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英文翻译 bid◇出价人 出价最高的投标人 highest-bidder
例句与用法1.The house went to the highest bidder .房子卖给了出价最高的人。2.The office block is under offer .办公大楼已有人出价购买。3.A bid may be withdrawn before the fall of the hammer .在锤子落下来之前,出价可以收回。4.He raised his offer to 500 .他把出价提高到500。5.This design reflects a cost-conscious approach to space flight .这种设计反映出价值观念已进入空间飞行。6.I took one look at the car and offered to buy
it there and then .我看了一眼那辆汽车当时就出价买了下来。7.He suggests that principles which have a price can be offensive .他暗示如果原则可以出价购买,那会是唐突的。8.Hunter had drawn the plans, calculated the cost and prepared the estimate .是亨特订下计划,计算费用,估出价钱来的。9.She heard him make an offer for her boy the ridiculous little goose .她听到那个人出价想买她的孩子那小傻瓜多好笑啊。10.Gesticulating wildly , the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous .那人发狂似地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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Bidder has carefully reviewed all tender documents, including the revision of the file (if any) and all the interface information and related accessories. We fully understand and have agreed to waive this right to an unknown and misunderstood.
Bidders has been reviewed in detail all tender documents, including revision of documents (if any) as well as information on all interfaces and related accessories. We fully understand and agree to give up on this right of unknown and misunderstood.
The tenderer examined in detail tenders completely the document, including the amendment file (for example some speeches) as well as the complete connection material and the related appendix.We understood completely and agreed gives up have unclear and the misunderstanding right to this aspect.
The bidder has a detailed review of all tender documents, including the modified file (if any) and all the interface information and the relevant annex. We fully understand and agree to give up rights of unidentified and misunderstood in this respect.
The bidder has a detailed review of all tender documents, including the modified file (if any) and all the interface information and the relevant annex. We fully understand and agree to give up rights of unidentified and misunderstood in this respect.
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