
求高手帮忙翻译一下汽车专业英语啊,急求啊~~~九:Electronic control system consists of various engine sensors, electronic control unit (ECU), fuel injector assemblies, and related wiring. The ECU determines precisely how much fuel needs to be delivered by _百度作业帮
求高手帮忙翻译一下汽车专业英语啊,急求啊~~~九:Electronic control system consists of various engine sensors, electronic control unit (ECU), fuel injector assemblies, and related wiring. The ECU determines precisely how much fuel needs to be delivered by
九:Electronic control system consists of various engine sensors, electronic control unit (ECU), fuel injector assemblies, and related wiring. The ECU determines precisely how much fuel needs to be delivered by the injector by monitoring the engine sensors. 十:The engine cooling system actually is a temperature regulation system to protect engine from self-destruction. About one-third of the heat produced in the engine is converted into power, another third goes out through the exhaust pipe unused, and the remaining third must be carried away by the cooling system(some is utilized for heating the passenger compartment).十一:In detail, the cooling system is made up of the passages (water jacket) inside the engine block and heads, a water pump to circulate the coolant, a thermostat to control the temperature of the coolant, a radiator to cool the coolant, a radiator cap to control the pressure in the system, and some plumbing consisting of interconnecting hoses to transfer the coolant from the engine to radiator and also to the car‘s heater system where hot coolant is used to warm up the vehicle’s interior on a cold day. 十二:Some vehicles, particularly high performance or diesel engines, are equipped with engine oil cooler. The purpose is to reduce the temperature of the oil, preventing oxidation and increasing the oil’s lubricating and protecting properties. 十三:Petrol engines and engines operating on gas require an ignition system. This needed to provide the sparks that fire the charges in the combustion chambers. For this reason, petrol engines are sometimes referred to as spark-ignition engines. This distinguishes them from diesel engines that do not need a spark because they use compression ignition. 十四:The automotive ignition system has
it must control the spark and timing of the spark plug firing to match varying engine requirements , and it must increase battery voltage to a point where it will overcome the resistance offered by the spark plug gap and fire the plug . 十五:Ignition timing is defined as the time in degrees of crankshaft rotation that the spark occurs idle.This is called the base or initial timing.The initial timing is adjusted several degrees BTDC, engine speed and load increase, the timing must increase.The initial timing is set by means of adjusting the distributor.十六:The starting switch activates the system. In the modern automobiles this switch is part of the keyed ignition.The ignition switch usually has four positions: accessories, off, on (run), start.
All the ignition switch positions expect start have dents . That is , the switch remains in those positions until moved by the operator.
九。电子控制系统是由许多的引擎感应器,电子控制单元,燃油喷油器组件和连接线构成的,电子控制单元通过监控引擎感应器,精确控制通过燃油喷油器组件注入引擎的燃料。的确不是什么专业的词汇 楼主你真是懒
Nine:Electronic control system consists of various engine sensors, electronic control unit ( ECU ), fuel injector assemblies, and related wiring. The ECU determines precisely how much fuel needs ...问题补充&&
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Powered by求英语专业高手帮忙翻译下面一段话, 要专业的 麻烦了 很急很急的....我没有分 但是希望能帮帮忙啊_百度知道
求英语专业高手帮忙翻译下面一段话, 要专业的 麻烦了 很急很急的....我没有分 但是希望能帮帮忙啊
The high and new technology,高新科技. These all cities and scenic spots are what I like and glamorous、观光资源的历史名城奈良,丰富的日本文化以及很多具有本土风情的城市景点都是令人向往的, rich Japanese culture and many local-style city scenic spots are very glamorous. 日本是一个具有浓郁特色的礼仪之邦, with many institutions of higher education,
Osaka former site, there are cities like Osaka,拥有丰富的文化遗产。 For example, which is a historical city with rich cultureal heritage
and the first highest mountian, and Four heavenly king temple.譬如有着诸多高等学府及大阪城旧址.和四天王寺等名胜古迹的大阪,位于静冈; like the city of NaraJapan is a state of ceremonies which is possessed unique feature、山梨县境内的日本第一高峰富士山等等诸多日本的令人神往的城市以及景点都是我所喜欢所向往的, Fujiyama which is located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi
我也是 真心想帮楼主来着 一看小日本 还是正面介绍 。。。。。。。。我睡觉去了
出门在外也不愁【急】求英语高手解释几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!我也大致翻译一些.但是正确率不高,请指正!1,A species can be defined as a set of organisms thatshare a gene pool and breed with each other.物种可以被定义为as一套彼此共_百度作业帮
【急】求英语高手解释几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!我也大致翻译一些.但是正确率不高,请指正!1,A species can be defined as a set of organisms thatshare a gene pool and breed with each other.物种可以被定义为as一套彼此共
我也大致翻译一些.但是正确率不高,请指正!1,A species can be defined as a set of organisms thatshare a gene pool and breed with each other.物种可以被定义为as一套彼此共享着基因库和breed的生物体. 迷惑点1:不知道as在这里的意思,是作为吗?迷惑点2:breed也是品种,物种的意思吧~~那么和species有什么不同吗? 2. The lack of interspecies breeding results from mechanisms that promote breeding with conspecifics and those that interpose a reproductive barrier between species.*(翻译得乱七八糟`T-T)种间繁殖的缺乏是由于与同种个体的促进繁殖和在种何种之间干预生殖隔离的机制. 迷惑点1:promote breeding with conspecifics 似乎不应该翻译成 同种个体的促进繁殖 啊~~迷惑点2:那个“mechanisms that” 是指的后面的“ promote breeding with conspecifics and those ”这两个?还是只是and前面的那个“ promote breeding with conspecifics”? 3. Reproductive barriers can occur prior to or after fertilization. If fertilization is successful,there exist genetic pathways that lead to sterile or inviable interspecies hybrids.生殖隔离能发生在受精前和受精后.如果受精成功的话,会存在导致不育的或者不可生存的种间杂交的遗传通路.翻译的对吗?从语法角度上! 4. Anatomy, physiology, and geographical isolationimpose prefertilization barriers to interspecies breeding. 植物学,生理学还有地理隔离对种间的繁殖impose受精前隔离什么什么的.(乱七八糟了.)*(那个to到底是应该理解成指示对象的“对~”还是barriers to这个短语阿?)迷惑点1:isolation 和 barrier 的区别迷惑点2:impose在这个文中的意思完全不懂啊!
