他们的光碟 金太阳英语光碟翻译

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英文翻译blank disc&&&& margin&&&& ray&&&& sau ...&&&& blank disc&&&&blank cd&&&&blank raster&&&& ...&&&& cd-r ...&&&& margin
行与行之间留出 ...&&&&clear panel&&&& whitelight&&&&guang-hong bai&&&&guangming bai&&&& paik kwang-sun&&&&white raster
例句与用法According to section 3 of the ordinance , no person shall manufacture pre - recorded or blank optical discs in hong kong unless he holds a valid licence . section 4 also stipulates that no licensee shall manufacture optical discs in any place in hong kong other than a licensed premises根据条例第3条的规定,任何人除非持有有效的牌照,否则不得在香港制造预先录制或空白光碟;条例第4条则规定,除在获发牌照的处所外,持牌人不得在香港的任何地方制造光碟。 &&
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光盘 基本解释光盘[guāng pán]词典:光盘。词典:激光[镭射]唱片,光盘。词典光盘 汉英大词典光盘[guāng pán]light disk光盘 网络解释1. Optical disk:光存储器如光盘(opticaldisk)存储器. 闪速存储器(FlashMemory)简称闪存,闪存的特性介于EPROM和EEPROM①地址寄存器(MAR)用来存放由地址总线提供的将要访问的存储单元的地址码,MAR②数据寄存器(MDR)用来存放要写入存储体的数据或从存储体中读取的数据.2. CD-ROM:另一个常用的典型例子是目速度与光盘(CDROM)的读出速度是相适配的(150KB/s). MPEG2 是高质量演奏方式(Rendition)信息:演奏方式信息指的是一类与媒体直接相将单媒体(Content)信息聚焦和复合起来,构成多媒体对象的方法.光盘 双语例句1. 光盘1. 在多轨光盘上,激光头会在每个轨道之间停顿(这意味着你不能用这种方式刻录没有间隙的音乐光盘)。&&&&You burn on the CD-R all data (2048 of 2352) but recalculate - thereby changing them - all correction codes.2. 顷刻间,地面上出现了一个巨大的绿金色银河系光盘,而我就站在银河系光盘的中央,不屑地看着脸色大变的迷彩女子和她的同伙,手中前指,空中的光云顿时发出一道绿金色的闪电,带着澎湃异常的强力,直劈迷彩女子等人所在的山顶。&&&&The camouflage paint female starts obviously to realize not being wonderful when I recited the incantation. It is possible that the green golden color light field to have brought the huge pres saw the several ten thousands unions armed force soldiers already wields the light sword3. 它在光盘随身听后面。&&&&It was behind the CD Walkman.4. 苏阳,你的光盘随身听在哪里?&&&&Where`s your CD Walkman, Su Yang?5. 光盘什么意思5. 这是继随身听,CD随身听,迷你光盘播放器后的新一代产品。&&&&They are the next step on from the Walkman, Discman and MD player.6. 光盘6. 它在光盘随身听后面。&&&&It was behind the CDWalkman.7. 王平送给他一本故事书,小红送给他一个日记本,妈妈送给他一个光盘随身听。&&&&Wang gave him a story book, Little Red gave him a diary, his mother gave him a CD player.8. 王平送给他一本故事书,小红送给他一个日记本,妈妈送给他一个光盘随身听。&&&&This is the first time he had such a meaningful birthday, there's inner friend, there are my dear family.9. 该产品可用于所有的音频视频设备,如数码影音光碟/光碟播放器,光盘,随身听,mp3/mp4 ,ipod音乐播放机和个人电脑等。&&&&The products can be used for all Audio-vedio device such as DVD/VCD player, CD, walkman, MP3/MP4, Ipod player and PC, etc. Qiyin Electronic Co., Ltd.10. 10. 国内价格也高于此,如昨天在中国新的推动,索尼的蓝光驱动器的价格,是3999元,高于售价则是普通DVD近10倍的价格,与高达每进口加上蓝光光对光盘170元,蓝光在中国市场的蓝光驱动器的销售价格将低迷。&&&&Domestic prices are also higher than this price, such as yesterday`s new push in China, Sony`s Blu-ray drive is priced at 3999 yuan, higher than an ordinary DVD nearly 10 times the price, coupled with imports of each of up to Blu-ray Disc about the price of 170 yuan, Blu-ray drive sales in the Chinese market will be in the doldrums.11. 所有这些再加上一个大的光盘,在四个轮子和一个电子制动力分销系统的获取和惠益分享的最先进的制动系统的单位之一。