
亲爱的姐姐,早点睡觉了哟,不要太晚了,晚安.. 翻译
亲爱的姐姐,早点睡觉了哟 更多: ,不要太晚了,晚安
翻译结果(英语)1:My dear sister, go to bed early yo 更多: , do not be too late, good night翻译结果(英语)2:Dear sister, go to bed early 更多: , not too late, good night翻译结果(英语)3:Dear sister, go to bed early the hey 更多: , don't too late, good night
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中文简体 中文翻译 英语 日语 韩语 俄语 德语 法语 阿拉伯文 西班牙语 葡萄牙语 意大利语 荷兰语 瑞典语 希腊语 捷克语 丹麦语 匈牙利语 希伯来语 波斯语 挪威语 乌尔都语 罗马尼亚语 土耳其语 波兰语
翻译结果1In this way, the newspaper people will become less and less
翻译结果2In this way, the newspaper people will become less and less
翻译结果3In doing so, let's look at the report of the people will become less and less
翻译结果4As the matter stands, reads a newspaper the human will become more and more little
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Not to sleep too late in the evening, Monday to Friday, you can not meet with your friends, you can not be too late to go home.
Please don't go to bed too late. You can't go home too late and hang out with your friends on weekdays
Don't sleep too late on Monday night, to five, you can't meet your friend, you can't be too late to go home
Don't sleep too late. From Monday to Friday, you can't meet your friends, you can't be too late to go home望采纳
Don't go to bed too late. in the evening. From monday to friday, you can't meet your friends or go back late.英语翻译每天晚上睡时一闭眼都会很想念你.很想知道远方的你过得怎么样.会担心你是否有遇到不开心的事.很想每天都见你多一点.真的很想念你._百度作业帮
Every day when I
close my eyes
are happy.
Sleep every night when closed my eyes will miss you very much. Wonder afar. How have you been will be worried if you have something bad happens. Want to see you a little bit more every day. Really miss you.
Sleep every night when closed my eyes will miss you very much. Wonder afar. How have you been will be worried if you have something bad happens. Want to see you a little bit more every day. Really miss you.就是这样
每天晚上睡时一闭眼都会很想念你.Sleep every night when closed my eyes will miss you very much.很想知道远方的你过得怎么样.Want to know how you far away.会担心你是否有遇到不开心的事.Worried about whether you have met unh...
close my eyes
I will miss you 。(I)Want to know how have you been faraway!I'm worried about whether you have met unhappy things !(I)Hope to see you more every day !I really miss you!仅供参考,虽然用I作主语会很俗,但是我想你也想强调一下你自己吧!!!


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