我感觉楼主的问题在于句子成分不会分析,看一下我的翻译和句子paraphrase,有问题再追问. A species can be defined as a set of organisms (that share a gene pool and breed with each other).物种可以被定义为一套共享基因库并互相繁殖的有机体. 迷惑点1:不知道as在这里的意思,是作为吗?(是作为的意思)迷惑点2:breed也是品种,物种的意思吧~~那么和species有什么不同吗?(你句子成分没分析好,breed这里和share并列,是动词) 2. The lack of interspecies breeding results from mechanisms (that promote breeding with conspecifics) and those (that interpose a reproductive barrier between species).种间繁殖的缺乏是由于促进种内个体繁殖和干预种间生殖隔离的机制(造成的). 迷惑点1:promote breeding with conspecifics 似乎不应该翻译成同种个体的促进繁殖啊~~迷惑点2:那个“mechanisms that” 是指的后面的“ promote breeding with conspecifics and those ”这两个?还是只是and前面的那个“ promote breeding with conspecifics”?(看我括号里面,两个定语从句) 3. Reproductive barriers can occur prior to or after fertilization. Iffertilization is successful, there exist genetic pathways (that lead to sterileor inviable interspecies hybrids.)生殖隔离能发生在受精前和受精后.如果受精成功的话,导致不育的或者不可生存种间杂交体的遗传途径会存在. 4. Anatomy, physiology, and geographical isolation impose pre-fertilization barriers to interspecies breeding. 解剖学,生理学还有地理隔离给种间繁殖造成了受精之前的障碍.Impose to是个词组,施加于.紧急求英语高手翻译 ! 要专业! 我是去参赛的!在线等!常言道,”一分耕耘,一分收获.”有了辛勤的劳动,我们才会有成果,不劳而获的事情是不存在的.正如我校的体育健儿们,能在镇运动会上取得优异的成绩就是他们_百度作业帮
紧急求英语高手翻译 ! 要专业! 我是去参赛的!在线等!常言道,”一分耕耘,一分收获.”有了辛勤的劳动,我们才会有成果,不劳而获的事情是不存在的.正如我校的体育健儿们,能在镇运动会上取得优异的成绩就是他们
常言道,”一分耕耘,一分收获.”有了辛勤的劳动,我们才会有成果,不劳而获的事情是不存在的.正如我校的体育健儿们,能在镇运动会上取得优异的成绩就是他们勤奋的结果.今年运动会上,一刻东方的星划破了长空,在空中打下了一个硕大的惊叹号.运动健儿的赫赫战功使其,以巨人身姿屹立与我校上空.我知道我们的同学是有愚公般的百折不挠的韧劲蕴含着惊人潜能.长江后浪推前浪,这是我们雄心,青出于蓝胜于蓝,这就是我们的豪情.这样的回报时我们的所得.   是的,勤奋属于珍惜时间,爱惜光阴的人,属于脚踏实地,一丝不苟的人,属于坚持不懈,持之以恒的人,属于勇于探索,勇于创新的人.因为勤奋,安徒生从一个鞋匠的儿子成为童话王;因为勤奋,罗曼罗兰获得了二十年心血的结晶《约翰克里斯朵夫》;因为勤奋,巴尔扎克给人类留下了宝贵的文学遗产《人间喜剧》;还是由于勤奋,爱迪生才有一千多种伟大的科学发明;爱因斯坦才得以创立震惊世界的相对论;中国古人才给我们留下悬梁刺股、凿壁偷光、囊萤映雪的千古美谈.   爱因斯坦曾经说过:“在天才和勤奋之间我毫不迟疑的选择勤奋”;卡来而更激励我们:“天才就是无止境的刻苦勤奋的能力.”   正处于学习阶段的我们,就应该具有像爱迪生、巴尔扎克那样的刻苦努力、不懈追求得精神,因为只有这样,我们才能实现自己的目标,在追逐梦想的舞台上一显身手.在学习的道路上我们只有勤奋踏实的将一点一滴的知识掌握,才能最终走向成功.若是连学都不想学,吝啬与付出自己的劳动,怎么会学懂知识,掌握知识,有怎么会品学兼优,出类拔萃呢?一分耕耘一分收获,在耕耘的时候,我们就应该付出辛勤的劳动,收获的时候才会有满意的果实,才会成果丰硕,人生能有几回搏?此时不搏何时搏.人生能有几个花季,雨季?过去的就没法改变了.所谓“黑发不知勤学早,百首方悔读书迟.”就是这个道理.   同学们,努力学习,相互友爱,用学问把自己武装起来,这样,你才会使出类拔萃的.   作一名成功的中学生吧!翻译成英语! 谢谢! 一定要专业 复制粘贴用翻译器的不算!好的重加分!


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