马变得非常沮丧,并拒绝吃,直到她被允许见她十六大­孙子.我们都收到了圣经从她的婴儿,充满了剪报(剪报)的笑话和故事.当我们看到妈妈,她给了我们所有人5美元.在父母的帮助下,我们为她买了16个新圣经签署,充满她的剪报.没有期望她能够签字之前,她去世了.但是我们都低估了她的勇气和力量,当她从“死床”被释放回家,开始爱的她的任务.在她上个月她签了所有的圣经,交给我们充满了剪报和手写的诗.多年前马的死她告诉她的朋友她会死在一个周日的主,这样她就可以见到她时,他不是很忙.周四下午她有严重的心脏病发作.她经历了八个心脏病之间,星期天早上六点她去见了上帝.
两个量之间的关系:胡克定律的表达式为F=-kx或△F=-kΔx,其中k是常数,是物体的劲度(倔强)系数.在国际单位制中,F的单位是牛,x的单位是米,它是形变量(弹性形变),k的单位是牛/米.倔强系数在数值上等于弹簧伸长(或缩短)单位长度时的弹力. 它是由英国力学家胡克(Robert Hooke, ) 于1678年发现的,实际上早于他1500年前,东汉的经学家和教育家郑玄(公元127-200)为《考工记·马人》一文的“量其力,有三钧”一句作注解中写到:“假设弓力胜三石,引之中三尺,驰其弦,以绳缓擐之,每加物一石,则张一尺.”以正确地提示了力与形变成正比的关系,郑玄的发现要比胡克要早一千五百年.因此胡克定律应称之为“郑玄——胡克定律
太多了吧?材料力学和弹性力学的基本规律之一.由R.胡克于1678年提出而得名.胡克定律的内容为:在材料的线弹性范围内,固体的单向拉伸变形与所受的外力成正比;也可表述为:在应力低于比例极限的情况下,固体中的应力σ与应变ε成正比,即σ=Εε,式中E为常数,称为弹性模量或杨氏模量.把胡克定律推广应用于三向应力和应变状态,则可得到广义胡克定律.胡克定律为弹性力学的发展奠定了基础.两个量之间的关系:胡克定律的表达式为F=-kx或△F=-kΔx,其中k是常数,是物体的劲度(倔强)系数.在国际单位制中,F的单位是牛,x的单位是米,它是形变量(弹性形变),k的单位是牛/米.倔强系数在数值上等于弹簧伸长(或缩短)单位长度时的弹力. 它是由英国力学家胡克(Robert Hooke,) 于1678年发现的,实际上早于他1500年前,东汉的经学家和教育家郑玄(公元127-200)为《考工记·马人》一文的“量其力,有三钧”一句作注解中写到:“假设弓力胜三石,引之中三尺,驰其弦,以绳缓擐之,每加物一石,则张一尺.”以正确地提示了力与形变成正比的关系,郑玄的发现要比胡克要早一千五百年.因此胡克定律应称之为“郑玄——胡克定律One of the basic rules of material mechanics and elastic mechanics.Proposed by Hooke R.in 1678 and named.Hooke's law of the content is:in the linear elastic range of the material,the tensile deformation of solids and the external forc also can be expressed as:the stress below the proportional limit cases,solid in the stress and strain is proportional to,i.e.σ = epsilon epsilon,where E is constant,called the elastic modulus or young's modulus.The application of Hooke's law in three to the stress and strain state,can be generalized Hooke law.It lays the foundation for the development of Hooke's law of elasticityThe relationship between the two quantities:the expression of Hooke's law for the F = -kx and △ F=-k △ x,where k is a constant,is the object's stiffness coefficient (Jue Qiang).In the international system of units,F units are cattle,X is measured in meters,it is the deformation(elastic deformation),K unit is a cow / m.Stubborn coefficient equal to spring elongation in value (or shorten) per unit length of elastic.It was founded by the British scientists Hooke (Robert Hooke,) found in 1678,actually predates him before 1500,the scientist and educator Zheng Xuan in the Eastern Han Dynasty (127-200 AD) the power to "Kao Gong Ji,Ma," the "three Jun," one comment read"hypothesis:the bow - three stone,the three ruler,following the string,to rope slowly pass through,each with a stone,is a ruler." In order to correctly the force and form into aproportional relationship,Zheng Xuan found one thousand five hundred years earlier thanHooke.So Hooke's law should be called "Zheng Xuan -- Hooke's law
One of the basic rules of material mechanics and elastic mechanics. Proposed by Hooke R. in 1678 and named. Hooke's law of the content is: in the linear elastic range of the material, the tensile defo...


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