&&&&&&All this plus a braking system with big discs on all four wheels and one of the most advanced ABS units with an electronic brake force distributor.12. <p class="p英语专业所设置的视听说课是一门特殊的技能综合课程,通过录音、文字、卡通、实景、电视、光盘等多媒体途径,全方位向学习者传递语言信息,强化语&&&&&&Cooperative L Audio-visual and Speaking C E E teaching plan13. 13. 英迈公司多年来针对网印工业深入研究与开发,已形成规模化一条龙服务,产品包括:制版机械、网印机械、烘干网版机械及辅助材料设备等不同系列,涉及多个行业,多种商品,如:包装装潢、铬牌、商标、曲面容器、陶瓷贴花纸、平面玻璃装饰、汽车玻璃、服装服饰、交通标志、艺术品、广告、玩具、工艺礼品、化妆品、光盘等。&&&&&&Producrs include plating machine, press machine, dryer nmachine and assistance equipment, which invdve many professes and different commodities, such as packaging, name plate, trademark, curved-surface container, pattern paper for ceramic, plane glass, automobile glass, costume and dress, artworks, advereising, toy, promvtional prducts, cosmetic bottle, discs and so on..14. 14. 不同层次的声音争夺着有限的波段:来自最新日本流行乐的高音调颤声;大喇叭恳请大家不要错过女式连裤袜的打折销售,要赶快抢购;不同商店的音乐相互竞争着,宣传着自己的商品:蛋糕、CD光盘、章鱼小丸子;还有从松竹座那里传来的招牌式歌舞伎声音——急促的木屐声。&&&&&&Several layers of sounds competed for available airwaves: the high-pitched warble of the latest J-P a distorted entreaty, relayed by megaphone, to partake of an unmissable discount on panty- competing storefront jingles advertising cakes, CDs, and takoyaki and, wafting from Shochiku-za, the accelerating clatter of wooden blocks that is the trademark sound of kabuki.15. 15. 研究结果说明STM是研究光盘微观结构的有力工具。&&&&&&It is demonstrated that STM is a powerful tool to investigate the microstructure of the optical disc.16. 每张光盘在其自己单独的案件,所有10个案件在一个小而坚固的纸板箱,。&&&&&&Each disc is in its own seperate case, and all ten cases are put in a small yet sturdy cardboard box.17. 17. 的EZ三维? DVD的有一个预设的观景窗开始时,该光盘是从封装。&&&&&&The ez-D? DVD has a preset viewing window that begins when the disc is removed from the package.18. 金马凯打提供一系列的标识产品,包括喷墨编码机、激光编码机、墨轮打码机、热打码机、标签打印机、贴标机、纸箱滚印机、热传式智能打码机及固体墨轮、热打印色带等,广泛应用于食品、饮料、医药、珠宝、烟草、光盘、日化、物流、自动化及电子元件等行业,为众多大型的跨国集团和国内大中型企业提供服务。&&&&&&Jin Ma Kai playing provide a range of identification products, including ink-jet coding machine, laser coding machine, inkòúround, hotòú, label printers, labeling machine, carton roll printer, hot Chuan playing smart code plane and solid ink wheel, thermal print ribbons, etc., are widely used in food, beverage, medicine, jewelry, tobacco, CD-ROMs, day of, logistics, automation and electronic components industries, for many large multinational corporations and domestic large and medium-sized enterprises provide services.19. 这与-fni(禁止对IDE硬盘操作使用直接IDE访问支持)类似。但noide禁用还包括ATAPI光盘刻录机、磁带驱动器及其他IDE设备。&&&&&&This is equivalent to -fni for IDE disks, but noide also affects ATAPI CD writers, tape drives, and other IDE devices.20. 你必须在10天之内把录像和光盘驱动器还回来。&&&&&&You have to return the video and the CD-ROM in ten days'time.光盘是什么意思,光盘在线翻译,光盘什么意思,光盘的意思,光盘的翻译,光盘的解释,光盘的发音,光盘的同义词,光盘的反义词,光盘的例句,光盘的相关词组,光盘意思是什么,光盘怎么翻译,单词光盘是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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